American football foul -wikipedia


This article describes the details of the American football foul act.


American football is a sport with intense contact, but an act that causes an injury to the opponent is treated as a foul. In addition, acts that are extremely unfair in offense and defense are often restricted as fouls to lose the fun of the entire competition. The US Football fouls are relatively large, and the main fouls are presented here because they are changed, added, or deleted in one year. See each official rule book for details such as the type and content of all fouls [first] [2]

The main foul on the attack side [ edit ]

Failure before snap [ edit ]

Delay of game [ edit ]

The referee did not start playing within 40 seconds or 25 seconds, which was set after the Lady for Play was sent. He demanded a timeout even though there was no timeout right.
In NFL, the act of spike the ball in a situation other than after touchdown is also subject to this foul.

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Penalties 5 yards
timing Dead ball foul
Referee signal Attach both hands to the elbow on the other side

False Start [ edit ]

Before snapping, the player on the attacker moved to be mistaken for an attack.

The timing of starting play is the content that only the attacker knows, and the defensive player judges the start from the attack side, so the misunderstanding movement is treated as a foul. It is not a foul unless it is a misunderstanding movement.

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Penalties 5 yards
timing Dead ball foul
Referee signal Turn your arms in front of your chest (the same as the basketball traveling signal)

Illegal Motion [ edit ]

When the motion before snapping is fraudulent.


The attacker is allowed to move just before the snap. However, it is necessary to follow the following rules and if not satisfied, Ilegal Motion.

  • All the players on the attacker move after a second for more than one second.
  • The moving player must be the back player.
  • Do not move in the opponent’s goal line direction (forward).
project content
Penalties 5 yards
timing Live ball foul [3]
Referee signal A signal like a reverse horizontal chop that opens one hand from the front of the chest to the front

Illegal Shift [ edit ]

When the shift before snapping is fraudulent.

The attacker is allowed to change the position and posture by two or more players moving and one or more operating forward. However, after that change, everyone needs to stay still for more than 1 second. If you snap up without station, Ilegal Shift.

Defense is determined to start playing in a snap from a still state, so if it moves illegally before the snap, the defensive will not start the start, so it is a foul.

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Penalties 5 yards
timing Live ball foul [3]
Referee signal A signal like a reverse horizontal chop that opens both hands from the front of the chest to the front

Illegal Formation [ edit ]

When the formation is fraudulent.

When snapping, the attacker has players in a specific position, do not have to be, or have rules for formation. Contrary to this rule, the Ilegal Formation.

  • There are 7 or more players (players on the line) within one yard from the scratch line (the NCAA rules are said to be within 4 backs).
  • In NFL, the inside of the line must be a player with an unqualified number (50-79).
  • In NFL, both ends and backs of the line must be players with qualification numbers (1-49, 80-89).
  • At NCAA, he must be more than 5 people on the line and an unqualified number (50-79).
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Penalties 5 yards
timing Live ball foul
Referee signal Turn your arms in front of your chest (the same as the basketball traveling signal)

Illegal substation [ edit ]

More than 12 players have been Haddle and have been in the formation.

Defense is treated as a foul as an act of hindering the intention of the attack from the player structure (personel) on the attack side and judging the defensive configuration and tactics.

Sometimes it is called “12-Men Huddle” with direct expression.

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Penalties 5 yards
timing Dead ball foul
Referee signal Put one hand on the opposite chest

Failure while playing [ edit ]

Unqualed receiver’s downfield invasion (Ineligible Receiver Downfield on Pass) [ edit ]

In pass spray, unqualified players with numbers or unqualified players (mainly offense line players) appeared more than three yards (1 yard in NFL) before the pass was thrown.

If the player on the line that should protect the QB comes in front, it is misunderstood that it is a lampley, and the defensive side is disadvantaged, so it is treated as a foul.

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Penalties 5 yards
timing Live ball foul
Referee signal Put one hand overhead

Illegal Forward Pass [ edit ]

After the ball carrier exceeded the scratch line, he passed forward. Or passed twice or more in one play.

project content
Penalties 5 yards + Ross of down
timing Live ball foul
Referee signal Move one hand behind the body

Pass interference [ edit ]

An attacker hindering the pass and catching player.

