Morning Wide Wide / Moton! –Wikipedia


Zoom in !! Super> Morning Wide Sentan!
ZIP! > Morning Wide Sentan!
Morning Wide Sentan!
Genre News / information program
performer Kyozo Tachida
Atsuko Toraya
Kana Sato
Nomura Meidai
Yuki Yokosuka
Sha Daizi
Junichi Tatsu
Kubo Aoi
Yukino Saito
Norika Takeda
Nao Yoshida
Ping Song Xiangma
Nakamura Hideki
Akika Ohno and others
opening “Be My Baby” Vanessa Paradis “Vanessa Paradis –BE My Baby” (March 28, 2022 -as of now)
producer Hiroto Nakabayashi
Nobuyuki Nakajima (CP)
Make Yomiuri TV (YTV)
Voice format Stereo Broadcasting (from April 2011)
Broadcasting countries / regions 日本の旗Japan
Broadcast period March 29, 2010-
Number of times 3000 on December 9, 2021
Official site
From start to September 2020
Broadcast period March 29, 2010 -September 25, 2020
Airtime Monday -Friday 5:20 -6:00, 6:08 -6:30, 6:37-7:22
Broadcasting 40 points, 22 points, 45 points
From October 2020 to March 2021
Broadcast period September 28, 2020 -March 31, 2021
Airtime Monday -Friday 5:50 -6:00, 6:08 -6:30, 6:37-7:22
Broadcasting 10 points, 22 points, 45 points
From April 2021 to August 2021
Broadcast period April 1, 2021 -August 27, 2021
Airtime Monday -Friday 5:50 -5:58, 6:06 -6:30, 6:37-7:22
Broadcasting 8 points, 24 points, 45 points
From September 2021
Broadcast period August 30, 2021-
Airtime Monday -Friday 5:10 -5:58, 6:06 -6:30, 6:37-7:22
Broadcasting 48 points, 24 points, 45 points

Until March 29, 2019, ” Soon, again! ] Flying started by broadcasting a pre -mini program entitled at 5:08 -5:20.
5:58 -6:06 was temporarily suspended to receive “ZIP!” (Nippon Television’s production. Yomiuri Television will be broadcast on the Internet with “NNN News Zip!”
The Kansai Local of “ZIP!” From 6:30 to 8:00 is also broadcast on the flow of this program, and it is an omnibus broadcast with “ZIP!”
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Morning Wide Sentan! (Asanama Wide Motomata) is broadcast on Yomiuri Television (YTV), from Monday to Friday (including holidays) on Kansai Local. Morning information program [first] 。 The program started on March 29, 2010. The program name “Su -Moton” ( This morning ) Is “French” This morning (Kesa) Is meaning. In this section, the Kansai local part (until around 7:20) of the Nippon Television Production / Nippon Television’s Net Net (“Zoom In !! Super” → “Zip!”) In this section, the performers of this program will appear. 。


Yomiuri TV broadcasts local information programs on weekdays for the first time in three years and nine months since “Getskin!”, Which was broadcast until June 30, 2006. The local corner was replaced in “! SUPER”.

Yomiuri Television temporarily withdrawn from its own production in the early morning, and was full net while replacing Nippon Television’s “Zoom in !! Super”, but the part that replaced the contents from Osaka, mainly at 6 o’clock, was noticeable. For this reason, it has been reopened to resume its own production.

The name of the program was “French” because the first producer Masao, the first producer at the start of the program, was the director of NNN Paris. This morning (Kesa) “Su -Moton” ( This morning ) Was named.

From April 1, 2011, “ZIP!” Was started on behalf of “Zoom in !! SUPER”, but this program has been decided to continue, and the local frame of “Zip!” Performers are in charge [2] 。 Along with that, the new year’s CM and posters were produced. The newly raised catch phrase is “” Spring from the morning !! ” In addition, the sound of “ZIP!” The main part is a stereo broadcast, so this program has also started stereo broadcasting. In addition, the “ZIP!” Frame is the same studio (Yomiuri TV (2nd generation house)) Second studio ), But in the ZIP!, The cloud logo used in the nationwide version of “ZIP!” Was placed on the set. From April 1, 2019, the set arrangement in the studio, telop display in each corner, sound effects, and BGM have been newly renewed.

The audience rating has risen since the Kansai local frame era of “Zoom In !!”, which was performed by Tsukitei Happo and Saburo Ohira. 500 times broadcast on March 7, 2012 and 2000 times on Thursday, January 18, 2018. [3] 。 On December 9, 2021, it reached 3000 times and a commemorative event was held. [4] The week from December 6th to 10th is called “3000th Commemorative Week”. invited.

Since September 2, 2019, it has been broadcast from the first studio in the third -generation shrine, but reduced the broadcast time by 30 minutes from September 28, 2020 (both Monday). In addition to the broadcast start time, the day of the week of MC / Caster was also changed. [5] 。 The Yomiuri Television said that the infection of new colon viruses has been increasing in Japan since the beginning of the same year, “The health and safety of the program staff working late in the day before the broadcast and the early morning on the day of the broadcast. Changes after thinking about it. ” [6] 。 Based on these circumstances, the simultaneous net of “OHA! 4 NEWS LIVE / Part 2” (Nippon Television NEWS24) is regular from the same day (5:20 -5:50). Was implemented [Note 1]


After August 30, 2021, the broadcast time was expanded by 40 minutes. Until March 2019, “I’m coming soon! Is being broadcast again from the time zone (5:10) [7] [8]

From March 28, 2022, the set arrangement in the studio, telop display in each corner, sound effects and BGMs, etc. were renewed again since April 1, 2019.

caster [ edit ]

The main casters are regular appearances on live broadcasting programs that Yomiuri Television organized early in the morning on weekdays. Jiro Kubo was in charge of “Genki Mon TV” and “Asaichi!” Until September 2001 during the commentary of Yomiuri Television, and then in “Zoom In !! Super” for 8 years and 6 months. I’ve been in charge. At that time, Takeshi Mori, who was an announcer on Yomiuri Television, co -starred in “Asaichi!” And combined as a relay caster for “Zoom in !! Morning!” [9]

In addition, after the start of this program, Konbo dropped out “Zoom in !! Super”. In the CM and posters at the start of the program, “” New habit in the morning! (The new “new habit” has a catch phrase and photos of the shobo and the forest are so wet with the catch phrase “notation with a new one in ○). rice field.

On the other hand, as a support for the forest and spicy boys, a female announcer on the Yomiuri TV was appointed as a caster (female caster) for generations. Hiromi Kawada (free announcer) was a caster in the early stages of the program as a continuation of the “Zoom In !! Super” local part during the announcer era. Atsuko Toraya, who once co -starred in Kabo and “Wake -up! Plus”, was also in charge of casters in the “Zoom In !! He was temporarily away from this program for pre -childbirth vacation, but has returned to this program caster since December 2016. In addition, Nao Yoshida (weather caster ⇒ moderator) and Yukino Saito, who also appeared since the start of this program, were also temporarily separated from this program on childbirth, but Yoshida was in January 2019, and Saito is 2019. He has returned to the caster of this program since September year. However, both of them are now every other week and irregular appearance. After that, Yoshida announced that he had been pregnant with his second child in July 2020, and was on the second maternity leave on July 29, 2020.

From the reorganization of April 2018, Hidaka Nakamura, who joined the Yomiuri Television as a sports announcer and a reporter and producer of the “Information Live Miyaneya”, and Hidaka Nakamura, who joined the company in 2017 as an announcer. [Note 2] Is joined the regular casters. Nomura is in charge of the news explanation on Monday -Wednesday, so he only performs regular appearances on Thursday and Friday, but also goes to the location with Pajo and Nomura at any time. [ten] 。 For this reason, the only regular performers appearing on all days have become the forest. However, since the October reorganization of the same year, Eriko Maruta, a weather forecaster who joined the regulars in August of the same year, has joined the regular team. [Note 3] Also appeared on all days.

