Zokchen -Wikipedia


White-A (Dzogchen).svg

White Aque and five -colored ticure

Tibetan name
Tibetan character: རྫོགས་ ཆེན་
Wiley system: rdzogs chen
VIOLENCE Pronunciation notation: [Tsikt]
蔵 蔵 Pinyin: Zogqên
THDL : Dzokchen
Other notation: Dzogchen
Chinese name
Traditional Chinese characters: What a big,
Great and complete,
Great achievement
Simplified characters: What a big,
Great and complete,
Great achievement
Pinyin: give 0jiūūng,
gives you gloomy

Zokchen (Kura: རྫོགས་ ཆེན་, rdzogs chen ) Is a teaching mainly to the Tibetan Buddhism Nimma (old school) and Bonkism, an ancient Tibetan religion. The word “Zokchen” is “Zokupa Chempo”, which means “great completion” in Tibetan (རྫོགས་པ་ ཆེན་པོ་, rdzogs pa cen po It is a shortened form of sems nyid , Semney), or a completed figure as it is.

It is also said that understanding the appearance can lead to an excellent awakening state.

The Chinese translation is translated as “Oyakai” or “Great Undecar”, and in English, Great Perfection, etc. Atyoga ( Hello , अतियोग). In Japan and Europe and the United States, Zokchen practitioners are sometimes referred to as Zokchenpa, but it is not a general usage in Tibetan Buddhism.

It is speculated that the prototype of the nimmic school Zokchen had been established by the 9th century. It is pointed out that the establishment of the Chinese may have been influenced by Tono Zen in China. [first] 。 It is said that there is a side of Zokchen’s third part, Semde (heart), Ronde (the world), and Mengakue (secret part), especially in Semde and Ronde. [2]

There are three major theories that Zokchen has a Zen influence. [3]

  1. According to the research by Oriental scholar Giuseppe Tucci, “Makaen’s influence of Zen Zen is influenced” [4] The theory.
  2. From the research by Zuiho Yamaguchi in Indian studies, from the mystery Zenju to the break of the Randalma, “China, which has a high degree of perfection enters from China in the early 9th century, has influenced it.” [5] The theory.
  3. “Before the Makoto Zenju, there was a Zen -literature and Zen as seen elsewhere” by Japanese research. [6] The theory.

Of these, the first two theorys are all influential, but as described later, the construction of Samiee Temple was established in 771, and the “Samuy Temple’s Society of the Temple” was in 792. In each case, those theories do not apply to Nimma Kama’s Zokchen, which is said to have been preached by the historical padma Sambava. [ Need for sources ]

There is a theory that the origin of Zokchen is in Bonkism, and the monks that take this theory exist in both Bon and Nimma. [7] 。 According to the Nimme’s tradition, it was said to be northwest of India. Woodyana English edition ( Uḍḍiyana Born in) Garap Dorge English edition dga ‘rab rdo rust ) Is an important grandmother who conveyed the teachings of Zokchen in the human world. Meanwhile, “Shanshyun Nien Gyu”, which belongs to the Bonnic Sutra (Kangyuru) Zhang Zhung Snyan Rgyud ) [Note 1] Is a teaching from the Kingdom of the ancient Shanishun in the West Chibet. Regarding this, Namkai Norve, a lama of Zokchen from East Tibet, investigated Bonn teaching documents to consider the origin of both, and had some connections between the two countries, whether the country was a relative country of Shanishun. I made a hypothesis that it might be [8] [Note 2]
Namkai Norve is difficult to find the relevance between Ronde and Zen in terms of the training method, and Mengaku is esoteric than Zen, and is extremely unique in terms of view. [8]

In Zokchen, in addition to meditation staring at the blue sky, the meditation “Arcusha” staring at the space [Note 3] , Meditation “Miram” during sleep (dreaming) [Note 4] [9] , Dark meditation “Yanti” [Note 5] [ten] [11] It is known that there are various practical methods.

Zokchen and Tibetan sect [ edit ]

Zokchen is a unique meditation system that has a philosophical view that is unique to other religions and schools. It is broadly divided into Nimma’s Zokchen and Bonnism Zokchen, and is at the center of the religion (religion) doctrine. Some claims that Zokchen is a word that refers to the original state, not just a specific sect. Namkai Norve Lymphoche, who was born and raised in the East Tibet, where the Leme Movement (Super Religion Movement) was flourished, and later began to teach Zokchen in Italy and other countries, was once a religion in Tibet. He emphasized that it was common to teach teaching from other groups besides the fundamental lama, and said that there were people inheriting the genealogy of Zokchen in all of the main sectors of Tibetan Buddhism. [twelfth]

Tibetan Buddhism [ edit ]

Tibetan Buddhism’s Zokchen’s teachings are one of the essence of the Nimma, deeply linked to the Nimma doctrine, and their founding Padoma Sambava has been considered the source of their religion. The first Zokchen literature, which has a part of Semde today, can go back to the 8th century [13] 。 It was long before the so -called pre -legend of Tibetan Buddhism, along with the rise of the new translation, the Padoma Sambava believers were the first to be called the Nimma (old school). Tibetan Buddhist monks may have been taught and taught by other religions, and Zokchen may be passed on to those who belong to the Sakya, Kagu, and Gerck in a long history of Tibetan Buddhism. 。 Many new translations were critical of the Sanskrit script, which were not included in the Sanskrit script, but some people were involved in Zokchen. Karmapi III Dorge (1284-1339), who was told that he learned under the same teacher, Kumaraza, as Ronchenpa, and gave Ronchenpa a fulfillment method, is particularly famous. Langjun Dorgier integrates the Kagu Mahamdler (Chakchen) and the Nimma Ayoga, and the teachings are called Karma Nintik. [14] 。 In the Gercks, Dalai Lama V, XIC, and XIV are also known as Zokchen, but it has been more likely that Dalai Lama, not the Gerck, but the high -ranking Lama, will incorporate Zokchen. It is a controversy in part of the conservatives of the school [15]

Nimma school [ edit ]

Zokchen is a historical Padma Sambava in the tradition of the Nimma. [Note 6] It is counted as one of the teachings that) is one of the six major traces of the six major temples of the Nimma, and each has a different flow of Zokchen. In the 14th century, Ronchen Lapjampa, a school monk who organized Zokchen’s teachings together, clarified it. [Note 7] According to the Nimma’s “Kusen Tournament”, it is positioned on the Atyoga on the top of the Yuga Yuga Tantra, and is the main primary of the body, Kanto Sampo. In the Ninma school, the border between the Ayogoga is said to be equal to Zokchen, and Zokchen is the nickname of Atyoga. [16] At the same time, it is also the name of the law of the teaching. [17]

Positioning in Buddhism [ edit ]

In the current Nimema, the teachings are taught according to the air -based doctrine of the Chineseist, and since the name in Tibet is the same, it is an esoteric state with the Nimmic “Great Phantom Network” as a sutra. Zokchen and Bonkin Zokchen, which protects the style from ancient times, is often identified. From a Buddhist point of view, you may understand that each tradition is different. Nimma’s Zokchen is classified into Buddhism based on the theory of “Nyoraizo”. The “Nyorai Zura Function” refers to the ideas of the translation of Shin Sanzo in India, but in Yoshifumi Ueda, this is the theory of “sexual phase’s instant fusion”. However, in Japan, Kukai’s work was preached by the “Heri” of esoteric religion, which is different from the Lotus philosophy. [ Study alone? ] In connection with this problem, due to the philosophy and awareness of “Great Phantom Network”, Dujom Limpoche once [Note 8] However, at the Tibetan -sponsored Tibetan Buddhist Conference, the Nimma claimed Nimma as a pure Buddhism, assuming that it is an Indian Buddhism different from Bonkism. In addition, Zokchen by “Dojom Tersal” in the satell (underground reservoir) [Note 9] Is Nyoraizo, mainly “treasure theory,” and the theory of Yujin, and the backdrop of the theory of wisdom, Vi Clamasira, a monk, Ratnakara Shanty (980-1050). [Note 10] [18] Sometimes quoted. By the way, in order to avoid these problems, in the esoteric classes of Nimma universities, Ronchen Nintic’s Zokchen literature, university Mipam (1846-1912) and Patur Lymples (1808-1887) [Note 11] I am studying books such as as a culture. The main texts are as follows, and in each case, there are already English translations and Chinese translations. [19] [20]

  1. “Zokchen’s Legal Commentary” by Ronchenpa (“DZOGPA CHENPO SEM NYID NYALSO” Lonchenpa) [Note 12]
  2. “Zokchen’s Legal Comments” by Ronchenpa (the above note) [Note 13]
  3. “The Eight Grand カ ー ル 就 就 ・ ・ リ ン ポチェ (” Kagyed Namshed; ngodru nyingpo “Mipam Rinpoche [Note 14]
  4. “Teaching as soon as possible” Jigme Lymph (“Kyerim Ogmin DrothPai Themke” Jimed Limgpa) [Note 15]
  5. “Professional Teaching of Meditation of the Four Laws” by Patul Rinpoche (“SOGDOM ZERSHIE MENNGAG” PATRUL RINPOCHE) [Note 16]
  6. “ク 本 の 自 自 ロ ロ ン チェ ン パ チェ チェ チェ ロ ロ ロ ン パ ン パ [Note 17]

In the lineage of Zokchen in Ronchen Nintic, the core of Zokchen, along with the philosophy of Dodupuccen Rympoche (1927-), which has a direct bloodline, and the “Leme” movement, has a direct bloodline. The teaching and textbooks of the tibet monks are the teachings and texts of today’s Tibetan monks are the tips and texts of Turusik Rympoche (1924-2011), which are transmitted to Jamyan Kenze Chuki Rodu (1893-1959), Dingo Kenze Rympoche (1910-1991), and Tursic Rympoche (1924-2011). be.

