FitoChimica – Wikipedia Wikipedia


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The fitochimica It is a scientific discipline that has as its object the isolation, study, analysis, purification and characterization of the chemical structure and biological activity of the active ingredients of the plants. [first] The term phytochimico (O phytocomposed ) is used to indicate the numerous secondary metabolites in plants. Most of these compounds have the function of preventing attacks of insects or vegetable pathologies, some also have a biological activity on man.

Fitochimic is widely used for the production of remedies of traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine and phytotherapy and can be considered as a branch of botany or chemistry.

The most commonly used techniques in phytochemics are the extraction, isolation and structural characterization (MS and NMR) of vegetable products, as well as different chromatographic techniques (MPLC, HPLC, LC-MS). [2]

The professional figures involved in phytochemical control are, the herbochemical, the herbalist and the chemist.

The essential elements of which plants are made (carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, calcium, phosphorus, etc.) are no different from those of which animals, mushrooms or bacteria are made. The elementary composition of the plants is the same as for all life forms, different is the way these elements combine.

The following table lists the essential nutrients for plants and their general use. [3]

Macronutrients (Necessary in large quantities)
Element Form of absorption Note
Nitrogen NO 3 NH 4 + Nucleic acids, proteins, hormones, etc.
Oxygen O 2 H 2 O Various organic compounds
Carbon CO 2 Various organic compounds
Hydrogen H 2 O Various organic compounds
Potassium K + Coporettore in the synthesis of protein, water balance, etc.
Soccer Shift 2+ Summary and stabilization of membranes
Magnesium Mg 2+ Essential element of chlorophyll
Phosphorus H 2 AFTER 4 Nucleic acids, phospholipids, ATPs
Sulfur SO 4 2- Constituent of proteins and coenzymes
Micronutrients (Necessary in small quantities)
Element Form of absorption Note
Chlorine Cl Favors the growth of the roots
Boro H bo 3 It has effects on reproduction
Manganese Mn 2+ Involved in the activity of some enzymes
Zinc Zn 2+ Involved in the synthesis of enzymes and chlorophyll
Copper With + Present in enzymes for the synthesis of lignina
Molybdenum Where 4 2- Involved in nitrogen fixation, reduction of nitrates
Nickel In 2+ Enzymatic cofactor for the metabolism of nitrogen compounds

The origins [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The content of these texts often refers to magic and considers the influence of demons and other superstitions into many evils. However, they also confirm the existence of a vast medical scientific culture characterized by observation and empirical practice.

The East, the ancient Egypt, the Greeks and the Romans [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • 2800 A.C. – He Classic on the roots of herbs of the divine farmer ( Shennong Materia Medica T , Shennong Materia Medica S , Shénnóng ěěcněg P ) , work attributed to Shen Nung lists various medicinal herbs (for example the Língzhī mushroom) assigning a vote of effectiveness.
  • 1600 A.C. – He Papiro edwin smith cites the use of willow decoctions, used as disinfectants. [4]
  • 1550 A.C. – He Papiro Ebers It reports about 700 magic formulas and remedies of various kinds.
  • 440 BC – Herodotus in his Stories It describes the extraction of the ricino oil.
  • 300 BC – Teofrasto in Storia delle piante (about history plant) Ranking over five hundred plants, dividing them into trees, fruit, suffructs, herbs; In the book IX ranking, for the first time in antiquity, drugs and medicines and their therapeutic value.
  • 200 A.C. – He Sushruta samhita ( Sushruta Samhita ) It is a Sanskrit text at the base of Ayurvedic Medicine (traditional Indian medicine), contains the reference to 700 medicinal plants. [5]
  • 100 BC – Dioscoride in Of medical matter It describes over 600 types of plants.
  • 160 AD – Galen in Treated on the simple It speaks of plants having a healing function and uses numerous medicinal herbs or their extracts as drugs. Galenos was a solution of alcohol and opium with analgesic effects used for almost all the evils of the time that made the emperor Marcus Aurelio dependent. Even today, non -industrial preparations set up in the pharmacy take the name of galenic drugs.

Middle Ages [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • 1000 AD – The texts of Avicenna and other Arab philosophers circulate thanks to the Salernitana medical school allow to improve the preparation and extraction techniques of vegetable substances, introducing the distillation technique in Europe.
  • 1240 AD – Frederick II with the edict of Melfi separates the figure of the doctor from that of the space trainer.

Renaissance [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • 1530 AD – Paracelsus shows that plant substances act through a fifth essence or active ingredient. It introduces new extraction techniques and distillation, already used by the Arabs. [6]
  • 1568 AD – Ulysses Aldrovandi creates the public vegetable garden in Bologna and one of the first natural history museums containing over seven thousand dried plants in fifteen volumes.

Eighteenth and nineteenth centuries: modern phytochemics [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • 1752 D.C. – Lineno in Species of plants It describes and ranking all the plants known until then. His nomenclature is still used.
  • 1789 AD – Antoine Lavoisier with the law conservation of the mass bases modern chemistry, makes the analysis on the composition of fats, oils and sugars, discovering the constant presence of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon.
  • 1804 AD – Friedrich Sertürner Pharmacist in Paderborn, in Germany isolates the morphine from opium and thus discovers a new class of drugs: alkaloids.
  • 1817 AD – Pierre Joseph Pelletier and Joseph Bienaimé Caventou extract and isolate the Chinino from the bark of the China.
  • 1820-1885 AD – With methods similar to those used by the Sertürner, codein, caffeine, strybe, nicotine, atropine, cocaine, fasting, ephedrine are extracted and isolated.
  • 1886 AD – Albert Ladenburg summarizes the natural alkaloid coniine contained in the cicuta.

The TLC, Chromarography The HPLC are commonly used for the development of rapid and reproducible methods also associated with the series of diode series (DAD), the refraction index detector (RID), to the evaporative ligh scoring detector (ELSD) Or the mass spectrometer detector (MSD), liquid chromatography with high performance (HPTLC), column chromatography, liquid chromatography scanning (P-Tlc Scan), invented by the Italian herbochemical Paolo Pelini. These analytical methods are used for quality control for the analysis of natural organic compounds such as saponins, alkaloids, essential oils, flavonoids and anthraquinoni.

  1. ^ Alessandro Bruni, General and applied pharmacognosia: natural drugs , Piccin, 1999, pp. 11. URL consulted on January 29, 2012 .
  2. ^ Marco d’Ischia, Corrado Tringali, Organic chemistry in the laboratory , vol. 1, Piccin, 2002, pp. 639-655. URL consulted on January 29, 2012 .
  3. ^ Massimo Maffei, Vegetable biochemistry , Piccin, 1998, pp. 385-387. URL consulted on January 29, 2012 .
  4. ^ James Henry Breasted, The Special Edition Of The Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus , Division of Gryphon Edition, Ltd., The Classic of Medicine Library, 1984. p.p. 3-4
  5. ^ Girish Dwivedi, Dwivedi Shridhar, History of Medicine: Sushruta – the Clinician – Teacher par Excellence ( PDF ), in Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sc , n. 49, 2007, pp. PP 243-244. URL consulted on January 29, 2012 (archived by URL Original on 10 October 2008) .
  6. ^ Francesco Capasso, R. De Pasquale, G. Grandolini, N. Mascolo, Pharmacognosia: natural drugs, their preparations and therapeutic use , Springer, 2000, pp. 4-14. URL consulted on January 29, 2012 .
  • Carbone R. Plant medicine – aromaterapia, Gemmoterapia out of Fitoterapia, Dibuono Edizioni Srl, Villa d’Agri (PZ), new edition 2008.
