Alvarad alonso – Wikipedia


Alonso Alvarado Montaya González of Cevallos and Miranda

Alonso Alvarado Montaya González of Cevallos and Miranda (Secadura de transmura, 1500 – Lima, 1556) was a conquistador and knight of the order of Santiago.


He fought against the men of Quizu Yupanqui who were awarding Lima in 1536, against Diego de Almagro in 1537 and in the battle of Las Salinas in 1538. Later I participated in the battles of Chupas and Jaquijahuana.

Alonso de Alvarado was a Spanish conquistador originally from Estremadura, born in the early 16th century. After a period lived in Mexico under the orders of Hernán Cortés, he joined the campaign of Francisco Pizarro. In a short time he earned respect, deserving the positions of various explorations, conquests and foundation of the city.

Alonso de Alvarado was the precursor of shipments that penetrated the Amazon. He started from Trujillo (Peru) and, crossing the Andes, arrived in 1535 in the land of Chachapoyas, where a few years later the city of the same name was founded which today is the capital of the Amazonas region.

The historian of the time Pedro Cieza de León, speaking of the foundation of the city of Chachapoyas, says:

“In five days of September, the year of birth of Our Lord Ihsu Christo 1538, about sixty Spaniards under the control of Captain Alonso de Alvarado met […]” Xalca “and made the first foundation of Chachapoyas”

( Pedro Cieza de León )

During the aforementioned Foundation, Captain Luis Valera, father of the Jesuita Blas Valera Chachapoyano, whose chronicles were used by the Garcilaso de la Vega inch to describe Tahuantinsuyo in his “Royal Commentaries of the Inca” was present.

In Chachapoyas Alvarado was able to reach the fabulous treasure that a legendary city hid in the thick of the forest. It was the legendary El Dorado, and from here new shipments started which laid the foundations for the arrival of the missionaries, near Moyobamba.


Alvarado also took part in the civil wars that saw Diego de Almagro and Francisco Pizarro face each other. He was taken prisoner by Almagro in the battle of Abancay on 12 July 1537 but managed to escape. Later, with the followers of Pizarro and thanks to the support of the royal forces, Alvarado defeated Almagro’s men in the battle of Las Salinas of 1538.

John Hemming found a letter from one of his subordinates, the soldier Juan de Turuegano, in which he says: “Christians captured alive a hundred indigenous and killed thirty. They cut their arms to many prisoners, the nose to others and the breast to women. They then sent them back to the enemy, to make it clear that those who wanted to continue the revolt would pass under the knife “. This letter is from 1537. [first]

By order of Francisco Pizarro sought, in 1539, the ideal place to found a city halfway between Lima and Cusco. In this way, together with Francisco de Cárdenas, contributes to the creation of Huamanga.

To avenge the death of his father Diego de Almagro the young man, “El Mozo” (the young man), killed Francisco Pizarro in 1541. The following year the governor Cristóbal Vaca de Castro, ally with Alonso de Alvarado, defeated “El Mozo” in the Battle of Chupas. Alvarado’s loyalty and merits were honored by Charles V who appoints him a member of the Order of Santiago and Marshal of Peru.

In April 1548 Alvarado had to demonstrate the loyalty to the crown again by fighting against the young rebellious brother of Pizarro, Gonzalo. Upon the orders of Pedro de la Gasca, the victory in the battle of Jaquijahuana ensured, but this success did not calm the numerous discontented Spanish colonists of the increase in crown control, and a few years after a group of them, led by Francisco Hernández Girón, yes rebel. Sent to fight them, Alvarado was defeated in the battle of Chuquinga and fled to Lima, where he died in 1556.

Chacchapoyas was, since its foundation, a starting point from which numerous expeditions to the forest took place. The legend of “El Dorado” inspired the gold race of the first Spanish explorers. Although the enthusiasm for the rich treasure did not make them sleep, their companies had to face unsuspected enemies: famine, epidemics, Indians and the forest itself.

The “El Dorado” described by the imagination of a conqueror is a city with streets and temples covered with gold and is made up of houses and squares built in solid gold. This golden legend open the doors to the first colonization and evangelization of some of the largest and most remote regions of South America.

  1. ^ Letters of Perù. Collection of unpublished documents for the history of Perù , op.cit., p.272
  • Anonymous Relationship of the site of Cuzco and beginning of the civil wars of Perù until the death of Diego de Almagro (1535-1539) IN COL OF RARE AND CURIOUS BOOKS (Volume XIII, Madrid 1879)- IN COL.LIBR.DOC.HIST.PERU ‘(SERIES 2A, VOL. X, LIMA 1934). L’Apera è Attribuita, da Alcuni, Diego de Siiva and Guzman.
  • Pedro Cieza de León (operate 1551-1554)
    • First part of the Crónica del Peru in BIBL. AUT. ESP. (tomo XXVI, Madrid 1947)
    • Second part of the Chronicle of Peru, which deals with the lord of the Yupanquis Incas and their great facts and governance. In America Chronicles of America (Destin Vol. 6, Madrid 2000
    • Third part: the discovery and conquest of the kingdom of Peru . in chronic collection of America (Destin Vol. 18 °, Madrid 2000
    • Fourth Part: Civiles Wars .
  • Poma de Ayala (Felipe Guaman) New Coronica and Good Governance (1584 – 1614) In col. Chronicle of America (Historia 16. V. 29 °, 29b, 29c. Madrid 1987)
  • Murúa (Fray Martin de) General History of Peru (1613) In coll. Chronicle of America Dastin V. 20 °. Madrid 2001)
  • Herrera and Tordesillas (Antonio de) General History … (1601 – 1615) In col. Classicos Tavera (SU CD)
  • John Hemming, The conquest of the Incas , Mexico, FCE, 1982-Italian Ed. The end of the Inca , BUR 1992
  • Raúl Porras Barrenechea, Letters of Perù. Collection of unpublished documents for the history of Perù , Lima, 400, volu. II II
