Noboribetsu relay station –Wikipedia


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Noboribetsu relay station (Nobori Betsuchu Ikyoku) is a TV relay station in Noboribetsu Onsen Town, Noboribetsu City, Hokkaido. Here, “NHK Nobibetsu Shitamine TV broadcasting station” in the same Noboribetsu Onsen, Mini Satellite Bureau, Noboribetsu East Relay Bureau near Noboribetsu Station, Horonbetsu relay station in Noboribetsu City, the boundary with Muroran City. The Washibetsu relay station is also described.

Noboribetsu relay station [ edit ]

Digital TV broadcasting [ edit ]

Analog TV broadcasting (abolished) [ edit ]

Channel Broadcasting station name Air line
ERP Polarized surface Broadcasting areas Broadcasting area
Inner number of households
Starting day
Muroran General
Video 3W/
Voice 750MW
Video 4.4W/
Voice 1.1W
Vertical waves Iburi / Hidaka /
Posterior Shiori Inui Kuromouchi Town
About 1,200 households 1967
November 10th [first]
Sapporo TV broadcasting
Video 4.4W/
Voice 1.1W
Hokkaido 1967
Nov. 11 [2]
ten HBC
Hokkaido Broadcasting
Video 4W/
Voice 1w
twelfth NHK
Muroran education
Video 4.1W/
Voice 1.05W
Nationwide 1967
November 10th [first]
49 TVH
TV Hokkaido
Video 10W/
Voice 2.5W
Video 32W/
Voice 7.9W
Horizontal waves Hokkaido
51 HTB
Hokkaido TV broadcasting
Video 31W/
Voice 7.7W
September 12 [3]
53 UHB
Hokkaido Cultural Broadcasting
  • In the past, HTB was 24ch, UHB was 26ch, and TVH was transmitted at 22ch, but the physical channel was changed in August 2005. This is a measure to avoid the occurrence of conversion associated with the opening of the Muroran Digital Sendment Office (Anana conversion). Currently, at Muroran Digital Send Office, HBC is HBC, 24ch is used by NHK comprehensive, 26ch is used.
  • The broadcast area is in some areas in Noboribetsu City and Shirao -cho, Shirao -gun. However, the digital broadcast is slightly different, and the broadcasting area is slightly wider.

FM broadcasting [ edit ]

  • It is attached to the former VHF TV transmission facility of the Noboribetsu TV relay station.
  • Since the FM broadcast uses the frequency of the VHF band, the FM broadcast is transmitted by vertical polarized waves considering the VHF TV broadcast wave of the VHF TV broadcasting station, but it is actually transmitted by horizontal polarization. ing.
  • The broadcasting area is the Noboribetsu Onsen area in Noboribetsu City, the Noboribetsu Ekimae area, and the Toranihama Onsen area in Shirao -cho, Shirao -gun (including the area of ​​the Noboribetsu East TV relay station, but the digital TV of the Noboribetsu relay station. The broadcasting area is slightly wider, and the area is slightly wider than analog TV broadcasting). In the reception area of ​​each TV relay station in Horibetsu and Washibetsu, FM radio broadcasting is covered by Muroran transmitting station.
  • Air-G ‘and NorthWave do not have a relay station.

Noboribetsu city other relay station [ edit ]

NHK Noboribetsu Shitamine TV broadcasting station [ edit ]

Analog TV broadcasting (abolished) [ edit ]

Channel Broadcasting station name Air line
ERP Polarized surface Broadcasting areas Broadcasting area
Inner number of households
Starting day
30 NHK
Muroran education
Video 10W/
Voice 2.5W
Video 450W/
Voice 110W
Horizontal waves Nationwide 1974
December 3rd [4]
32 NHK
Muroran General
Iburi / Hidaka /
Posterior Shiori Inui Kuromouchi Town
  • It was abolished on July 24, 2011.

Noboribetsu East TV relay station [ edit ]

Digital TV broadcasting [ edit ]

Remote controller
Key ID
Broadcasting station name physics
Air line
ERP Polarized surface Broadcasting areas Broadcasting area
Inner number of households
Starting day
first HBC
Hokkaido Broadcasting
48 10mW 105mW Horizontal waves Hokkaido About 1,000 households year 2010
September 30
Muroran education
44 Nationwide
Muroran General
forty six Iburi / Hidaka
Sapporo TV broadcasting
42 Hokkaido
Hokkaido TV broadcasting
38 110mW
TV Hokkaido
40 105mW
Hokkaido Cultural Broadcasting
36 110mW

Analog TV broadcasting (abolished) [ edit ]

Channel Broadcasting station name Air line
ERP Polarized surface Broadcasting areas Broadcasting area
Inner number of households
35 HTB
Hokkaido TV broadcasting
Video 100mw/
Voice 25MW
Video 1.25W/
Voice 310MW
Horizontal waves Hokkaido About 600 households
41 STV
Sapporo TV broadcasting
43 HBC
Hokkaido Broadcasting
45 NHK
Muroran General
Iburi / Hidaka /
Posterior Shiori Inui Kuromouchi Town
47 NHK
Muroran education
55 TVH
TV Hokkaido
57 UHB
Hokkaido Cultural Broadcasting
  • On the analog TV relay station, UHB was once sent to 33ch and TVH was 31ch. The channel was changed in August 2005 due to the measures to prevent confusion associated with the opening of the Muroran Digital Digital Send Office.
  • The broadcast area is in some areas in Nobutsu Higashi -cho and Noboribetsu Port.