In addition, Kobo retired from this program at the end of the broadcast on the broadcast on Friday, March 29, 2019. For a long time, I had been requesting a break (for my appearance) 10 years after the start of the program, and from the broadcast on April 1 (Monday), the news explanation for all days to Nomura was appointed to Nomura. do [11]

Mori gave priority to paid vacation from January of the same year before retirement from Yomiuri Television (March 31, 2020). After gradually reducing the appearance date, it was temporarily closed from the broadcast on February 24 (Monday). After turning to a free announcer on April 1 (Wednesday), the day after retirement, he has resumed his appearance as the main caster on the same day. [twelfth] 。 From April 3rd, Kana Sato, who joined the company’s announcer in the previous year (2019), was selected as the weather caster in charge of Friday. [13]

At Yomiuri Television’s announcer, Shoma Hiramatsu has been sports casters since April 2017, and Hidaka Nakamura has been a weather caster since April 2018. Nakamura has also served as the main caster on Wednesday since April 1, 2019. On Friday, July 17, 2020, the ending of the weather corner on behalf of Sato was specially announced that he would marry Hiramatsu. [14]

From September 28, 2020, Kyozo Tachida (Yomiuri Television Announcer), who has been a sports caster, will be used for Mond and Tuesday MCs for the MC on the Monday and Tuesdays. [Note 4] 。 Monday -Wednesday, the date of Nakamura will be changed to Thursday and Friday [5] On the other hand, sports casters have been in charge of rotation in five people, including Tachiida and Hiramatsu, but this reorganization will have a two -person system on Monday -Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Tateida. In order to concentrate on the MC in this reorganization, Sato will take over the weather casters who had also served before the reorganization. In addition, Nomura and Maruta have not changed their appearance on all five days a week. After that, Maruta was closed on holidays after February 2021 and on Monday, 15th of the same month, and changed to other Tuesday -Friday weekly appearance, but after May 10, the week. He has returned to the appearance of all day on the 5th. From the reorganization of April 2021, Akika Ohno, who joined the company’s announcer the previous year (2020), was selected as a sports caster in charge of Monday and Friday. Also, Masako Nakano (professor at Kobe Gakuin University) is a regular commentator [Note 5] I started to appear once or twice a week.

From August 30, 2021, Tachiida will be in charge of MC on all days. [15]

Mori continued MC in collaboration with Tachiida on Thursday and Friday from September 2021, but retired from MC on Friday, 2022 (Friday). The day of broadcasting this project on the occasion of launching an exchange project with viewers in the renewal from March 28, 2022 (Monday) (2nd and 3rd Thursday of every month) [Note 6] Only twice a month). In addition, from the same day, Tachiida, Toraya, and Sato have shifted to the triple MC system. While Tachiida is also the progress of the entertainment corner, Toraya is in charge of the news corner, and Sato is in charge of a new corner that features the latest trends and the topic of viewers. In addition, Yukino Yokosuka, a reporter of the Yomiuri Television Press Bureau (former announcer), changed the date of Nomura to 4 days a week other than Tuesday, with the in charge of the news explanation on Tuesday. In the weather corner, he is in charge of the TBS TV -affiliated weather forecast (such as “JNN NEWS”) as the succeeding to the weather forecaster Eriko Maruta (“JNN NEWS”) as a subsequent appointment of the weather forecaster Eriko Maruta, who will retire the program on March 23 (Wednesday). Tatsuichi Tatsuichi (from Kishiwada City, Osaka Prefecture), who has appeared in the drama, has newly added. Become. In addition, in the sports corner, various countries are used as casters in charge of Thursday and Friday, and Aoi Kubo, a reporter who joined in March 2021 (every week after June 2022). [16] Wednesday
Newly appointed sports caster. After a long time in the Kansai region’s professional sports team, Keitsu Toritani and Yoshihito Okubo, who have just retired in 2021, will also be invited to guests. [17] [18] 。 Due to this reorganization, Nakamura, Saito, and Takeda will have a regular appearance, and will be irregular in the future. Nakamura was also found on Instagram that he was pregnant. (As of August 2022, Yoshida, Hiramatsu, and Nakamura have never appeared. Ono has been renewed for the first time in about 4 months on August 4th. bottom.)

For broadcasts and program goods, Kazuhiro Nakazato (Studio Pool) [first] A portrait of the performers by drawing is used. Nakazato is also designed by Nakazato, the character “Piyo Tatsu (Tanda)”, “Toratan (Toratani)”, and “Kana El (Sato)” with the motif of MC Tachiida, Toraya, and Sato.

Configure [ edit ]

Until March 29, 2019, the weather forecast centered on the 10 minutes before the start of the main story (5:10 -5:20) (the female casters and weather casters of this program only appeared. Live broadcast of the previous program). The performers of this program are also in charge of local parts on the after -seat program “ZIP!” In fact, this part is often regarded as part of “Su -Moton”. [Note 7] 。 From April 1, 2019, on behalf of “Soon Moton”, “Otenki Shinobee [Note 8] Is a single program from 5:12 to 5:20 (after August 30, 2021, 5: 00-5:10).

The “ZIP!” Of the vote program is handled in the newspaper program table and the official website in the form of “Su -Moton! & Zip!” It means that it has been broadcast for 2 hours and 50 minutes (about 3 hours) at 8:00 [Note 9] 。 Also, from 6:30 to 8:00, the ratio of local parts is extremely high compared to other Nippon Television affiliates, and nearly half is broadcast from Osaka. [Note 10] 。 At 6:30, after the broadcast as “Su -Moton!”, It was once tightened and switched to the video of Nippon Television, but returned to Osaka studio again at 6:35, the latest news corner. There is. However, he jumps on Nippon Television again when he enters the commercial of the internet sponsor at 6:30, and broadcasts the delivery corner announcement as it is when the provision is provided after the CM. At 6:58 during the local part broadcast, the previous provision of the online sales frame displayed in “ZIP!” Is available on the Yomiuri TV side, and the CM frame and later provision display within the net sales frame. (Weather forecast in front of Meista) is jumping on Nippon Television.

Usually around 7:16 “Kansai weather” [Note 11] When the corner is over, the ending is over and the part from Osaka is over. When the main caster said, “I will tell you from Tokyo,” switches to the video of Nippon Television Sending, and the “ZIP!” From Tokyo until 8 o’clock at the same time. However, during the Olympics and football FIFA World Cup and FIFA Club World Cup, the part of Osaka will be completed at 6:58 earlier than usual because of the Internet on the Nippon Television side, and will switch to Tokyo departure. In addition, the campaign to be held on Nippon Television (special feature on “Body WEEK”, “24 Hours Television”, “Golden Manabi Week”, “” “” Good For the Planet ] The same measures may be taken when broadcasting).

On public holidays, there is a corner that reads postcards sent from viewers, entitled “Su -Moton Radio” (there may be no “Su -Moton Radio” corner on holidays). 。 From the start of the program to the end of September 2020, usually sports! And entertainment, again! There was a corner at the time of the conduct, but after October 2020 [Note 12] Is usually this corner during the normal news course. From FY2019, “ZIP!” Has been broadcast at 6:30 on some holidays, and in this case, “Su -Moton” will not be broadcast until the start of “ZIP!” [Note 13] 。 After starting the internet from the opening of “ZIP!” At 6:30, and broadcasting “NNN News Zip!” From around 6:31, it became a Kansai local part from 6:39 to 7:20. Nomura and Toraya may not appear [Note 14]

Special planning / interlocking project [ edit ]

In 2010, the pre -announcement program “Next Week / Moton!” From 5:10 to 5:20 on the week of the main broadcast (March 22-26), the special program on March 28, the day before the broadcast. Poro & Forest broadcast a special scenic spectacular in France in search of a superb view of a miracle! ”

After the start of this broadcast, link with Twitter. Mori has been tweeting since February 24, 2010, before the start of the program. [19] Even after the start of the program, he sometimes introduces the official account account and tweets addressed to the “Sports / Moton!” Account. For tweets addressed to the official account, the forest is sometimes retweeted after adding his own words, but depending on the content, it may be addressed to the account in charge of each corner.

