Iron Dome -Wikipedia


Iron dome (English: Iron Dome , Hebrew: Bribe’s Petles kipat barzel ) Is an air defense system in Israeli classified as Counter-Ram.


Co -developed by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and Israeli Defense Force [5]

Counter-ram is also considered to be a 155mm shell that is fired from 4 kilometers or less than 70 kilometers, which is originally a rocket, and is also a proximity air defense against UAV, aircraft, and guidance bombs within 10 kilometers as an anti-aircraft missile. It is built as an all -weather system, and it is possible to control missile consumption by excluding attacks toward low -importance targets from the target. [6] [7] 。 In the 2008 stage, it was thought that if a rocket bomb flew with a range of 15 kilometers, it would be possible to defend an area of ​​150 square kilometers. [3]

The success rate of intercept is 75% at the end of 2011 [8] , 80% in March 2012 [9] , 90%in June [ten] 。 This is for the goal of trying to intercept, and the denominator is not included in the uniform. [Note 1] 。 At the time of operation, two missiles are used at the same time. [11]

Development background [ edit ]

Israel is often attacked by rockets by Hamers and Hizbola, and in the 2006 invasion of Lebanon, about 4,000 shots were driven into northern Israel, and in southern Israel, from 2000 to 2008. And 4000 shots each were shot [4] 。 In 2006 rocket attacks in northern Israel, more than 33 citizens were sacrificed and killed soldiers. [twelfth] 。 For this reason, it was urgently needed for Israel to build an air defense system that intercepted the rocket before the rocket landed and prevent damage.

In February 2007, Defense Minister Amir Peletz ordered a system that can cope with rocket guns such as Cassam from the Gaza district and BM-21 used in the north. [5]


Successful missile tests in July 2008 [13] , The system in March 2009 [14] , In July, the rocket intercept was succeeded [15] [4] 。 From August 2009, a battalion -sized unit was organized in the Israeli Air Force [4] , The final test was successful in July 2010 [16] 。 In March 2011, the first unit was deployed near Beer Sheba and Ashkeron. [17] [18]

funds [ edit ]

In addition to Israel’s national budget as a funding source, investment from the United States has been obtained. This is also a thing for the United States to gain the right right to return to cooperation in the development of the Iron Dome, and in FY2011, $ 250 million, in April 2012, 2015. It was scheduled to be contributed by $ 680 million before [19] 。 The funds for fiscal 2011 are funding for the first two squadron. [19] , Funds after FY2012 are expected to be funds for four squadron. [ten]

Conductor (BMC: Battle Management & Weapon Control), El/M-2084 (English edition) It is a system that is composed of detection / tracking radar, multiple missile launchers (MFU: Missile Firing Unit), all of which can be moved by towing. [6] 。 When operating, three launchers are loaded with one radar and 20 tamil missiles each. [7]

The radar is made by Rafael, manufactured by the Slaelael Aeros Pace Industries’ subsidiary, Elta Systems (ELTA), the commanding unit and Tamir (TAMIR). [5] 。 System software was developed by MPREST SYSTEMS, which later became a subsidiary of Rafael. [20]

Procurement plan [ edit ]

Israel is planning to deploy 10 units, and the 6 of them are planning to operate by reserve role due to lack of personnel. [ten] 。 The Israeli Air Force estimates that 13 units are deployed in April 2011 to defend Israel. [21]

The 947 Battalion at the end of March 2011 expanded one unit to Beer Sheba and Ashkeron. [22]

Ashkelon’s unit officially deployed on April 4 [23] , The 7th succeeded in intercepting the rocket launched from the BM-21 in the Gaza area, this was the first battle. [24] 。 This sight is witnessed in Israel, a town near the northern Gaza district. On the 9th, he announced that he had intercepted seven shots [25] 。 On the 10th, the Netanyafu Cabinet held a cabinet meeting and decided to increase the four squadron. Without waiting for the United States’ funds, he decided to move forward from the scheduled 18 to 6 months, and rushed to establish the third Iron Dome Company. [21]

Iron Dome was changing the southern Israel [26] On August 5, it was re -expanded to the suburbs of Beer Sheba and Ashkeron in response to frequent attacks from the Gaza district. [27] 。 In response to the effects of Iron Dome, the attack from the Gaza Street increased the ratio of Ashudod and the offer keme without the Iron Dome. In addition, the defense by the Iron Dome may break through, and in Beer Sheba, one of the seven out of seven shots on the night of August 20, one shot landed in the residential area and killed. [28] 。 On August 31, the organization of one unit that had been forward from April was completed and was deployed in Ashudod. [11]

Also, on August 8, the Supreme Court has rejected a petition requesting the Iron Dome around the border with the Gaza area. [29]

In December, an accident occurred in which 20 Tamiru Missile drops [30] 。 This occurred during the work of loading it on a truck for maintenance, and there were no casualties, but missiles became useless. [thirty first]

In March 2012, a new company developed in Gosh Dan [32] 。 On November 17th, another one squadron was added. [33]

When a collision with the Gaza area occurred in March, he intercepted in Ashkeron, Ashdad and Beer Sheva on the 9th. [34] 。 It is said that 56 shots were successfully intercepted by the morning of the 14th. [35]

In November, a collision with the Gaza area occurred, and on November 18, the Israeli Defense forces announced on Twitter that they had opened 302 on 846 rockets fired from the Gaza area for four days. [36]

The first export was the EL/M-2112, which is not the Iron Dome itself, but a radar-related type. [37] [38] 。 The procurement was one of Europe, a composition of Afghanistan’s multinational army, but the country name was not revealed.

It was reported in 2010 that NATO member countries in Europe were interested in the Iron Dome. [39] 。 On August 16, 2011, Reyseon started operating in the United States with Rafael, and said that it would be able to seamlessly integrate with its Counter-Ram. [40] 。 It is said that the United States was interested in defending the base from a rocket when dispatched overseas. [41]

It was sold to India in 2010 and is under negotiating. [42] [43]

The Republic of Korea also has the capital city of Seoul within the extent that rockets arrive directly from the hostile democratic People’s Republic. [44] It is an interesting country, and in 2011 it was suggested by the military. However, there are cautions because of high costs. [45] 。 It has also been suggested that it may be an exchange condition for the import plan for the Korean patrol ship. [forty six] [47]

Ukrainian President Zelensky has demanded an Iron Dome export in an online speech in Israel to compete against Russia’s invasion.

With $ 30,000 [48] [49] Although the estimated value has a large opening, it has been pointed out that high cost is a problem. [Note 2] 。 In the eight-day battle in November 2012, $ 250-30 million was spent. [50]
There is a view that is regarded as a tolerance in comparison with human life and economic loss that is lost in human lives and landmark. [51]

Some say that Counter-Ram with lasers such as Sky Guard is more suitable in terms of cost and cope. [52]

The exchange of attacks with Hamers, which was intensifying from May 10, 2021, made a saturation attack by Hamers to shoot more than 100 rockets in a few minutes. In the Iron Dome system, the selection is made by judging whether the rocket ammunition is a densely populated area, but it still caused a lot of damage. [53]

Footnote / source [ edit ]

Annotation [ edit ]

  1. ^ example:” Iron Dome intercepts missiles aimed at Tel Aviv “Jerusalem Post (November 17, 2012). November 23, 2012 Browsing. ], 30 landmark 30 for the launched rocket 740. The intercept is 245, the hit in the city is 27 and the success rate is 90%.
  2. ^ Although it may be regarded as a problem in contrast to Cassam, Cassam is possible for less than $ 1000.

source [ edit ]

Related item [ edit ]

External link [ edit ]
