Carlo Lepore – Wikipedia


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Carlo Lepore (Naples, March 10, 1964) is an Italian bass.

Carlo Lepore (the first from the right) in one of his last concerts in Salzburg.

Born in Naples, he moved to Rome at a young age, where he graduated in Law from the prestigious La Sapienza University. He studied music at the Rome Conservatory “Santa Cecilia” and singing with Alessandra Gonzaga. He perfected the Mozartian repertoire with Edelman and Bernet at Wiener Kammeroper and studied with Bergonzi, Alberti, Montarsolo, Zedda. He has won several competitions, including the “Giovan Battista Pergolesi” in Rome and the “Adriano Belli” competition of the Experimental Lyric Theater of Spoleto (1992), debuting in the Salieri innkeeper (Marquis of Forlimpopoli) and then participating in the productions of L ‘ Elisir D’amore (Dulcamara), Britten’s prodigal son (father) and Monteverdi’s dance hall (Pluto).

Among the interpretations of works of the Baroque repertoire, the Orpheus of Sartorio, the loves of Apollo and Dafne di Cavalli, Euridice (Pluto) of Peri, Acis & Galatea (Polyremo), Giulio Cesare (Achille) and Orlando (Zoroaster) of Händel, the celebrating senna of Vivaldi, Aretusa di Vitali, Sansone di Ferrari, the Locandiera (Don Pomponio) of Auletta, Don Quixote di Solci, the Pietra (Pulcinella) convinced of Tatto.

He held concerts in Italy and abroad by singing at the Rossini Opera Festival, Senese musical week (Eumelio di Agazzari), Macerata Opera Festival (the three hours of agony and the Passio di Giordani), Konzerthaus in Berlin with the Ensemble Febi Harmonic , Festival of Innsbruck, Ravenna Festival, Terme di Caracalla with Bernstein’s Chicester PSALMS directed by Daniel Oren. He performed the Winterreise of Schubert with the pianist Giovanni Velluti, Lieder di Wagner and an Italian songbook of Wolf-Ferrari at the Wexford Opera Festival.

From the beginning to the Teatro dell’Opera in Rome such as Don Basilio, he then landed at the San Carlo Theater in Naples where he sang in the secret marriage of D.Cimarosa (Count Robinson), the Pietra (Pulcinella) convinced of G.tritto, the Convenience and theatrical inconveniences of Donizetti with the direction of R. De Simone up to the Teatro alla Scala in Milan where, initially writing in 1999 for the role of Giorgio in the first of Nina, or is the madman for the love of Paisiello under the Direction of Riccardo Muti, he then returned as Don Magnifico in La Cinderella.

Was engaged in the filming of the film Me, Don Giovanni Directed by Carlos Saura in the role of the Commendatore. It also carries out an intense concert activity.

In 2012 he received the Golden Tiberini with the following motivation: “For an authentic voice of bass, wide and profound, for the technical report in leaving and interpreting character roles of the funny work and playful drama and characters serious of the Italian melodrama “.


His vast international career continues today in the major lyrical theaters of Italy and the world, with a vast repertoire that ranges from the Baroque to the twentieth century, interpreting the large roles from below, as well as baritone, both funny and serious gender.

  • Monteverdi: L’Orfeo – Alessandro Carmignani/Carlo Lepore/Marinella Pennicchi/Patrizia Vaccari/Gastone Sarti/Rosita Frisani/Giovanni Pentasuglia/San Petronio Music chapel Orchestra/Sergio Varolo, 1997 Naxos
  • Monteverdi: The Ball of the Ingrate – Fausto Razzi, new era
  • Paisiello: Nina, or is the madman for love – Riccardo Muti, 2001 memories
  • Rossini: Bianca and Falliero – Prague Chamber Chorus/Galicia Youth Symphony Orchestra/Renato Palumbo, 2005 Dynamic
  • Rossini: Shabran Matilde – Frize / Massis / Florez / Rossiniof, 2004 Decca
  • Ferrari: Sansone – Curtis, 2005 Virgin Classic
  • Haendel: Radamisto – Curtis/ Di Donato/ Ciofi/ Beaumont/ Labelle, 2006 Virgin Classic
  • Cavalli: the loves of Apollo and Dafne – Alberto Zedda, 2007 Naxos
  • Salieri: La Grotta di Trofonio – Christophe Rousset, 2007 Naive
  • Carlo Lepore: not only Bulffo – 2013 Bongiovanni
  • Beauty and the beast – 2002 Emi
  • Pergolesi: La Serva Master (Pergolesi Spontini Foundation, 2011) – Regia Henning Brockhaus, Arthaus Musik/Naxos
  • Pergolesi Adriano in Syria /Livietta and Bren (Pergolesi Spontini Foundation 2011) – Ottavio Dantone, Unitel
  • Haendel: Ariodante (Spoleto Festival dei Due Mondi) – Alan Curtis, 2007 Dynamic
  • Rossini: La Scala di Seta (Rossini Opera Festival, 2009) – Claudio Scimone, Opus Arte/Naxos
  • Rossini: Mr. Bruschino (Rossini Opera Festival, 2012) – Royal Theater underground, Opus Arte/Naxos
  • Rossini: La Cinderella (Rai, 2012) – Directed
  • Verdi: The strength of fate (Parma Festival Verdi 2011) direction Stefano Poda, Gianluigi Gelmetti, Unitel
  • Puccini: Manon Lescaut (Teatro Regio di Turin) Regia V. Borrelli Gianandrea Noseda – Vox Imago
  • Rossini: The Barber of Seville (Arena di Verona, 2018) – Directed
