
Generality in France in 1789. The red areas are state country ; blank, election ; in yellow, tax .

The generality (generality) were administrative circumscriptions of France under the Old regime . There are up to thirty -six generality in the country; The last ones were created in 1784.


Among the multiple circumscriptions used in any capacity by the crown, the generality appeared late; However, their essentially fiscal role has led to their rapid rise in importance, to become in the eighteenth century coveted by the royal administration.

It is in fact many centuries after the ecclesiastical dioceses, the lordships, or more two or three centuries after the lengthens and Sénéchaussées, who have gradually imposed themselves by bringing for the first time – if you are an exception for the parishes themselves – a true administrative unit to the kingdom. In fact, all the other circumscriptions competed in complexity, indetermination and disparity, without more than any rational evolution taking shape. Probably, the question of finance was the only one to be able to free the administration in general by a deeply rooted cheating.

Placed under the authority of a general debt collector, the generality they represented the main collector of direct and indirect taxes: entrances of the domain (state property), size (on the plebeian condition), aides (assistance) e gabelle (obligation to purchase salt).

At the end of the fifteenth century, the essentials of the royal state property and large fiefdoms left from a tax point of view between four charges. Each office is assigned to a treasurer of France for ordinary finances and a finance general for extraordinary finances. Their residence in Corte imposed the appointment of a general debt collector in the province.

At this point, the recently annexed provinces (Brittany, Burgundy, Delfinato, Gutienna, Picardia, Provence) remain outside this structure, even if you meet a general debt collector and an accordion of exhaustions.

At the beginning of the 16th century, the premises for the birth of generality they are, in chronological order:

  • the Normandy load to Rouen (1357)?: Normandia;
  • the Languedoc load In Montpellier (1377)?: Linguadoca, Lyonnais, Forez, Beaujolais;
  • the charge of across the Seine-et-Yonne Paris (1436)? What do you-toimade of Ile-de-France, champimes;
  • the Languedoïl load The Tours (1452)?: Centro and Southwest, Midou, Marche, Marche, Marien and Gierna (Sentainia, Fresna.

Starting from this setting, sixteen were created general recipes O generality With the edict of 7 December 1542, under Henry II. A real problem of effectiveness in finding revenue was the cause of this structure which also involved the end of the distinction between ordinary and extraordinary finances.


A edict from January 1552 establishes general treasurers in the seventeen generality , in whose territory they must reside. Their official title is “Treasurers of France and General of Finance”. The following decades see the multiplication of the offices until the Constitution starting from 1577 of a finance office in each Généralité; Each office consisted of two presidents, eight officers and several executive agents. Some of these offices were exercised by alternation: every year two officers were commissioned – alternatively – one of the collection of the accounts, the other of the refunds.

With the seventeenth and above all the eighteenth century, the statute and the role of the treasurers gradually lost importance, being their initial prerogatives absorbed by the intent and their offices fell under the Généralité. Thus, little by little deprived of any effective role, they expected to be reinstated in their original function by the general states of 1789.

Elections and salt warehouses [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The independence of the généralité with respect to the other administrative fractions could not go to the point of disavowing the fiscal disparity of the provinces and in particular the relative power to discuss its Country of countries sayings states . Généralité was divided in this case according to the usual circumscriptions of the province, the diocese generally. There is then talk of “diocese-receptions” or civil diocese; diocese that can present variations compared to the ecclesiastical dioceses of origin.

Around 1380, the other Généralité of the kingdom in which the administration had frank cubits , were divided into sectors in which an elected one was in charge of the distribution of aid and the size .

The system is subsequently structured by several ordinances: 19 June 1445, 26 August 1452, 3 April 1460, 24 June 1500, 11 November 1508, etc. With that of 1452, the term “election” is officially adopted and the provinces and related territories can be called countries of election.

Nonetheless, the elections were not by their nature preserved by ordinary instability and some were the subject of suppression and re -election, being able to cumulate many offices. They also had a great diversity of size: more than 700 parishes for the election of Poitiers against a dozen for the election of Beaufort.

