Yumurtalik – Wikipédia


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Ovarian [ first ] (pronounced [ j in m in ɾ t ɑ ɫ ɯ k ] ) is a district of the province of Adana in Türkiye.

Identification with the port called Ægée , Aeges or Aige (In Greek: Aigai , AEGA [ 2 ] ; I am not Latin: Ægæ or Of [ 3 ] ) is not always total but it is located in the immediate region of Yumurtalik. The port was called Moon or In the garden In Armenian sources (in Armenian: Moon , Ayas), et Ajuzzo , Lajazzo or Laiazzo by Italian merchants in the Middle Ages [ 4 ] .

Next to the main agglomeration around the small port, another hamlet at 6 km further west is called Ovarian pier ( Embarcadère de Yumurtalic ) at the mouth of a river called Büyükbağırsak Creek [ 5 ] .


Yumurtalık is a destination appreciated for its beaches and its picturesque frame. Many holiday subdivisions are built by the sea and are frequented by city dwellers of Adana and other major cities in the region. The surfrequents of the night beaches at Caouannes turtles (Caretta Caretta) which come to lay it. The name of Yumurtalik undoubtedly comes from this nesting of turtles, the word yumurtalik designating a receptacle eggs, a coquetier and in biology the ovaries.

About twenty kilometers to the northeast are several appontations including a mineralier intended to supply coal a thermal power station, and petroleum and gas terminals, open in 2006, arrival points of the oil pipeline from the Baku region in Azerbaijan (TBC) and located in the small coastal part of the Ceyhan district. Five kilometers even further in the east, we cross the limit of the province of Adana to enter the Hatay, there are two oil approaches dating from the 1970s and bringing oil from northern Iraq.

  1. For the different names of the city to see for example Kenneth M. Setton et Harry W. Hazard, A History of the Crusades (six volumes) , vol.  IV: The Art and Architecture of the Crusader States, Univ of Wisconsin Press, , 448 p. (ISBN  978-0-299-06824-0 , Online presentation , read online ) , « Gazetteer and note on maps », p. 359
  2. Strabon, Geography [Detail of editions] [ read online ]
  3. Pliny the old, Natural History ( read online ) , “Book V, XXII. »»
  4. In some works the city called Layas By Marco Polo is identified in Payas (Yakacik) north of Iskenderun in the Dörtyol district. See for example: Marco Polo, The currency of the world (book I, chap. IV (note 1). » , on « Wikisource ». This identification poses a problem because the Issos site is generally located in the coastal plain north of Payas and according to the Geography of Strabo (end of I is century of. J.-C. , beginning of I is century) coming from the plain of Cilicia we first meet Aegis:

    “Pasting Mallus, we reach the small town of Aesées which offers ships a first anchorage; There is another a little further at the foot of the Amanid Pyles (Col de Bahçe), which form the end of Mount Amanus, this branch of the Taurus which, on the side of the Orient, serves as a limit to the Cilicia. (…) After Aegis, it is from us. From the result is a small place provided with a good anchorage and which immediately precedes the mouth of the Pinarus. Here with the battle between Darius and Alexandre, and this was what Issique to the Gulf formed by all this part of the coast was fought. »»

    – Strabon, Geography [Detail of editions] [ read online ] .

    Victor Langlois’ travel account between 1851 and 1853 left no doubt about the identification of Laïas with the current Yumurtalik site. See Victor Langlois, Travel to Cilicia and the Taurus mountains: executed during the years 1851-1853. , B. Duprat, ( présentation en ligne, lire en ligne) , “Oriental Cilicia. “, p. 425-431 .

  5. Literally, “big intestine stream”

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