In addition, regular performers and program staff, including Mori and Pajin, form a “Su -Moton Band”. While the casters are replaced, they are replaced by members and part -time part, but they are developing activities beyond program frameworks, such as the release of original CDs and holding charity concerts to support reconstruction of the Great East Japan Earthquake (details described later). On March 29, 2015, the 5th anniversary event “Su -Moton! Birth! 5 years later! Live” was held at Matsushita IMP Hall. In commemoration of the 7th anniversary of the start of the broadcast on March 29, an album called “Seven Return (Shikikaiki) -Stan! bottom [20]

The 10th anniversary event was scheduled to be held at Osaka Castle Hall on October 12, 2019, but it was canceled on October 11, the previous day due to the approach of Typhoon No. 19. The transfer performance has not been determined at this time.
On September 18, 2022, we were planning to have a fan thanksgiving party on Yomiuri Television, but it was canceled on Instagram because JR announced that it was suspended on the day. In addition, TEN collaboration will be broadcast from 10:25. Kuroki, Iwahara, and Takaoka appeared from Tachida, Toraya, Sato, TEN from Sumatan. (Nakatani is absent.)

Until FY2014, once a year, at the end of this program, after the actual performance of this program, Yuichi Kamiizumi (Mainichi Mainichi Broadcast Antors) will be personality, a live radio program on the daily broadcast (mainly “” “Mainly” “” “Mainly” “” “” ” Yoichi Kamiizumi’s umen! ” [21] 。 In addition to announcing on both programs by the date of appearance, the opening of the “Su -Moton! Radio” in Kamiizumi’s program, and the video being shot by the staff of this program is open the next day. I was introducing it in. In FY2017, the same project was also conducted with “Dokkiri! Koji Misezawa!” Forest is alone resuming guest appearance in “Yuichi Kamiizumi!” Asahi Broadcasting → Mashirozawa, an announcer on the Asahi Broadcasting TV, retired on March 31, 2021 (Wednesday). The following Thursday, April 1st (Thursday), “I’m clear! It’s clear! I’m Koji Misezawa” I started a free announcer by appearing as a guest in this program.

Also, in collaboration with Ace Cock Su -Moton! Curry Wantan Men Series Is on sale only in Kansai. Until now, the first (first curry one -tin -men, standard size) in 2015, the second installment in 2016 (2nd generation curry one -tan men, 1.5 times size), and the third in 2017 (spicy Wantan Men, 1.5 times size ( [22] 。 After the 4th (2019), there was no sound for a while, but the fifth (crab, salty, salty, shrimp, salty, salty, salty, salty, salty, salty, salty, salty, salty, salty, salty, salty, salty, salty, salty, salty, salty, salty, salty, salty, salty, shrimp. [23]

From 2017 to 2019, two weeks every year in November, entitled “Mori -chan’s Ramen Festa” and introduced in “Mori -chan’s Kansai Ramen File” on weekends (Friday, Saturday, Sunday), 3 days a total of 20 stores. A festival with a stall was held. In 2020, he gave up the normal event under the influence of the new colon virus, and tried to produce and sell ramen, a famous restaurant introduced in the corner, with the latest frozen technology. [24] 。 Although it was not held in 2021, it resumed in 2022, and was held in the first half of November in the “Osaka Castle Curry Street”, and in the second half, entitled “Osaka Castle Fastest Ramen Street”. [25]
The ambassador was not a forest, but Toraya in the first half and Sato in the second half.

Now [ edit ]

March 28, 2022 adaptation
responsible person Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
General moderator Kyozo Tachida
Atsuko Toraya
Kana Sato
News explanation Nomura Meidai Yuki Yokosuka Nomura Meidai
Sports Kyozo Tachida [Note 15] Kubo Aoi Sha Daizi
Weather Junichi Tatsu (Weather forecaster)
Entertainment Masako Hasegawa
Masao Nakanishi
Masako Hasegawa
Mayuko Kikuchi
Chikako Komai
Toshio Ishikawa
Ryutaro Nakamura

Bold Is the performer of all days

* After 2019, during holidays, Nomura, sports, celebrity reporters, and free Ana (Mori, Saito, Takeda) are not included. From September 2020, MC is in charge of the MC and the female moderator (Toraya or Nakamura), which is usually on the MC (Toraya or Nakamura). Appeared in a three -person system). The weather corner usually performed outside the house is performed only in the indoor studio during this formation. Since the reorganization of April 2022, only three people, Tata, Toraya, and Sato, have been progressing, the program progress and the sports & entertainment corner are Tanda, the news corner is Toraya, the fresh research & weather corner is Sato. conduct. However, the idol weather that Sato was doing at the end of the corner during the weather caster era did not perform, but on August 11, 2022, the idol weather was held for the first time in a long time.

However, an emergency declaration associated with the expansion of the new colon virus infection was issued in Osaka Prefecture and the Tokyo metropolitan area, April 6, 2020, January 12, 2021, and April 25 Sunday -June 18, July 12 -September 30, a formation of entertainment reporters and special features, has a proceeding with female moderators (October 1, 2021, after the declaration of cancellation. Resumed from). On January 26, 2022, Masao Nakanishi of the entertainment corner revealed the positive of the new Corona after the broadcast, and Nakamura, who had appeared on the same day, became a rich contact with a rich contact with the next day (it was positive on the 30th later). [26] 。 As a result, guest commentators have been stopped since this day, and Nakano, who always appeared regularly at least once a week, was forced to stop performing without exception, but from February 14, the following month, it is not a studio but a separate room. The appearance has resumed at remote. Since the reorganization of April 2022, commentators, including Nakano, have been abolished. Nakano will continue to appear, albeit irregularly.

Toraya, which became a new colona positive on July 26, 2022 [27] Nomura is in charge of Nomura on the 27th, 28th, 29th, August 3rd, and 4th, and Yokosuka on August 2, and Yokosuka on August 2. After that, Toraya returned from August 5th.