Horo -separate TV relay station [ edit ]

Digital TV broadcasting [ edit ]

Remote controller
Key ID
Broadcasting station name physics
Air line
ERP Polarized surface Broadcasting areas Broadcasting area
Inner number of households
Starting day
first HBC
Hokkaido Broadcasting
15 300mW 790mw Vertical waves Hokkaido About 8,300 households year 2010
December 24th
Muroran education
13 770mw Nationwide
Muroran General
21 790mw Iburi / Hidaka
Sapporo TV broadcasting
25 750mW Hokkaido
Hokkaido TV broadcasting
17 830mW
TV Hokkaido
23 770mw
Hokkaido Cultural Broadcasting
27 790mw

Analog TV broadcasting (abolished) [ edit ]

Channel Broadcasting station name Air line
ERP Polarized surface Broadcasting areas Broadcasting area
Inner number of households
Starting day
19 TVH
TV Hokkaido
Video 3W/
Voice 750MW
Video 8.1W/
Voice 2w
Vertical waves Hokkaido 7,874 households
42 HBC
Hokkaido Broadcasting
44 STV
Sapporo TV broadcasting
forty six NHK
Muroran General
Video 8.3W/
Voice 2.1W
Iburi / Hidaka /
Posterior Shiori Inui Kuromouchi Town
August 28th [5]
50 NHK
Muroran education
58 HTB
Hokkaido TV broadcasting
Video 7.9W/
Voice 1.95W
60 UHB
Hokkaido Cultural Broadcasting
  • The TVH relay station opened in the winter of 1996.

Washibetsu TV relay station [ edit ]

Digital TV broadcasting [ edit ]

Remote controller
Key ID
Broadcasting station name physics
Air line
ERP Polarized surface Broadcasting areas Broadcasting area
Inner number of households
Starting day
first HBC
Hokkaido Broadcasting
34 100mW 550mW Vertical waves [6] Hokkaido Approximately 10,300 households year 2010
December 24th
NHK Muroran Education
32 520mW National broadcasting
NHK Muroran General
36 540mW Iburi / Hidaka
Sapporo TV broadcasting
28 550mW Hokkaido
Hokkaido TV broadcasting
38 540mW
TV Hokkaido
40 510mW
Hokkaido Cultural Broadcasting
30 540mW

Analog TV broadcasting (abolished) [ edit ]

Channel Broadcasting station name Air line
ERP Polarized surface Broadcasting areas Broadcasting area
Inner number of households
14 TVH
TV Hokkaido
Video 1W/
Voice 250MW
Image 7.2W/
Voice 1.8w
Vertical waves Hokkaido Approximately 3,500 households
18 HBC
Hokkaido Broadcasting
Image 7.2W/
Voice 1.8w
48 HTB
Hokkaido TV broadcasting
Video 23W/
Voice 5.7W
52 UHB
Hokkaido Cultural Broadcasting
54 NHK
Muroran education
Video 23W/
Voice 5.7W
National broadcasting
56 NHK
Muroran General
Iburi / Hidaka /
Posterior Shiori Inui Kuromouchi Town
62 STV
Sapporo TV broadcasting
Video 22W/
Voice 5.6W
  • The relay station also changed all channels except for the HBC in June 2006 due to the measures to prevent confusion associated with the opening of the Muroran Digital Sending Office. The channel before and after the change is as follows.
    • NHK Muroran General … 32ch → 56ch
    • NHK Muroran Education … 34ch → 54ch
    • STV…20ch→62ch
    • HTB … 24CH → 48CH
    • UHB… 26ch → 52ch
    • TVH … 16CH → 14CH

Digital terrestrial broadcasting [ edit ]

See below as the response varies depending on the relay station.

  • Noboribetsu relay station … opened on December 1, 2008.
  • Noboribetsu Shitamine Relay Bureau: Abolished on July 24, 2011.
  • Noboribetsu East Broadcasting Station… NHK Muroran Broadcasting Station and commercial broadcast opened in September 2010.
  • Horai -separated relay station, Washibetsu relay station … NHK Muroran Broadcasting Station and commercial broadcast opened in December 2010.
    • The commercial broadcast of the Noboribetsu East Bureau, the Horsei Shirayo, and the Washibetsu relay station was initially difficult to build on their own.
  1. ^ a b The Japan Broadcasting Association General Broadcasting Culture Research Institute Broadcasting History Training Office “NHK New Year’s Broadcast ’68” Japan Broadcasting Publishing Association, 1968, pp. 233.
  2. ^ The Japan Private Broadcasting Federation (edition) “Japan Broadcasting New Year’s Broadcasting ’68” Iwasaki Broadcasting Publisher, 1969, pp. 55.
  3. ^ The Japan Private Broadcasting Federation (edition) “Japan Broadcasting New Year’s Broadcast ’74” Chiakiha, 1974, pp. 26.
  4. ^ The Japan Broadcasting Corporation Broadcasting Cultural Research Institute Broadcasting History Training Office “NHK New Year’s Broadcast ’75” Japan Broadcasting Publishing Association, p. 313, p. 313.
  5. ^ The Japan Broadcasting Corporation Broadcasting Culture Research Institute Broadcasting History Training Office “NHK New Year’s Broadcast ’74” Japan Broadcasting Publishing Association, pp. 365, 1974.
  6. ^ Status of terrestrial digital broadcasting station in Hokkaido -The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Hokkaido General Communications Bureau, viewed on August 29, 2021

External link [ edit ]