From generality to intendedness [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Since the origin, the generality are controlled by requests , in charge of the accounts checks. At the beginning of the seventeenth century, the latter took the title of “Police, Justice and Finance and Delegated Commissioners of the King”. At the end of the seventeenth century, under the reign of Louis XIV, the intentions reside permanently in their generality. However, it happens that the generality and intentions do not coincide: so there are two generals in LinguaDoca: Toulouse and Montpellier, but only one intense to Montpellier.

They become administrators much more than the inspectors and their power is much higher than that of the General INSTALER. In the eighteenth century, the inmate were divided into subdelegations, entrusted to an underdeleton chosen by the intent and revoked by him. In addition to its official missions, the intent often deals with the economic and social development of its generality: introduction of new cultures, improvement of the road network, organization of charity, grain storage in the years of good harvest to be able to resell it over the years of bad collected and thus avoid the famines. Given the importance of its role, it is often called “generality-intended” the “generality”.

The intentions were one of the main points of France progressive centralization. However, it is considered that the current prefects prefigure.

General (capital) Year of creation Province/and Fiscal status
General of Bordeaux, (AGEN) then (Bordeaux) 1542 Guienna Election country
General of Provence (Aix-en-Provence) 1542 Provence Country
General of Amiens (Amiens) 1542 Picardy Cardaisis, Fino 1754 All is bino Election country
German’s generality (German) 1542 Berry, Marche Election country
General of Caen (Caen) 1542 Normandy Election country
Generalities in Châlons (Châlons-Sur-Marne) 1542 Champagne, Brie, Sedan Election country
General of Burgundy (Digione) 1542 Burgundy Country
General of Grenoble (Grenoble) 1542 Dolphin Country
Issoire then generality of reiom (riom) 1542 Alvernia Election country
General of Lyon (Lyon) 1542 Lyonnais, Beaujolais e Forez Election country
General of Montpellier (Montpellier) 1542 LangoDoca (with Gévaudan and Vivarese) Country
General of Paris (Paris) 1542 Frankreich Île-de-France and Picardy Election country
General of Poitiers (Poitiers) 1542 Poitou Election country
General of Rouen (Rouen) 1542 Normandy Election country
General of Toulouse (Toulouse) 1542 Language Country
General of Tours (Tours) 1542 Turena, Maine, Saumurois And Anhi Election country
General of Metz Metz) 1552 Trois-Bishops
Nantes 1552 Brittany Country
Generality of Limoges (Limoges) 1558 Limosino, walking e Angoumois Election country
Generalities of Orleans (Orléans) 1558 Orleanesis, Nivernese Election country
Generality of moulins (moulins) 1587 Bourbonese, Marche, Nivenese Election country
Generality of Soissons (Soissons) 1595 Picardy Csardy Diction-de-France Election country
Generality of Montauban (Montauban) 1635 Guienna, End to 1716 Alla Guascogna Election country
Generalities of Alençon (Alençon) 1636 Why Election country
Generality of Perpignano (Perpignano) 1660 Rossiglione
Geneançon’s generality (Besançon) 1676 Franca Counta Tax
General of Valenciennes (Valenciennes) 1678 Hainaut Tax
General of Strasbourg (Strasbourg) 1689 Alsatia Tax
General of Lille (lilac) 1691 Flanders until 1754 at the Selis Tax
Generality of La Rochelle (La Rochelle) 1694 Aunis, Angoumois e Saintonge Election country
General of Nancy (Nancy) 1737 Lorena Tax
Trévoux (Trévoux) 1762 Dombes Election country
General of Corsica (Bastia) 1768 Corsica
Generalità d’Al also (too) 1776 Guascogna Election country
Bayonne 1784 Labourd
No longer 1784 Béarn, Bassa Navarra, Bigorre, four valleys, Marsan country F FOIX AND SOULS ACCOUNT Country
