A1 motorway (Italy) – Wikipedia


A1 motorway
Sun motorway
Previous denominations A2 (in the Rome-Napoli section, 1962-1988)
State Italia Italy
Regions   Lombardy
  Emilia Romagna
Classification Highway
Start Connection with A51, near Rogoredo (Milan)
Fine A3 grafting at Barra (Naples)
Length 760 [first] km
Opening day 1958 (first open section)
Manager Autostrade per l’Italia
Toll closed system [N 1]
(free in the Lombarding Milan-A50 section West ring road and in the Campania section SS7bis Pomigliano-Napoli)
Served locations City and provinces of Milan, Lodi, Piacenza, Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Bologna, Florence, Arezzo, Siena, Perugia, Terni, Viterbo, Rieti, Rome, Frosinone, Caserta, Naples
Main intersections A51, A50 and A58 in Milan, A21 in Piacenza, A21DIR in Fiorenzuola, A15 in Parma, A22 in Modena, A14 in Bologna, A1var a La Quercia and A11 in Florence, A24 in Rome, A30 in Caserta, A16 A Casoria and A56 and A3 in Naples.
European roads ·

L’ A1 Milan-Naples motorway , also called Sun motorway or more briefly Autosole , connects Milan to Naples by crossing the Italian peninsula internally and passing through Bologna, Florence and Rome. It is entirely managed by Autostrade per l’Italia [2] .


It is the longest Italian motorway in operation ( 760 km overall) and also the main meridian axis of the Italian motorway network.

Lunch break for the workers in a construction site in 1960.

Ideation and assignment [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The idea of ​​the highway of the sun is due to the engineer Piero Puricelli, who had already conceived the Napoli-Pompei section, opened in 1928 and to Salvino Senesi, general manager of IRI. A corporate consortium consisting of 4 companies with a common interest is born: automotive roads and all connected affairs. The elements are Fiat, Pirelli, Agip and Italcementi, which give life to SISI (“Italian Street Initiative Societies”).

Sisi represented the commission of the following contract and was in charge of carrying out the economic and structural feasibility study. The need to renew the motorway network was evident throughout Italy, above all because before those years we had focused mostly on the railway networks and related infrastructures.

Between 1953 and 1955 Sisi developed an approximate project of the highway with main stages Milan, Bologna, Florence, Rome and Naples, assuming a financial idea on the collection of tolls. Francesco Aimone Jelmon was appointed for the project: he had to determine the best path and design the necessary bridges. The task proved to be arduous, as the territorial cartographies were very few and insufficient: multiple inspections were therefore necessary. In 1955 Sisi transferred the project to the State, in particular to the minister and engineer Giuseppe Romita, who had the suitable skills. He made himself a spokesman for a huge work, and followed the heritage and beneficial construction of the post -war period, with the idea of ​​bringing Italy back to splendor.

Law no. 463, which regulated all the pre -existing highways, under construction and to be built. Articles 1 and 9 lent particular attention to the South motorway network, regulating constructive and economic aspects. In Title II II was treated the economic part relating to the collection of taxes, then quantified in article 20, in the “Final provisions” section.

The first objective was the construction of Autostrade by Anas, the autonomous company of the state roads, chaired by the Minister of Public Works, and only in the subordinate the concession to third parties of the construction and exercise of the Autostrade; But it was only a formal recognition. It was widespread that Anas had neither financial ability, efficiency, nor the competence to do it. In fact, starting from 1951, he took eight years to build 26 km for the Genoa-Savona section. In addition, the Modernist Modern Executive Even preferred to place the skills relating to the plant engineer and management of large road arteries within the action of the political class, but move more to the private industry. The privileged area was that of state participations.


The construction of the Milan-Napoli motorway was entrusted to IRI with an agreement (approved on April 14, 1956 by interministerial decree on the same date no. 3072) and granted to the company Concessions and Buildings Autostrade Spa (now called Autostrade per l’Italia) , of new constitution, with one million lire of share capital and total ownership of IRI, who at the time of the signature of the agreement had neither a location nor an employee. Therefore the management of the work passed into the hands of Fedele Cova, an engineer from Borgomanero, who in the post -war period had built for Iri La Cementir, a public company for the production of concrete that exploited the slag and energy of the steel plays Finsider, owned by the State, and made the public sector of buildings independent of private individuals (first of all from the height of heavy heights) for concrete supplies.

