Battle of the Flint River – Wikipedia


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Battle of the Flint river
part of the Spanish succession war

Detail of an eighteenth century map showing the approximate location of the Flint river.

Data Inspected date between 7 and 18 October 1702
Place current western Georgia
Outcome Anglo-Indian victory
800, mostly Indians 400, largely Indian
Most killed or captured unknown
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The Battle of the Flint river It was a battle fought during the Spanish succession war on an unspecified date in October 1702 in the area corresponding to the current American state of Georgia. The battle was one of the main elements of border hostilities between the British merchants of the province of Carolina and the Spanish Florida and it was the prelude to the greatest actions of the war of Queen Anna.

The people of the Creeks, assisted by a small number of British led by the merchant Anthony Dodsworth, managed to tend to attack the invaders at the Flint river. More than half of the ISPAO-Indians were killed or captured. The British and Spanish authorities reacted to the battle accelerating the preparations that then led to the siege of St. Augustine in November 1702.

British and Spanish colonizations in the southern part of North America began to bring conflicts to the mid -seventeenth century. The British founded the province of Carolina in 1663 and Charles Town (current Charleston) but in 1670 tensions began to rise with the Spaniards who had been settled for Florida for longer. [first] Merchants and slavists of the new province brought to the Spanish Florida, with raids and reprisals from both sides. [2] In 1700, the governor of Carolina, Joseph Blake, began to threaten the Spaniards for the fact that the British boasted claims on Penscola, founded by the Spaniards in 1698. [3] Carolina’s merchants like Anthony Dodsworth and Thomas Naner had meanwhile established alliances with the Creek people in the high rivers of the Gulf of Mexico, who supported with weapons in exchange for slaves and skins. [2]

The Spanish population of Florida at that time was very little. Since its foundation in the 16th century, the Spaniards had organized a network of missions whose primary purpose was to peacefully convert the local Indian population to Catholicism. In the Apalachee region (current Florida western and southwestern Georgia) there were 14 missions for a total of about 8000 people in 1680. Many (but not all) of these communities were inhabited by Apalachee, while the others were directed by other tribes who had emigrated on site from the south. [4] The Spaniards implemented the policy not to arm these Indians with muskets and therefore the apalachee missions suffered not a little due to the English raids and Creek in 1701. [5]

In January 1702 Pierre Le Moyne d’Iberville, the French founder of Mobile, warned the Spanish commander of Pensacola that it would have been appropriate to arm the Apalachees and prepare a vigorous defense for the English incursions in the Spanish territory. D’Iberville even offered equipment and supplies for this regard. [6] After the destruction by the raiders of the Timucuana mission in Santa Fé de Toloca in May 1702, the governor of the Spanish Florida, Joseph de Zúñiga y Zérda, authorized an expedition to the Creek territories. [5]

Zúñiga ordered Don Francisco Romo de Uriza, Spanish captain, to go to San Luis de Apalachee, where he would have raided with a force of 800 between Apalachee and Spanish. [5] Uriza’s report has not come to the present day, but as far as he knows he was unable to make great successes. [7] The news of this fact, in any case, reached the Achita apalacholanic community, where a Carolina merchant, Anthony Dodsworth (indicated in Spanish documents such as “Don Antonio”) had met with local tribes. According to the report of an Indian woman released to Manuel Solano, deputy governor in San Luis, about 400 warriors, mainly Apalachicolas and Chiska, joined Dodsworth, as well as two whites and two blacks, and the forces collided with those of Uriza. They left Achita on October 7, the same day on which Uriza left Apalachee. [8] The exact date of the battle is unknown; The woman also reported that Solana was a battlefield until 18 October, [8] Day on which Uriza and the remaining of her forces returned to the Apalachee village of Bacacua. [9]

Modern map of Georgia which highlights its main hydrography. The Flint River is indicated in dark blue, while the Chattahoochee river is in blue.

