Yamaguchi Prefectural Library Classification Table –Wikipedia


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Yamaguchi Prefectural Library Classification Table [first] (Yamaguchi Kenritsu and Shokanbunuruhyo) is a book classification method specified by Yamaguchi Prefectural Yamaguchi Library in 1909 (Meiji 42). [first] Yamaguchi Library classification table friend [2]

Director of the Yamaguchi Prefectural Yamaguchi Library Yusaburo Sano [first] , Yagon classification table used in his own hall [first] [3] (Based on the classification table of the Tokyo Library and the classification table of the Tokyo Imperial University Library [3] ) Is changed to 10 gates [first] [3] , A classification symbol using a number 3 digits [first] [3] (However, there is a four -digit classification symbol in the Yamaguchi Library Japanese Kanboku Callogue (as of the end of December, Meiji 42)). It was enacted in 1909 (Meiji 42), and as a decimal classification method invented in Japan, “Kyoto Prefectural Library Classification Table” (around 1899 to 1906) and “Kyoto Imperial University Original) There is a library classification table (1902 or 1903), but this classification table is quite early. Later, in 1911 (Meiji 44), the Ishikawa Prefectural Library was enacted at the Niigata Prefectural Library in 1916 (Taisho 5).

Yamaguchi Prefectural Yamaguchi Library Book Classification method devised for one building [4] However, at the National Library Council in 1919 (Taisho 8) [first] [5] , Of this classification table, the standard classification table up to the second classification (100 category) is decided. [first] [5] , Japan’s first standard classification table [first] 。 After that, Taiwan Governor -General, Okayama Prefectural, Saitama Prefectural, Ogura City, Nagoya City, Kure Municipal, Maebashi City, etc. [4] In the library, it was adopted faithfully, but due to the questions described below, there are continuing halls (Wakayama Prefectural, Saga Prefectural, Chiba Prefectural, Shizuoka Prefectural, Ibaraki Prefectural, Amagasaki City, Yokohama City, Yokohama Municipal). , Kobe City, Okayama Municipal, Tokyo City, etc. [4] ), It was not a substantial standard classification table. It was used for a while at the Yamaguchi Prefectural Yamaguchi Library, but in April 1952 (Showa 27), we started the transition to the Nihon Tenken Classification Law (NDC) 6th edition. [6] , Almost completed by the end of 1960 (Showa 35) [6]

The reason why this classification table did not spread is negative to the “standard classification table” that each library had easily created a unique classification table, or that each building should be established independently. Although the idea was dominant at that time, there are many places where the division and delinquency are inappropriate. [first] [5] , The classification is too simple (especially in the 100 category table) [first] [4] , Do not have the commonality of symbols or not a note [first] Several problems have been pointed out. For example, the lower class of history is “Asia, Africa, the United States, Oceania, Europe”, but the geographical magazine is “Asia, Africa, Europe, the United States, Oceania”, and the symbols are not considered.

The first section of the table (10 distinction table) [ edit ]

Out of the classics: “Yamaguchi Library and Hanshu Classification Catalog (Meiji 42nd December 42)”, and the end of the “Book Classification Outline”.

  • 000
  • 100 philosophy
  • 200 敎 敎 敎
  • 300 literature and language
  • 400 history, geography
  • 500 legal system, economy, society, statistics
  • 600 science and medicine
  • 700 engineering, soldiers
  • 800 art, various arts
  • 900 industries

Table 2 (100 distinction table) [ edit ]

Source: Munechika Kato, “The Description of the Book Classification Law Discussions”, p. 168. However, one typo has been corrected (the place of the mark).

The third zone table (1000 distinction table) [ edit ]

Source: “Yamaguchi Library Wakan Book Collection (as of the end of December, Meiji 42)”, “Book Classification Tsuname” at the end of the book. It is a classification method based on the concept and system more than 100 years ago. Taiwan and southern Karafuto are Japanese territory, and elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools, universities, etc. are also based on the time (so -called old system XX). 。 The concept of the classification method and the concept of linked articles do not strictly match.

  1. ^ “The Description of the Book Classification Law” Pages 168 “461 Manchu history “It is already listed as” 403 Mansu Kuni History “, and from the description of the front and rear classifications and” Yamaguchi Library Wakan Kanshoku Catalog “, it is clear that it is a mistake. magazine “Corrected.
  2. ^ Not only so -called “children’s literature”, but also the whole child books, including natural science, social sciences, and history in lower classifications.
  3. ^ Former elementary school.
  4. ^ Former junior high schools.
  5. ^ Former high school.
  6. ^ Former universities such as Imperial University.
  7. ^ An old -fashioned college.
  8. ^ At the end of the book, “Book Classification Tsuname”, the letters are disappeared, so it is based on the description of this table, page 221.
  9. ^ At the end of the book, “Book Classification Tsuname”, the letters are disappeared, so it is based on the description of this table, page 222.
  1. ^ a b c d It is f g h i j k l “New Contemporary Library Lecture Course 10 Document Organization Overview”, 220 pages.
  2. ^ “The Description of the Book Classification Law”, 165, 168 pages.
  3. ^ a b c d “The Book Classification Law Museum of Description”, p. 165.
  4. ^ a b c d “The Book Classification Law Museum of Description”, p. 167.
  5. ^ a b c “The Book Classification Law Interproph.”, 166 pages.
  6. ^ a b “Yamaguchi Prefectural Yamaguchi Library 100 Years Ayumi”, p. 51.

references [ edit ]

  • “Yamaguchi Library Library Wakan Book Callogue (as of the end of December, Meiji 42)” Yamaguchi Prefectural Yamaguchi Library, 1910.
  • Kato Munako’s “Library Classification Law Description Intracted Edition” Japan Library Association, 1950.
  • Authorized by Yasuro Iwabuchi, “New Contemporary Library Course 10 Document Organization Overview” Tokyo Book, 1998. ISBN 448771480X

External link [ edit ]