It was therefore a matter of organizing and managing about 800 kilometers of highway. The problem at the base was the bureaucracy: no constantly recognized procedure allowed a rapid construction. Fedele Cova knew that the important thing was to begin and that the need for the work would allow to overcome bureaucratic obstacles. Divided the motorway into lots of maximum 5 kilometers and entrusted them to multiple companies through a competition contract, effective solution since companies hired the best designers, such as Silvano Zorzi and Riccardo Morandi. The project relating to the lot of banned was carried out by Jelmoni, and with the competition contract procedure the designers were based on that project for the nature of the construction and for necessity and costs.

The Sun motorway reflects the skill and skill of Italian civil engineers of the time. Each lot had its own “box”, that is, a block of files that was delivered to the winning contractor with all the information relating to the lot inside. Where it was necessary to build a bridge, already designed by Jelmoni, it was adapted by the designer of each individual company according to their ways. All the construction sites were constantly supervised, in order not to have superfluous variants during the work phase (i.e. changes to the project during its realization) and therefore not have huge temporal delays.

Construction [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

On May 19, 1956 the laying of the first stone was celebrated, with the participation of the President of the Republic Giovanni Gronchi. The construction of the artery started from Milan, with the section reached Piacenza. Basically, the construction of the highway did not present significant problems, even if there were more complicated points to build in which Italy’s geological profile required numerous bridges to proceed. In fact, the first impediment is found crossing the Po river in Piacenza: crossing the Po has always been a problem due to the bottom and rather irregular water flows. In this case, the designer Silvano Zorzi manages to resolve the crossing with what was considered for the time the largest pre -seasoned concrete work in Europe. The bridge over the Po was opened to traffic on June 15, 1959.

In this period Fedele Cova had a first analysis of the relative costs of the work. For fear that the money were not enough to get to Naples, the construction also began from Naples, so that it was necessary to finish both sides. After the Po, we proceed very quickly to Bologna, where the most complex, i.e. the Apennine route begins: multiple bridges are made, which will protagonist Riccardo Morandi, who designed works such as the seed, Gambellato and deserving viaducts. Therefore, proceeding towards Florence, you meet a curious curious curiCostrada completely lined up by viaducts.

On December 3, 1960, the trans -ApenPennin is ready: it is 85 km motorway with about 40 bridges. The need of the Sun motorway is demonstrated by the fact that, without this, it was used for about an afternoon to reach Bologna starting from Florence, while an hour and fifteen minutes are sufficient with the highway of the sun. The inauguration was made by the Prime Minister Amentore Fanfani, in office for his third government. Fanfani varying a building plan for the workers of the self -rope, performing a political maneuver for unemployment: we therefore speak of Plan inacasa, which has had a duration of about 14 years.

From Milan we therefore arrived in Florence, while in 1962 the construction came from Naples to Rome (originally this trunk was classified as A2). The last stretch to be built was that between Florence and Rome: the intermediate cities of Siena, Arezzo and Perugia contended for the passage of the artery, therefore with respect to the original route, called “of the valleys” as, similarly to the railway Florence-Rome and, later, also to the very direct Florence-Rome, crosses Valdarno, the Val di Chiana, the Valle del Paglia and that of the Tiber, variants were designed, that is, the “Senese-Viterbo” and the “Umbrian- Sabina “. Discard the “Senese-Viterbo” variant preliminarily and the Sabine part of the “Umbrian-Sabine” because too onerous, in 1961 the original route was definitively approved, albeit with a variant, designed by the engineer from Arezzo Ubaldo Cassi, which has further The route to the city of Arezzo approached. Since this variant had been advocated (and, according to the magazine Quattroruote, personally designed on a map with a red pencil [3] ) From the then Prime Minister Amentore Fanfani, originally from Pieve Santo Stefano, a municipality in Valtiberina Aretina, this stretch of the highway is known as “Curva Fanfani” [4] . In this stretch, the bridge on the Arno river dedicated to Minister Giuseppe Romita, who passed away in 1958, was built on the project of the engineer Silvano Zorzi. Florence-Siena fitting, the Siena-Bettole fitting, the Bettolle-Perugia fitting and the Orte-Ravenna highway, composed of the SS 675 and the SS 3 bis, which allows you to reach Perugia and Romagna.