In the following cases, the pass interfare is often taken.

  • I hit the defensive player, Press Then, after leaving the pass course, the path was thrown (the direction of the path is irrelevant).
    It is treated as a foul because the pushing act is misunderstood as a block for lampley.
  • He hindered the opportunity to catch the defensive player.
    • I pushed the defensive player who was a pass cover and tried to catch a pass.
    • He himself contacted the opponent who was trying to catch (intercept) without catching the ball.
    • He himself contacted the opponent’s movement (running path) chasing the ball without going to the ball.
    The act of catching a pass is treated as a foul as an attacker hindered the defensive player’s pass catch, because it is given fair opportunities regardless of offense and defense.
    If the passed ball is touched before these acts, it will not be a foul.
    If there is no hindrance, it will not be a foul if you can clearly judge that you could not catch it.
project content
Penalties 15 yards (10 yards in NFL)
timing Live ball foul
Referee signal Start the palm of both hands forward in front of your chest

Inttional Grounding [ edit ]

In order to escape the loss, he intentionally throws a pass in an area where there is no qualified receiver.

Normally, the foul is to prevent the act of preventing the defensive player in a state where the defensive player is in the original position due to a pass failure by receiving a sack and becoming a ross gain.

Passer tackle boxes (areas within 5 yards left and right from snapper to rear end line on the rules) [4] It does not apply if the path exceeds the scratch line.

This foul is not applied because the spike immediately after the snap stops time, not to avoid loss.

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Penalties Snap + Loss of down on the 10 yards or the point where the ball is thrown from the Privias spot or the ball thrown.
If you foul in your own end zone, safety.
timing Live ball foul
Referee signal Swing down diagonally without putting both hands

Failure about blocks while playing [ edit ]

Holding [ edit ]

With pass protection and run blocks, he grabbed his body and jersey, such as his opponent’s arms and legs, and wrapped it around his opponent.

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Penalties 10 yards.
If it occurs behind the scrimmage, from the pre -bias spot, from the foul point if it occurs forward.
timing Live ball foul
Referee signal Grab the other wrist with one hand. Make the back of the hand on the side of the wrist.

Clipping (clipping) [ edit ]

The first contact is behind the waist from the waist, including the waist.

However, the players who were in the determined area when they snapped, regarding blocks in that area From the knee including the knee It is not a foul unless it is a block.

The area is called a blocking zone (Blocking Zone) in the NCAA, a rectangular area of ​​5 yards on the left and right, and 3 yards before and after, centered on the center lineman.

In NFL, it is called a close line play (Close-Line Play), a rectangular area of ​​3 yards before and after the scrimical line between both tackles.

project content
Penalties 15 yards
timing Live ball foul
Referee signal Hit one hand on the back of the knee on the same side

Block in the back [ edit ]

I blocked the opponent from the back from the waist to the top and blocked it.

However, blocks in the same territory as clipping are not a foul.

Also, it is not a foul when the other player turns his back after trying to block obviously.

project content
Penalties 10 yards
timing Live ball foul
Referee signal Grab the opposite wrist with one hand. The palm of the grabbed side is turned forward.

Block Below the Waist below the waist [ edit ]

The first contact was blocked below the opponent’s waist, with the legs covered on the ground.

  • NCAA rules
    Regarding “blocks below the waist” in the low blocking zone, the block that was in the zone at the time of snapping or the ball due to the back within the second person from the snapper did not leave the zone is not a foul. 。
    The low blocking zone is a rectangular area of ​​7 yards left and right from the snapper and 5 yards before and after.
    If the ball is in the zone, if it is a block from the front, you may block below the waist.
    After the ball out of the zone, don’t block below your waist in your own end zone.
  • NFL rule
    • After the ball gets out of the tackle box, do not block from the opponent’s side or back to your team’s endline direction. Also called Peel back block.
    • The following “block below the waist” is a special name for crackback blocks.
    It is a block on the line that was more than 2 yards from the tackle when snapped, or a back player who moved more than 2 yards from the tackle after snapping, and below the waist of 5 yards before and after the scrimning line. Block.
    • The following “block below the waist” is a special nominal foul called Cut Block.
    A block below the waist at a position beyond the scrimning line by a qualified receiver.
    Or a block below the waist (regardless of the location of the block) by a qualified receiver that was more than 2 yards outside the tackle.
project content
Penalties 15 yards
timing Live ball foul
Referee signal Hit both knees with both hands

Chop Block [ edit ]

Two attack players are blocked by one defensive player, one is low and the other is high.

