Xavier de la Chevalie – Wikipedia


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Xavier DAUFRESNE DE LA CHEVALIE , born the In Paris and died on In Saint-Nazaire, is a French diplomat.

Having joined the free French forces from , career diplomat, Xavier de la Chevalerie was the director of the cabinet of General de Gaulle (1967-1969).

Xavier de la Chevalie was a student at the Lycée Saint-Louis-de-Gonzague, otherwise named Franklin. He holds a law license and graduated from the Free School of Political Science, promotion 1939.

Free French Forces [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Mobilized in 1940, Xavier de la chivalry was incorporated into the 27 It is Burgundy regiment, says Burgundy regiment. At the announcement of the armistice of June 22, 1940, he assumed his desertion of the French army by joining the free French forces.


Diplomatic career [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Xavier de la Chevalie was received in 1945 in the Special Foreign Affairs Competition organized for those who had been prisoners or had fought in free France or the Resistance. He will occupy throughout his career no less than seventeen positions.

Shanghai ( ), Manila ( ), Paris Direction of Asia Oceania ( ), New Delhi ( ), Beirut ( ), London ( ), Tunis ( )

In , he became the director of the Cabinet of Georges Gorse, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, then at the Ministry of Cooperation, until .

In , He has been appointed to the post of first advisor in Rabat since then, then in 1965 of project manager after the recall of the ambassador, Mr. Gillet, following the Ben Barka affair.

In 1979, he was appointed “extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador” in Japan [ first ] Until 1983, then to the Vatican until 1985 [ 2 ] .

Director of the cabinet of General de Gaulle (1967-1969) [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In , General de Gaulle chooses him as his chief of staff.

After the failure in the referendum of April 27, 1969, Xavier de la Chevalie organizes, in great secrecy, the stay in Ireland of General de Gaulle [ 3 ] .
The , a flight of Glam, from Saint-Dizier in mystery 20 and bound for Cork aerodrome, wins the general accompanied by M me De Gaulle and François Flohic. They land around 11 a.m. Paul Fontenil is their driver with a rental car. They will spend 13 days in Sneem then two weeks in Cashel [ 4 ] , [ 5 ]

Xavier de la Chevalie then continued his diplomatic career by successively ensuring the posts of Ambassador of France in Mexico (1970-1973), in Senegal (1973-1975), in Cap-Vert and in Guinea-Bissau (1975-1976), In Canada (1977-1979), in Japan (1979-1983), near the Holy See (1983-1985).

In the Council of Ministers, dated , Xavier de la chivalry is raised to the dignity of Ambassador of France. His wife died in 1985. His wife Marie-France is the daughter of Belgian journalist René Hislaire, daily correspondent The evening in New York after the war [ 6 ] .

Even if the Daufresne family of chivalry is not aristocratic filiation, it has a coat of arms: “gold, with a sinople ash, terraced likewise”.

  • Xavier de la Chevalie, “The days of to the Élysée and their epilogue: testimony ”, in Revue Hope n O 115, 1998. Archives of the Charles de Gaulle Foundation
  • Claude Dulong, Daily life at the Élysée at the time of Charles de Gaulle
  • Éric Chiaradia, “The entourage of General de Gaulle at the Élysée:  », in History and politics , May-
  • Florence d’Harcourt, Aunt Yvonne: an officer’s woman
  • Frédéric Bastien, The weight of cooperation: the France-Québec report , Montreal, Quebec America, coll. “Debates”, 2006, 275 p.
  1. Decree of November 8, 1979 Official newspaper
  2. Chronological list of ambassadors French Embassy near the Holy See
  3. Eric Chiaradia , The entourage of General de Gaulle: June 1958-April 1969 , Paris, Publibook, 821  p. (ISBN  978-2-7483-6016-5 , read online ) , p. 89
  4. François Flohic, De Gaulle Intime: A camp help tells , Archipelago, , 160 p. (ISBN  978-2-8098-0442-3 , read online ) , The day after the arrival, Sunday 11, the parish priest of Sneem comes to say mass to the hotel. Brave man, very country priest, Father Flavin will not hesitate to tell me, the following Thursday, that the sea air of the Kerry had produced, in a short time, …
  5. Frédérique Neau-Dufour, Yvonne de Gaulle , Fayard, , 610 p. (ISBN  978-2-213-66087-5 , read online ) , It is Paul Fontenil who pilots the rental car and leads the couple to their first destination, in the Kerry, in the southwest of the island. Ambassador Emmanuel … the gap in the village of Sneem in Baie de Kenmara. The cove where stands
  6. New York Times From February 23, 1945 and August 24, 1951

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