Dalai Lama XIV [Note 18] Mainly based on the comments of Ronchen Lapuyampa’s “Horizo ​​no Hizo” and the writings of Dodupuccen Zigme Tempe Nima (1865-1926), the third generation of jigmet lymph lymph lymph lymph. From the viewpoint of the view of the view, the original purification of Zokchen is said to be the sky in a sense, but in a sense it is the sky. [21] 。 Ronchenpa and the early modern school monk Mipam Gazzo (1846-1912) [Note 19] It claims that the understanding of the space in Zokchen is almost in line with the views of the Chugen and Souest Dogs, or that the views of both are complementary. [22] 。 In addition, Mipam’s “Treasure Theory” links the space in Zokchen with the empty teaching of “Hannya Sutra” in the second convergence and the teachings of “Nyorai Kazuto” in the third transferee. They are “other sky” (Shenton: GZHAN STONG) [Note 20] [23] According to the Dalai Lama XIV, most of it refers to “Rikupa” (Rig PA: pure consciousness), which is the heart of “base” (GZHI). “Other empty theory”, which was criticized for non -Buddhist teachings in Tibet and Choman, Chomo Sherapo Gerzen, and is leading to non -Buddhist teachings. [24] The meaning is different from the other sky [25]

Nimma Sokchen [ edit ]

system [ edit ]

There are three systems of Buddhist Zokchen, according to the Nimmic teaching method. In Tibetan Buddhism, the root lama (Zaway Lama, RTSA BA’I BLA MA ) Since the kamono from the successive lama is considered to be the most important and sacred thing, all teachings are also “traditional prayer sentence”. [Note 21] Because of the text, you can understand the strain of who has told who, although it is for each school.

Structure of “Nimma Kama” [ edit ]

“Ninma Kama” ( rnying ma bka ‘ma : An old -fashioned oral traditional scripture) is a system of Zokchen attached to the so -called old tantra. The earliest one is the Starting of the Great Phantom Net Network (Bang Name: Ghoohiya Galva Tantra), which was reported by Padma Sambava in history, and focuses on the “Gloyoga”, a development system of Negondu. It is a training and meditation method of. The front line is based on the “Kongo Chang Hongkai”, which is located in the main five tantra of the Yuga Yuga Tantra, and the Tibetan Buddhism Four Great Society has conveyed its own front line. The deep relationship between Zokchen and the front line is Dujom Lymphoe’s lecture record “Road to Zokchen” [Note 22] Determined.
The elucidation of the traditional system of “Great Phantom Network” is Dujom Rympoche’s “Nimmo Buddhism History” [Note 23] Started with, but in 1959, in India, where he was in exile, Dujom Rinpoche was the first time in the world in the world in the world, a giant phantom mesh tantra (all biography). In the “networking method”, he mentions the Zokchen of this system. In the nimmas, the lore of esotericism itself leads to the elucidation of the system of Zokchen, and in Zokchen of this system, Padoma Sambava’s “3 secret names”: (1) “Pema Sambava” (Padoma Samba “(Padoma Samba” Va) [Note 24] , (2) “Pema Junne” (Zockey Dorge) [Note 25] [26] , (3) “Shaka Senggy” (Shaka Sinha) [Note 26] Derived from etc.

Regarding Buddha, the Buddha of the esoteric lord in the above -mentioned tradition, as well as the Ryuru Bodhisattva (= Ryuki Bodhisattva), there are many people in the history of Indian esotericism. In any case, if you follow the age of “Dain Nikkei”, the establishment of “Great Phantom Network Tantra” has already been determined in esoteric science, and its mandala. [27] [Note 27] In this line, Garap Dorge, including the preceding scriptures, was a tradition of Magami Yuga Tantra, including the preceding scripture. It doesn’t matter. In fact, you can see the tanka (Buddhist painting) of this lineage depicts a monk -shaped Garapo dolje in the appearance of an Indian pandita (college). [28]

The text of the “Great Phantom Network” is classified as Maha Yoga, and the fulfillment method of the main statue “Great Fantasy Kongo” (the Secret Honora Law) is classified as Maha Yoga and Atyoga. One example of the traditional system (Mindlin Temple style) is as follows.

  1. Vajura Panni (vajrapṇii)
  2. Indolabutty ( Indrabhuti , Kura name Galpo the: King the 7-8th century) [29]
  3. Kuku Raja (Kukuripa, kukkuripa: 7-8th century) [Note 28] [30]
  4. Buddha Mitra (8th century)
  5. Prubbertie ( Prabhāhasti : The priest of the Viklamashira Monk, the 8th century) [thirty first]
  6. Padma Sambava (8-9th century)
  7. Vimalamitra (8-9th century)
  8. Vireachana (8-9th century)
  9. Jankumara (8-9th century)

“Thelma” system [ edit ]

The system of “Thelma” (reserved sutra) is the system of Zokchen’s teaching called Nintic (both the spiritual and essence). There are three things: “Kand Nintik” (“Kand Nintic” and “Han translation),” Bima Nintic “(” Hanshin Memories “and Chinese translation), and” Ronchen Nintic “(” Ryujin Collective “and Chinese translation). It is a typical one, and “Ronchen Nintik” is famous for the system of Zokchen in Japan. [Note 29] It is.

“Kand Nintik” is a teaching that was hidden by Kand (Darkney, Karakyo mother and Chinese translation), and each six major schools have their own nintic. In the Nimmema, “Jeshe Zhogal Buddha Mother” was considered to be a representative of Kand, so he was passed on to his direct disciples from the historical Padoma Sambava. [32] “Kand Nintik” is the mother of the Nimma teaching, and in particular, there are five systems: Thelma in the north, Therma in the south, Therma in the center of the center, therma in the east, and west. Of these, the northern Thelma is famous, and the eastern Thelma conveys old traditions. [33] The system of “Kand Nintik” was elucidated by Dujom Rympoche, disciple Nyishl Kempo Rinpoche, his disciples, Jeche Sampo Rympoche and others, and “Red Johen” by Yeca Sampo Lymphoe. [Note 30] Determined. [Note 31]

The system of “Bima Nintik” is from the fulfillment of India without going through Padma Sambava on the way. [34] It is a system of Zokchen, which is said to have been transmitted directly to Tibet after. Some Tibetan monks think of “Bima Nintik” in “Kand Nintik”. [ Need for sources ]

The system of “Ronchen Nintik” is the teaching of “Gonter” (dashing sutras in your heart), which was sensed by Jigme Lymph (1729-1798) in the teaching of Tibetan college Ronchenpa (1308-1364) in a deep meditation. It refers to the system. And “Ronchen Nintik” is a Chinese fulfillment Sri Sinha who studied esoteric in India. [35] It is said that the disciples are one of the disciples, Virachana, Vimalamitra, and Padoma Sambava, are the teachings of one separately.

Currently, the “Ronchen Nintic” system was elucidated by Dujom Rympoche and his disciple Nyishur Kempo Rinpoche, who overcome the traditional walls of the six large schools, and were elucidated, and Nyishur Kempo Rympoche’s “Ai Juju”. [Note 32] Determined.

“Takunan” system [ edit ]

“Takunan” ( Day Snang ) Means gaining teaching in meditation and dreams. Over Tibetan and Cultural Revolution in 1959, assumed that Tibetan and foreign monks were given their own teachings in Tibetan and foreign monks directly from Galapoma Sambava, Buddha, etc. There is a system. These people often have a short period of learning and training in Tibetan Buddhism, and tend to emphasize the inspiration themselves, and still, the selection and tibet of the history needed to consider the match with the Nimema sect. Not exposed to the Buddhist trial (phase interpretation) [36] [Note 33] 。 In the Nimma, the teachings of “Takunan”, which are gained by the famous Rympoche, who are in a traditional position, are gradually included in the “Kand Nintic” system in light of the teachings of each school. [Note 34]

doctrine [ edit ]

Zokchen’s doctrine in the Tibetan Buddhism Nimma has become clear today, the beginning of the teaching, content and teaching. The following are “Nimma Kama” [Note 35] And about the teachings of Zokchen.

Zokchen’s first turn wheel [ edit ]

After Samiee Temple was completed in 771 AD [Note 36] [37] [38] , Padoma Sambava himself, including Jeche Zoo Gal, in Temu, located in the northeast of Samieji Temple. [Note 37] [39] Gathering, “Great Phantom Network Tantra” about Maha Yoga and Atyoga [Note 38] I taught the teachings. It is no exaggeration to say that the so -called esoteric teaching in Tibetan Buddhism began with the Great Phantom Network. Although it is not well known, the number of padma Sambava’s disciples to 25 is the time when a formal teaching of the “Great Phantom Network” belonging to the Yuga Tantra at this time. This is because the scriptures are up to 25 people. The same is true for the main scripture of other major Yuga Tantra, and if the number of participants exceeds 25, all the irrigation and teaching are invalid. After teaching the teachings of the Great Phantom Network, he moved to the sacred place Takumaru (red cave) and was able to prove it at the moment, and his first Zokchen’s teachings were preached by his disciples. 。 The text is left in the old tantra, and the lecture record is left in “Kand Nintic”.

This proof is common sense in Japanese Buddhism today, but Tibetan Buddhism still has a traditional barrier, and it is hard to say that Tibetan monks are still recognized for their age and literature research. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful when receiving personal teachings to lama who was exile before the Tibetan turbulence in 1959 or studying at a traditional temple. Dujom Rympoche, who was also a Tibetan Buddhism certificate, became the head of the Nimma of the Tibetan Tibetan, and began reform of the Nimma Buddhism University, and Dingo Kenze Lymphoche, who undertook the subsequent, reconstructed Samewee Temple. Penor Lympoche has established a Buddhist university with a system where foreigners can learn simultaneously, but has not yet spread through Penoru Rin Poche.

