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Youth-Lumière is a school of prayer and evangelization, and a communion co-founded in 1984 by Daniel-Ange de Maupeou d’Ableiges.

In 2021, spiritual and sexual abuses were revealed concerning the priest Marie-Michel Hostalier, co-founder of the community. Jean Legrez, Archvêque d’Albi, decided in July 2022, to put on youth-light break to organize the community “beyond the founder”.

In 1984, the community was founded in Fontchaude, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, in premises loaned by the Foyers of Charity of Roquefort-les-Pins, by Daniel-Ange de Maupeou d’Ableiges, the priest Marie-Michel Hostalier and three couples.

In 1987, they settled in the Tarn in Pratlong.

In , the movement is canonically recognized as “association of faithful” by the Archbishop of Albi, Roger Meindre [ first ] .


Four other schools are open: one in Italy and two in Poland, part -time or full -time, one in Benin in Cotonou [Ref. necessary] .

Between 1984 and 2009, youth-light would have formed around 700 people from 54 countries, including 30 priests, more than 300 having received the sacrament of marriage and 70 leading a consecrated life [ 2 ] .

On July 19, 2022, Jean Legrez, Archbishop of Albi asked for youth-light communion “A year of break to make it possible to organize the future of the school […] in a sustainable manner, even beyond the founder” . If the diocese press release does not speak of “closure” after 38 years of existence, it evokes the need for a time of reflection on the future of the movement [ first ] . On this subject, Alex and Maud Lauriot Prévost who worked in the school until 2021, indicate: “The passage of witness was not done, (the founder) having remained at the controls” [ 3 ] .

In November 2022, following a question for sexual abuse against Daniel-Ange de Maupeou d’Ableiges, abuses similar to those committed by Michel Santier, the school officials denounce “defamatory remarks »» [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] .

Co -founders [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Marie-Michel Hostalier, priest, is also co-founder in 1997 of the Carmel of the Virgin Missionary [ 6 ] . In 2021, he was sent from the Clerical State following a series of serious facts of spiritual and sexual abuses on major women in the context of spiritual accompaniments [ 7 ] .
  • Georges and Marie-Josette Bonneval. After having the school of the faith of Jacques Loew in Friborg, they will found the community of the verb of life before fleeing France, following multiple abuses and sexual affairs, and to found a dissident structure in Brazil [ 8 ] .
  • Alex and Maud Lauriot-Prevost, who became episcopal delegates to the new evangelization of the diocese of Avignon [ 9 ] , they integrate Communion Priscilla & Eagle [ ten ] .
  • Jean-Louis and Monique Fradon.

Other communities maintain a partnership with communion: communion Priscille and Aquila (young missionary couples), youth-Lumière Bujumbura (Burundi), young witnesses of Christ in Kigali, etc. A priestly fraternity “Jesus Light Life» comes from youth-light [Ref. necessary] .

The bishopric of Valence receives reports from ” crimes […] serious adults ” From Marie-Michel Hostalier and an investigation is then carried out by the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith. This confirms the abuses. In 2021, the Vatican referred from the clerical state Marie-Michel Hostalier guilty of abuse on adults [ 6 ] , [ 11 ] . According to the statement of the diocese of Valencia, a series of serious facts of spiritual and sexual abuse on adult women in the context of spiritual support, led the religious authorities to make this decision [ 7 ] , [ 6 ] . The community’s website has not been updated since.

  1. a et b Youth-Lumière, the Archbishop of Albi decides a “year of break” for the school » , on , (consulted the )
  2. Mgr_andrzej_siemieniewski2009 “> (pl) M gr Andrzej Siemieniewski, Rapport concernant l’attribution au père Daniel-Ange du titre de docteur honoris causa de l’Université Catholique de Lublin Jean Paul II» [PDF] ,
  3. Malo Tresca, Sexual abuse: The Youth-Lumière Evangelization School defends itself from “any suspicion of scandal” » , on The cross , (consulted the )
  4. “I have never made an ambiguous gesture”: Father Daniel-Ange rejects accusations of sexual abuse » , on Christian family (consulted the )
  5. Maurice Page, Father Daniel-Ange defends himself accusations of sexual abuse » , on (consulted the )
  6. A B and C Céline Hoyeau, Father Marie-Michel Hostalier referred to the Clerical State » , on The cross , (consulted the )
  7. a et b Diocese of Valence, Communicated » , on , (consulted the )
  8. Pierre jova, The Catholic Church orders the dissolution of the community of the verb of life » , on The , (consulted the )
  9. New evangelization » , on New evangelization (consulted the )
  10. Our yellow pages » , on Our yellow pages (consulted the )
  11. Father Marie-Michel Hostalier referred to the Clerical State » , on , (consulted the ) : “Father Michel-Marie Hostalier was guilty of abuse of adults. »»
