Yellow ribbon (homonymy) – Wikipedia


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Yellow ribbon.svg

The yellow ribbon Can refer to very diverse causes.

The yellow ribbon is a symbol of the fight against endometriosis as well as bone cancers.

Australia [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In Australia, the country of the initiative and then in several countries, Belgium, France, Mexico …, the yellow ribbon is associated with the liberation of Julian Assange.
It was Christine Assange, her mother who proposed to hang yellow ribbons to trees or posts to call for her release. Julian Assange is an Australian journalist, co -founder of Wikileaks. He is currently incarcerated in Belmarsh prison in London awaiting a decision concerning his extradition requested by the United States which accuse him of espionage because his work as a journalist allowed him to reveal war crimes committed in Afghanistan and Iraq.
In Belmarsh prison, as a prisoner, he wears a yellow armband, notably described by journalist John Pilger. This is what is at the initiative of this campaign to hang yellow ribbons.

Belgium [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In Belgium, in the city of Tournai, the yellow ribbon became the symbol of the long and courageous fight of Fanny Allard following a violent car accident, while it was crossing the road [ first ] . Fanny finally died the , almost nine months after his accident [ 2 ] .

Canada [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

An operation managed by Transport Canada on For the reruption of international flights to its airports after closing American airspace.

Catalonia [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

The yellow ribbon is a symbol in defense of the freedom of political prisoners and exiles in Catalonia since the independence referendum and imprisonment of Catalan and Spanish politicians from 2017.

South Korea [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In South Korea, the yellow ribbon is used for the commemoration of the victims of in Gwangju (movement for democracy).

The yellow ribbon has also become a sign of mourning following the sinking of the Sewol ship . The sinking caused the death of more than 300 people and a dozen disappeared on the 476 passengers, mainly high school students who were at school.

UNITED STATES [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In the United States, it is mainly associated with those who await the return of a loved one or soldiers at war abroad. This symbol has been taken up in certain other Western countries.

France [ modifier | Modifier and code ]


In France, since , in the islands of Morbihan (56) in South Brittany, for islanders, their children or relatives, the secondary residents, tourists and vacationers of Belle-Île-en-Mer, Groix, Houat and Hoëdic, the yellow ribbon is the symbol indignation and citizen struggle for the defense of the future of the Morbihan Islands [ 3 ] . Indeed, the General Council of Morbihan under the chairmanship of Mr. François Goulard, plans a logistical development program of the 4 islands deemed counterproductive by its opponents: “The daily life of thousands of people risks being assigned, or even given In question by this next choice, far beyond the simple price question of maritime links with the continent “. The latter are currently operated by the Océane company, a subsidiary of Veolia Transdev. The General Council of Morbihan provides its six ships ( Cigar , Bangor , Saint-Tudy , Groix Island , Acadia , Dravanteg ). Three ships are in property ( Kerdonis , Enez Edig , Melvan ). Despite the provision of ships, the Océane company has not experienced any beneficiary exercise since 2008 [ 4 ] , while the previous exploitation by the Morbihan navigation company [ 5 ] had closed his last exercise with an excess result. This situation must be compared to that of the Corsican Méditerranée Maritime Society (SNCM) which is on the verge of bankruptcy [ 6 ] . The two main shareholders of this last company are also the public transport company Veolia Transdev (66% of the capital) and the French State (25%). The concepts of public service, island specificity and territorial continuity in the Morbihan islands are also undermined in this tense context.


Distinction created in 1936 by Henri Desgrange to honor the fastest runners on races whose distances are greater than 200 km .

Japan [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In Japan, since the fukushima nuclear accident of , the yellow ribbon has become a sign of opposition to the production of electricity based on nuclear energy.

Ukraine [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In Ukraine, the yellow ribbon is a movement of resistance operating in the occupied territories of Ukraine, created in April 2022 after the Russian military invasion.

  1. Online writing, Tournai: Fanny Allard’s friends will meet for her this Monday » Accès libre, on , , (consulted the ) .
  2. Christophe desablens, «  Fanny died out, mourning for her family and 13,500 Facebook friends », The future , ( read online Accès limité, consulted the ) .
  3. Yellow Kiosk site » , on Site of the Defense Collective of the future of the Morbihan Islands
  4. Morbihan islands. OCEANE COMPUTER COMPUTER to her succession » , on West France , (consulted the )
  5. Presentation of the Nantes and Morbihan navigation company » , on
  6. SNCM: End of the strike and resumption of work planned » , on Le Monde Economy – , (consulted the )

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