On October 4, 1964, with the opening to the traffic of the section between Chiusi and Orvieto, the construction of the highway of the sun ended, which required 8 years of work. The inauguration ceremony was held in Florence, at the church of the Sun motorway (designed by the architect Giovanni Michelucci and dedicated to the workers who died during the construction of the highway), and the president of the Council of Ministers, Aldo participated in it Moro: The event announces, in fact, the end of the Italian economic boom, a period of which A1 has become a symbol, also giving a significant impulse to the spread of mass engine and tourism in Italy.

On July 21, 1988, the Fiano Romano-San Cesareo straps was inaugurated, which connects the two Milan-Rome and Rome-Napoli motorway trunks and allows you to avoid the large ring road.

On 23 December 2015, the Variant of Valico was opened to traffic, which compared to the route inaugurated in 1960, however remained open to traffic and called “A1 panoramic”, the Apennines is valid at a lower quota ( 490 m against the beyond 700 m of the original section).

The highway was opened in several functional phases [5] :

Bridges and viaducts [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The bridges and viaducts of the Sun motorway present common characteristics that reflect in a clear way the trends of civil engineering of second post -war Italy. The predominant style is that of the Robert Millarart bridge, where a load -bearing bow bears pillars on it and these, in turn, hold the deck and road surface: on this matrix, then, each designer applied the appropriate changes to make the most functional work. The construction of the entire bridge was in this economic and fast way, also thanks to the hundreds innocent, conceived by the engineer Ferdinando Innocenti. The aesthetic qualities are related to the functionality of a bridge, but as regards the artifacts of the Sun highway, they are not neglected: in this sense, the use of pre -deforestable concrete has been significant, so as to obtain light, slender works and cheap, albeit resistant and quick to build. Among the most significant bridges there are: the bridge over the Po in Piacenza, the bridge over the Arno in Levane and the viaducts deserve and Gambellato on the Apennines.

The construction of the bridge over the Po in Piacenza, located in the Milan-Bologna section, represented the first large application of the precompressed reinforced concrete inside the highway of the sun. The beams, high 3,2 m , in pre -defined reinforced concrete, rest on ordinary reinforced concrete piles, covered in order to obtain the semblance of a fake masonry. Once the casting was carried out, when the concrete began to harden inside the disorders placed above the pylons, the very resistant steel wires that constitute the cables immersed in the conglomerate was made with a martinet. Finally, for the testing between 4 and 5 June 1959, the viaduct was crossed by 20 full -load trucks and 10 44 -ton “Patton” tanks. This operation was the decisive confirmation that the bridge was able to allow the safety of one of the most critical rivers of the route, such as the Po.

Other significant works in this sense were two bridges for the stretch of the highway of the Sun between Florence and Bologna, that is, the viaducts Gambellato and Merizzano, who confirmed the professional ascent of the figure of Giulio Krall, at the time technical director of the Ferrobeton. Initially, for the first, Jelmoni had foreseen three parabolic arches. Krall, however, decided to abandon this idea to create a single large arch with an optimized shape, so that they can better respond to the various stresses in support of the pillars that support the road deck. The second viaduct, with a clearly visible frame, has a structure very similar to that of the viaduct on the Gambellato, but with a single difference that is made up of two arches instead of one.

The bridge over the Arno in Levane is also remarkable, named after the Minister of Public Works Giuseppe Romita, who died in 1958 a few years after the end of the construction works. In office in the post -war years, Romita signed the construction plan of the highway of the sun and was beating that its construction was entrusted to the state. The bridge in Levane, the last of the autosle to be built, has a polygonal arc structure (designed according to the funicular of the loads) stuck to the taxes and with pre -deficiency armed beams. Its realization met an important obstacle in the instability of the ground of the slope where the bridge would be born, so much so that it was necessary to block one of the pylons against the arch in the foundation.