  • Takeshi Mori (2nd and 3rd Thursday of every month (twice a month)), Yukino Saito, Nakuhisa Takeda, Koka Ohno, Masako Nakano, Motoshi Adachi, Toru Hashishita, Toru Hashishita, Yoshio Kohara, Yoshio Kojima, Mr. Sakura Shimada, Sakura Shimada. , Mari Adachi, Miho Suzuki, Kazuki Kawada
Special guest (once a year irregular appearance)
  • Akizo Endo, Hiromi Kawada, Goro Inagaki, Jiro Puribo, thick sliced ​​Jason, Yuki Nakae, Kuranosuke Sasaki
Baseball commentary
  • Kozo Kawato, Norihiro Akaboshi (VTR appeared), Tsutomu Iwamoto, Tsuyoshi Shimoyanagi, Eiwa Yabu, Hisashi Yamada, Masayuki Kakefu, Keisuke Kano, Daisuke Ohata, Tomonori Kanemoto, Akira Okada, Keito Okubo, Makoto Imoka. Atsushi Nomi
“Imakore mitena” [Note 16] reporter
  • Kunikida Kappa [Note 17] (“Su -Moton! Buy” Reporter), Asami Kawasaki, Akane Kaika, Kaori Shiragazawa, Shinya Ayami, Yumi Akamatsu, Motoyoshi Yoshimoto, Sayaka Matsumoto, Marino Mimura, Mummi Nakao, Ikeda, Ikeda. Aii, Kei Takei, Eri Kasama, Aoi Kubo
Mori Takeshi is a substitute for vacation
  • Atsuko Toraya, Hiromi Kawada, Yukino Saito, Kyozo Tachida, Kunika Takeda, Hidaka Nakamura [Note 18] , Hiroyuki Yamamoto [Note 19] , Three Generations Zekangji [Note 20] 、橋下徹、中野雅至、足立基浩、桂南光、酒井一圭、白川裕二郎、尾上右近、松村邦洋、峯岸みなみ、木本武宏、三輪記子、辺見えみり、島田さくら、山分ネルソン祥興、角田Ryuhei, Eiji Fujitani, Daisuke Horai
Meidai Nomura is a substitute for vacation
  • Yasuhiro Kojima, Tomoki Yamakawa, Tatsuyuki Takaoka, Kyozo Tachi, Yuki Yokosuka, Masayoshi Nakano, Toru Hashishita
Yukino Yokosuka is a vacation substitute
  • Nomura Meidai
Kyozo Tachida is a substitute for vacation
  • Sayoko Sayoko, Shinya Ayaba, Shusen Nakao
Women’s moderator (in charge of the day) is a substitute for vacation
  • Atsuko Toraya, Hideka Nakamura, Sayoko Motoki, Koka Ohno (Other Sunday representatives are mainly substitution)
Junichi Tatsu is a substitute for vacation
  • Natsuko Hori
Temporary weather explanations such as typhoons
  • Eriko Maruta, Kiyoshi Suga, Defense Makita, Hiroshi Morita
Commentary appear between the news corner when approaching a typhoon. [Note 21]
  • Katsura Yoshiya- “Su -Moton! As a guest MC or panelist, he may appear in the studio. Appeared in the irregular corner “Yoshiya & Deco’s Kansai Sweets File”.
  • Nobu Kubota (Sports Nippon Cultural Division Desk) -Canning arts (appeared once a month)
  • Norfumi Arakida (Weekly Women’s Reporter) -Cange (appearing once a month “MONDAY”)
  • Noriko Mori -When the Toraya, Yoshida, and Nakatani cannot be in charge of the moderator (irregular from around January 2013) [Note 22]
  • Takashi Matsuo -“Kansai Curry Clan”, “Matsuo & Mori & Yukino’s” Osamo Lunch “and studio guests.
  • Komon Tatsuo -“Yukino and Kamon! Traveling along the line along the line” and studio guests.
  • Shakukoko- “Mori -chan’s Kansai ramen file”

past [ edit ]

Changes in major performers [ edit ]

period Male moderator Female moderator Explanation Sports Weather Weather forecaster
Moon ・ Fire water wood Money moon fire water wood Money moon fire water Thursday and gold moon fire water wood Money moon fire water wood Money
2010.3.29 2011.4.1 Moritake Hiromi Kawada Atsuko Toraya Hiromi Kawada Jiro Kabubo Akihiro Ozawa
Kenichi Oyama
Kyozo Tachida
(Shift system)
Nao Yoshida Yukino Saito (No)
2011.4.4 2011.9.30 Atsuko Toraya Hiromi Kawada Atsuko Toraya Yukino Saito Nao Yoshida
2011.10.3 2011.12.30 Hiromi Kawada Nao Yoshida Akihiro Ozawa
Kenichi Oyama
Kyozo Tachida
Daisuke Honno
(Shift system)
Yukino Saito Shinobu Nakatani Nao Yoshida
2012.1.4 2013.3.29 Nao Yoshida Yukino Saito Shinobu Nakatani
2013.4.1 2016.3.25 Shinobu Nakatani Nao Yoshida Norika Takeda
2016.3.28 2016.6.17 Sha Daizi Shinobu Nakatani
2016.6.20 2016.10.28 Yurika Kijima
2016.10.31 2016.12.2 Nao Yoshida Sha Daizi
2016.12.5 2016.12.30 Atsuko Toraya
2017.1.6 2017.3.3 Sha Daizi
2017.3.6 2017.3.31 Atsuko Toraya Sha Daizi Atsuko Toraya
2017.4.3 2018.3.30 Akihiro Ozawa
Kenichi Oyama
Kyozo Tachida
Daisuke Honno
Ping Song Xiangma
(Shift system)
2018.4.2 2018.5.4 Yukino Saito Nomura Meidai Jiro Kabubo Yukino Saito Nakamura Hideki
2018.5.7 2018.6.29 Yurika Kijima
Ayumi Yamashita
2018.7.2 2018.8.3 Norika Takeda Nakamura Hideki
2018.8.6 2018.9.7 Ayumi Yamashita
Eriko Maruta
2018.9.10 2018.9.28 Nakamura Hideki Yukino Saito Nakamura Hideki
2018.10.1 2018.12.28 Eriko Maruta
2019.1.7 2019.3.29 Nao Yoshida Atsuko Toraya Nakamura Hideki Norika Takeda
2019.4.1 2020.3.27 Nomura Meidai
2020.3.30 2020.7.31 Nao Yoshida
Nakamura Hideki
Yukino Saito
Norika Takeda
Kana Sato
2020.8.3 2020.9.25 Nakamura Hideki
2020.9.28 2021.3.26 Kyozo Tachida Moritake Atsuko Toraya Nakamura Hideki Ping Song Xiangma Kyozo Tachida Kana Sato
2021.3.29 2021.8.27 Kyozo Tachida Moritake Moritake
Kyozo Tachida
Atsuko Toraya
Sha Daizi
Atsuko Toraya Nakamura Hideki Atsuko Toraya Akika Ohno Ping Song Xiangma Akika Ohno
2021.8.30 2022.3.25 Moritake
Kyozo Tachida
Atsuko Toraya Sha Daizi
Nakamura Hideki
Nakamura Hideki Ping Song Xiangma Akika Ohno Kyozo Tachida [Note 15]
2022.3.28 Now Kyozo Tachida Atsuko Toraya
Kana Sato
Nomura Meidai Yuki Yokosuka Nomura Meidai Kyozo Tachida [Note 15] Kubo Aoi Sha Daizi Junichi Tatsu

Performer who dropped off [ edit ]

performer period responsible person
Jiro Kabubo [Note 23] Program starts -March 29, 2019 Explanation
Hiromi Kawada [Note 24] Program starts -December 28, 2011 host
Nao Yoshida [Note 25] Start of the program [Note 26] -On December 1, 2016, January 9, 2019 -July 29, 2020 Weather casters → Moderator
Shinobu Nakatani [Note 27] October 5, 2011 [Note 28] -Ear December 27, 2016
Nakamura Hideki [Note 29] February 7, 2018 [Note 30] -On March 24, 2022
Akihiro Ozawa Program starts -September 24, 2020 Sports caster
Kenichi Oyama Program starts -September 23, 2020
Daisuke Honno October 2011 -September 25, 2020
Ping Song Xiangma April 4, 2017 -March 22, 2022
Yurika Kijima June 21, 2016 -July 31, 2018 Weather forecaster
Ayumi Yamashita May 7, 2018 -September 27, 2018
Eriko Maruta August 6, 2018 -March 23, 2022
Koharu Tei Kijiro Master!
Shofukutei lol bottle Namba Mystery Dog !!

timetable [ edit ]

The timetable of this program is produced on the premise of live broadcasting, so the start time of the corner may be different or the corner may change (as of December 19, 2022).

