FRANCESCO MIMBelli (d 561) – Wikipedia


from Wikipedia, L’Encilopedia Libera.


The Navy LanciaMissili Destroyer Francesco imdbelli ( D 561 ) It is a multi -rocker unit for the anti -aircraft struggle, anti -Sommergible struggle, fighting anti -valer and for long -range bombardment.

It counts a crew of 377 people (of whom 10% female). The hull is continuously bridge with two blocks of superstructures that incorporate the two fumaioli, with the poppiera area occupied for a length of about 25 meters from the flight bridge and for a length of 18m from the hangar that can accommodate two helicopters. The shape of the hull and two pairs of stabilizers ensure a considerable reduction in roll.

The ship is equipped with armament, consistent and differentiated that makes it suitable to fulfill multiple fundamental tasks: primarily the zone aerial defense, contributing not only to the protection of naval formations and convoys, but also to the national and born air defense. Furthermore, its armament makes it suitable for the contrast of underwater and surface units, the support of amphibious operations and the use in the coastal bombing and is suitable as a complex control, task carried out on several occasions.

During the last work stop, carried out between 2006 and 2009, he underwent a remarkable modernization process with the replacement of multiple components of the combat system which involved an increase in performance in terms of processing and calculation capacity.

The ship bears the name of Francesco Mimbelli, a gold medal for military valor of the Second World War. The construction of the unit, which began in 1989, took place in the Riva Trigoso shipyard; The ship was passed on April 13, 1991 and was delivered to the Navy on October 18, 1993.

The unit has the ship as a twin Durand de la Penne . The two units had been launched with names Game It is Bold , resuming the names of two torpedoists of the cyclone class of the Royal Marina, who operated during the Second World War. With the death of Durand de la Penne, which took place during the set -up phase, it was instead decided to name the units to these two war heroes and on 10 June 1992 ship Bold He took his name from Francesco Mimbelli.

Nave Mimbelli It is dependent on the command of the 2nd naval division of Taranto; Its assignment port is Taranto at the new Mar Grande Naval Station.


Nave Mimbelli He has taken part in numerous training activities both nationally and internationally.

From 31 January 2003 to 1 June 2003 he took part as a ship of the Task Force 150 command at the Resolute Behaviour- enduring Freedom operation for the control of aeronaval traffic and escort activities to merchant and military units in transit to and from the Strait by Bab El-Mandeb.

From 4 to 10 April 2005, on the occasion of the funeral of Pope John Paul II he took part in the Great event Jupiter 2005.

After the modernization works carried out between 2006 and 2009, from 22 February to 1 March 2011, in the context of the Libyan crisis, he carried out presence and surveillance tasks, evacuating on February 28, 300 civilians from the Libyan port of Marsa El Brega .

From 7 February to 19 August 2014 he took part, included in the Task Force 508 of the standing born Maritime Group at the Ocean Shield operation for the fight against piracy in the Gulf of Aden and in the Indian Ocean.

From 29 July to 30 September 2015, and from 27 December 2015 to 18 February 2016 he took part in the Safe Sea operation, employed by the command of the third naval group, for the protection of national interests in the central and Libyan Mediterranean, contributing to save the life of about 3700 migrants.

From 19 September to 4 November and from 26 December 2016 to 14 January 2017 he took part, in the quality ship quality, to the Safe Sea operation, operating to the directors of the first naval division, during the first period, and the command of the forces from patrolling for surveillance and coastal defense in the second period.

From 22 to 29 May 2017, he participated in the Naxos operation, as command ship of the maritime component and air defense units, integrating with the other FF.AA. and police forces in the interministerial device in charge of the security frame during the G7 that was held in Taormina.

They were valuable to command this ship [2]
Grade Name and surname Period
Captain of vessel Giuseppe Lertora Dal 19.10.1993 Al 18.10.1994
Captain of vessel Michele de Pinto Dal 19.10.1994 Al 11.08.1996
Captain of vessel Salvatore Cervone Dal 12.08.1996 al 24.09.1998
Captain of vessel Raffaele Caruso Dal 25.09.1998 al 14.10.1999
Captain of vessel Pierluigi Rosati Dal 15.10.1999 Al 15.10.2000
Captain of vessel Paolo Ferrarese Dal 16.10.2000 Al 15.10.2001
Captain of vessel Emilio Foltzer Dal 16.10.2001 Al 15.10.2002
Captain of vessel Eduardo Serra Dal 16.10.2002 Al 15.10.2003
Captain of vessel Nicola De Felice Dal 16.10.2003 Al 22.10.2004
Captain of vessel Ruggiero di Biase Dal 23.10.2004 Al 23.10.2005
Captain of vessel Edoardo Compiani Dal 24.10.2005 Al 23.10.2006
Captain of vessel Enrico Credenino Dal 24.10.2006 Al 23.10.2007
Captain of vessel Gregorio Lizzio Dal 24.10.2007 Al 07.09.2009
Captain of vessel Andrea Romani Dal 08.09.2009 Al 07.09.2010
Captain of vessel Alberto Rugheri Dal 08.09.2010 Al 07.09.2011
Captain of vessel Gianluca Galasso Dal 09.09.2011 Al 11.09.2012
Captain of vessel Giuliano Biggi Dal 12.09.2012 Al 20.10.2013
Captain of vessel Davide Bern Dal 21.10.2013 Al 20.10.2014
Captain of vessel Andrea Bocchieri Dal 21.10.2014 Al 30.06.2016
Captain of vessel Lorenzano Di Renzo Dal 01.07.2016 Al 10.07.2017
Captain of vessel Massimiliano Lauretti Dal 11.07.2017 al 14.10.2018
Captain of vessel Pietro Gentile Dal 15.10.2018 Al 14.10.2019
Captain of vessel Christ Salvatore Traetta Dal 15.10.2019 al 14.10.2020
Captain of vessel Giuseppe Massimiliano Aletta Dal 15.10.2020 al 14.10.2021
Captain of vessel Marco Antoniazzi Dal 15.10.2021 al 24.09.2022
Captain of vessel Massimiliano Carrino from 25.09.2022 – in office
  1. ^ Mimbelli destroyer . are . URL consulted on 13 July 2015 .
  2. ^ This sentence is carved on the summary plaque of the unit commanders; The plaque is located in the ship’s command corridor where the combat flag is also kept. The plaque begins with the quote: “The commander is the custodian of honor and traditions of the Navy”.
