Ere of Japan – Wikipedia


Conversion of dates according to the Gregorian calendar in the equivalent dates nengō [5] Gregorian calendar Kanji Chinese Note Periodo asuka (538–710) 645 Large Taika Emperor Kōtoku (645–654) [6] . 650 White pheasant Hakuchi Contemporary to the Hakuhō period [7] . 654 The name of the eras is temporarily discontinuous from 654 to 686. 686 Chocolate Shuchō Also known with the names Suchō, AkaMenti or Akamidori; Emperor Tenmu (672–686) [8] . 686 The name of the eras is temporarily discontinuous from 686 to 701. 701 Big treasure Facture Also known by the name Dahō; Emperor Monmu (697–707) [9] . 704 Celebrate Keiun Also known by the name Kyōun; Imperatrice Genmei (707–715) [ten] . 708 Japanese copper Wadō Periodo nara (710–794) 715 Spireless turtle Reiki Imperatrice Genshō (715–724) [11] . 717 Pension Yōr 724 God of gods Jinki Also known by the name Shinki; Emperor Shōmu (724–749) [twelfth] . 729 Balance Tenpyō Also known with the names Tenbyō or Tenhei. 749 Bobbish Treasure Tenpyupt-Know Also known by the name Tenbyō-Kanpō. 749 Tenpai Katsuho Tenpyō-shōhō Also known with the names Tenbyō-Shōbō or Tenpei-Shōhō; Empress Kōken (749–758) [13] . 757 Tiber Treasure Tenpyō-Hōji Also known with the names Tenbyō-Hōji or Tenpei-Hōji; Emperor Junnin (758–764) [14] and again of the empress Kōken (764–770) [15] . 765 Tenpai Shinto Tenpyō-jingo Also known with the names Tenbyō-Jingo or Tenhei-Jingo. 767 Shinto Shiun Jingo-keyiun 770 Treasure Hōki Emperor Kōnin (770–781) [16] . 781 Congestion Ten’ō Emperor Kammu (781–806) [17] . 782 Xedendary calendar Enryaku Periodo Hean (794–1192) 806 Datong Date Emperor Heizei (806–809) [18] and the emperor Saga (809–823) [19] . 810 Hirojin Kōnin Emperor Junna (823–833) [20] . 824 Heaven Tenchō Emperor Ninmyō (833–850) [21] . 834 Inherit JōWA Also known with the names Shōwa or Sōwa. 848 Jiaxiang Kashō Also known by the name Kajō; Emperor Montoku (850–858) [22] . 851 Reunion Ninju 854 斉 斉 斉 Saikō 857 Tian’an Ten’an Also known by the name Tennan; Emperor Seiwa (858–876) [23] . 859 Prodigy Jōgan Emperor Yōzei (876–884) [24] . 877 Exeminence Gangyō Also known with the names Gankyō or Genkei; Emperor Kōkō (884–887) [25] . 885 Peace Nine Also known by the name Ninwa; UDA emperor (887–897) [26] . 889 Relaxation Campaign Also known with the names Kanpei, Kanbyō, Kanbei or Kanhei; Emperor Daigo (887–930) [27] . 898 Changtai Shōtai 901 Delight Engi 923 extend Enchō Emperor Suzaku (930–946) [28] . 931 Inherit Jire Also known by the name Shōhei. 938 Tianqing Tengueō Also known with tenkei or tenkyō names; Emperor Murakami (946–967) [29] . 947 Heavenly calendar Tenryaku Also known by the name Tenreki. 957 Heavenly virtue This one 961 Compassion Ōwa 964 Yasushi Kōhō Emperor Once (967-969) [30] . 968 Peace Anna Also known by the name Anwa; Emperor En’yū (969–984) [thirty first] . 970 Tianlu Tenroku 973 Extension Ten’en 976 Virgin Jōgen Also known by the name Teigen. 978 Tianyuan Right 983 Perpetuity Eikan Also known by the name Yōkan; Emperor Kazan (984–986) [32] . 985 Peace Same Also known by the name Kanwa; Emperor Ichijō (986–1011) [33] . 