Part 1 (5:10 -5:58)
  • 5:10 Opening title

    • Either of the moderator Tachiida, Toraya, and Sato [Note 31] But the title call was performed, and the title CG and the credit offered with the information camera in the background, and immediately CM.
  • 5: 13.30 opening
    • Here, “Be My Baby” [Note 32] Greetings from the performers (only three people, Tata, Toraya, and Sato, who are the moderator, Nomura and Yokosuka will not appear at this point). [Note 33] And do the opening talk. At the end of the game, the screen switched to the weather staff and conveyed the weather in Kansai, and then commercials.
  • Around 5:17 News flash
    • Toraya and Sato briefly introduce the news of the news.
  • Around 5:20 Kansai weather part1
    • Weather forecast in the Kansai area by them.
  • Around 5:23 Su -Moton! Sports [Note 34]
    • Tachia appears in a cap and uniform of Hanshin Tigers to convey the topic of sports centered in Kansai. Kubo will be assistant on Wednesday and Thursday and Friday.
    • Regardless of the team and the event, there is a tendency to take up a lot of players from Kansai, and for players from Kansai, the location of the terric may be described.
  • Around 5:32 Su -Moton! Entertainment [Note 35]
    • This is a corner where Tata introduces entertainment information in Kansai.
  • Around 5:40 Su -Mogatan! News → 600 [Note 36]
    • Toraya introduces one newspaper introduction and 4 VTR news items. From this corner, Nomura or Yokosuka, a commentator, will appear. There are many free talks, and you may not be able to introduce all the prepared items.
  • Around 5:55 Kansai weather part2
    • Weather forecast in the Kansai area by them.
ZIP! (5:58 -6:6: 6)
  • 5:58 NNN NEWS ZIP!
    • From here, jump to “ZIP!” Simultaneous net by NNN agreement. In the EPG program table, it changes to Part 2 based on the border. On the announcement of the audience rating and the formation of Yomiuri Television, “Su -Moton!” [Note 37] 。 Once at 6:06 at the end of this corner, jump off “ZIP!” And then CM.
Part 2 (6:6: 6-6:30)
  • Around 6:09 Su -Moton! Sports & Entertainment
    • “Su -Moton! Sports” and “Su / Moton! Entertainment” are conveyed together.
  • Around 6:13 Freshly picked Fishing
    • This is a corner where Sato introduces the topic of seasonal information.
  • Around 6:16 Su -Moton! News → 630 [Note 38]
    • Continue to “Su -Moton! News → 600” corner. CM once around 6:20.
  • 6: 29.50 “ZIP!” Opening
    • Here, the opening flows from around 5:50 at the station with “ZIP!” Fulnet. However, there is no greeting, no person’s introduction telop appears.
ZIP! (6:30 -8:00)
  • 6:30 NEWS
    • Simultaneous net as “ZIP!” At around 6:34 when this corner ends, a notice of “Imakore Mitena” is entered and a commercial.
  • Around 6:37 Kansai weather part3
    • Weather forecast in the Kansai area by them. After the forecast explanation, we will end the weather on the day with “weather items”.
  • Around 6:39 Imakore Sports [Note 39] [Note 40]
    • Continue to the “Su -Moton! Sports” corner.
  • Around 6:41 Imakore SCOOP [Note 41]
    • Following the “Su -Moton! Entertainment” section, we will pick up and introduce the trendy information, entertainment information of Kansai, and the main performing arts information. CM once around 6:44.
  • Around 6:50 Imakore NEWS → 700 [Note 42]
    • Continue to the “Su -Moton! News → 630” corner. On days when there is no time to spend time, unlike the previous news corner, the item is displayed on the right side of Toraya with a graphic telop (similar to the news corner of “ZIP!” From 6:30). The explanation is smaller than in other times.
  • Around 7:02 Kansai weather part4
    • Weather forecast in the Kansai area by them. Explain from the studio only at this time.
  • Around 7:03 Fresh research
    • A corner where Sato answers questions and questions received from viewers.
  • Around 7:11 Imakore mitena [Note 43]
    • Other special projects.
  • Around 7:19 Today’s toneta
    • Sato summarizes what Sato felt in one day and moved to the ending.
  • Around 7:20 ending
    • The program ended with the notice of “ZIP!”
  • After about 7:22 “ZIP!” (Jump from “ZIP! Special”)
    • Simultaneous net with “ZIP!” Until 8:00. Most of the jumping rides after the nationwide online commercial from Tokyo, depending on the time table on the Tokyo side, it may be switched to Nippon Television video from the lower right. (For example, in the event of an emergency news such as an earthquake)

Songs used [ edit ]

Program theme song
  • “Share on Sherry” / Michel Polnarev (March 29, 2010 -October 31, 2017)
  • “Happy! CE MATIN” (Happy! Shamaton) / Su / Moton! Band (November 1, 2017 -March 25, 2022)
    • “Happy! CE MATIN (Bon Odori Ver.)” / Su / Moton! Band (July 23, 2018 -August 27, 2018) * Limited to summer days
  • “I’ll do it! I don’t know, but I don’t know” / Moton! Band (September 2, 2019 -November 10, 2019) * Limited for 2 months
  • “Be My Baby” / Vanessa Paradis (March 28, 2022 -Current)
weather forecast
  • “Feelin!” / Microstar (March 29, 2010 -June 6, 2013, December 9, 2021 [Note 44] , March 28, 2022 [Note 45] – Now)
  • “Time Travel” / Su / Moton! Band [Note 46] , Tatsuya Ishii [Note 46] (June 6, 2013 -March 25, 2022)
  • “Everyone’s Song” / Tatsuya Ishii (2014 -March 29, 2019) [Note 47]
  • “Sunny”, “Don’t be cloudy”, “I healed rain”, “I healed snow”, “Beware of this day” / Tatsuo Kamon (October 1, 2016 -March 25, 2022)
Sports corner
  • “Camp Dad Hoi” / Kohogogi ’73 (Professional Baseball Spring Camp period)

Weather camera installation point [ edit ]

  • See Kansai Information Net Ten.

staff [ edit ]

  • Director: Tomomi Harada, Tomoyoshi Kinoshita, Miki Takii, Yuko Konda, Dain Hieda, Yuki Kobayashi, Hidetsu Yamazaki, Yusuke Nakano, Yusuke Hasuoka, Yuki Tsuchiya, Takeshi Kadowaki, Takeshi Takenaka.
  • Chief Director: Shinji Baba, Hiroshi Kimura (sports charge)
  • Organization: Takaaki Fujimura
  • Advertising: Aki Morii
  • AP: Yamazaki Wuzi
  • Producer: Hiroto Nakabayashi
  • Chief Producer: Nobuyuki Nakajima
  • Production cooperation: YTV NEXTRY, Yoshimoto Broad entertainment
  • Production: YTV
Past staff
  • Performance: Nishikawa Yoshiyu, Daping’s main season
  • Director: Active Washimi, Yuji Tanaka, Junichi Takada
  • General production: Masatoshi Murakami, Hiroshi Takezuna
  • Organization: Kenji Kuramoto, Shinsuke Yoshizumi, Kotaro Kobayashi (Kobayashi → Director ► Temporarily left)
  • Advertising: Yuriko Kumagaya
  • Producer: Masahiro Tanaka, Takeshi Kita, Muneyoshi Yamaoka, Ken Ikeda (Ikeda → former director)
  • Chief Producer: Yoshikazu Hishida, Masao Tei (Producer, Producer), Norihiro Miyamoto, Takashi Fushiki (formerly producer, Producer), Yasuke Nakajima, Hitoshi Otsuki, Shinji Otsuki
  • Production cooperation: Wise vision, Yoshimoto Vision
Round Table x Su -Moton! Staff
  • Director: Yushin Nishida
  • AD: Minoru Imoto
  • EED: Tetsuro Inoue, Naoki Okamoto
  • CAM: Koshima Zhengren, Zhuzhongzhe
  • MIX: Tomohiro Kubo, Masatoshi Kashiyama
  • CA: Takeshita Kirka
  • MA: Tetsuya Nakazawa
  • Sound effect: Keisuke Soejima
  • Producer: Naomi Kimura, Masahiro Hagiwara, Hiroki Furushima
  • Chief Producer: Hiroyuki Fujimon, Rinko Nomura
  • Production cooperation: Ash
  • Production: YTV

Su -Ukon! Band [ edit ]

Su -Ukon! Band Is a band formed by the performers of “Asao Wide Wide!”

history [ edit ]

Formed by the moderator’s forest, Toraya, Kawada, the commentary of the commentary, the weather in charge of the weather, and Saito (both at that time). He played “Sherry” and “Salai” at “Su -Moton! Band Charity Live” held on TWIN21 on March 21, 2011.