Low block is a block to the opponent’s crotch or crotch.
It is not a foul when it comes from a defensive player or a coincidence.

project content
Penalties 15 yards
timing Live ball foul
Referee signal NCAA Hit both thighs from the side with both hands
NFL Hit both knees with both hands

TripPing [ edit ]

Block to opponent using legs or legs.

project content
Penalties 15 yards
timing Live ball foul
Referee signal With one leg, kick the other ankle from behind

The main foul on the defensive side [ edit ]

Failure before snap [ edit ]

Offside [ edit ]

Before the snap, the defensive player is in an illegal position. Specifically, the following cases apply.

  • The defensive player is in a neutral zone or a neutral zone when he snaps. It’s not a foul if you return to the snap [5]
  • Before snapping, the defensive player contacts the attacker beyond the neutral zone. [6]
  • Touch the ball before the snap.
  • Before snapping, rush toward the back without having to contact the opponent.
  • Before snapping, threaten the offense line and trigger reflective movements (Foles Start) [7]
project content
Penalties 5 yards
timing Depending on the type
Referee signal Put both hands on the side of your waist

Encroachment [ edit ]

Before snapping, the defensive player contacts the attacker beyond the neutral zone.

The NCAA rules are treated as “offside”, but in the NFL rules, they are treated as “enclosure”. In each case, the signal of the referee and the penalties do not change, so depending on the referee, it may be called with the other expression.

project content
Penalties 5 yards
timing Dead ball foul
Referee signal Put both hands on the side of your waist

Neutral Zone Infraction [ edit ]

Before the snap, it invades the neutral zone and triggers an attacker’s reflective movement (Foles Start).

Attack players, especially the rules that the offense line must be more than 1 second or more, turns the body as if a defensive player in front of the line rushed, and the offense line players responded and “Foles Start”. A foul to suppress the act of taking the foul.

The NCAA rules are treated as “offside”, but in the NFL rules, they are treated as “neutral zone infrastructure”. In each case, the signal of the referee and the penalties do not change, so depending on the referee, it may be called with the other expression.

project content
Penalties 5 yards
timing Dead ball foul
Referee signal Put both hands on the side of your waist

Failure while playing [ edit ]

Pass interference [ edit ]

Interfering the pass and catching players by defensive players. In the following cases, it is often judged as a foul.

  • He himself contacted the opponent who was trying to catch (intercept) without catching the ball.
  • He himself contacted the opponent’s movement (running path) chasing the ball without going to the ball.
  • He contacted the shoulder and chest of the attack player who was trying to catch a pass with one hand and blocked the pass with the other hand.
    If the passed ball is touched before these acts, it will not be a foul.
    If there is no hindrance, it will not be a foul if you can clearly judge that you could not catch it.
project content
Penalties NCAA 15 yards + first down
If it occurs within 15 yards from the scratch line, the first down at the foul point
If you snap up from 17 yards to 2 yards and occur within 2 yards or end zone, 2 yards of the enemy team.
If you snap up within 2 yards of the enemy team, the first down with half -decide
If it occurs in the end zone, down 1 yard of the enemy team.
If you snap up within 2 yards of the enemy team, the first down with half -decide
NFL First down at the foul point regardless of the distance. If you get up in the end zone, snapup with 1 yard of the enemy team. If you snap from within 1 yard, go down the first with half -day.
timing Live ball foul
Referee signal Start the palm of both hands forward in front of your chest

Illegal Contact [ edit ]

NFL’s unique rules. At more than 5 yards from the scrimmage line, we contacted the attacker receiver.

