Conglomerates (Zanzotto) – Wikipedia


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Conglomerate It is the latest poetic collection published in the life of Andrea Zanzotto, released in 2009 for Mondadori in the series The mirror .

Many of the themes touched in the texts of Conglomerate find confirmation and deepening in some coeval interviews in Zanzotto, particularly in Eternal rehabilitation from a trauma whose nature is ignored (edited by L. Barile and G. Bompiani, Rome, Night, 2007) e In this last progress . Conversation with Marzio Breda (Milan, Garzanti, 2009).

The title of the book has numerous implications: for the term “conglomerates” Guglielma Giuladori, in his Su zanzottto , he spoke of “different areas”, exemplifying them mainly in “geology”, “building” and urban planning, “linguistic”, all areas that group in the image of the “heterogeneous aggregation” [first] .

From a more strictly textual point of view, the origin of the choice of this title must be sought in the first section of the book, Goodbye to Ligonàs , where the three texts entitled Crode del Pedrè (two versions) e Garden of Crode missing they can be considered eponymous [2] . Those of the first section are also areas of landscape and climatic disturbances, so Paolo Steffan in his A “garden of scored Crode” notes that – in Conglomerate – «It will always be a dark background and aimed at permeating the sensations, to fill the horizons, which are then” breakdowns of horizons “(in (1) Goodbye to Ligonàs ) »: In fact,” after having made a poetic procedure, theme, the form of the Zanzottian poetry itself, the “conglomerate” becomes dominant influence of a literary season and destiny of a world in danger of death for desertification ” [3] .

Of particular interest are the designs (a small truck, mountains, hills and graffiti in ancient Greek) affixed both as a title and as an integration of the text: specifically, reference is made to the lyrics Silence of the 2 markets and geometric event, in which the poet is a drawing that we will also find on the back of the book published by Mondadori [4] . The reinterpretation of poems by great authors of the past is also interesting such as Leopardi and Palazzeschi (to Silvia and Rio Fu).

The collection is divided into seven main sections:

  1. Goodbye to Ligonàs (with a subsection: *** )
  2. Time of bonfires (with two subsections: Were dafresh (?) It is *** )
  3. The courtyard of Farrò and the Paleocanonica (with two subsections: Lake It is Euganean )
  4. Flames here and there for the meadows
  5. Island of the Dead – Sublimeries (with three subsections: *** , *** It is Pomegranate juice )
  6. Home verses (with a subsection: *** )
  7. Disperse
  1. ^ G. Giuliodori, Su zanzottto , Roma, Aracne, 2010, p. 42.
  2. ^ P. Steffan, «Conglomerates»: a title in A “garden of scored Crode” , Rome, Aracne, 2012, pp. 46-8.
  3. ^ There , p. 47.
  4. ^ Zanzotto, Conglomerate , Mondadori, 2009, p. 16.
  • Stefano Dal Bianco, Introduction , in A. Zanzotto, All poems , Milan, Mondadori, 2011.
  • Francesco Venturi, Reading of ‘conglomerates’ by A. Zanzotto, in “eight/twentieth century”, 3 (2010).
  • Guglielma gulchori, Su zanzottto , Rome, Aracne, 2010.
  • Paolo Steffan, A “garden of Crode missing”. An Andrea Zanzotto farewell study in Ligonàs , Rome, Aracne, 2012.
  • Andrea Zanzotto, Conglomerate , Milan, Mondadori, 2009.
  • Massimo Colella, Silvia da Leopardi to Zanzotto. An inter -testual exercise , in “Italianistic”, XLIII, 1, 2014.
  • Massimo Colella, “Which Dante’s text are we talking about?” Moments and signs of Zanzottian Danticism , in The Dante function and the paradigms of modernity. Proceedings of the XVI International Conference of the M.O.D. (Lumsa, Rome, 10-13 June 2014) , A Cura di Patrizia Bertini Malgarini, Nicola Merola e Caterina Verbaro, ETS, Pisa, 2015, pp. 639-648.
  • Massimo Colella, “I was looking for the woods or resting in my room among the books.” For a critical reading of the ‘Petrarchism’ Zanzottiano , in “Italian Studies in Austral Africa / Italian Studies in Southern Africa”, 2015, 2 [[ Proceedings of the XIII International Conference A.P.I. “Ancient moderns. Medieval and Renaissance contributions to the cultural identity of the Italian twentieth century “(University of Cape Town, South Africa, 4-5 September 2014) ], pp. 96-112.
  • Massimo Colella, Visions and values ​​of the Zanzottian light ( Conglomerate ) , in Transparencies and epiphanies. When light becomes literature, art, history, science [ Proceedings of the interdisciplinary conference (Florence, 15-17 December 2015) ], edited by Michela Graziani, with a premise by Luigi Dei, Florence, Florence University Press (“Library of Modern Philology Studies”, 36), 2016, pp. 293-318.
  • Massimo Colella, “Another flow of time space.” Spaces, landscapes and chronotopes in Conglomerate ZanzottiSi , in Geographies of literary modernity. Proceedings of the XVII International Conference of the MOD (10-13 June 2015) , edited by Syrian Sgavicchia and Massimiliano Tortora, 2 Tomi, Pisa, Ets (‘Literary modernity’, 57), 2017, I Tomo, pp. 593-603.