After that, Toraya was changed to vocals, and after graduating from the program, Nakatani took over the bass, Toraya was instructed by Kami Hirose and Nakatani was instructed by Atsuko Watanabe. On May 3, 2012, “Asao Wide Wide Susumatan! Live” was held at Hirakata Park, and “Kissing Sherry”, “Frein!” “Heavy Rotation” “I don’t want to lose” [Note 48] Play. Furthermore, in response to a collaboration invitation from Daisuke, who had appeared regularly in “ZIP!” At the time, “Daisuke” Marty of the Sky “Release of” Daisuke “Release of” Daisuke “on August 19, 2012. We will bother you ♪ Tour Super Special Outdoor LIVE Osaka Volume “Appeared in Encore and played Daisuke and” Sarai “(the forest is absent).

From the end of 2012, Saito and Nakatani had a plan to create a new weather corner song, and the lyrics and composed “Su -Moton! ” [Note 49] However, in the end, Tatsuya Ishii asks for music production, and Ishii will provide a “time trip”. After that, Takeda joined Toraya, who was on maternity leave, and Takeda joined! Band version recording was held, and it was used in the weather corner with Ishii version. Initially, only Ishii version was converted into sound sources (included in Ishii’s album “WHITE CANVAS” released on September 4, 2013), but on January 22, 2014, it is from Universal Music. Hmm! The band version CD has been released [Note 50] 。 On June 15, 2014, an event live was held at the Osaka Castle Music Hall at the goal point of “Osaka Marathon Eto Yomi Faok”. In “Everyone’s Song”, which was released on Ishii’s album “SHINE” released on September 3, 2014, a member of the band participated in a chorus. On March 29, 2017, “7th -Return -CE MATIN BEST ALBUM ~” was released. On April 1, 2017, the Osaka Castle Music Hall was held at the Osaka Castle Music Hall. After this performance, a new collaboration project between Tatsuya Ishii and Tatsuo Kamon was launched, lyrics: Tatsuo Komon / Composition: The production of a new song “Su / Moton Ondo” (tentative title) by CLUB of the United States and the United States was announced, and this program’s new OP & It was an official title with the theme song “Happy! CE MATIN”, and was appointed from November 1 of the same year (downloaded on March 28, 2018). In the 2000th broadcast on January 18, 2018, all performers and staff, Ishii / Kadomon, graduated Yumi Kawada, Nao Yoshida ( * Returned from January 2019 at the time of broadcasting). , The original MV of “Happy! CE MATIN” featuring Shinbura Nakatani appeared, and the finished version was performed in the “Maru Toku Zip!” Corner in the program. From noon on March 28, 2018, two versions of the original MV (Dance version by Sayoko Motoki & Creamlush) were distributed on YouTube on YouTube. In addition, “Bon Odori Ver.” By three people, Nomura Meidai and Hidaka Nakamura, who have newly entered regulars in April 2018, will be distributed as a summer limited version on YouTube on YouTube on July 20, 2018. rice field. In this version, Nomura & Nakamura participated in dialogue and chorus, and was appointed for the opening for about one month from July 23, 2018 to August 27, the same year.

Scheduled to be held on October 12, 2019 [Note 51] For the event “Kansai Do the Harare Expo! ~ I don’t know” (Initially, “Osaka -bright song (tentative title)”) was produced, and it was unveiled on August 28 of the same year (the original MV is being released on YouTube from the same day) (downloaded from September 27, 2019). ), September 2 of the same year to November 10 of the same year, it was appointed for the opening for a limited time for about two months.

member [ edit ]

  • Takeshi Mori (guitar, chorus)
  • Nomura Meidai (piano, chorus)
  • Atsuko Toraya (Koto, vocal)
  • Nao Yoshida (violin, vocal)
  • Sayoko Sayo (Recorder Synthesizer Saxophone, Vocal)
  • Hidaka Nakamura (Clarinet, chorus)
  • Yukino Saito (piano, vocal)
  • Takeda Norika (Tambaline Trumpet Base, Vocal)
  • Jiro Shibo (Drums, chorus)
  • Hiromi Kawada (bass)
  • Shinobu Nakatani (bass, vocal)

producer [ edit ]

  • Tatsuya Ishii (Comprehensive Production)
  • Kamon Tatsuo (lyrics, etc.)
  • Hiroyuki Matsugashita (arranged, etc.)

Discography [ edit ]

Release / distribution date media title
January 22, 2014 Sink single Time travel [28]
March 29, 2017 Somehow album 7th -CE MATIN BEST ALBUM ~ [29]
March 28, 2018 Yes Limited to distribution Happy! CE MATIN
September 27, 2019 Yes Limited to distribution Do it! I don’t know

Yomiuri Television Local Morning Program [ edit ]

  • Wide show (around 1983)
  • It’s 6 o’clock full of energy (around 1984)
  • Morning News & Sports (1987-1989)
  • News BOX morning first! (1989-1991)
  • Good morning news magazine (1991-1993)
  • Genki Mon TV (March 1998 -June 2000)
  • Asaichi! (July 2000 -August 2005)
  • Hayaaki NEWS Getskin! (September 2005 -June 2006)
  • Morning Wide Sentan! (March 2010 -Now)

* October 1993 -March 1998 “Zipang Asa 6”, from July 2006 -March 2010 “Zoom In !! Super 1st Part” at the same time (all produced Nippon Television. Some corners. With replacement).

Related item [ edit ]

  • NNN News SUPER → NNN News Zip! (Included as 1 corner)
  • Dosako Wide !! Morning! (Morning information program broadcasted by Sapporo TV in Hokkaido)
  • Oha ZIP! [Note 52]
  • Good morning Tokushima Plus (Morning information program that Shikoku Broadcasting in Tokushima was replaced the second part of “Zoom in !!”
  • Kry refreshing morning (morning information program broadcast by Yamaguchi Broadcasting in Yamaguchi Prefecture)
  • Bali Haya! ZIP!
  • I don’t feel like losing (songs sung by forest and spicy in the “Zoom in !! Morning!”)