987 Forever Assets (ERA) Also known by the name Yōen. 988 Eternal EISO Also known by the name Yōso. 990 Regular calendar Shovelaku Also known with the names Jōryaku or Shōreki. 995 Long virtue Christusu 999 Long -lasting Shouchof 1004 Hirohiro Kankō Emperor Sanjō (1011–1016) [34] . 1012 Longitudinal Chōwa Emperor Go -ichijō (1016–1036) [35] . 1017 Hiroshi Knee 1021 Law and order Jian Also known by the name Chian. 1024 Longevity Manju 1028 Long yuan Chōgen Emperor Go-Suzaku (1036–1045) [36] . 1037 Long calendar Chōrkuyaku Also known by the name Chōreki. 1040 long Chōkyū 1044 Virtue Kantoku Emperor Go-Time (1045-1068) [37] . 1046 Forever Eish Also known with the names Eijō or Yōjō. 1053 Heavenly joy Connection Also known by the name Tenki. 1058 Daunting Squel 1065 Junction JiryoKu Also known by the name Chiryaku. 1069 Extension Enkyū Emperor Go-Sanjō (1068–1073) [38] . 1074 Undertake Jōhō Also known with the Shōhō or Shōho names; Emperor Shirakawa (1073–1086) [39] . 1077 Calendar acceptance My Also known with the Names Shōryaku or Shōreki. 1081 Forever Willow Also known by the name Yōhō. 1084 Substance Iconic 1087 Kanji Kanji IMPERATORE HORIKAWA (1087 –1107) [40] . 1094 Goodbye Steamed 1096 Forever Iure Also known by the name Yōchō. 1097 Virtue Jōtoku Also known with the name Shōtoku. 1099 Goodbye Kōwa 1104 Long -term rule Chōji 1106 Jiacheng Kajō Also known with the names Kashō or Kasō; Emperor Toba (1107–1123) [41] . 1108 Heaven Tennin 1110 Heavenly eternity Ten’a Also known by the name Ten’yō. 1113 permanent Eikyū Also known by the name Yōkyū. 1118 Former manner Gen’ei 1120 security guard Hōan IMPERATORE SUTOKU (1123–1142) [42] . 1124 Heaven A tin Also known by the name Tenchi. 1126 Great rule Daiji Also known by the name Taiji. 1131 Heaven Tenshō Also known by the name Tenjō. 1132 Long -term Chōshō Also known by the name Chōjō. 1135 Keep a stretch Hōen 1141 Forever Eiji 1142 Kuiji Kōji IMPERATORE KONOE (1142–1155) [43] . 1144 Heaven Ten’Yō Also known by the name Tennyō. 1145 Jealous Kyūan 1151 Trivial Ninpei Also known with the Ninpyō, Ninbyō, Ninhyō or Ninhei names. 1154 Shunshu Kyuju IMPERATORE GO-SHIRAKAWA (1155 –1158) [44] . 1156 Reconciliation Hōgen Also known by the name Hogen; Emperor Nijō (1158–1165) [45] . 1159 Healing Heiji Also known by the name Byōji. 1160 Permanent calendar Eiryaku Also known by the name Yōryaku. 1161 Response Ably 1163 Long -term Chōkan Also known by the name Chōgan. 1165 Forever Eiman Also known by the name Yōman; Emperor Rokujō (1165–1168) [forty six] . 1166 Average Nin’an Also known by the name Ninnan; Emperor Takakura (1168–1180) [forty six] . 1169 Fate Hops 1171 Inherit Jōan Also known by the name Shōan. 1175 Peaceful Need 1177 Share Jishō Also known with the names jijō or chishō; Emperor Antoku (1180–1185) [47] . 1181 Reconciliation Yōwa 1182 Susuken Juei Imperatory go-To-Toba (1183–1198) [48] . 1184 Former calendar Genryaku 1185 Bunji Bunji Also known by the name Monchi. 1190 Kenji Kenkyū IMPERATORE TSUCHIMIKADO (1198–1210) [49] . Periodo kamakura (1192–1333) 1199 Legitimate Shōji 1201 Folklore Given 1204 Prestige Genkyū 1206 Build forever Ken’ei Also known by the name Ken’yō. 1207 Inheritance Jōgen Also known by the name Shōgen; Emperor Juntoku (1210–1221) [50] . 