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The XXVIII It is century (or 28 It is century ) of the common era will begin the and will finish the .

It extends between Juliens 2,707,579.5 and 2,744.5 days [ first ] , [ 2 ] .

Types of years [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Astronomical events provided for in XXVIII It is century [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

List of long, total sun eclipses [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • : Total Sun Eclipse [ 3 ] , (5 min 48 s), you saros 157.
  • : Total Sun Eclipse [ 4 ] , (5 min 57 s), you Saros 157 , “Crowning” this series.
  • : Total Sun Eclipse [ 5 ] , (5 min 56 s), you saros 157.
  • : Total Sun Eclipse [ 6 ] , (5 min 59 s), you saros 167 [ 7 ] .
  • : Total Sun Eclipse [ 8 ] , (6 min 11 s), you saros 167.
  • : Total Sun Eclipse [ 9 ] , (6 min 16 s), you Saros 167 , “Crowning” this series.
  • : Total Sun Eclipse [ ten ] , (6 min 14 s), you saros 167.

Other phenomena [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • : The distance between March and the Earth will arrive again (and one last time, in this millennium) to a remarkable minimum, at 55,651,033.122 km .
    It will be the slightly shorter rapprochement (of perihelic opposition) (just 549 km!) Than the previous on September 8, 2650 [ 11 ] .
  • : Transit of vince.
  • : Transit of vince.
  • 2742: Triple Conjunction Mars-Jupiter.
  • 2744: Triple conjunction Mars-Jupiter.
  • 2761: Triple Mars-Saturn conjunction.
  • : to 06:45 UTC Vénus OCCultane occult.
  • 2791: Triple Conjunction Mars-Jupiter.
  • 2794/2795: Triple Jupiter-Saturn conjunction.

Books [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Films [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Television [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Video games [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • The video game Edgeworld takes place in 2711.
  • The video game Terminal Velocity happened in 2704.
  • The Star League government in Battletech collapsed in 2784.
  • The video game Marathon happened in 2794.
  • and MMORPG Neocron is located in a 28 It is Apocalyptic century.
  • The video game Ground Control II: Operation Exodus happened in 2741.
  • In video games Starflight , the old empire discovered the Thrynn and Elowan breeds in 2770.
  • Destiny video game is happening in the 28 It is century.

Comics [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • The series of French comics “Valérian and Laureline, space-time agents” begins with the world at 28 It is century :
    In the first title The city of moving waters where the world is presented after the 1986 cataclysm, a few allusions are made in 28 It is century, to which Galaxity the government of the unified earth is placed. And from where The 2 agents are sent on a mission.
    In the following title The Empire of the Thousand Planets , the precise date of is mentioned.
    In the new cycle, after the title By uncertain times where the earth ” disappears », The Valérian agent is alleged to have joined the Spatio-Temporeal service of Galaxity in 2713.
  • The preceding homologous eclipse to that of (you Saros 167): Cell you [ twelfth ] , (5 min 43 s), will be an eclipse very similar to the last of the previous millennium, which took place on August 11, 1999.
  • It will take place during a distant anniversary of the first not on the moon de Neil Armstrong, in 1969; As was also that of Saros 157, 19 years old before…
    It will take place 1 millennium, 2 years, 2 months, minus 1 day (calendar) after the historic eclipse of May 22, 1724 [ 13 ] ( 29 It is of Saros 133 ), which was observed [ 14 ] by Jacques Cassini and King Louis XV.
  • Another remarkable character of the eclipse of : See “The next total or annular eclipses of sun in Belgium or in its immediate vicinity” on SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) ; in page 30 And page 31 .
  • And obviously, the eclipse of From this series of Saros 167, will have a very similar course to that of the first “American solar eclipse of XXI It is century »of August 21, 2017, from the Saros 145 series.
    → Because the 2 series of eclipses are both from north to south, they are made at the same lunar knot.

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