If the ball comes out of the pocket, it will not be applied.

In addition, contact from attacking players is accepted to protect his body.

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Penalties 5 yards + first down.
timing Live ball foul
Referee signal Put one hand in front of your chest

Holding [ edit ]

He tackled, grabbed, and hindered a player who did not have the ball.

project content
Penalties NCAA 10 yards.
In the case of a foul to a qualified receiver with a pass spray, first down.
NFL 5 yards + first down.
timing Live ball foul
Referee signal Grab the other wrist with one hand. Make the back of the hand on the side of the wrist.

Roughing the Passer [ edit ]

Obviously, the violent act of hitting or throwing a passer (quarterback) after throwing a pass.

Immediately after throwing the pass, it is poorly balanced and is protected because there is a risk of injury when tackled.

In NFL, Passer’s helmet, face mask, face, neck, and hitting the act of hitting.

project content
Penalties 15 yards + first down (personal foul).
timing Live ball foul
Referee signal Throw one hand diagonally from top to bottom and opposite.

Horse Collar Tackle [ edit ]

Tackle grabbed the ball carrier’s neck.

It is a naming from a form that stops by pulling a reins by riding, and is treated as a foul because the neck and waist are large and there is a danger.

project content
Penalties 15 yards (personal foul).
timing Live ball foul
Referee signal Grab your neck

Illegal Formation [ edit ]

Six or more people are located on either LOS left or right during kick play.

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Penalties 5 yards
timing Live ball foul
Referee signal Same as offside

The main foul applied to both the attacker and the defender [ edit ]

Unauthorized use of hand (ILLEGAL USE OF HAND) [ edit ]

The rules for using hands and arms have been decided, which is against the opponent. The main rules are as follows.

  • The players who block the attacker pass protection and block
    • Hand in front of your elbow
    • If you hit the other person’s body, hit it on the front (ignore the other player if you rotate it yourself)
    • Hands should be lower than the shoulders or shoulders of the other person
    • Do not cross both hands
    • Do not grab, pull, enclose, catch, tighten, or hinder other incorrect
  • The defensive player
    • Do not tackle, grab, or do not hinder other incorrect

It includes the act of pressing a face mask in common, but is not eligible for ball carriers.

project content
Penalties 10 yards
timing Live ball foul
Referee signal NCAA Grab the other wrist with one hand and turn the grabbed hand forward.
NFL Grab the other wrist with one hand and turn the grabbed palm forward.

Personal Foul [ edit ]

Dangerous acts that cause injury are intentional or coincidence Personal foul Called.

The referee informs the existence of “Personal Foul” in the “hitting the other wrist with one hand overhead”. If there is an individual -defined foul, continue the signal that indicates that.

The foul team will be penalized for 15 yards.

In the case of the defensive person’s personal foul, the attacker is automatically given first down. In many cases, if the play succeeds and gains, it is a penalty of 15 yards from the dead position, and if you decide to touch down, you will be able to touch down and kick off the next try or 15 yards. (Excluding the case where the attacker has a foul and offset).

In addition, if the danger is high or judged to be malicious, a foul player will be disposed of “dismissal (leaving)” (whether the opponent’s team is declined or offset).

Face Mask (Facemask) [ edit ]

The act of grabbing the face mask, pulling and twisting.

Pulling a face mask can damage the cervical spine, and has a high impact on everyday life, rather than a player, and is protected.

Previously, if your finger was caught or touched, it was a 5 -yard penalty, but was abolished. However, continuous contact is a foul of “use of illegal hand”.

project content
Penalties 15 yards + first down
timing Live ball foul
Referee signal Throw one hand diagonally from top to bottom and opposite.

Targeting [ edit ]

NCAA’s unique rules.

An act of intentionally hitting the opponent from the top of your helmet.

Alternatively, an act of hitting the defenseless opponent’s neck and helmet.

If this foul is called, it will always be confirmed in the video judgment.