“Go -sha” has been “5 -Count” for the long -standing scripture and esoteric scriptures for a long time. [Note 39] [40] [41] There is a principle. In other words, 5W, that is, when, where, where, who, what happened, the teachings are not exactly preached. Unlike the so -called Otai Buddhism, etc., esoteric or Zokchen is a tradition from people to people, so it is necessary not only in literature but also for today’s method of evidence, including history and archeology. For the time being, the condition of Zokchen in the sacred place Takumaru is satisfied for the time being.

  1. When: 771 AD. This is calculated by the historical fact of “immediately after the construction of Samuy Temple”, and it is known that the proof of the building had existed until 1959.
  2. Where: Temu’s sacred place Takumaru. The name of Temu is still there, and the cave of Takmar’s archeological site is still protected by the Tibetan’s serious religion, and it has the mystery.
  3. Who: Padoma Sambava is 25 disciples. Padma Sambava appeared in the dictionary of Hakutoshi Ui, Supervised by Hakusu Ui, a study of Indian studies in 1938 (Showa 13), but has not yet been recognized as a historical person in Buddhism. 。 Later, after historical testimony, he became Heisei and was widely recognized in Buddhism history. The fact is that the historic temple, Samiee Temple, was destroyed during the Tibetan turbulence in 1959, and Padoma Sambava was present at the Buddha statue (Renka Ille statue), as in the tradition of the Nimema. A robe that seems to be at the time has been discovered. In addition, as a relic of 25 disciples, Zutsa is said to have been made by Padoma Sambava at the time of parting. [Note 40] The Buddha statue (a monk -shaped lotus live statue) is left, proving the existence of those disciples.
  4. What: “Great Phantom Network” and “Zokchen”. The age of “Great Phantom Network Tantra” has been tested, and its contents and mandala [42] The Japanese have already received a number of teachings, and have been revealed sequentially along with the academic research of Matsunaga Akei and Hideaki Kimura, and the original texts used by Padoma Sambava, their thoughts and the specific of Zokchen. , The processing process can be inferred from the content of the gauge.
  5. What happened: I taught. The lecture record at the time of the teaching is left in “Kand Nintik”, and it is clear that it is in common with each therma and nintik systems, so as Ronchenpa pointed out, the Ninma school, which is the alliance, says “Zokchen. It is also true that there is something in common.

In this point, the Nimma faction states that Padoma Sambava’s teaching is the first peak of Zokchen’s teaching.

Thirteen positions and past thirteen Buddhas [ edit ]

In the Nimma, Zokchen is said to be preached in the thirteenth positions (world, the Pure Land] and is still preached.
Hara’s first Buddha, Honoru, (Kuntu Sampo), always emits the light of the change of Gochi as a manifestation of his own religion in the cheerful and strict Pure Land, and preaches Zokchen’s teachings as it is. The five -colored rainbow light reached the bodhisattva of the news, and appeared on the individual mandala of the five kinds of surname (Buddha, Kongo, Horse, lotus, and Kuma). Eventually, the rainbow light reached the Shaba World (the world of this world), and in order to release all the sentient beings from the suffering of the Rokudo Ruins, the Body Ken became the Kongote Bodhisattva. He descended to the world of the Bodhisattva and the Shaba world, and preached Zokchen’s teachings by taking the incarnation of various Buddhas (Buda: awareness). The number is 13, and the 1st to the 12th out of the 13th position is “” Tradition of the mind by winners (Jina: Nyorai) “, Only the 13th” Tradition of symbols (irrigation) by Akemi “From the 14th Garap Dorgee,” ” Oral teaching by incarnation ” The thirteen position, the name of the preacher, Nyorai, and the life of humanity at that time are as follows. [43]

  1. “Enjoyment”, the ten basis of Bodhisattva [Note 41] In the case of “Infinite Infant”, he preached the teaching. At this time, human life was still infinite.
  2. Original “Shaba World” [Note 42] In the case of “Infant Fudo” Nyorai, he preached the teaching. At this time, human life was 10 million years.
  3. In “Humidity Mitsuiken”, he preached the teaching in the appearance of “Bunju rescue” Nyorai. At this time, human life was 100,000 years old.
  4. In the “Greedy Source”, he preached the teaching in the appearance of “Youth Joya” Nyorai. At this time, human life was 80,000 years old.
  5. In the “Youth Pharmaceutical Flower Garden”, he preached the teaching of “Rokuku Kongo” in the appearance of Nyorai. At this time, human life was 70,000 years old.
  6. In the “Omitsujin Kannar Flame Tomb”, he taught in the appearance of “Great Youth Hergei”. At this time, human life was 60,000 years old.
  7. In the “Rakushaku” voice, he preached the teaching of “Senninjin King” Nyorai. At this time, the life of mankind was 10,000 years.
  8. “Rewashiyama” [Note 43] At the royal castle castle [Note 44] I preached the teaching in Nyorai. At this time, human life was 5,000 years old.
  9. “Bodhi Tree Victory House” [Note 45] He preached the teaching in the appearance of “Sad God Wisdom” Nyorai. At this time, human life was 1000 years old.
  10. In “Reigiri Ban”, he preached the teaching in the appearance of “Kosuke” Nyorai. At this time, human life was 500 years old.
  11. “King Kong Bodhi” [Note 46] [44] In the case of “Enkin King”, he preached the teaching. At this time, the life of mankind was 300 years old.
  12. “Authorized and lonely garden” [Note 47] In the case of “Shakamuni”, he gave a teaching. At this time, human life was 100 years old.
  13. In the “Asuka -yama” era after the Buddha, “Kongote Bodhisattva” appeared and gave Garapo Dorge the all of the teachings of Zokchen with only an irrigation. At this time, the life of mankind was 50 years old because the world was the end of the law.

In the early Buddhism, the Buddha’s “past story” was preached to “Honsei Sutra” (Jataka), and in the Otai Buddhism, “past seven Buddhas”, the second Garap Dorge was Garap Dorge. As a Buddha, he preaches the “past thirteen Buddha”. All of them are the incarnations of the body of the body, and at the same time, “Buddha Charita”, which depicts the life of Buddha. [Note 48] It is comparable to the story, and adopts Nyorai and Pure Land, which is preliminary scripture of the Great Phantom Network and the epidemic scriptures that were popular at the time. As a result, the “Zokchen in the thirteen circle in the thirteen circle in the thirteen circle in the thirteen circle in the thirteen world, in addition to incorporating the world view of the preceding scriptures into Zokchen’s teachings, and the advantage of Zokchen for Kojo Buddhism (voice and marriage) and Otai Buddhism. Was preached. The explanation of this doctrine in more detail includes the Great Pathing scripture, esoteric scriptures, and tatra scriptures, which were preached in the era of each Nyorai, so that literature research is conducted. In the future, it can be said that it is an important doctrine that may be elucidated the age of Zokchen. [45]

The so -called Indians and Tibetans in the 9th century thought that the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and gods were living in the same way as humans, as they used to be, so Tibetan monks still have these Nyorai. He preached Zokchen’s teachings, believing that there were 100,000 or 1000 -year -olds in ancient times. The Sanskriters of the world are translated as “DHāTu), and the Buddhist teaching is” Urban / World “. The meaning is a word that represents nature, causes and races. There are three worlds. In Zokchen, there are cases where it is “the theory” other than this “world”, but the meaning is the same.

Practice ladder [ edit ]

Forty Zokchen [ edit ]

When the pagans are preached [ edit ]

Lands with many pagans, whether Buddhism is still preached [Note 49] When he preaches Zokchen, he initially refers to the “Hortites Zokchen” to target non -Buddhists. First of all, along with a Buddhist lecture, it will be mainly given a “tinged lord” of Turler Buddha and Kannon, so that it will be reborn after death and be born in the land of Buddhism. In addition, even if you convert to Buddhism on this occasion, the environment will not be in place, so you will be given a “method of service” for yourself. The content is about the doctrine of Zokchen, the preaching of how wonderful the border of Zokchen is, the initial variations of the meditation, which is a meditation that can lead to mystery from the introductory stage of Zokchen, and esotericism. The memorial service of the religion, “Shito” (Shito “( zhi khro [Note 50] Give the mantra (true word), amulets, and statements. From a traditional point of view, it is called “Sokichen of Hortites” because it is the pre -stage for receiving formal Buddhism teachings.

When the resident is preached [ edit ]

In Tibetan Buddhism, since the Gercks, the Gerck, the nimmas have become a monastery and substantial specialization, and the general home does not practice Zokchen’s full -fledged training. Therefore, in tradition, the family (Ngappa) refers to a monk who has returned to the return, a Turk (reincarnated) who does not train in a temple, and some experts. In the past, in the Tibetan society, the average literary rate was high in the case of ordinary residents, and the opportunity to read “Okura Sutra” was rare, so even if you learn Zokchen, there was no specific content. Here, it means that monks, Turk, and foreigners who have been in the middle of the training in the middle to learn Zokchen as a special case. However, in the case of foreigners, they first ask if they have the will to become a monk who lives in the temple, and that school for a lifetime. [Note 51] In addition to the person’s awareness and consent whether or not he intends to serve a traditional qualification and a conviction as a Kongo Ajarashi, in the esotericism that emphasizes the “face -to -mouth tip” in addition to his own awareness and consent. It is an important key to the training content for the family to learn Zokchen.

