Reserve championship 1937-1938 – Wikipedia


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The Reserve championship 1937-1938 It was the sixteenth edition of the Italian Reserve football championship.

Unlike the previous edition, structured on multiple groups, the eight reservations enrolled reserves played a single group with outward and return games. However, the calendar of the second round was different from that of the first leg.

The reserves races were played, on the same field and on the same day as the corresponding games between first teams, two hours earlier. However, the registered companies could request the advance of the reserves match on the fascist Saturday.

The dispute of the sixth (December 26) and the seventh day (January 2) slipped by a week compared to the official calendar.

The championship was won by the Ambrosian-Inter reserves.


Italian champion reserves 1937-1938.


Two points in Vittoria, one at a tie, zero in defeat.
The equal merit was in force.

Scoreboard [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Ambrosian ––– 3-1 7-1 0-2 3-1 2-2 2-1 1-1
Atalanta 1-3 ––– 2-2 2-3 1-1 1-1 0-0 1-0
Fiorentina 0-2 6-2 ––– 2-1 1-0 1-1 1-1 2-0
Genoa 4-1 0-2 3-0 ––– 3-7 1-2 0-2 0-0
Juventus 0-1 0-0 2-0 2-0 ––– 0-1 0-0 1-3
Liguria 1-1 1-2 0-0 1-1 2-1 ––– 0-0 0-3
Milan 1-1 2-1 2-1 0-1 1-0 1-2 ––– 2-0
Turin 1-1 7-0 4-1 2-2 3-0 0-2 1-2 –––

Calendar [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

(1st) First day
14 nov. 3-1 Ambrosiana-Juventus
1-1 Atalanta-Liguria
1-1 Fiorentina-Milan
2-2 Turin-Genova
(2nd) Second day
21 nov. 2-0 Milan-Turin
1-1 Liguria-Ambrosiana
2-0 Juventus-Genova
(3rd) Third day
28 nov. 7-1 Ambrosiana-Fiorentina
1-1 Atalanta-Juventus
0-2 Genoa-Milan
0-2 Turin-Liguria
(4th) Fourth day
12 dic. 6-2 Fiorentina-Atalanta
1-1 Liguria-Genova
1-1 Milan-Ambrosiana
1-3 Juventus-Turin
(5th) Fifth day
19 dic. 3-0 Genoa-Fiorentina
1-1 Ambrosiana-Turin
0-0 Atalanta-Milan
26 dic. 0-1 Juventus-Liguria
(6th) Sixth day
2 genes. 1-3 Atalanta-Ambrosiana
4-1 Turin-Fiorentina
23 genes. 1-0 Milan-Juventus
(7th) Seventh day
9 genes. 0-2 Ambrosiana-Genova
0-0 Liguria-Milan
13 feb. 1-0 Fiorentina-Juventus
(8th) Eighth day
23 genes. 2-3 Atalanta-Genova
6 genes. 0-0 Liguria-Fiorentina
(9th) Ninth day
16 genes. 7-0 Turin-Atalanta
(10th) Tenth day
19 feb. 2-1 Liguria-Juventus
20 feb. 0-1 Milan-Genova
2-2 Atalanta-Fiorentina
(11th) Eleventh day
26 feb. 4-1 Genoa-Ambrosiana
27 feb. 2-0 Fiorentina-Turin
0-0 Juventus
1-2 Milan-Liguria
(12th) Twelfth day
5 mar. 3-7 Genoa-Juventus
6 mar. 3-1 Ambrosiana-Atalanta
1-2 Turin-Milan
1-1 Fiorentina-Liguria
(13th) Thirteenth day
12 mar. 0-3 Liguria-Turin
13 mar. 0-1 Juventus-Ambrosiana
2-1 Milan-Fiorentina
0-2 Genoa-Atalanta
(14th) Fourteenth day
20 mar. 2-1 Fiorentina-Genova
2-1 Ambrosiana-Milan
3-0 Turin-Juventus
(15th) Fifteenth day
26 mar. 1-2 Genoa-Liguria
27 mar. 2-1 Milan atland
2-0 Juventus-Fiorentina
(16th) Sixteenth day
3 apr. 2-2 Ambrosiana-Liguria
1-0 Atalanta-Turin
(17th) Seventeenth day
10 apr. 1-1 Turin-Ambrosiana
1-2 Liguria-Atalanta
(18th) Eighteenth day
17 apr. 0-0 Juventus-Milan
0-2 Fiorentina-Ambrosiana
0-0 Genoa-Turin