NFL is not the name “targeting”, but is treated as an unnecessary violence.

project content
Penalties 15 yards + disqualified
timing Live ball foul
Referee signal Hit your head with one hand

UnsportsManlike Conduct [ edit ]

Rangs to referee, opponent, spectators, insults. Especially malicious is also called toneTing.

In addition, after being pushed out by the enemy team player, he continued playing without returning to the in -bouncing, acting misunderstanding that the snap was not imminent, and the offense player with his teammates. If you do not participate in the play despite communicating or entered the huddle, during kicking players, the players on the defense side will step over the players regardless of the enemy or tall to block the kick (revalation). It also includes a player who is more than one yard from the defense LOS jumps over a player on the line (leaning).

Excessive celebration acts after scoring and big play are also eligible.

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Penalties 15 yards (first down in the defensive player)
timing Depending on the timing of foul
Referee signal Spread both arms sideways

Special team foul [ edit ]

Free kick [ edit ]

Unauthorized formation [ edit ]

The team that plays a free kick (kick -off) foules that he does not follow the following rules.

  • Players other than kickers must be within 5 yards from the ball
  • When kicking, there are 4 or more people on both sides of the kicker
project content
Penalties 5 Yard dropped and the free kick was re -kick.
Five yards from the point where the ball was dead, the receiver team went down to the first down of the receiver team.
timing Live ball foul
Referee signal Turn both arms in front of your chest

Offside [ edit ]

Before the free kick (kick -off), players other than the kicker and holder came out before the ball.

project content
Penalties 5 Yard dropped and the free kick was re -kick.
Five yards from the point where the ball was dead, the receiver team went down to the first down of the receiver team.
timing Live ball foul
Referee signal Put both hands on the side of your waist

Free kick out of bounces [ edit ]

The free kick (kick -off) ball broke the side line before the goal line without touching the receiver team player.

project content
Penalties 5 Yard dropped and the free kick was re -kick.
Five yards from the point where the ball came out, the first down of the receiver team.
30 yards from the kicking point, shifted to the receiver team side, the first down of the receiver team (the normal kick -off is the first kick -off kick with 35 yards of the kick team, so the first down with 35 yards of the receipt team).
timing Live ball foul
Referee signal Turn both arms in front of your chest

Unauthorized touch [ edit ]

The ball with a free kick (kick -off) should not touch the kick team players until 10 yards from the kicked position or touch the receiver team player.

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Penalties From the point where you touched it, go down to the 5 yard recordering team side and go down the first team’s first. Touch back if it occurs within 5 yards of receiving team
timing Live ball foul
Referee signal Put both hands on each shoulder (one hand in NFL)

Scrimage kick cover side [ edit ]

Raffing the Kicker [ edit ]

A violent act of hitting or throwing a kicker or panty after kicking. Immediately after kicking, it is not well balanced and is protected because there is a risk of injury when tackled.

In addition, there is a similar protection provision for the holder during field goal play. The holder is concentrated on the operation of the ball, and it is protected because there is no room for tackles from that position and there is a risk of injury. The penalty name changes to “Roughing the Holder”.

In addition, the long snapper is also protected until the system is set up after a snap. In this case, the penalty name changes to “Roughing the Snapper”.

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Penalties 15 yards + first down (personal foul).
timing Live ball foul
Referee signal Personal foul signal
Then kick one leg lightly

Running Into the Kicker [ edit ]

Obviously, there was a contact that could not be said to be violent against kickers and panties after kicking. It’s not as good as Raffing The Kicker, but it’s a foul because of some danger, such as when the kicker touches the tip of kicked up.

project content
Penalties 5 yards.
timing Live ball foul
Referee signal Kick one leg lightly
  1. ^ NFL – Official rulebook
  2. ^ Japan American football association- Official rulebook
  3. ^ a b It’s a foul for the operation before the snap, but it’s a live ball foul because of the foul that can be judged when snapping.
  4. ^ NFL stipulates between both tackles
  5. ^ It’s a foul about the position of the player before the snap, but the live ball foul is a foul that can be judged when snapping.
  6. ^ In the NFL rule, enclosure.
  7. ^ NFL rules are neutral zone infrastructure.