Footnote / source [ edit ]

Annotation [ edit ]

[ How to use footnotes ]
  1. ^ Regarding “OHA! 4”, “Part 1” had a partial net (program name “NEWS24”) through “Nippon Television NEWS24” CS resend, but the resend medium is on the Internet distribution version from the CS broadcast version. Because it was switched to, it was discontinued. In addition, about “Part 2”, I have experienced a temporary net when “Su -Moton” is suspended during sports broadcasting and New Year’s holidays, but this time it is a regular program. Is the first time. In the program guide, there was no mark that indicates the new program (new) mark or the final round (end) mark.
  2. ^ From the broadcast on February 7, 2018, he was in charge of the weather casters and the reporter of “Marutok ZIP!”
  3. ^ As of the beginning of joining (August 2018), he appeared four days a week (two days each), except for Friday, as of his predecessor Yurika Kijima and Ayumi Yamashita, and had no full appearance five days a week. From October 1, 2018 to October 30, 2020, for about 2 years and 1 month, “Su -Moton!” With the summer vacation from the 2nd of the month, the consecutive appearance record date was cut off.
  4. ^ In addition, Tata has been in charge of the MC for the forest during vacations such as summer vacation.
  5. ^ However, it is excluded during special holidays.
  6. ^ Until September of the same year, the third and fourth Thursday of every month
  7. ^ Or maybe “Zip!”
  8. ^ “Sinobee” is the name of the station character that Yomiuri Television has been adopted since April 2018, and Maruta continues to explain the weather from the last performer of “Soon Matsuno!”
  9. ^ However, the Kansai local frame of “ZIP!” From around 6:35 to 7:20, so it is about 2 hours.
  10. ^ Until March 2013, nearly 60 % of them were broadcasted on the Kansai local part, but from April 2013, entertainment information that will be broadcast from around 6:30 to around 6:35 from April. The broadcast time of the local part was reduced by about a few minutes.
  11. ^ Until May 2019, it was the “Kore Kore Performing Arts” corner, but this corner itself has been de facto abolition due to the integration of “morning collection”.
  12. ^ Starting from the reorganization at the end of September 2020, it has changed to 5:50 start, 5:20 from 5:20 to 30 minutes.
  13. ^ 5:20 -6:30 will broadcast PR programs of Nippon Television’s “Body WEEK” and rebroadcast of variety programs.
  14. ^ Moderating Yoshida as the moderator, Nakamura, Maruta, and Sports Casters will proceed. In the case of Yoshida’s absence or maternity leave, Nakamura will be moderated, and Takeda will appear. In September 2020, Tachiida and Nakamura are moderated. In addition, Sato will appear in the weather. On November 3, 2020, Maruta, who had appeared all the time, was absent for the first time due to summer vacation, and Toraya instead appeared for the first time in this special organization.
  15. ^ a b c Moderator
  16. ^ Until March 25, 2022, “Maru Toku ZIP!”
  17. ^ In the “Zoom in !! Super” era, Yomiuri Television, which was in charge of relay reporters from the Kansai frame, was backed by the local part and the overlapping part of the time zone due to the expansion of local parts. I was.
  18. ^ In the case of Toraya, Tuesday, Tuesday, and Thursday, Toraya will be in charge of the forest position, and Takeda will be in charge of the position that Toraya is in charge of, and Nakamura will be in charge of the early weather (after April 2018).
  19. ^ The Kansai Television’s announcer has been in a deep relationship with the forest, and has been a substitute for the forest on Friday once a month, starting with the first appearance on the broadcast on August 9, 2019 (Friday).
  20. ^ From the announcer era of ABC Television, he has a close relationship with the forest, and has appeared irregularly after the first appearance on the broadcast on Thursday, April 1, 2021.
  21. ^ Until October 2018, the weather forecasters other than Maruta were in charge of irregular basis, but since October 2018, Maruta will appear all on all weeks and are in charge of the entire surface. When Maruta got a summer vacation in November 2020, the weather forecaster (Kan, Makita, Morita) could not stand, and the weather casters proceeded alone.
  22. ^ From the start of the program to the middle period, the person in charge of other days will be mainly substituted when taking a break.
  23. ^ Monday to Friday [Program starts -March 30, 2018] → Thursday / Friday [April 5, 2018 -March 29, 2019] Yomiuri Television commentary chairperson, after October 2010 Her appearance from a free standpoint.
  24. ^ Monday, Thursday, Friday [Program starts -April 1, 2011] → Tuesday / Wednesday [April 5, 2011 -September 28, 2011] → Tuesday [October 4, 2011 -December 28, 2011 Day〕
  25. ^ Mon -Wednesday [Program starts -March 23, 2011] → Thursday / Friday [March 31, 2011 -September 30, 2011] → Wednesday / Friday [October 5, 2011 -December 28, 2011 Sunday] → Tuesday / Wednesday [January 4, 2012 -March 27, 2013] → Wednesday -Friday [April 3, 2013 -October 28, 2016] → Wednesday / Thursday [November 2, 2016 Sunday -December 1, 2016] → Bichelifier Wednesday [January 9, 2019 -July 29, 2020]
  26. ^ Weather casters from September 30, 2011, from October 5, 2011 to December 30, 2011, as well as weather casters, from January 5, 2012.
  27. ^ Wednesday / Thursday [October 5, 2011 -December 28, 2011] → Thursday / Friday [January 5, 2012 -March 29, 2013] → Monday / Tuesday [April 1, 2013 -2016 March 22, 2016 [March 29, 2016 -December 27, 2016]
  28. ^ Weather casters until March 29, 2013, host from April 1, 2013
  29. ^ Wednesday [April 4, 2018 -June 27, 2018] → Monday -Wednesday [July 2, 2018 -September 5, 2018] → Monday / Wednesday [September 10, 2018 -2018 12 Month 26] → Monday / Tuesday [January 7, 2019 -March 26, 2019] → Monday -Wednesday [April 1, 2019 -September 23, 2020] → Thursday / Friday [2020 10 Month 1- March 26, 2021] → Wednesday / Thursday [March 31, 2021 -March 24, 2022]
  30. ^ Weather casters from March 26, 2019, from April 1, 2019 to September 23, 2020, moderator and weather casters, moderated from October 1, 2020.
  31. ^ The principle is Tateida on Monday and Friday, Toraya on Tuesday, and Sato on Wednesday and Thursday.
  32. ^ From the start of the program to October 31, 2017, “Happy! CE MATIN” from November 1, 2017 to March 25, 2022, from September 2, 2019 to November 10, 2019. For about two months, “Do it! I don’t know” for a limited time.
  33. ^ Only a public holiday (including transfer) takes a “Su / Moton” pose.
  34. ^ The corner name until March 25, 2022 is “Sports / Moton!”
  35. ^ The corner name until March 25, 2022 is “Entertainment
  36. ^ The corner name until March 25, 2022 is “Morning Edition Hayakai News”
  37. ^ From 5:50 to 5:58, “Su -Moton!” Part 1, 5:58 to 6:06 “ZIP!” ), 6:30 to 6:30 is the second part of “Su -Moton!”
  38. ^ The corner name until March 25, 2022 is “News Course”
  39. ^ The corner name until March 25, 2022 is “Morning Choresport”
  40. ^ Until September 25, 2020, it had two parts with the “Sports / Moton!” Corner, but after September 28, it was temporarily alone, but after January 4, 2021. I returned to the same two -part style as before.
  41. ^ The corner name until March 29, 2019 is “Morning Cole Culture” → The corner name from March 25, 2022 is “Morning Core Wide”
  42. ^ The corner name until March 25, 2022 is “Morning Core Topics”
  43. ^ The corner name until March 25, 2022 is “Maru Toku ZIP!”
  44. ^ Since June 6, 2013, it has been used for the first time in eight years and six months.
  45. ^ It has been used again since the renewal on March 28, 2022.
  46. ^ a b At around 5:35, I mainly use the A melody part in the band version, and at around 7:18, I used the Tatsuya Ishii version. However, about 7:18, when Sato appeared, it was not used, but instead of Sato’s choice of BGM that was on the day, but if “Idol Weather” is suspended, the Tatsuya Ishii version is still used. Huh. After September 28, 2020, the instrument version of the song has been used in the whole story.
  47. ^ “I’m coming soon! It was mainly used in the weather corner around 5:18 minutes, but “I’m coming soon! It has not been used since the end (April 2019).
  48. ^ In the encore, Tada and Nakatani (in charge of the piano only for the same song) played.
  49. ^ “Awesome! Matsukashita -san version”, which was arranged by the original song and Hiroyuki Matsuga, was recorded as a coupling song on the CD of the “time trip” of the band version.
  50. ^ On the MBS radio, it is broadcast on “Konchiwa Kon -chan, noon!” According to Hiroyuki Yamamoto (Pikaichi Radio “personality), who is close to the forest, the first program that played a CD on a broadcast station other than Yomiuri TV was broadcast on” Pikaichi Radio “in” Konchiwa Kon -chan! ” The reason was that the CD was sent to the program from the forest.
  51. ^ The performance was canceled due to the approach of Typhoon 19. At present, transfer is undecided.
  52. ^ Ended on March 16, 2012. From March 19, 2012, we moved to the sales net of “OHA! 4 NEWS LIVE / Part 2” (Nippon Television NEWS24 Produced).

