Zellidja scholarships – Wikipedia


Logo de l’association
Legal status Foundation and association law of 1901
But Value the trip to young people aged 16 to 20. Complementary education to the school system.
Zone d’influence France
Seat 60 Rue Regnault, 75013 Paris
President Jean-Jacques Walter (Foundation) and Ana Larderet (Association)
Affiliation Foundation of France, National Education
Funding Patronage, donation, public support
Volunteer About 400
Employees first
Slogan Travel shapes the young.
Site web www.zellidja.com

THE Zellidja travel scholarships are allocated to young people aged 16 to 20, who have developed an individual travel project with a limited budget on a theme and in a country they have chosen.

The Zellidja Foundation, under the aegis of the Foundation of France, and with the support of national education [ first ] , [ 2 ] , ensures the distribution and financing of Zellidja travel scholarships [ 3 ] . The role of the Zellidja association is to develop the concept of Zellidja and to promote it. She also takes care of the selection of young candidates.

Created in 2004, the new foundation has increased the number of Zellidja scholarships, previously managed exclusively by the Zellidja Laureates Association, in particular thanks to corporate patronage.

True to the spirit of the Foundation, the Zellidja association offers scholarships to young people aged 16 to 20 so that they can, during a solo journey led in modest conditions, deepen a subject which is close to heart. The young person’s journey must last a minimum of 1 month.

The choice of candidates is made on presentation of a project of ten pages. The future young traveler can claim a scholarship up to 900 € € For a first trip, and 1,100 € € For a second trip (2008 figures).

On the return from the first and the second trip, the young person must present a road book, a study report on the theme of his choice, and a newspaper of accounts [ 4 ] . Juries made up of former winners judge the quality of the reports. If these reports are deemed satisfactory, the young person is proclaimed “winner” during a ceremony which is held every month of June.


On the quality of the first travel report depends on the granting of a second scholarship. And on the quality of the second journey report depends the appointment of the young person in the symbolic title of the winner.

From 1939 to 1974 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1939, the French architect Jean Walter founded the Zellidja scholarships, to offer young high school students the opportunity to make a study trip on the theme of their choice for about a month. His idea was born from a 6,000 bicycle trip km that he had carried out in 1899 to Istanbul when he was a student. He had lived this experience as an exciting but difficult test. The creation of Zellidja travel scholarships forty years later aimed to give young people the opportunity to live a similar autonomy experience that would promote their professional success [ 5 ] . He awarded these scholarships the name “Zellidja”, in reference to the lead and zinc mines which he had discovered in 1924 and which he operated in the village of Zellidja Sidi Boubker in Morocco.

The National Foundation of Zellidja scholarships was created in 1947.

Until 1956, Jean Walter personally managed his work, first alone, then within the framework of the Foundation with the assistance of the Ministry of National Education. In order to ensure its sustainability, he entrusted the management of this foundation to the French Academy before his death.

Jules Romans as president, Marcel Pagnol and Maurice Genevoix as administers, assume its operation. Jean Walter died on June 11, 1957. The Foundation was recognized as a public utility on September 27, 1963. Since 1976, these scholarships have been awarded to French -speaking students from the grandes écoles, to students from universities, institutes, conservatory or other establishments of ‘higher education which, in addition to their training in France, wish to undertake personal research exclusively abroad thanks to a stay of about a year [ 6 ] .

In its best years, the Foundation awarded up to 200 first trip scholarships and 50 second trip scholarships. Travelers making a good file after the second trip are declared winners, and the best are distinguished.

At the same time, the Association of Zellidja winners was created in 1949. It brings together young people who have been declared winners after their two trips. The objective of the Zellidja winner association is to promote the Zellidja adventure and to develop the bonds of friendship between its members.

The foundation was dissolved in 1974, but the association continues.

From 1979 to 2004 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 1979, the Association of Zellidja laureates took over the Zellidja scholarships, convinced of the interest and the news of this experience for young people. The first scholarships are funded by its members. The relay is quickly taken by various patrons who follow one another alongside the association (Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Industry and Regional Planning, the Aquitaine Region, the National Council of Engineers and Scientists of France, Télécom Paris, TDF, Anvar, Foundation of France, Commission of the European Communities, Private Companies, etc.) thanks to contributions that allow 50 to 100 scholarship fees each year [ 4 ] .

Since 2004 [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

In 2004, Zellidja winners were a new Zellidja foundation under the aegis of the Foundation of France, which ensured the sustainability of Zellidja scholarships. Its objective is to continue to increase the number of scholarships each year and reach more and more young people and from all origins. She is chaired by Jean-Jacques Walter, grandson of Jean Walter.