Dodsworth assembled his forces that amounted to about 500, with the blessing of the Apalachicola head, the emperor Brim. [ten] The two forces collided at the Flint river when the apalachee made an attack on the apalachicola camp. By anticipating the possibility of this attack, Dodsworth and the Apalachicolas had set themselves near the field with a specially prepared but actually empty field. When the apalachee attacked the false camp, the Apalachicolas attacked them. [11] With the superiority of their weapons, the Anglo-Indians managed to remove the championship forces. Uriza continued only 300 men on his return to the Apalachee. [9]


The defeat immediately placed Zúñiga on the defensive. He ordered that the Fort of San Luis was completed and adequately supplied to support a possible siege. [11] The battle moved to Charles Town, where the governor James Moore had already ensured the supplies necessary to conduct an expedition against St. Augustine after learning that the war had been formally declared in Europe between England and Spain. [twelfth] His expedition started from Charles Town in November of that year but his goal failed, even if different Ispano-Indian communities in the province of Guale were destroyed in the action. [13] Moore, in 1704, then led an expedition against the apalachee missions that virtually brushed that population away. [11] With the end of the war of Queen Anna in 1713, the British had practically depopulated the current Georgia from the Spaniards and their Indian tribes, leaving only the control of the mission of St. Augustine and Pensacola to the Spaniards. [14]

Two monuments were erected to commemorate the battle of the Flint river in Georgia. The Commission for the historical sites of Georgia has erected a commemorative plaque at the Criscip county not far from the Georgia Veterans State Park in 1965, [15] While the historical commission Chattahoochee, in 1985, placed a plaque in the Georgian village of Bainbridge. [16]

  1. ^ Arnade (1962), p. 31
  2. ^ a b Crane (1919), p. 381
  3. ^ Crane (1919), p. 384
  4. ^ Boyd et al, p. 10
  5. ^ a b c Crane (1956), p. 74
  6. ^ Crane (1956), p. 73
  7. ^ Boyd (1953), p. 471
  8. ^ a b Boyd (1953), p. 469
  9. ^ a b Boyd (1953), p. 470
  10. ^ Pearson, p. 57
  11. ^ a b c Pearson, p. 58
  12. ^ Crane (1919), p. 76
  13. ^ Arnade (1959), pp. 14–15
  14. ^ Arnade (1962), pp. 35–36
  15. ^ GeorgiaInfo: Spanish-Indian Battle Marker . are , Digital Library of Georgia. URL consulted on March 16, 2011 .
  16. ^ Georgia Historical Society: Battle of 1702 Marker . are , Georgia Historical Society. URL consulted on March 16, 2011 .
  • ( IN ) Charles W Arnade, The Siege of St. Augustine 1702 , University of Florida Monographs: Social Sciences #3, Gainesville, FL, University of Florida Press, 1959, OCLC  1447747 .
  • ( IN ) Charles W Arnade, The English Invasion of Spanish Florida, 1700–1706 , in The Florida Historical Quarterly , Volume 41, No. 1, July, Florida Historical Society, 1962, pp. 29–37, JSTOR  30139893 .
  • ( IN ) Mark F Boyd, Smith, Hale G e Griffin, John W, Here They Once Stood: the Tragic End of the Apalachee Missions , Gainesville, FL, University Press of Florida, 1999 [1951] , ISBN 978-0-8130-1725-9, OCLC 245840026 .
  • ( IN ) Mark F Boyd, Further Consideration of the Apalachee Missions , in The Americas , Volume 9, No. 4, April, Academy of American Franciscan History, 1953, pp. 459–480, JSTOR  978405 .
  • ( IN ) Verner W Crane, The Southern Frontier in Queen Anne’s War , in The American Historical Review , Volume 24, No. 3, April, 1919, pp. 379–395, JSTOR  1835775 .
  • ( IN ) Verner W Crane, The Southern Frontier, 1670–1732 , Ann Arbor, MI, University of Michigan Press, 1956 [1929] , OCLC  631544711 , hdl: 2027/mdp.39015051125113 .
  • ( IN ) Fred Lamar, Jr Pearson, Anglo-Spanish Rivalry in the Chattahoochee Basin and West Florida, 1685–1704 , in The South Carolina Historical Magazine , Volume 79, No. 1, gennaio, South Carolina Historical Society, 1978, pp. 50–59, JSTOR  27567478 .
