Zazaki — wikipedia


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The Zazaki (also called Kirmanjki , Kirmancki , kirdki , sales , owned ) is an Indo-European language of the group of Iranian languages, spoken by the Zazas living in the regions of Bingöl, Tnceli, Elâzığ and Diyarbakır in Turkey. According to linguist Jacques Leclerc, of Laval University, in Canada, Zazaki is a Kurdish language [ 2 ] . It is also spoken in other provinces of Kurdistan (in the south). Zazaki shares many characteristics, structures and vocabulary with the languages ​​of the Caspian Sea Talysh, Gilaki and Mazandarani [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] .

Zazaki is classified by the international Sil as a macro-language, including the varieties of Dimli (or Zazaki from the South) and Kirmanjki (or North Zazaki) [ first ] .

Zazaki seen as a northwest-Iranian autonomous language [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Iranology (science, among others, Iranian languages) says that Zazaki is an autonomous language of the northwest branch of Iranian languages [ first ] , of which are also part of the Kurdish languages ​​Kurmanci and Soranî. In this same northwest branch, the Kurdish languages ​​form, with Center-Iraniens dialects, a genetic subgroup; The Zazaki, on the other hand, forms with the Gurani an independent subunit Zaza-Gorani, which probably shows closer relationships with the Baloutche.

Already linguistic researchers from XIX It is century (for example Peter Lerch) affirmed that Zazaki was not a dialect of Kurdish, but autonomous language of the Iranian linguistic family. This supported the words of German Iranologists Oskar Mann and Karl Hadank, and their multiple studies [Ref. necessary] , from which in 1932 was the first almost complete grammar of Zazaki under the title Dialects of the Zaza (Zazas dialect). Former opinions considering zazaki as, “in the broad sense”, a “Kurdish language” (for example Ferdinand Justi (in) in 1880), were considered [By who ?] today as exceeded [Ref. necessary] .


Zaza shows striking resemblances to the Parthian [Ref. necessary] , dead center-Iranian language, which Persian do not share (language of southwest Iran) and its previous versions. However, we cannot know if the Parthian was a direct previous version of Zaza.

The Zaza language is still often considered today, for political and cultural reasons, as a Kurdish language.

The difference between the Kurmanci and the Zazaki which decides them at the linguistic level may have geographic reasons. The Kurds have been separated several times from Kurdistan to live in other regions of Mesopotamia; Some Kurds have been moved to Khorosan (northeast of Iran), where Kurds are still living who speak Zazaki and Gorani. [Ref. necessary]

Then, during the Mongolian invasion, many Kurds respected themselves to Kurdistan, in the Dersim region and settled in the middle of other Kurdish groups and reintegrated. During the long separation, each group developed its language compared to its environment. [Ref. necessary]

French Zazaki Kurdish Persian Russian Greek Italy Spanish German English
and (first) Jû / Yew one one odin this one one one likewise one
two (2) it was of do two dyo due of the two two
three (3) bear say himself tri tri Third Three three three three
four (4) çehar four Çahar tanker tesera four four four four
five (5) panc five five Pyatʹ Your you are your five five five five
six (6) six six tumor Shestʹ minus may be six six six
sept (7) Hewt heft heft Semʹ EPTA set seven seven seven
eight (8) eight eight eight vosemʹ Okto otto eight Act eight
nine (9) new neh well Devyat Ennia new ones nine nine nine
ten (ten) of the deh deh Desyatʹ dheka ten ten ten ten
twenty (20) shown shown are you dvadtsatʹ elos winds twenty twenty twenty

Its position among Western Iranian languages [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Zazaki Alphabet [ 5 ] , [ 6 ]
Capital letters A B C What D AND HEY F G Ğ H I İ / Î J K L M N O P Q R S S T IN And IN IN X AND WITH
Tiny a b c What d It is Hey f g ğ h I İ / î j k l m n O p q r s s t in and in In x and With
Pronunciation a b d t͡ʃ d ɛ It is f g ɣ h ɪ i ʒ k l m n O p q r, ɾ s sy t and in in In x j With

Some books use the “ “ î › [ 5 ] and others the pointed ‹̇› [ 6 ] .

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • (kmr+zza) Çeko Commercial , Dictionary of Kurmanckî (Zazakî: Kurmancî): Kurmancî: Kirmanckî (Zazakî) , Berlin, Komkar Publications, (ISBN  978-3-927213-40-1 )
  • (from behind) Murat Existence ( you. ), Zazaki Miyanin Mikhto – kaitabe musnaşişi 5. , Ankara, Ministry of National Education Publications, coll. «Ministry of National Education Publications; Auxiliary and Source Books Series »( n O 6434; 783), (ISBN  978-975-11-4469-0 )

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