Zimoun – Wikipedia


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230 prepared dc-motors, hemp cords, cardboard boxes 50x50x50cm – Nam June Paik Art Center, Séoul (Corée du Sud), 2012.

200 Prepared DC Motors, 2000 Cardboard Elements 70x70cm en Collaboration Avec L’Architecte Hannes Doubt-Museum of Contemporary Art (MNAC) Bucarest (Roumanie), 2011.

80 prepared dc-motors, cotton balls, cardboard boxes 71x71x71cm – Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota (Floride, États-Unis), 2011.

62 prepared dc-motors, cotton balls, cardboard boxes 60x60x60cm- Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal (Suisse), 2011.

361 prepared dc-motors, filler wire 1.0mm – Swiss Art Awards Bâle (Suisse), 2010.

97 Polysiloxane Hoses 3.0mm, Compressed Air – Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2010.

30 000 plastic bags, 16 ventilators – La Rada, Locarno (Suisse), 2010.

216 prepared dc-motors, filler wire 1.0mm – Links Duflon & Racz Gallery, Berne (Suisse), 2009-2010.

25 woodworms, wood, microphone, sound system – 2009.

24 sound contributions in an automat – Kunstmuseum, Berne (Suisse), 2005.

Zimoun (Born in 1977) is a Swiss contemporary artist. He lives and works in Bern. Self -taught, it is mainly known for its sound sculptures. Its installations are made up of industrial raw materials such as cardboard boxes or plastic bags, or old furniture or daily objects to which it adds mechanical elements such as DC MOTORS, CABLES, MICROPHONS, SUPERS and FANTILORS.

  • PhotoForm Center Pasquart, Biel/Bienne (Switzerland), 2002, 2003 and 2004.
  • Tone Work, Berne (Suisse), 2002, 2003 and 2004.
  • DDM Gallery, Shanghai (Chine), 2004.
  • Kunsthalle, Berne (Suisse), 2004, 2006 et 2008.
  • Center for contemporary image, Geneva (Switzerland), 2008.
  • Art Museum, Berne (Suisse), 2005 + 2009.
  • Kuntraum Kreuzlingen (Suisse), 2010.
  • La Rada, Locarno (Switzerland), 2010.
  • Vooruit Arts Center, Gand (Belgique), 2010.
  • Liechtenstein art museum, shift change, Liechtenstein, 2010.
  • Kunsthalle Lucerne (Suisse), 2011.
  • The sound gallery, Bergen (Norvège), 2011.
  • Gray Area Foundation for the Arts, Swissnex, San Francisco (États-unis),
  • Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal (Suisse), 2011.
  • List Art Center, David Winton Bell Gallery, Providence (United States), 2011.
  • Contemporary Art Museum MNAC, Bucarest (Roumanie), 2011.
  • The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota Fl (États-unis),
  • Meta.melder Boesneals, TRENGHIM (NORVY), 2012.
  • Deaf Biennale, Rotterdam (Hollande), 2012.
  • Bian Biennale, Oboro, Montréal (Canada), 2012.
  • Le Centerquatre, Paris (France), 2012-2013
  • Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul (South Korea), 2012.
  • CAN, Centre d’Art Neuchatel, Neuchatel (Suisse), 2012.
  • Bitforms Gallery, New York (United States), 2009 and 2012.
  • Art Basel, Basel (Switzerland), 2011 and 2012.
  • Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei (Taiwan), 2012.
  • Museum of Image and Sound, São Paulo (Brésil), 2012.
  • Nam June Paik Art Center, Seoul (South Korea), 2012.
  • Galerie Denise René, Paris (France), 2012 and 2013.
  • Les Champs Libres, Rennes (France), 2013.
  • Museum of Fine Arts, Lugano (Suisse), 2013.
  • Joel and Lila Harnett Museum of Art, Richmond (United States), 2013.
  • Submarine base, Bordeaux (France), 2015.
  • Villa Datris Foundation, 2012 and 2016 [ first ] , [ 2 ] .
  • Le Centquatre, Paris (France), 2017.
  • 2000 : Mention Swiss Youth Photo Award
  • 2004: Residence in Beijing (China)
  • 2005 : Aeschlimann Corti Award
  • 2006: Kiefer Hablitzel Price, Swiss Art Awards
  • 2007: New York Residency, canton of Bern, Culture department
  • 2008: Sitemapping/Mediaprojects Award, Budesamit for Culture (BAK)
  • 2009 : Premier prix Aeschlimann Corti Award
  • 2010 : Prix Ars Electronica, Digital Music & Sound Art, Honorary Mention
  • «Momental» [ammoniac-music records] (cd, 2002).
  • «Drums» [leerraum.ch] (cd, 2003).
  • “Viskos” [leerraum.ch] (cd, 2003).
  • “Flachland” [LEARAUM.CH] (CD, 2003).
  • “Now” [Tonus-music-records.com] (CD, 2004).
  • Fm3 & Zimoun «live 19.06.2004» [leerraum.ch] (cd, 2005).
  • Mahmoud Refat & Zimoun «Statics I» [leerraum.ch] (cd, 2006).
  • MAHMOUD REFAT, PE lang & Zimoun «Statics ii» [leerraum.ch] (cd, 2006).
  • «Cable 0..1 / 0.2» [leerraum.ch] (CD, 2006).
  • Leerraum «Sound Contributions I» [leerraum.ch] (5.1 multi channel DVD, 2007).
  • Kenneth Kirschner & Zimoun «July 29, 2004 (4.1)» (4.1 multi channel DVD, 2007).
  • feat. Mik Keusen «Prepared I» [leerraum.ch] (cd, 2007).
  • Fourm & Zimoun «Primary Structures» [leerraum.ch] (5.1 multi channel DVD, 2008).
  • Asher & Zimoun «Untitled Movement» [leerraum.ch] (5.1 multi channel DVD, 2008).
  • MAHMOUD REFAT, PE lang & Zimoun «Statics iii» [Leerraum.CH] (4.1 Multi Channel DVD, 2008).
  • «feat. Helena Gough» [leerraum.ch] (5.1 multi channel DVD, 2010).