Milan-Bologna stretch [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Milan-Bologna section (photo made near Reggio Emilia)
Scene of the 4 -lane autosle at the exit of Bologna Borgo Panigale, graft A14 in a south direction

Today the A1 begins to the south-east of Milan as a continuation, without continuity, of the East ring road in Milan (A51). The stretch between the East ring road and the San Donato Milanese junction is a variant, called R6 connection, [6] of the original route with which A1 ended directly in the inhabited center of Milan [N 2] .

Near San Giuliano Milanese connects with the west ring road of Milan (A50); Follows the Melegnano-Binasco junction. After the South Milan barrier, he connects with the external ring road of Milan (A58) and continues towards Lodi and Casalpusterlengo – Ospedaletto Lodigiano. For the stretch between Milan South and Lodi, the expansion to the fourth lane is in the authorization phase [7] . After crossing the river Po, the highway enters Emilia-Romagna and serves Piacenza, where it intersects with the A21 motorway, Parma, from which the Cisa motorway (A15), Reggio Emilia, Modena and Bologna originates.

In the stretch between Piacenza and Bologna it was expanded to the third lane in the 70s, in the 90s the third lane had the stretch between Piacenza and Milan. Four lanes to have more fluidity of traffic throughout the section from Piacenza Sud to Bologna grafted A14.
North of Modena receives the Brenner motorway (A22), while in Bologna the Adriatic originated first (A14) and shortly after the Casalecchio branch. In 2006 the stretch between these interconnections (A1/A22 near Modena Nord and A1/A14 near Bologna Borgo Panigale) was expanded to four lanes.

Bologna-Florence stretch [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Also called the Apennine stretch, it crosses the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines with a bold path, rich in galleries and viaducts.

It was modernized: in 2009 the third lane between Casalecchio di Reno and Sasso Marconi was opened, which made the preparation of sound -absorbing barriers necessary, three years earlier the third lane between Sasso Marconi and the oak had been opened, which has which has involved some changes to the original track, made more rectilinear, and the movement 3 km Further south of the Sasso Marconi toll booth.
As for the stretch between the oak and garlic, from 23 December 2015 it is possible to choose whether to travel the historical track, also called A1 Overview [8] , or the valley variant, also called A1 direct [8] , which assesses the Apennines at an altitude of about 220 meters than the historical section [9] .
Between garlic and Barberino north the two original carriageways are used (the external one for the valley variant, the internal one for the historic track), in the southern direction in 2015 a new three -lane road was opened to traffic and was closed In the direction of Florence the service area West garlic , as excluded from the new motorway route. The choice between the two sections can be made about 500 m before the Barberino toll booth, so to go from the town Mugellano to Bologna you have to necessarily travel the A1 direct [ten] .

From 30 June 2006 the Vado section is no longer the original one, and unlike the fit of Sasso Marconi, this old stretch has been completely abandoned. Since 1994 the A.N.A.S group has been building the Vado-Monduno ring road.

Between Barberino and Florence Nord on March 19, 2022, the new three -lane roadway between the releases of Barberino and Calenzano, which develops mainly in the gallery was opened in the south. [11] ; Both pre -existing carriageways will be used north, which will meet at the height of the future service area of ​​Bellosguardo (which will be the largest service area in Europe) [twelfth] To then turn up to the crossroads between the historic track and the valley variant [13] . To dig the Santa Lucia gallery, almost long 8 km , a TBM has been used which has a excavation diameter of 15.87 meters ( 25 cm In addition to the TBM Martina, who dug the Sparvo Galleria of the Variant of the pass) [14] .

Stretch of Florence [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Florence-Roma stretch in the Val di Chiana.

After passing the Apennines, the Florence surrounding highway; From here the Florence-Pisa Nord, the Fi-Pi-Li and the fitting for Siena branch off. In 2011 the expansion works between Calenzano and Florence South ended: the stretch towards Rome is three lanes, while the one in the north direction, due to the presence of a series of galleries, coincides in part with the old route and has four Corsie divided into internal and external roadway. Only the latter allows you to go out in Florence Impruneta.

