Honorius IV (Pope Roman) –Wikipedia


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Honorius IV (Honorius IV, 1210 -April 3, 1287) was the Pope, which was enrolled from 1285 to 1287. Her real name Gakomo Savelli (Giacomo Savelli)。

Career and performance [ edit ]

He was born in the Roman noble Savelli family and had no connection with Holy Jobs. He has two sons, one is the mayor of Urbino (died in 1279), and the other is a member of the Roman Senate (died in 1306).

It was after his wife’s death on the way to the clergy, he studied at the University of Paris, became a council member of Sharon -Ann -Champagne Cathedral, assigned an England’s Nolians, but he did not go to the location. rice field. The progress so far is similar to Clemens IV (he was also a slant at first).

In 1261, he was one of the six Cardinals who appointed Cardinal Urbanx as an auxiliary Cardinal and appointed Gregolius XIII in Conclave after Clemens IV. In the reign of Hadrian V, Roman Roman Ludolf I was a negotiations of the Coronary Roman Imperial Corporation, but Hadrian V died suddenly and ended without being determined. It was the role of giving the Pope crown at the coronation of Nicolaus III and Martinus IV.

When Martinus IV died in Peruja on March 28, 1285, Conclave was opened, but on April 2, only 5th, Gacomo was elected Pope Honorius IV. However, he was almost unable to get up because he was old and was affected by gout.

Martinus IV was a puppet of King Naples Charles Dangzu, and only carried out policies in line with him, but Honorius IV also took the same attitude of Anju -Sicily and was also the throne of the Sicily, the Barcelona family of the Aragon royal family. Was conflicted. Charles lost Sicily in the evening prayer in Sicily and was robbed by Aragon King Pedro III, but he fought with Pedro III to involve Martinus IV and the nephew King Philip III to recover. He died in January 1285 without being able to recapture.


Martinus IV and Philip III, who supported him, died in March and October of the same year, Pedro III died in November. Carlo II, caught by the Aragon, was released on condition of the complete abandonment of Sicily, but Honorius IV did not recognize this, excommunicated Haime, and his relationship with the Barcelona was worsened.

The peace negotiations with Alfonso III began with the efforts of England King Edward I, but Honorius IV died without a conclusion, and eventually the Sicily problem arrived. It is the 1290s that connects.

Others are known to provide assistance to the University of Paris and that the letter of the 4th Han Algun of the Ilhan Dynasty was delivered to Rome in 1285. The content was jointly proposed to defeat Muslims, but Honorius IV died without a place, and this task was entrusted to the next Nicolaus IV.