First, two types of teaching about Buddhism and two types of tips and textbooks of Jiwa -led, such as Kannon and Bodhisattva, and at that time, the religion required for esoteric, the residents of the residence, the five warriors, Hakusai, Juzen. In addition to the commandments, the Bodhin Kai, and the Bodhisattva Commander, they are also given the Fourth Remun Fall and Hachikomi Crude Seconds, which are the foundation of the foundation. If you do not give these commandments, you will not be able to hear the formal esoteric teachings, so the teachings of “front line” will begin, and of the “front line”, the “common addition” will be the previous stage. We will teach and prepare for specific teaching of various “Kimikai” and “Yokka”. The important thing here is the Buddhist commandments of Buddhism. [Note 52] [forty six] So, how well you understand them, and then how to deeply do the “four -rotation method”. In addition, the “four -rotation method” can be one of the fundamental training for residents, as it is possible to obtain an enlightenment, and to gain the understanding of “non -permanent view” and “leave”.

After this, four “worship additions”, “Mandala memorial service law”, “Kongo -Satsuri method”, and “Guruyoga”, which are called “special additions”, which consists of esoteric meditation and works in the second half of “Maekyo”. He taught six additions, including additional “Chu” and “Poix”, but in the case of formal teaching, each of them is accompanied by an irrigation. The Nimma must be Yabuyum (parents), so it is possible to see if it is a formal teaching. The method of esotericism in this “front line” is almost less than half length than the textbook of the home, but it is about half the length, but it is about 100,000 times. It takes 6 months. Furthermore, the “Kongo -Satsugi Law” is not actually limited to the number, and “Guruyoga” will continue for a lifetime.
At the end of these, at the discretion of the teacher, the lawyers and the memorial service for the religion and Zokchen (Idam: Pullpin King and Horin Kannon) were given, and at the time of sufficient training, the memorial service for various religions and Zokchen. blowing ), A detailed lecture on “Zokchen”, and “derivation” will be given. After this, if you wish, you will select from Zokchen’s “Ajikan”, for example, partial teachings of “Yanti” and the “Mahamdler” and the teachings of “Narlo’s Six Laws”. And dream ( RMI LAM ) And light () ‘From Zer ), Such as “Zokchen”, the auxiliary teaching originally associated with Zokchen. Since the recipient is a teaching that does not involve the qualification (further precepts and an irrigation, training), the tradition cannot be taught in the tradition, and it is an alternative to the “Zokchen” of the book that tells the family. It is called “Zokchen at home”.

Although there are many good aspects in tradition, it is also true that it is closed as a negative side. The same is true for Tibetan Buddhism, and it is difficult to receive a substantial response or correct teaching if you do not know and ask questions. Foreigners and Japanese have become Western learning methods, so they encounter a culture gap in a traditional style to ask questions without knowing them.

As for “Dujom Tersal”, like Chandu Turk Lymples, who lived in the United States, “Chu”, the home of “Chu”. [Note 53] [47] [48] Sometimes to teach. In addition, “Jaloo” (Jaloo “(), which is commonly known for gaining a rainbow body in Japan. ‘and’ lus , Rainbow’s body) The meditation method is “Tsukoke Dorgee” and “Renka Sao Daishi Eight Changes Law” (Guru Zenge), the first incarnation of “Han translation (Chinese translation)”. Kongo), the meditation method, “Immortal Yuga”, both of which are one of the teachings associated with Zokchen, not Zokchen itself. [49]

Zokchen of this line [ edit ]

Zokchen (Zokchen of Wisdom) is also known as “the home of the home”. Although the actual system of the train ladder is closed and complicated in the traditional school, the simple items that are a good guide are as follows. In the case of Turk (reincarnation: incarnation lama), we usually enter the temple to which we belong to about 3 to 5 years old, received one -on -one specialized education from multiple teachers, even if we are at home. The above training has been repeated for about 10 to 30 years. However, it is now common to go to a Buddhist university because of exile, and there are many trulks who cannot receive specialized education in each school.

  1. Prescription (at least 2 years to become a formal monk), a manifromed manner, awarded traditional monks, and the first step
  2. “Mikoto Law” (Sanruni of Guru Deva Darkney) [Note 54] And Jiwa -sung and teaching
  3. Teaching of the “front line” of the departure (Ngondu: “Negondu”, which is translated as “Four additional”, the long -to -go -gauge in the front line at least at least 100,000 times each)
  4. Teaching of the family (Public Act) and Poova (Transition), teaching various memorial services and funerals
  5. Run (chanting) and Ti (lecture), mainly based on the daily routine scripture “Seiryo Kichi Shojin Yoshitsune” (Namasangyty) [Note 55] [50] [51] [52] [53] [54]
  6. Various laws (main 100-400? [Note 56] ) A teaching “permission”
  7. Dojo Molly Street and Teaching of Goma Law, Mandala Management and “Mahamdler” Yoga Transition Law [Note 57] Teaching
  8. Detailed lectures of “Zokchen” and “derivation” (leading to the manifestation of “Rikupa”, which lies in the nature of the heart)
  9. System of Nimma “Kyushu Daigo” (Gonpo) [55] Irrigation and teaching, various “Cham” [Note 58] [56] Teaching
  10. “Front line” of “Great Phantom Network” [Note 59] And the first step of “Yoga of the Wind and Pulse Tube” [Note 60] [57] [58] Teaching
  11. Teaching of “Mahamdler” and Maha Yoga (may be based on the specific principal law)
  12. “Renka Sao Daishi Hakushiki Method” (Guru Zengye [59] ) Kujin’s irrigation and teaching of four types of law
  13. “Renka Sao Daishi Jizu -Outing method” (Samba Longyi) [Note 61] (
  14. “The Foundation of Sadness and Resignation” (Shito “(Shito [Note 62] [60] [sixty one] ) Large irrigation and teaching
  15. “Eighty -Great Haleka Law” [Note 63] [62] )
  16. Large -tailed and comprehensive teaching of “Thelma” of each school (six large schools)
  17. Ajarashi Erige and Ajarashi Museum, teaching of “Ajarashi no Gomei” and teaching “Ajarashi Kai”
  18. Thelma and each Nintic’s “Zokchen” and teaching, and teaching the special “wind and pulse tube yoga”.
  19. Teaching of Anoyoga, such as the yoga line method of “Great Phantom Network” and “The Six Laws of Yeca Zho Gal”
  20. “Four major tantra” [Note 64] Large irrigation and teaching
  21. Large tan of “Great Phantom Network” [Note 65]
  22. Various teachings based on the text of “Great Phantom Network” [Note 66]
  23. Irrigation and teaching of “Great Phantom Kongo Law” (the Secret Honsho Law belonging to the “Five Great Kongo Law” of the main tantra) [Note 67] [63] [sixty four] [65] [66]
  24. “Kand Nintik”, “Bima Nintic”, and “Linchen Terzu” are all irritated and teaching
  25. Teaching of “Zokchen” in Honkyo (“Taektha” and “Toga” in winning, “Daien Mankai” of Sanmaiya Kadai)

The Tibetan Buddhism Nimma is different from the other three sectors, and the teachings and lines are not uniform. However, “Ronchen Nintik” is now a common teaching for all six major schools. In addition, Dujom Rympoche (1904-1987), which is newly pointed out, the teaching of Padma Sambava, “Zokchen”, “Great Phantom Network”, and “Eight University Haleka Law”. [Note 68] [sixty seven] [68] ・ The four “front lines” handle the teachings that can withstand verification. The items listed above are not all the schools that are handed down, for example, the “Four Great Tantra” was transmitted to the nimmic school after Jamyan Kenze Wonpo (1820-1892), which is known for the Reme Movement. There are some schools that do not pass.

Some researchers say whether or not the nimmat has a “mahamdler” or not, but “prayer seven items”, a typical prayer sentence of the Nimma school (Leightonma). [69] In the “Nanan Dorge Dujom product” by one of the 25 disciples in, “(Padma Sambava) brings the fulfillment and awareness of Mahamdler in this area”, and is common to the four major sectors. There is a sentence saying “I will train Mahamdler” in “Sanmaiya Kado of Gochi Nyorai”. Since “Maekyo” is based on “Kongo Kongkyo’s First Party”, Katok Temple Katok Lenchen Zewan Norve (aka black line) (also known as a black line) is “The Ryosaku Prayer of the Mei -Akemi”. [Note 69] As describes “Zokchen and Mahamdler’s Soujin”, the Koden’s “Mahamdler” is still inherited. According to Chen Ken, who was taught directly from the Tibetans from the end of the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of Republic, and later went to the United States to the United States today, “Mahamdra”, the “Mahamdra” at the time. To distinguish between the (large seals) and the nimmaten tradition, the Nimme Formoden is “Kalmamdler” [Note 70] ) It was called. Advanced, such as “Mahamdra” of Koden, special “Yoga of the Wind and Pulse Pipe”, “Six Laws of Yesh Zho Gal”, Yoga Transition Law of “Great Phantom Network”, and “Zokchen” in Honkyo. Practice, including esoteric yoga, has been handed down as a religion, but there are very few leaders who actually know.

Bonnism Zokchen [ edit ]

In Bonkism, the three independent Zokchen traditions, “Ati”, “Zokchen” (here, the narrow sense of Bonnism), and “Shanish Nen -engu” have been recognized and inherited. 。 The founder of Bonn Tonpa Senrap English edition The doctrine, which is said to be, is classified as “Yomon Gouzo” and “Bon no Kunami”, and Bonn’s Zokchen is also located in it. [70] 。 There are still many unknown parts of Bonnism Zokchen.