On June 12, 2017, the first Italian exchanger parking was inaugurated completely in the motorway [15] . It can accommodate 25 buses and 505 cars. At the exit is placed the terminus of the T1 line of the Florentine tramway, which allows you to reach Scandicci in a few minutes and the center of Florence in less than half an hour. The exit is called Villa Costanza.

Firenze-Roma stretch [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

After the exit of Florence South, the infrastructure folds on the Valdarno (the expansion to the third lane between Florence South and engraved) was inaugurated) [16] , touches Arezzo and cross the Val di Chiana. At the height of the Valdichiana toll booth, he connects with the fitting for Perugia and with the one for Siena. Then it flows marginally in Umbria, and from Orvieto to Rome follows the course of the Tiber river, crossing it nine times. In Orte, it is grafted with the Terni-Viterbo highway, which, through the Terni-Ravenna highway with which it forms the E45, allows you to reach Perugia and Romagna. After Orte, the highway expands to 3 lanes and bifurcates near Fiano Romano: one branch brings to the Grande Raccordo Anulare, the other allows you to completely avoid the capital to join the Roma-Napoli in San Cesareo.

Fiano Romano-San Cesareo section [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

This stretch opened in 1988, entirely to 3 rides of the most emergency lane for roadway, the Florence-Roma section near Fiano Romano (branch of North Rome of the A1 for the Gra) with the Roma-Napoli section near San Cesareo (branch of South Rome of the A1 for the Gra). Along its path there are the interconnection for the motorway of the parks in the direction of L’Aquila-Teramo (A24) and Pescara-Chieti (A25) to reach the Adriatic coast. In November 2011 the release for Guidonia was created.

Roma-Napoli stretch [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

A1 motorway shortly after the Autogrill the east stain, in Anagni.

In San Cesareo the highway receives the branch from Rome and crosses the whole province of Frosinone continuing along the Valle di Sacco, Liri and Garigliano up to San Vittore. Here he enters Campania, passing through Caianello (where the SS 372 Telesina is grafted that leads to Benevento and from here to 11 for Puglia, cutting about 40 km of course), Capua and Caserta. After the Caserta Nord junction follow the exit that leads to the A30 motorway directed to Salerno, from which you can take the A2 motorway avoiding the Neapolitan section, and the new barrier of North Naples Near Marcianise, who in the 90s replaced the old barrier of Naples station . The exit for the A30 also leads to Nolano and from here to the A16 motorway for Avellino and Puglia.

In the Neapolitan area some elements were changed: the highway ended up at the head of Capodichino and the last toll booth Naples station He was near Casoria (he is now called North Naples And it is located near Marcianise), where today the subsection of the Traffic Police and the Blue Punto arise, 200 meters after the connection with the A16. Today, however, after Casoria the highway continues south, intersecting the state road 162 dir of the directional center, and flows directly into the A3.

The original two -lane set -up for each direction of travel was modified in three lanes in the 90s.

The original final stretch is called today Capodichino branch and has a progressive mileage of its own. The competence limit ends in axis with the access road to the airport where, without interruption, you are on the Naples ring road.