The scholarships are financed by public subsidies (Ministry of Health, Youth, Sports and Associative Life, Ministry of National Education), by private patronage (La Poste Foundation, Orange Foundation, Savings Caisses , Saint-Gobain, among others), and by the donations of the Zellidja winners and other philanthropic gifts. In parallel, the association organizes the selection of candidates and the promotion of scholarships.

In 2008, the Foundation distributed 203 scholarships. In order to expand its audience, the Association of Laureates became in 2010 Zellidja association, and brings together scholarships and winners. The same year, the association founded the Zellidja endowment fund, in order to be able to collect in better conditions and legacies. In 2011, the Zellidja Foundation and Association signed an archives donation agreement to the National Library of France (BNF). Study reports and travelers’ travel diaries are therefore now archived in the Cards and Plans Department of the National Library of France and available on the Gallica site.

  • Christian Blanc, senior official, business manager and politician.
  • Jean Baubérot, sociologist and historian [ 7 ] .
  • Philippe Beaussant, musicologist [ 7 ] .
  • Bruno Bourg-Broc, French politician [ 8 ] .
  • Daniel Buren, painter and sculptor [ 7 ] .
  • Gérard Calot, Demographer and Statistician [ 7 ] .
  • Jean Clair, general heritage curator, writer, essayist and historian [ 7 ] .
  • Jean-Pierre Elkabbach, journalist [ 7 ] .
  • Mohamed Lamine Fadika, politician of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire.
  • Jean-Jacques FAVIER, amazed at the European Space Agency.
  • Jacques Godfrain, politician [ 7 ] .
  • Serge Klarsfeld, writer, historian and lawyer for the cause of deportees [ 7 ] .
  • Philippe Labro, writer, journalist, director and lyricist [ 7 ] .
  • Emmanuel Lacresse, senior official and politician.
  • Marc Ladreit de Lacharrière, French business manager ( https://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark :/12148/cb44466914k )
  • Dominique Lapierre, writer and philanthrope [ 7 ] .
  • Luis de Miranda, writer and philosopher [ 7 ] .
  • Claude Nedjar, film producer [ 7 ] .
  • Jean-Pierre Perrin, reporter and writer [ 7 ] .
  • Claude POINSSOT, chief heritage curator, archaeologist.
  • Denis Seduestin, Sociologue [ 7 ] .
  • Juliette Singer, museum curator and French exhibition commissioner.
  • Claude-Marie Vadrot, writer, journalist and lecturer in Paris 8 [ 7 ] .
  • Jacques Villeret, actor.
  • Benjamin Wiacek, journalist specializing in the Middle East and North Africa [ 9 ] .
  • Gérard Worms, banker and entrepreneur [ 7 ] .
  • 1951-1954 : Jean Crozel, Z50
  • 1954-1955 : Michel Piguet, Z49
  • 1955-1956 : Jean Hardy, Z52
  • 1956-1958: François Boudringhin, Z47
  • 1958-1960: Bernard savhin d’Anglure, Z54
  • 1960-1964: Jean Apere, Z50
  • 1964-1968: Jean-Pierre Clerc, Z59
  • 1968-1975: Claude-Marie Vadrot, Z58
  • 1975-1977: Denis Seduestin, Z63
  • 1977-1982: Jean-Pierre Girier, Z57
  • 1982-1984 : Paul Hunsinger, Z69
  • 1984-1990: Daniel Guinand, Z57
  • 1990-1993 : Michel Helfter, Z71
  • 1993-2001 : Jean-Claude Prevel, Z52
  • 2001-2007: GIAARD goddard, z60
  • 2007-2011: Raphaël Butruille, Z89
  • 2011-2012: Emmanuel Lacresse, Z87
  • 2012-2014: Soizic Charpentier, Z85
  • 2014-2016 : Juliette Singer, Z94
  • 2016-2018 : Marion Robert, Z2001
  • 2018-2019: Mélanie Meslay, Z2010
  • 2019 -…: Ana Lardrett

external links [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Publications [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

Several reports (old or recent) are published each year, notably by Harmattan editions. All reports are listed at the association’s headquarters in Paris.

Bibliography [ modifier | Modifier and code ]

  • Jean-Pierre-Clerc, Jean Walter & Zellidja or becoming man , Keraban editions, 2010
  • Jean-Pierre-Clerc, Z, ten thousand initiation trips , Barakah editions, 2011