  1. ^ It is said that “Shanshun Nien Gyu” was established in the 8th century. Since then, the genealogy has been continuing without being hidden as a buried script (therma) (see the Essence of the wisdom p.249).
  2. ^ However, Namkai Norve states that Zokchen itself does not belong to Buddhism or Bonkism (“Rainbow and Crystal” pp.29-30), and does not suggest that Bonkin is the origin of Zokchen.
  3. ^ “Space”, Chinese translation, Nimma and Kagu “Mahamdler”. Currently, Mahamdler, a nimme school, has a Nimme old tradition belonging to the old tantra’s “Kongo Sutra” and “Great Phantom Network”, and “Maha”, which was passed on from the Kagu and Sakya schools. There is “Mudler”.
  4. ^ “Miram” is “Yumemi” (Yumemi) or “Dream” (Muji) and Chinese translation. At present, it is one of the six representative meditation methods of the late -esoteric six -generation employment method, which is accompanied by Zokchen, and the Kagu sect “Narlo six laws” and “six nigma six laws”, Dujom. The lixture is the Tersal’s “The Six Laws of Jeche Zho Gal”. “Naro’s Six Laws” have been handed down to the Nimma, so now they are sometimes called “Nimmo’s Six Laws”, but not only the Kagu school is not only the nimma, but also the saks and gels. It is told. In addition, the “Six -Law of Jesche Togal” is the Therma of Doujom Rympoche based on the “Great Phantom Network Rokukurai”, and some call them the “Nimma’s Six Laws.”
  5. ^ “Yanti” is translated as the “closing fulfillment method” (meditation method for a certain period of time in a closed location) or “Kuroseki fulfillment method” (meditation in the dark). This is a meditation method that observes the fine consciousness belonging to Anoyoga, and is the legendary of the 14th century “Northern Thelma”. There are several types of textbooks, and now they are also passed on to the Kagu and Sakya, and the nimmas “North Therma” teachers, Taklun Zetul Lymples, Trusic Rympoche, Duk Kagu, Dukchen.・ Rympoche’s teaching of “Yanti” is known worldwide.
  6. ^ The founder of the Nimma, many of the traces are wrapped in legends and mystery. He visited Tibet with the invitation of King Tison Dezen, was involved in the construction of Samieji Temple (completed in 771 AD), and deeply involved in the translation project of the esoteric scriptures, and then until around 834 AD just before the randalma broken Buddha. There is a theory that he was staying in Tibet.
  7. ^ The Dunhuang literature remains that the old esoteric teaching of the Great Ban era remains, but among them, there is a relatively new manuscript in the age of the Kusenchiism, which is different from the current one (Kimaki Tanaka). See “Tibetan Esoteric” p.151).
  8. ^ From 1959 to 1987, he served as the head of the Nimma. Known as the highest nimmatism yoga yoga, he is the truth of Zokchen’s teachings. He lived in India in 1959, gathering all the bloodline and teachings of the Nimma six major schools, and at the time, the first traditional Tibetan teaching was released to foreigners. There are many disciples who have received the direct teaching of Zokchen, including the six Great General General, Sougal Rinpoche, and Lama Ketsunpo, who have been staying in Japan for a long time.
  9. ^ There are “genealogy of the blood” and “the genealogy of the disciple”, and the former is mainly Dujom Lymph (1835-1904), Doujom Rympoche (1904-1987), Tinley Norve Rympoche (1931-2011). It was transmitted to Garapo Dolje Rympoche and Gaepa Dorge Lympoche (1960-). There are many textbooks, but the typical ones are Nanjun, Dujom Lymph, a detailed manual of Zokchen. The important teachings include the “Pulse Tube and the Wind Yoga” of the Great Law, which belongs to the eight major haelcar methods, “Nanjan Booty”, which explains the rituals and gradual tracks and graduals, and the teachings of Anoyoga. There are Nimmic “Six -Law of Yeca Zoo Gal”, which has the same content as the famous “Narlow’s Six Laws”.
  10. ^ The teacher of ATsha, the ancestor of the Kadam school. He is also a person who consulted about the availability when ATsha thought about going to Tibet with the revelation of the Turler Buddha. The books of Kenkyo include “Hanwanami Namuru Taicho,” and “Yukiso”, which conveys the focus of the late Indian wisdom, and the fulfillment. There are more books on esotericism, affecting Tibetan esoteric.
  11. ^ Patul Rinpoche is also called Patul Jigme Wonpo, one of the modern Nima schools.
  12. ^ The name of Tibet is “Zokupa Chempo Semni Nyal Soo”, the English translation is “Relaxing the Reality of Mind”, and the Chinese translation is “Safe Safe Sightness.”
  13. ^ The English translation is “Relaxing in the Reality of Mind Auto-Commentary”, and the Chinese translation is “Sento Shaku Shaku”.
  14. ^ Tibetan name is “Kagier Namshe: Ngodu Nimpo”, the English translation is “The Heat of Eight PronuonCement Called; the Heat of Accomplist”, and the Chinese translation is “Features Heart Hikinoto”.
  15. ^ The Tibetan name is “Keylim Umin Dospy Semke”, the English translation is “Instructures on the Development Stage Called), and the Chinese translation is” Summi Jodo Heaven “.
  16. ^ The Tibetan name is “Sogdom Zelche Mengaku”, the English translation is “The Instruments on the Four Rives of Medition”, and the Chinese translation is “Zen Shushu Four Type Instructions”.
  17. ^ Tibetan name is “Zokupa Chempo Landle Corsm”, English translation is “TRITISE ON THE GREAT PERFECTION CALLED), The Trilogy of Self-Liberation, and the Chinese translation is” Hon Self-Refractable Three Triple “.
  18. ^ The Dalai Lama XIV, which belongs to the Gercks, is the tradition of the “secret seal” of Dalai Lama V, who is also a nimma sort of recipient, and the Reme (Super Society) movement. He was taught by several teachers who promoted, and the teachings of the nimmas were taught by Capger Dingo Kenze Rympoche.
  19. ^ Also written as Mipam Rinpoche (II).
  20. ^ The view of the nimma’s middle view is called “Ochano” (Hama Chempo: DBU Ma Chen Po), which is slightly different from the Gercku’s view, so in terms of distinguishing, the other name is “inside. Also called Yuga Naka -Nakan (NANG GI RNAL ‘BYOR DBU MA). It is based on “RNAL ‘BYOR SPYOD PA’I DBU MA) and” MDO SDE SPYOD PA’I DBU MA), mainly based on Nyorai Kuramura. The classification method is not consistent with Japanese Indian studies and Gerck’s Tsumkapa theory, so be careful when learning. The so -called medium view of the middle view is divided into three steps: “Other Sky” (GZHA STONG), “MTHA BRAL), and” Ryoji “(NGEG DON), and” Saiyukichi Shojin Yoshitsune “. In response to the theory, he preaches the “phantom network” (Mayajala BHISAM BODHI) of the wake -up, which is the appearance of “Ryoji”. This “phantom networking bodhi” is the basis for Nimma Kama’s Zokchen’s view. In response, Dujom Lymphoche will further develop various theories of the late Indian esotericism.
  21. ^ “Traditional prayer” includes a common prayer for the religion, a prayer sentence of each school, a prayer sentence to the fundamental lama common to its sect, and a prayer for the successive lama (supreme) of its school. There is a prayer to the fundamental lama and a prayer for a special lama. The long textbooks and the memorial service will always cast them, so you can understand the characteristics of each sect and its school. Also, in Tibetan esotericism, there is no sect that does not traditionally recite this, even though the content is long, even though the content is long, both the four major sects will recite each “Traditional prayer”.
  22. ^ English translation: Published by Sougal Rinpoche, RIGPA. Japanese translation: Shinichi Nakazawa, published by T.C.C (former Tibetan Cultural Institute), 1989.
  23. ^ Chinese 訳 “History of the ancient Buddhist Buddhism of the West” (the history of Buddhism?), Liu Xunzhi, 1969 issue.
  24. ^ “Pema Sambava” is usually said to be the Renka nomination (name of Sanskrit), but in Zokchen’s teachings, it refers to the name of the “Renka Daishi Daisho Jizu -juku” (Samba Longyi). , Directly, it means “a monk -shaped lotussei”, a figure when a historical lotus student transmitted Zokchen to Tibet. In addition, in the individual law (one -sided law) of the “Renka Sao Daisho Jizu -juku”, it is expressed as a standing up with a Katanga (three -way out) on the left. The “monk -shaped Lotus Rensei” here is the same figure as the Buddha statue blessed by Ren Hua, which was stored in the former Sam -Ele Temple, which had been lost since the so -called 1995 Tibetan turbulence in 1995.
  25. ^ “Pema Junne” has two names, “Zockey Dorge” and “Guru Nansi Senun”. “Zockey Dorge” is the main name of “Mimoto Law”, and “GU RU SNANANG SRID ZIL GNON) is” Renkao Daisho Daisakushi “・ It is also the name of the principal of GU RU MTSHAN BRGYAD).
  26. ^ “Shaka Sengure” is a name about the law of Zokchen and the Great Phantom Network Tantra. “Singha”, the name of the Brahma name, Shaka Sinha (Haname: Shaku Lion), is the second half of the teacher in Zokchen, the second half of the priest, “Shri Sinha” (Kampo Kiyoshi Lion), and is his direct disciple. It is a proof that you have given the all traditions of Zokchen. In the law of “Great Phantom Network”, it may appear under the name of “Shaka Sengure”. In the esoteric teaching, the official practitioners gave two of them, the legal name and the character (azana), and the secret name and the shogun were added to this, and usually consisted of two to four. Has the name.
  27. ^ In the “Kurenden Buddhist Buddhist Dan Castle Changs”, the Mandala of the Great Phantom Network Tandra, the key mandala of the Nimma faction, from the drawing method to the three -dimensional mandala. Introduced with the color diagram.
  28. ^ This person is known as an important tradition of the main tantra in Indian esotericism. The bon name “Kuku” means a dog, “Raja” means the king, and it was very cute that Kukuraj had a dog, and was called by this name. Therefore, the tanka is drawn in a dog holding a dog.
  29. ^ According to the popularity of Rama Ketsun Sampo Rympoche, “Rainbow Radder”.
  30. ^ The original text is Tibetan, English translation and Chinese translation, “Kinokumai Akemi Akira Kouju Shiren”.
  31. ^ This section depends on the history of “Kingho Buddhism” (translated by Liu Shaku).
  32. ^ The original text is Tibetan, English translation and Chinese translation, and the English translation is awarded in the United States, and the Chinese translation “Oenen Mitsujitsu” is newly produced with a new form of tanka and bloodline. It has been a large book with more than 1000 pages, two volumes.
  33. ^ Tukan (1737-1802) is a religious scholar representing Tibetan Buddhism, also known as Thu’u Bkwan BLO BZANG CHOS KYI NYI MA, or Tukan Chuki Nima. It is well known in Tibet, regardless of the religion, by the book, “All Somouts: Good Crystal Mirror” (Grub MTHA SHEL GYI ME LONG). The content covers not only the nimma, but also the religions of bon, and the religions of the seal at the time, including the historical content that cannot be known today, not only academic research and cultural history, but also Tibet. It is an essential material for understanding the whole picture of the Buddhist religions. In the “Nimmic Chapter”, the outline of Zokchen and its related laws and the detailed genealogy of each of the nimmas, and in the “Kagu Sho”, the center of Mahamdler (Omushi Oshima. ) The outline of the six laws of Narlo and the detailed genealogy of the Kyugu schools are posted. In the Bonkin Chapter, some of the old Bonn schools at that time did not recognize Zokchen as the teaching of Bonkism. However, since the person is also a Gerck monk, compared to a modern discipline perspective, there are many points that aren’t as good as the religions in conflicts.