1211 Ledering calendar Kenryaku 1213 Build a insurance Kenpō Also known by the name Kenhō. 1219 Overturn Jōkyū Also known by the name Shōkyū; Emperor Chūkyō (1221) [51] E Dell’imperatore Go-Horikawa (1221-1232) [52] . 1222 Chastity Jō Also known by the name Teiō. 1224 Ex -ex -exquisite Leek 1225 Glance Karoku 1227 An Zhen Antei Also known by the name Anjō. 1229 Relaxation Lever Also known by the name Kankki. 1232 Sadaga Jehie Also known by the name Teiei; Emperor Shijō (1232–1242) [53] . 1233 Blessing Tenpuku Also known by the name Tenfuku. 1234 Calendar BUNRYAKU Also known with the names Monryaku or Monreki. 1235 Jiaye To the cat 1238 Calendar Ryakunin Also known by the name Rekinin. 1239 Extensively En’ō Also known by the name Ennō. 1240 Trifling Why Also known by the name Ninchi; Emperor Go-Saga (1242–1246) [54] . 1243 Warmth Miss IMPERATORE GO-FUKAKUSA (1246–1260) [55] . 1247 Baizhi Hōje 1249 Chief Kenchō 1256 Goodbye Kōgen Emperor Kameyama (1260–1274) [56] . 1257 Legitimate good luck Shōka 1259 Pace Shōgen 1260 Correspondence Bun’ō Also known by the name Bunnō. 1261 Great man Kōchō 1264 Bunaga Good emperor Go-Unda (1274–1287) [57] . 1275 Bounce Kenji 1278 Open -minded Kōan IMPERATORE FUSHIMI (1287-1298) [58] . 1288 Regular response Shōō 1293 Forever Eininin IMPERATORE GO-FUSHIMI (1298–1301) [59] . 1299 Laziness Shōan Emperor Go-Nijō (1301–1308) [60] . 1302 Qianyuan Song 1303 Fate The cake 1306 Virtue Tokuji 1308 Yanqing Dissatisfaction Also known with the names Engyō or Enkei; Emperor Hanazono (1308–1318) [sixty one] . 1311 Long response Ōchō 1312 Sincerity Show 1317 Cultural protection Bunpō Also known by the name Bunhō; Emperor Go-Daigo (1318–1339) [62] . 1319 Original response There’ō Also known by the name Gennō. 1321 Yuanheng Gown 1324 middle Shōchū 1326 Calendar My work 1329 Former virtue Gentoku 1331 Prestige Gown Periodo nanboku-chō (1334–1392) South Court 1334 Build martial arts Kemada Also known by the name Kenbu. 1336 Extended element Narrow 1340 Entertainment Kōkoku 1346 Pair Abstain 1370 Virtue Kentoku 1372 In the text Bunchū 1375 Heavenly grace Tenju 1381 Great peace Kōwa 1384 First Penus The 9th year of the Genchū era became the 3rd of the Meitoku era during the reunification process that followed the Nanboku-Chō period. Northern court 1332 Righteous celebration Shōkei Also known by the name Shōkyō. 1334 Build martial arts Kemada Also known by the name Kenbu. 1338 Calendar correspondence Ryakuō Also known by the name Rekiō. 1342 Kangyong Kōei 1345 Sofa JōWA Also known by the name Teiwa. 1350 Attitude Son Also known by the name Kan’ō. 1352 Sentence Bunna Also known by the name Bunwa. 1356 Yanwen ENBUN 1361 Kang’an Kōan 1362 Sacrifice Jōji Also known by the name Teiji. 1368 Residue Ool 1375 Forever Nine 1379 Led a year My kōryy 1381 Permanence EITOKU 1384 Dejection Shitoku 1387 Jiaqing Kakei Also known by the name Kakyō. 