Milan – Naples
Sun motorway
Type Indication ↓ Km ↓ Area European road
Fitting East ring road of Milan 0 ME
Connection of Piazzale Corvetto [N 3]
San Donato Milanese
San Giuliano Milanese 2.7
West ring road of Milan 4.5
Melegnano – Binasco [N 4] [N 5] 7.7
Milan South barrier 8.9
EXT Tangenziale of Milan
Vizzolo Predabissi
“San Zenone” service area 15.1
Contrary 22.3 IT
Hospital Lodigiano
“Somaglia” service area 43.5
Basso Lodigiano [N 6] 49.7
Turin – Brescia
South Piacenza [N 7]
58.2 PC
“Arda” bidirectional service area 73.3
Brescia [N 8]
“Chiaravalle” parking area [N 9] 79.8
“Bastelli” parking area [N 10] PR
Salsomaggiore Terme
Parma West
Parma 110.4
“San Martino” service area 114.1
Terre di Canossa – Campegine 124.4 RE
“Crostolo” parking area 135.4
Reggio Emilia 138.1
“Calvetro” parking area [N 9] 152.8
156,1 For
“Secchia” service area 156.5
Modena Nord 157.6
Modena Sud 170.8
“Castelfranco” parking area 177.0
Valsamoggia 184.8 Bo
Ancona [N 11]
Bologna Borgo Panigale [N 12]
Bologna ring road
Bologna Casalecchio [N 13]
Bologna ring road
“Cantagallo” bidirectional service area 199.2
Sasso Marconi Nord Indicazione utilizzata in tutta Italia per la corsia riservata al telepedaggio. [N 14] 199.9
Sasso Marconi 209.8
Variant of the pass
“La Quercia” exchange
River 222.7
“Cà Nova” parking area [N 15] 235.2
Pian del I want 237.2
Roncobilaccio 242.3
“Roncobilaccio” service area 242.4
Variant of the pass
“Garlic” crossroads [N 16]
255.3 BE
“Garlic” service area Only on the north variant [N 17] [N 18] -,–
Barberino [N 19] 261.5

A1-Valico Valley connection [N 20]
“Bellosguardo” bidirectional service area under construction
“Corzano” parking area 263.5
“Marinella” parking area [N 15] 273.9
Calenzano – Sesto Fiorentino [N 21] 278.1
“Bisenzio” service area 279.8
North Florence
“Firenze Nord” service area
Florence – Pisa
West Florence
Florence Scandicci [N 22]
Florence SuperStrada – Pisa – Livorno
Villa Costanza 289.7
“Vingone” parking area 291.7
Florence Impruneta [N 23]
Florence – Siena
South Florence
“Chianti” bidirectional service area 305.0
“Rignano” parking area 313,0
Incisa – Reggello [18] 319.9
“Arno Ovest” service area [N 24] 321.0
“Vallombrosa” parking area [N 25] -,–
“Arno Est” service area [N 26] -,– WITH
“San Giovanni” parking area [N 15] 332.0
Valdarno 335.8
“G. Romita” parking area 345.0
“Laterina” parking area [N 15] 350.0
“Civitella” parking area [N 10] -,–
“Crocina” parking area [N 15] 355.0
Arezzo 358.5
“Badia al Pino” service area 362.0
Monte San Savino 371.6
“Lucignano” service area 381.0
Bettolle – Foiano della Chiana – Sinalunga
Siena – Bettolle – Perugia
385.4 AND
“Montepulciano” bidirectional service area 395
Chiusi – Chianciano Terme 410
“Astrone” parking area [N 15] 413
“Fabro” service area 428 Tr
Fabro 428
Parking Area “Torch” [N 10] -,–
Orvieto 451
“Tiber” service area 465 VT
Attigliano 479.5 Tr
“Jupiter” service area 481
Viterbo – Terni
Orte – Ravenna
ex Narni – Amelia
491 VT
“Sabina” parking area 499 RI
Magliano Sabina
ex Via Flaminia
“Flaminia” service area 509
Ponzano Romano – Sorarette
ex Via Flaminia
Torri in Sabina – Poggio Mirteto
516 RM
North Rome
Grande Raccordo Anulare of Rome
“Mascherone” service area 536
Guidonia Montecelio 555
Roma is
East ring road
Rome – L’Aquila – Teramo
Torano – Pescara
Grande Raccordo Anulare of Rome
“Prenestina” service area 566
South Rome
Grande Raccordo Anulare of Rome

ex Velletri

Colleferro 593
Fiuggi Terme
604 FR
“La Macchia” service area 613
ex Sora
ex Latina
Ceprano 641.8
Pontecorvo – Castrocielo 658.8
“Casilina” service area 659.5
National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise
ex Formia
San Vittore
700.9 THIS
“Teano” service area 708.4
Strada Statale 7 quater via Domitiana
Santa Maria Capua Vetere
State road 700 of the Royal Palace of Caserta
Caserta Nord
Royal Palace of Caserta
“San Nicola” service area 737
Caserta – Salerno