  34. ^ Nowadays, Dujom Lymphoche’s meditation -based “Dujom Complete Works”, the complete collection of Dingo Kenze Rympoche Telma, the complete collection of Penor Lymphoche Telma, and the Therma of Tursic Lymphoche. There are a complete collection of collections, all of which are counted as “Kand Nintik”.
  35. ^ “Nimma Argama” is also known as “Run Argama”. “Old translation pit scriptures” that Nimmas are directly handed down for generations.
  36. ^ There are various theories about the construction of Samiee Temple. The “Sage Kaikan” ends 763-774, and “Nishizo King” is the end of 767-771. With reference to the historical research of the vomit in Japan, the birth of King Tison Dezen (KHRI SRONG LDE BRTSAN: 742-797 years), and the enrollment (around 755-797) is determined. The completion of Samiee Temple was completed in 771 based on “Nishizo -king”, and the “Samieji Temple’s Society” was 792. As a result, the establishment of Nimma Kama’s Zokchen is considered to be the 8th century. Due to the character of Thelma (reserved sutras), it seems to be after the “Randarma Break” (834-842), so the 9th to 10th centuries or the Telma discovered. It starts when it is done. Actually, the early Nimma teaching may be the Buddhism of the vomit, and since 842-877, when the exhalation was destroyed, a new translation group, which was newly established in the Central Tibet region, has come from India. It is likely that the teaching of the nimma, which was the Buddhism of the vomit, is called “Nimmic”, and it is likely that Zokchen’s teachings have been reorganized, including various Therma.
  37. ^ It is said that there were many direct disciples of Padoma Sambava, mainly called place names and numbers. The 25 of Tempu, 25, these 25 disciples are also called the “25 trials” because they are the first official disciples. “Zon’s 55 Acquisition”, “Jerpa and Chowori’s 108” fulfillment of the “Rainbow Body” “,” 35 Sheldak’s 35 dubs “,” 25 Dakini that disappeared as light ” (Women who were called), and “the fulfillment of women (Yuga)” are famous. The number of people matches the number of people, but the name is different and does not necessarily match.
  38. ^ Tibetan name is “Sanwa Nimpo”, and the whole translation of the Chinese translation is “Phantom Network Secret Club”.
  39. ^ “Futo” refers to the five of the fulfillment, the fulfillment, the fulfillment of the teachers, the fulfillment of the residence, and the fulfillment of the kin. This is a word since Kobo Daishi Kukai’s “Karikai”, which is a reference for examining the origin of scriptures and the formation of mandala in Buddhism and esotericism. In addition, depending on the scriptures, there is also a “six -year set”.
  40. ^ A small Tibetan statue made by kneading soil. They also make them by kneading the “legal drug”, which is a Chinese herbal medicine in Tibet, and puts “Buddha -shaped” inside.
  41. ^ It is a traverser of a bodhisattva, which consists of ten steps preached in “Kegon Sutra” and “Tokuchi Sutra”.
  42. ^ It refers to the “Three Thousand Daisen World”, which is a Buddha, that is, the “real world” based on the Indian Buddhism astronomy.
  43. ^ Gṛdhrakūṭa-parvata is a mountain located in Raggill, India. In Buddhism, it is a place where Shaka Nyorai preached the “Hokkei” and “Kanken Kusenkei”, so it has become a sightseeing spot as one of the sacred sites in the sacred place. In addition, there are mountains in China and Japan, which are considered to be the sacred place of the same name, following the traces of Buddha Nyorai.
  44. ^ Seiji Kanemitsu is also the nickname of Shaka Nyorai, and there is also “Kinzen theory” where Shaka Nyorai is “Kinzen” (golden hermit). Sometimes called the highest saint).
  45. ^ An urādha-pura of the Buddhist sacred place in Sri Lanka. In 288 BC, Budda Gaya, India, was transplanted from the branch of a bodhi tree that Shaka Nyorai meditated after the fallen road. Currently, the trees near the Kongo Joza in Buddha Gaya are divided from this “Three Maha Bodho”, are worshiped as a historic sacred place in the local community, and is not well known in Japan. However, it is also famous as a tourist destination. Sri Lanka is said to have been preached by “Ranker Sutra” (Ranker Sutra), and “Ranker” is said to be an ancient Sri Lanka place name. The so -called Sanskrit “Shuri” is “Ranker”, and “Shuri Ranker” (Kiyoshi Ranker Island) is seen as the etymology of Sri Lanka. In addition, “Kaga” is one of the important sutras for the Tibetan Buddhism medium -spectators to argue. [ Need for sources ]
  46. ^ It refers to Daibodo -ji Temple Kongo Joza in Buddha Gaya, India. This Kongo Joza is a place where Shaka Nyorai defeated all devils, and became a Buddha (Buda: Awakening) with a wake -up road. It is also counted as a sacred place in Shaka Nyorai, and Daibodai Temple is another name for Mahabodiji Temple. The surrounding areas are also called “Buddha Gaya” (the land of Buddha) after Shaka Nyorai.
  47. ^ Gionsha. Here, it is a “full and lonely garden”.
  48. ^ “Buddha Charita” (BudDhacarita) is a legendary story of Buddha, which will be the book of Ma (80-150: Ashvagosha). In the Chinese translation, “French Sansei” (Taisho: No.192), “Juzuku” (Taisho: NO.195), “Buddha Honkyo” (Taishozo: No.193), etc. There are many different books.
  49. ^ For example, Western countries.
  50. ^ Palt Twuru: Meditation and training based on the Book of Tibetan Dead.
  51. ^ For example, in the Nimma, there are many tributaries, such as “Mindlinji Temple”, “Katokji Temple”, “Puyuru Temple”, “Zokchen Temple”, etc., for example.
  52. ^ The “commandment of comfort” is preached by various scriptures, but the “unmatched commandment”, which is preached by “Dainikkei”, is well known. A commandment that is born of a sentiment, but is in mind as a true nature.
  53. ^ A comprehensive training method that includes Chu’s book, funerals, goma, and “technique”. Chandu Turk Rympoche is one of the oldest disciples of Dujom Rympoche, where “Zokchen’s Chu” refers to “Tumakumo (Black Angry Anger) Chu”. The commonly known “Chu” is the “Chu” of Machiku, which belongs to the Sichika system, which is the founder of Machik Rapdonma, and is based on the “Hannya’s view of the Hannya” based on the “Hannya Sutra”. Not only the memorial service to the Bodhisattva, but also the gestures of the demon and the deceased will lead to a liberation by satisfying all of their desires (thirsty), and by the merit of the body, the demon and the deceased turned the demon and the deceased to the good god. It is the blessing of the executor and the owner, and the content is equivalent to the Japanese “Gaki”. Here, it is a thermo of Doujom Lymph based on the Great Phantom Network, which refers to the “chu” for cutting off the flow of consciousness from the beginning to the end of the procedure and embodying the Zokchen itself. 。 In response to the original Tibetan book, Dujom Lymph’s hand, there is an English translation by Garapo Dorgee Rympoche and a Japanese translation of Katsuyoshi Okasaka. The textbooks and commentary of the translated translation that were distributed when they came to Japan are also known. In addition, Ronchen Nintic’s “Chu” is the main estate, but this “Chu” is an extension of “Mandala addition”, which has two sources of Fukutoku and wisdom. It is in the Machiku’s “Chu” affiliate. By the way, “Chu” is also known as “Kutsuari (Chinese translation: Kojitsuri)”, but this is the meaning of “beggar’s line”, which was used in the era when the Siche was also called Chu. In words, it is now an ancient word.
  54. ^ Three fundamental law Is also called the “Sanjin Law”. In the old school, the new school refers to “Guru Rinpoche” (Pema Junne), “Guru Tapo” (angry Semuren Kao), and “Sinha Muka” (Lion Square Capricant). Then, the three temples, “Zockey Dorgee” (Immortal Lotus Raw Yabu Yum), “Pla Kong”, which is also counted as the eight great heelka, and the Sora Bank, “Jesche Togal French Mother”. Today, along with Zokchen’s teachings, this “Mitsu Gen” has been passed on to the saks and guys. In addition, the “Purpin Kito Law” that appears in the “Mikoto Law” is the purpose of the Pullpin Kong Bo, which is trained in the previous stage of the “Protection Law”, and the Pullpin Gong Law of the “Happai Haleka Law”. It is necessary to pay attention to the different points. In addition, except for the “guru”, “dewa”, and “darkinie” of the individual names, in the case of traditional “Mimoto Law”, there is no count of the above six -precedent respect.
  55. ^ “Saiyukyoshi Shoji” (ārya-Mañjuśrī-Nāma-Saṃgīti), “Ariya Mandhal Shuri Nahma Sangyyti),” Nāmasaṃgīti) is common in the Tibetan sect. Although it is a daily routine scripture, among them, in the nimmas, the first half of the “phantom osode” and “mandala ge osode” are summarized for “Great Phantom Network”, and it is an essential scriptures for Nimma -kama’s Zokchen. It is done. At the same time as the daily routine scripture, when the teaching of “Great Phantom Network” is completed, I returned to this “Seiryo Kichi Shojin Yoshitsune”, and the three -sided Namasangyty Bunju, etc., as the main god, and recite the scriptures. , Namasangyty Crying a long mantra called Shingon and entering the training. It is just like the Japanese Shingon sect, from the recitation of “Ryogyo” to the “Metropolitan Law”. Namasangyty Bunju is also known as the principal of the “Language Language Mandala” and is an important respect comparable to Dainichi Nyorai. In the Five Tantra, it is said that it is an important scriptures in Tibetan esoteric in general, as it is said that “if you do not understand namersangyty, you will not understand the time rinse tantra.” In reading sutras, the Nimma has a unique clause and a statement, and the mantra has a similar way of chanting, so if this scriptures cannot be cast, one monk or Yu -ya will be one. I do not receive the previous treatment. In addition, “St. Saijin Yoshino Name Yoshitsune” is familiar with Shion Tsugao, “Study of the Holy Bunse Song Yoshitsune” (“Tsugao Shonmo Complete Collection Division”).
  56. ^ There is a difference depending on the school and includes large and small therma.
  57. ^ The esoteric yoga line method based on the “Kongo Kongkyo first party”. It is composed of breathing and sitting methods and numerous positions (Asana), and this yoga line itself is also called “Mahamdler”. The origin of the establishment of the implementation is expected to go back to the same time as the “Kongo Chokyo Sutra” (7th century), and “Yoga Yoga”, which is known in Japan, (14th century-14th century-16th century). It is thought to be older.
  58. ^ “Cham” means a dance in esotericism, and is translated as “Hodai”. The monk in charge of “Cham” in each temple is called “Cham Pong”, and the costume worn during dancing is called “Cham Ku”.
  59. ^ The “front line” is the main religion of the black angry angry parent (Tuma Nakumo) and the Kongoi mother (Dorge Pamo). In Ronchen Nintic, it may be replaced by a special empty mother -in -law -based textbook based on Thelma. Regarding the mother’s mother, the mother’s mother, the “Four Square Mother” (addition) of the black resentment of the black resentment, the “Black Angry Sky Sora Mother Law” (addition). There are “Black Research Angry Square Transition Intelligence Law”.
  60. ^ Teaching of the “four -wheeled three -vein” (Shirin -san Miyaku), a characteristic of the nimma. It consists of four chakras, three pulse purification methods, basic breathing techniques, and basic Asana (position) of esoteric yoga (Yuga). The lecture record of Dujom Lymphoche at this stage has already been published in English and Chinese translation. Also, if you do not receive this teaching, you will not be able to get a formal teaching of the nimme “Mahamdler”.