1389 Yasudo Grob 1390 Virtue Meitoku The 3rd year of the Meitoku era replaced the 9th of the Genchū era during the reunification process that followed the Nanboku-Chō period. Periodo Muromachi (1392–1573) 1394 Ogna COIE Emperor Shōkō (1412–1428) [63] . 1428 Positive Shōchō IMPERATORE GO-HANAZONO (1428–1464) [sixty four] . 1429 Permanent Eikyō Also known by the name Eikō. 1441 Family Kakitsu Also known by the name Kakichi. 1444 Wen’an Hi Also known by the name Bunnan. 1449 Treasure Outlet 1452 Dignity Kyōtoku 1455 Kangzheng KōSHō 1457 Long Lu Chloocokoheo 1460 Relaxation Kanshō IMPERATORE GO-TSUCHIMIKADO (1464–1500) [65] . 1466 Sentiment Bunshō Also known by the name Monshō. 1467 Award Ion 1469 civilization Bunmei 1487 Sharing Chlowe 1489 Extension ENTOKU 1492 Apparent Wrist IMPERATORE GO-KASHIWABARA (1500–1526) [66] . 1501 Literary turtle Bunki 1504 Permanent Eish 1521 Ogen Daiei Emperor Go-Nara (1526–1557) [sixty seven] . 1528 Entertain Kyōroku 1532 astronomical Tenbun Also known by the name Tenmon. 1555 Hongzhi Kōji Emperor ōgimachi (1557–1586) [68] . 1558 Inexperienced Eiroku 1570 Original turtle Genki Periodo Azuchi-MOMOYAMA (1573–1603) 1573 Nature Tenshō Emperor Go-Yōzei (1586–1611) [69] . 1592 Bunroku BUNROKU 1596 General You Also known by the name Kyōchō; Emperor Go-Mizunoo (1611–1629) [70] . Periodo edo (1603–1867) 1615 Agency Genna Also known by the name Genwa. 1624 Kanei Hen Imperatrice Meishō (1629–1643) [70] and Emperor Go-Kōmyō (1643–1654) [71] . 1644 Regular St 1648 Goodbye Keian Also known with the name Kyōan. 1652 Response Jō Also known by the name Shōō; Emperor Go-Sai (1655–1663) [72] . 1655 Meiji calendar MeiRei Also known with the name Myōryaku or Meiriryaku. 1658 All -over Smaller 1661 Relaxation Kanbun Imperators Reigen (1663–1687) [seventy three] . 1673 Treasure Un Also known by the name Enhō. 1681 Heaven Reiterate Also known by the name Tenwa. 1684 Chastity Jōkyō IMPERATORE HIGASHIYAMA (1687-1709) [74] . 1688 Genroku Genroku 1704 Treasure Nine IMPERATORE NAKAMIKADO (1709–1735) [75] . 1711 True virtue Summi 1716 Funeral Bad IMPERATORE SAKURAMACHI (1735–1747) [76] . 1736 Original sentence Genbun 1741 Kanpo Kannot Also known by the name Kanhō. 1744 Enjoyment Dissatisfaction Emperor Momozono (1747–1762) [77] . 1748 Relaxation Kan’en 1751 Treasure calendar HOOKE Also known by the name Hōryaku; IMPRATER GO-SAKURAMACHI (1762–1771) [78] . 1764 Solicitation Meiwa Emperor Go-Momozono (1771–1779) [78] . 1772 Peaceful An’ei Emperor Kōkaku (1780–1817) [79] . 1781 Unknown Tenmei 1789 Kansei Kansei 1801 Fun Kyōwa 1804 culture The cell Emperor Ninkō (1817–1846) [80] . 1818 Literary government Bunsei 1830 Heavenly public Winter Also known by the name Tenhō. 1844 Inconsistency KōKA Emperor Kōmei (1846–1867). 1848 Hesitancy Kaiu 1854 Maishi loop 1860 Shin The man 1861 Bunbun Bunkyū 1864 Primary? Genji 1865 Goodbye Keiō Modern age (1868 – present) 1868 Meiji Meiji IMPERATORE MEIJI (1868–1912). 1912 Taisho Taishō IMPERATORE TAISHō (1912–1926). 1926 Showa Show IMPERATORE SHōwa (1926 –1989). 1989 Heisei Heisei Emperor emeritus Heisei, Akihito (1989–2019). Period ended with the abdication [81] . 2019 Order Reiwa Emperor Naruhito (from 1 May 2019).