Reggio Calabria

North Naples barrier 740
Caserta Sud [N 27]
Villa Literno
Nola-Villa Literno support axis
746 Na
Afragola Naples Afragola station
Median axis lake paria-agrara
Naples – Canosa 753
EXTERNAL Circumulation of Naples
Capodichino branch
Naples ring road
Naples-Capichino airport
“Masseria” service area

Simbolo di divieto di transito Desmented towards A3

Naples Directional Center
of the Directional Center
Acerra -Pomigliano D’Arco – Cercola
Port of Naples
Salerno – Ercolano – Pompeii – Sorrento – Vietri sul Mare – Amalfi Reggio Calabria 760

The 1.7 km motorway section [19] which connects the A1 without solution to the east ring road is called R6 connection. It was built following the construction of the east ring road. [6]

The A1-Piazzale Corvetto fitting , numbered by Autostrade per l’Italia as R5 [21] , constitutes the original stretch of the A1 that began in Milan at Piazzale Corvetto, downgraded after the construction of the variant that channels the traffic to and from Bologna without interruption in the East ring road. It develops parallel to the new stretch of A1, north of it , for a couple of kilometers and eventually reconnects to the A1 south of San Donato Milanese.

The A1 dir Nord is a long motorway branch 23 km which connects the A1 motorway to Rome, starting from Fiano Romano and ending with the graft in the great ring road next to the Via Salaria.

Until 1988 it constituted the terminal section of the whole A1. It is managed by Autostrade per l’Italia [2] and internally they are marked with D18 [23] .

On 1 August 2011 the third lane between north and Settebagni was opened. The construction of the new 16 kilometers requested 146 million euros [24] .

The southern branch of the A1 (the E821 in the numbering of European roads) is long 20 km and connects the A1 to Rome, starting from San Cesareo and ending with the graft in the Gra near Romanina. Until 1988 it constituted the initial trait of the A2. It is managed by Autostrade per l’Italia [2] and internally it is marked as D19 [23] .

The Capodichino branch , albeit classified as A1, is the continuation, seamlessly, of the Napoli-A56 ring road towards the A1 motorway; Once it was the final section of the entire A1 motorway.

Internally to Autostrade per l’Italia, the route is marked as D02 [23] .

Evening view on the Sasso Marconi fitting – SS 64 from the top of Rocca di Badolo

The Sasso Marconi – SS 64 fitting is a stretch of the old headquarters of the abandoned Sun motorway on 10 July 2006 with the inauguration of the 3rd lane of Lotto 0, the Monte Mario Gallery and the new Casel in Sasso Marconi. The gallery crosses the hill overlooking the inhabited area with a modification of the route. Currently the old track is partly used as a connection between the Sasso Marconi junction and the square of the former disused homonymous, where it flows into the SS 64 Porrettana.

The route has a signal of the start of the highway, green signs, is not equipped with an emergency lane and has a speed limit of 90 km/h .
On the Autostrade per l’Italia website in the toll calculation section it is “R43 Raccordo Sasso Marconi – SS 64” and is paid for those who then take the A1.
At the entrance to the toll booth there is also the possibility of taking the SP325 in the direction of Prato. In this case there are no toll booths and the use of the fitting is free.

From the toll booth Basso Lodigiano (Until 2018 I know how Piacenza Nord ) The winter equipment from 15 November to 15 April are mandatory at the Sasso Casel of Marconi. In the stretch between the toll booths of Sasso Marconi and Arezzo the same obligation has applied from 1 November until April 15th [28] .