  61. ^ “Samba Longyi” is translated as “Renka Sao Daishi Nyoroni Mitsujido”, and is also known as the “Sutra of Jusan” in Japan. It is considered to be thermited by Padoma Sambava, and the content of the text is based on the “prayer text” (prayer), which is the basis of Zokchen, which is the basis of Zokchen, which was developed based on Padoma Sambava’s thirteenth oath. In addition to the Narukido, it consists of 14 special shows of esoteric training, meditation methods, and Padoma Sambava, which consisted of four types of profits, charges, respect, and surrender. The Six Great Stands of the Nimma have reported the training and memorial service based on each therma, and this law is not necessarily uniform. Among them, it is translated as “Renka Daishi Daishi Nishinominjin” in China and Taiwan, mainly under the understanding that it mainly focuses on adults and profits. Also, based on Padoma Sambava’s vow, it is said that it is merit to just recite the “Sutra of Juso”. In Japan, some of the lymph and Kongo Ajarashi qualifications have already given various irrigation and teaching for several years, so 14 Tibetan large tanka and various Buddha statues. There is a Japanese textbook. Under this law, “Renka Ikaijin” and “Renka Daishi Pharmaceutical Buddha” are well known.
  62. ^ “Shito” is translated as “Bunmu Ecusho”. According to the traditional interpretation of the Nimema, the law is a summary of the 6th meeting of the Great Phantom Network, and based on this theory, the karma lymph thermal “Book of Tibet Dead”. (Palt Tuduru) is used as a “pillow sutra” in Tibetan esotericism, saying that the horses and the dead can be broken in the middle. In addition, the formal “Shito” large irrigation takes two days to three days for the rain including the original “Great Fusion Network”, and in the case of normally, the house is given as an irritable network. This is the irrigation. In the nimmas, the residence must be careful not to make a mistake as this “Shito” irrigation, as the home cannot be given the book.
  63. ^ In the Ninma, the main laws related to Zokchen are “” Ka Gon Pull The content is “Shito”, which is called the “Eighty -Big Haleka Law” of the “Eight Haleka Law” (acronym), and the Lama Gonde (acronym: This law is also called “Cit Gonpa Landur”). It means the law: and the three -root law’s guardian son, “Purpo Kong Toshi” (acronym Pull).
  64. ^ “Secret Assembly Tantra”, “Katsuraku Tantra”, “Kin Kong Tantra”, “Tokiwa Tantra”, these rituals usually take 2 days, and the number of participants is 25 or less. However, only the “Tokiwa Tantra” is not limited to the limited number of people, so theoretically, any number of people can participate. By the way, when the Dalai Lama XIV becomes an irrigation guru in India and other places and holds this “Tokiwan Tantra” irrigation, tens of thousands of monks participate every time, making it a great success like a festival.
  65. ^ In the nimma, it takes three days to seven days for the ritual of “Great Phantom Network”. This is due to the special irrigation of the religion, and the number of participants is less than 25.
  66. ^ Various manners and irrigation manners, fantasy network, goma law, etc.
  67. ^ “Mahāmāyāā) is a de facto principal of” Great Phantom Network “, and its figure is a statue of Yabuyum, a male -sided, female village. In some cases, the statue is the four -sided and four -sided, and the female statue is the statue of Yabuyum. Tibet’s “300 figures” contain illustrations of male priests, four -sided, female sitting on one side. It can be said that not only the Great Phantom Network Tantra, but also the secret of the whole of the nimmas, but it is not yet well known in Japan because few people understand the widespread doctrine of the Nimma. It is said that the teachings of Maha Yoga, Anoyoga, and Atyoga can be united by the “Great Fusion Kongo Law” as the secret law.
  68. ^ The “Eighty -Great Haleka Law” is the “Hachika Kagae of Shibu; Sgrub PA BKA ‘Brgyad) or” The Large Series of the Great Guardian “(Idam Dupa Kagier; ) And it is said that it is a law that belongs to the nine -handed Maha Yoga, but some text includes the content of Anu Yoga and Atti Yoga. The reason for the “eight -great heelka law” is because it is a large line that collects the law of Happo’s guardian (Idam), which was an anger called “Heelka”, which is equivalent to the eight -University Ming King of Japan. It consists of Kyushi, including the “Grand Collection Haleka”, which unifies Hachion. Of the eights, the first five sons are the “five parts of the success” and the later three gods are the “three parts of the world”, and their names are as follows.
    One, Myokichi Haleka (Jampel Ku; JAM DPAL SKU, Akira Ototo). Second, Lotus Haeka (Pema Sun; Pad MA GSUNG, Mahou Kannon). Three, true Haleka (Yandak Tuku; Yang Dag Thugs). 4. 4. Herka Haleka (BDUD RTSI YON TAN). 5. Kongo Haleka (PHUR PA ‘PHRIN LAS, Pla Kongo). 6. Special Haleka (Mamo Puton; MA MO RBOD GTONG). Seven, the spell (Mupa Dakugaku; DMOD PA Drag Sngags). Eight, Jikten Chutu (Jig RTEN MCHOD BSTOD). Of the above Hachion, the previous five sons are compatible with the five Buddhas. And the “Cuntering Haleka” (Chechok;) of the “Rin -Rin Ropun La; RIG ‘DZIN SLOB DPON LHA), which is called” Kuntu Sampo’s Yabuyum’s Incarnation “. It is CHE MCHOG, also described as purifying haelca). In Japan, Gaeper Dorge Lympoche came to Japan in 2004, giving large irrigation and various teachings for two days, and there are Tibetan large tankers and Japanese textbooks.
  69. ^ The content of “The Lord of the Law of the Mei -Akimo” is as follows, the “Gzhan Stong, which is Ryoji, and the DBU Ma Chen Po), the special views, the superior, and the best. Combines the line, which is a deep large seal (Mahamdler), and the (wisdom line) of Oenmitsu (Zokchen), a (road) (the road). I hope the teaching method will rise. ”
  70. ^ In the translation of Chen Ken, it is a “business seal”.
  1. ^ “Tibetan Esoteric” pp.207-208, “Supplementary Tibetan Esoteric” pp.197-198
  2. ^ “Teaching of 30,000 years of death” p.114
  3. ^ “Saizura Buddha religion, Volume 3, Volume 3 Tukan,” All Somoute “Nimmo Chapter, PP.6-7.
  4. ^ 『The religions of Tibet and Mongolia』 pp.94-106。
  5. ^ Zuiho Yamaguchi “Tibetan Buddhism” (“Course Oriental Thought 5), P254, P260, P270.
  6. ^ “Saizura Buddha’s Religion Research 3rd Vol.
  7. ^ “Tibetan Esoteric” p.208, “Supplementary Tibetan Esoteric” p.198
  8. ^ a b “Zokchen’s Teaching” p.195
  9. ^ “secret! Tibetan esoteric mystery (learning research company), P284.
  10. ^ “Wisdom of Wisdom” (Kadokawa Shoten), PP159-166.
  11. ^ “A Losary of Jewels”
  12. ^ “Rainbow and Crystal” pp.62-66
  13. ^ Van Schaik (2004), p.8
  14. ^ “Rainbow and crystal” p.63
  15. ^ “The Shugden Affair: Origins of a Controversy (Part I)” by Georges Dreyfus. Official website of the Office of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. [first]
  16. ^ “Rainbow and Crystal” P.55
  17. ^ “Silence and Clear” p.208
  18. ^ “Study of the Late India Ideal Thought” (Yamakibushi Buddha Shorin), PP.3-6.
  20. ^ “Yajiuning Ma College”, PP54-61.
  21. ^ “Introduction to Dalai Ramazokchen” p.185
  22. ^ “Introduction to Dalai Ramazokchen” p.181, p.281
  23. ^ “Sacred Miao auspicious True True Translation of Sanskrit School” (translated by Xi Yong), PP.1-5.
  24. ^ D. Snell Groove, H. Richardson “Tibetan Cultural History” translated by Naoji Okuyama, Spring and Autumn, 1998 P.239
  25. ^ “Introduction to Dalai Ramazokchen” pp.217-218
  26. ^ “Lian Huasheng Prayer” (all Buddha culture business Co., Ltd.), PP.251-268, PP.300-304.
  27. ^ Refer to “Kurenden Buddhist Buddhist Dan Castle Changosai Illustrated Collection” (Nishizo People’s Publishing Company).
  28. ^ “Large Tibet Exhibition”, illustration 74-3.
  29. ^ “84 Esoteric Esoteries” (Spring and Autumn), PP180-183.
  30. ^ “84 Esoteric Esoteries” (Spring and Autumn), PP151-154.
  31. ^ “Haruka Bhutan” (Nippon Broadcasting Publisher), PP86-87.
  32. ^ “Saizura Buddha’s Religion Research 3rd Volume 3 Tukan” All Somoute “” Chapter of Nimma “, P111.
  33. ^ See “Saizura Buddha Religion Research 3rd Vol. 3rd, Tukan” Nimmo “, PP.11-14, and [historical background of Zokchen).
  34. ^ “Great Tibet Exhibition”, illustration 74-5.
  35. ^ “Large Tibet Exhibition”, illustration 74-4.
  36. ^ The PP.112-120 of “Saizura Buddha’s Ritual Research 3rd Volume 3 Tukan” All Somoute “” Nimmic Chapter “is a system of” Abyss Purification Education (Zab MO DAS SANA: This is now called Taknan)). (Original text, Japanese translation), and the reasons for the “agreement and change with the nimme sect” (original text, Japanese translation) in Zokchen, and the pp.117-123 “Nimmic teaching method In conveying the circumstances and necessity of “examinations” (original text, Japanese translation), all of them are explained in detail in the original Tukan, “All Somiji: Good Crystal Mirror” (Original, Japanese translation).
  37. ^ “Tibet (lower)” (by Zuiho Yamaguchi), P27.
  38. ^ “Ancient Tibetan History Study” (by Nagato Sato), pp.391-497.
  39. ^ “Saizura Buddha’s Religion Research 3rd Volume 3 Tukan” All Somoute “Nimmo Chapter, P127.
  40. ^ “Speaking of Lisaka” (Miyaka Yosheng), P86.
  41. ^ “Lisu” (Song Changyou Qing), PP.89-129.
  42. ^ Refer to “Kurenden Buddhism Dan Castle Capital Management” (Nishizo People’s Publishing Company).
  43. ^ “Dayuanyu Fu Chengyuan Stream” (All Buddha Culture Co., Ltd.) 巻, PP.100-103, PP.120-131.
  44. ^ “ダガヤ ッ ダガヤ ダガヤ), PP14-66.
  45. ^ “Danyuan 満 Fu Chengyuanliu” (Quanfo Culture Co., Ltd.) 巻 巻, PP.120-131.
  46. ^ “Dainichi Hakusho Mind Lecture” (Daihohiraku), PP145-151.
  47. ^ “The Far Ses of Wisdom” (Kadokawa Shoten), P144.
  48. ^ “Club Shinko Nikeru” (Kanzh ethnic Publisher Publisher), “Mitsuru Daen Mitsuyuki Kinshin”, PP108-109.
  49. ^ “Tibetan secrets want ten lectures” (Ganju National Press), “Non-dead Yoga and Rainbow Body”, PP190-205.
  50. ^ Munehin Matsui “From Namasangytie to Meditation”, “India Late Essence (above)”, PP.115-130.
  51. ^ “Sacred Miao Auspicious True Translation of Sanskrit School” (translated by Xi Yong), PP.11-15, PP.61-62, PP.85-117.
  52. ^ Refer to “Saiyokyoshi Shojin Yoshitsune” (Renmado Publishing Department).
  53. ^ “Mandala -Tibet Nepal’s Buddha-” (National Folklore Museum), “Bunju Bodhisattva” pp.30-31, “Language Language Mandala Ritual” pp.94-94.
  54. ^ “Mandala Impressions and Esoteries” (Spring and Autumn), “Hoshi Mandala” pp.208-269.
  55. ^ “Large Tibet Exhibition”, pp.67-68.
  56. ^ “Mandala Group Mai” (Hirakawa Publisher), P75, P80.
  57. ^ Shinichi Tsuda “Four-wheeled Three Pulse View” (“Indian Thought and Buddhism” former Dr. Nakamura’s 60th birthday Memorial), pp.293-300.
  58. ^ See “Dujom Lymphoche’s Esoteric Yoga” (Renmado Publishing Department).
  59. ^ “Haruka Bhutan” (Japan Broadcasting Publishing Association), PP76-77.
  60. ^ “Book of the Dead of Tibetan Tibetan” (Chikuma Shobo), PP193-214.
  61. ^ “Xizhen Life and Death Guidance” (all Buddha culture business Co., Ltd.), PP80-103.
  62. ^ “Haruna Bhutan” (Japan Broadcasting Publishing Association), PP71-72, PP165-167 illustration.
  63. ^ “Tibetan Esoteric Professor’s Sky of the mystery and wisdom of wisdom” (learning research company), “Mother Tandra” photo, PP85-88.
  64. ^ “Tibetan Buddha” (Hodido Publisher), “Mahameryer and Buddha Capara”, PP144-147.
  65. ^ See “Kimono Kimong Kong Kongju Observatory” (Nimmo version: Renkado Publishing Department).
  66. ^ “Mandala Lotus Hua” (Hirakawa Publisher), Volume 1 “Ⅲ-34 Mahamer Yer” P204, Volume 2 “II-34 Mahameryer” P109, PP.187-188.
  67. ^ “Nishizo Buddhist religions, Volume 3, Volume 3 Tukan,” All Somoute “Nimmic Chapter, PP.108-109, P161.
  68. ^ “Large Tibet Exhibition”, 73-1 to Tsu 73-9.
  69. ^ パユル派ペノル・リンポチェ監修『蓮華生大士祈請文集』(全佛文化事業有限公司)、p113。
  70. ^ “Essence of wisdom” pp.206-207

