New Zealand Governor -Wikipedia


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Governor of New Zealand (New Zealand So, English: Governor-General of New Zealand , Maori: The Governor General of New Zealand ) Is the governor of the New Zealand kingdom. According to New Zealand’s 1986 Constitution (CONSTITTION Act 1986), in Article 2, the governor was appointed by New Zealand King New Zealand (King of England), the head of the New Zealand. [2] [3] 。 For this reason, it is also treated as a de facto head of state. [5] 。 It was the beginning that William Hobson was appointed as Vice Governor in 1841. Since 1917, the current job name (Governor-General) has been adopted. [3]

The appointment of the governor [ edit ]

A person nominated as a New Zealand Prime Minister and appointed King New Zealand will be the governor.

The term of the governor is not cleared, and it is at least 5 years in customs. [3] 。 In the past, some Governor, who has been over five years of term, has expired in five years.

Time as governor [ edit ]

Governor New Zealand has a duties as a constitutional monarch (a representation of the King of New Zealand), the duties of festivals and rituals, and duties in the local community.


He also serves as the governor of Niiee, who is in a free coalition with New Zealand. [6] 。 However, in the Cook Islands, which are also free unions, the king’s name will perform his duties.

He has the authority to Congress and the Prime Minister as an agent of the King of New Zealand, and will attend official events, ceremonies, guests from overseas, and visit overseas as a festival and ritual duties.

The duties of the local community include visiting schools and attending about 400 sports, art, and cultural events a year held in New Zealand.

Authority and government employment as governor [ edit ]

  • Right of parliamentary dissolution
  • Appointment of the Cabinet
  • Right of dissolution of the Cabinet
  • Appointment of the Prime Minister
  • Right of dismissal of the Prime Minister
  • Available in the election announcement by the Prime Minister
  • Available right for legislation consent
  • Commander-in-Chiefs of the National Defense Force [8]

In the constitutional main system, the Congress has legislative rights, and the Prime Minister and the Cabinet Office have substantial administrative rights, so the King of New Zealand or the Governor of New Zealand cannot be directly involved in politics.

Rights of dismissal of the governor [ edit ]

The New Zealand Prime Minister has a request for dismissal to the governor of New Zealand.

The King of New Zealand can take the dismissal of New Zealand by New Zealand’s claim, but there is no case in which New Zealand has been dismissed.

Governor’s residence [ edit ]

The governor’s home is a government governor’s residence located in Wellington New Town. Auckland, the largest city of New Zealand Official residence It is used as a dormitory when visiting New Zealand (the same person as the King of England).

  • McLean, Gavin (2006). The Governors: New Zealand’s Governors and Governors-General . Dunedin: Otago University Press. ISBN 978-1-877372-25-4

Related item [ edit ]

External link [ edit ]