source [ edit ]

  1. ^ Laughing conference at Kabo & Mori Veteran Talk … YTV “-S -Moton!” Sports Hochi Osaka version (March 5, 2010)
  2. ^ Yomiuri TV “Su -Moton!”
  3. ^ “Su -Moton!” 2000 times Mori Anna Boyaki “I got up so early …” Sports Nippon Osaka version January 15, 2018 distribution
  4. ^ “Asao Wide Wide Sen!” 3000 times from the start of the broadcast on December 9! Memorial Week Sponiti 2021 November 29,
  5. ^ a b Su -Motomo! Daily Sports Osaka version September 17, 2020 Delivery
  6. ^ Yomiuri Television held an autumn program reorganization meeting … “Sa / Moton!” Sports aloud Osaka version September 18, 2020 Delivery
  7. ^ Yomiuri TV (August 23, 2021). Summat PR serious announcement . YouTube . August 23, 2021 Browsing.
  8. ^ Reading Tele “Su -Moton!” “Daily Sports (August 23, 2021). August 23, 2021 Browsing.
  9. ^ Combination revival! Yomiuri Television’s Spiritual commentary chairman & Mori Ana Zoom in Sports Hochi Osaka version February 17, 2010 distribution
  10. ^ “Su -Moton” Akai Nomura Ana is a commentary caster, and Mr. Kobo will appear 2 days a week “Sports Nippon (March 14, 2018). March 14, 2018 Browsing.
  11. ^ Mr. Kabo graduated in March “Su -Moton!” “Sports news (March 19, 2019). March 19, 2019 Browsing.
  12. ^ Yomiuri TV / Mori Takeshi Announcer Free Morning from April “Enjoy New Mori -chan” “Sports Nippon (March 17, 2020). March 17, 2020 Browsing.
  13. ^ “Yomiuri TV“ Su -Moton! ”Return to Mori Ana from April“ Enjoy New Mori -chan ”” Sports news. (March 17, 2020) . March 17, 2020 Browsing.
  14. ^ “Yomiuri TV Shoma Hiramatsu Ana and Hideka Nakamura Ana reported a live report on the company’s marriage co -starring program“ Family smiling ” Sports Nippon. (July 17, 2020) . July 17, 2020 Browsing.
  15. ^ Yomiuri TV Morning Information Program Renewal from August 30, starting at 5:10 am” . Mantanweb. (August 17, 2021) . 100024000C.HTML August 23, 2021 Browsing.
  16. ^ “Aoi Kubo“ Su -Moton! ”Every week on a regular basis … Shower head CM“ Suppin Beauty ”28th“ Aho ”event appeared” . Yahoo! News. (May 23, 2022) . May 23, 2022 Browsing.
  17. ^ “Reading tele” Su -Moton! “Renewal Takeshi Mori Ana Retired, Takashi Toritani will appear irregularly.” Daily Sports. (March 18, 2022) . March 18, 2022 Browsing.
  18. ^ “Reading tele” Su -Moton! “Kyozo Tachiida & Atsuko Toraya & Kana Sato’s trio MC appears twice a month in the trio MC. . Oricon News. (March 18, 2022) . March 18, 2022 Browsing.
  19. ^ Takeshi Mori (@morichandesu )’s first tweet Su -Ton also Twitter
  20. ^ “Su -Moton! Band” commemorates the 7th anniversary of the program, Mr. Ribo, “Become a treasure” (“Sports Nippon” article dated January 13, 2017)
  21. ^ MBS Radio “Yuichi Kamiizumi no Eanai” broadcast on June 12, 2012 “Thursday Special” See etc.
  22. ^ Su -again! Shijimidashi Four miso flavor new release (“Sankei” article dated January 14, 2019)
  23. ^ (Bag) × Wontan Men crab, salty 5 food packs / Su -again! × Wonton Men Donburi Shrimp Shrimp and Salt -flavored release (“Press Release” article dated October 13, 2022)
  24. ^ Mori -chan’s ramen festival remote | | Yomiuri TV / Nippon Television -Revited December 18, 2020
  25. ^ Osaka Castle Fastest Curry Street -February 17, 2023 viewed
  26. ^ Yomiuri TV Hidaka Nakamura Ana is a Corona -infected “Asao Wide” co -star on the 26th Daily Sports January 30, 2022
  27. ^ Atsuko Toraya on Yomiuri TV will generate a fever on the 25th of the new Corona -positive judgment “Currently under home treatment” Yahoo News July 26, 2022
  28. ^ Universal Music HP
  29. ^ Universal Music HP

External link [ edit ]

Yomiuri TV Weekday morning news
Previous program Program name Next program
Zoom in !! Super / Part 1
(Kansai local part “Zoom in !! Kansai”)

Morning Wide Sentan!

Yomiuri TV Local information program in the early morning
(September 1, 2005 -June 30, 2006)

Morning Wide Sentan!
(March 29, 2010-)

Yomiuri TV Monday -Friday 5:10-5:20
weather forecast
※ 5: 09 – 5:20
(November 30, 2009 -March 19, 2010)

Soon, again!
(March 29, 2010 -March 29, 2019)

Otenki Sinobee
※ 5: 12 – 5:20
(April 1, 2019 -August 27, 2021)
[10 minutes up and continued]

* End of broadcasting -5:12
(-A August 27, 2021)
[Continue by 10 minutes]

Otenki Sinobee
※ 5: 12 – 5:20
(April 1, 2019 -August 27, 2021)
[10 minutes up and continued]

Morning Wide Susumu / Moton! ・ Part 1
(August 30, 2021-)

Yomiuri TV Monday -Friday 5:20 -5:50
Zoom in !! Super / Part 1
※ 5: 20 – 6:30
(July 3, 2006 -March 26, 2010)
[Only the program produced Nippon Television]
[On the Yomiuri Television, only 6:00 -6:08 changed to the Internet]

Morning Wide Susumu / Moton! ・ Part 1
(March 29, 2010 -September 25, 2020)
[In -house production program frame only for this program]

OHA! 4 NEWS LIVE / Part 2
(September 28, 2020 -August 27, 2021)
[Only the same program produced Nippon Television NEWS24]

OHA! 4 NEWS LIVE / Part 2
(September 28, 2020 -August 27, 2021)
[Only the same program produced Nippon Television NEWS24]
[Net termination on Yomiuri TV]

Morning Wide Susumu / Moton! ・ Part 1
(August 30, 2021-)

Yomiuri TV Monday -Friday 5:50 -6:00

Zoom in !! Super / Part 1
※ 5: 20 – 6:30
(July 3, 2006 -March 26, 2010)
[Only the program produced Nippon Television]
[On the Yomiuri Television, only 6:00 -6:08 changed to the Internet]

Morning Wide Susumu / Moton! ・ Part 1
(March 29, 2010-)

Yomiuri TV Monday -Friday 6:08 -6:30

Zoom in !! Super / Part 1
※ 5: 20 – 6:30
(July 3, 2006 -March 26, 2010)
[Only the program produced Nippon Television]
[On the Yomiuri Television, only 6:00 -6:08 changed to the Internet]

Morning Wide Wide / Moton! ・ Part 2
(March 29, 2010-)