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  • Hitomasa Wada’s lecture “Shingon sect, heart, heart sutra, Kannon sutra”, supervised by Shingon Soujin Temple, Pony Canyon.
  • “Study of the Late Indian Ideal Thought” by Takanori Umino, published in 2002, Yamakibo Buddha, and 2002.
  • Matsunaga Yikei, “Dainichi Sukujin Sento”, Daihohiraku, published in 2010.
  • Published in “Buddha Gaya Daibodai -ji” by Yoshizumi Sato -From the New Stone Age to the present-, Yamakibo Buddha Shorin, 2013 (2013).
  • Kawasaki Nobunori Translation “The Book of the Dead Tibetan Dead”, Chikuma Shobo, published in 1989.
  • Kanbuci Rinpoche teach the “West Life and Death Guidance Book”, all Buddha Culture Business Co., Ltd., and 2007 issue.
  • Tsunehiko Sugiki translated “84 Esoteric Essiders”, Yuaki Miyasaka/P.
  • Published by NHK interview group “Haruka Bhutan”, Nippon Broadcasting Publisher, and 1983 (Showa 58).
  • clubs for rigzoth editions editions
  • “Yajiu Ningma College”, Ning Maba Baiyuxiang Qiu Da Jilin (Taiwan), 1995 issue.
  • “Tibetan Buddhist Altar City’s Metal Measurement”, Editor -in -chief of Dragon Doron Nimo Turkuro Golden Ren, Tibet People’s Publishing House, 2012 issue.
  • Kei Kato, Yoshimichi Tsukamoto + Tsupten Pardin commentary, “Mandala Gunmai”, Hirakawa Publisher, published in 1984 (Showa 59).
  • Noriko Kato, Norinori Kobayashi + Tsupten Pardin commentary, Kohei Sugiura, bookstore, “Mandala Lotus Hua -Archu Temple Buddhist Universe-“, Hirakawa Publishing Co., Ltd., published in 1985 (1985).
  • Musashi Tachikawa’s “Mandala -Tibet Nepal Buddha-“, edited by the National Folklore Museum, published Senri Bunka Foundation, published in 2003.
  • Musashi Tachikawa’s “Mandala Impressions and Esoteries”, Spring and Autumn, 2015.

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