Annotations [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  1. ^ Open system for the Melegnano junction with the rate of 1.30 € and for that of Caserta Sud with the rate of € 1.60 .
  2. ^ The modification of the first section of the highway, with the backward of the terminus, justifies the fact that the mileage starts in the negative of almost two kilometers, as the manager does not want to recalculate the kilometers of the entire motorway artery so as not to lose the references now acquired for decades.
  3. ^ Only to and from Bologna. In the opposite direction, the report is carried out from junction 1 of the east ring road.
  4. ^ Toll 1.30 € only for and from Milan.
  5. ^ The reference to the Inverver not very close to Binasco was introduced in recent times with disambiguation purposes between this toll booth and that of Milan South, widely known as Melegnano toll booth .
  6. ^ Until February 2019 the release was called “Piacenza Nord” [17]
  7. ^ The Piacenza coplanar , classified by Autostrade per l’Italia as a connection R49 , extends from kilometer 55.8 to kilometer 58.3. On it from the graft from the early 2000s the South Piacenza tollbooth.
  8. ^ Only to and from Bologna.
  9. ^ a b Direction only Bologna.
  10. ^ a b c Direction only Milan.
  11. ^ Only to and from Milan.
  12. ^ Former “Bologna Nord” station, previously accessible in both directions.
  13. ^ Former “Bologna Sud” station.
  14. ^ Only to and from Bologna, a junction reserved for owners of the remote control (Telepass or Unipolmove).
  15. ^ a b c d It is f South roadway only.
  16. ^ Final confluence in a south direction, in the north direction begins the bureaucratic mileage.
  17. ^ Only North external roadway to A1 VAR – Bologna.
  18. ^ West garlic (direction Florence) was abandoned on December 5, 2015, the opening day of the new garlic-Barberino section of the highway.
  19. ^ The entrance to the north takes place only on the valley variant.
  20. ^ Only in the north direction. The lane intended for the very direct is called A1-Valico Valley connection up to the garlic crossroads.
  21. ^ Ex “Prato – Calenzano”.
  22. ^ From “signs”
  23. ^ Ex “Certosa”. To the north, accessible junction only by choosing the external roadway.
  24. ^ Ex “West Reggel” (South roadway only).
  25. ^ Former “Raggello Est” service area (north carriageway only).
  26. ^ Former parking area “San Giovanni Est” (north roadway only).
  27. ^ Toll € 1.60 only for and from Naples.
  28. ^ Accessible by coplanar from the exit La Roman of the Grande Raccordo Anulare

Sources [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  1. ^ Calculation and tolls – Autostrade per l’Italia
  2. ^ a b c The Network – Autostrade per l’Italia . are Autostrade.it . URL consulted on 9 December 2016 .
  3. ^ Quattroruote, 1963, n. 93, p. 82
  4. ^ https://www.lanazione.it/arezzo/cronaca/le-curve-fanfani-non-furono-clientelismo-e-il-percorso-pi -ogico-mani -treni-e-Autosole-1.7360008
  5. ^ Copy archived . are Gustosamente.com . URL consulted on February 23, 2016 (archived by URL Original March 11, 2016) .
  6. ^ a b Google . are Google.it .
  7. ^ The citizen, Fourth lane of the 1: by autumn away to the construction sites . URL consulted on 9 December 2016 (archived by URL Original on 5 October 2016) .
  8. ^ a b Rita Bartolomei, The valley variant changes its name and becomes ‘very direct’. See the photos – The rest of the pug , in The rest of the Carlino , 12 May 2016. URL consulted on 9 December 2016 .
  9. ^ Home – Variant of Valico . are Variant of the pass . URL consulted on 9 December 2016 .
  10. ^ Paolo Guidotti, The other side of the Valico variant, Barberino ‘orphan’ of three outputs in the north – the nation , in The nation , 2 January 2016. URL consulted on 9 December 2016 .
  11. ^ Giorgio Bernardini, A1, Galleria Santa Lucia inaugurated today: it is the longest in Europe with three lanes . are Florentine courier , 18 Marzo 2022. URL consulted on 11 September 2022 .
  12. ^ The country David against the Goliath Motorostrade | Florence La Repubblica.it . are Firenze.repubblica.it . URL consulted on 9 December 2016 .
  13. ^ Third Autostrada lane in Calenzano – Institutional site of the municipality of Calenzano . are web.comune.calenzano.fi.it . URL consulted on 9 December 2016 .
  14. ^ ( IN ) Europe’s largest TBM handed over . are www.theconstructionindex.co.uk . URL consulted on 11 September 2022 .
  15. ^ Scandicci, open the parking lot of Villa Costanza: you arrive from 1 and take the tramway , in The Republic , 12 June 2017. URL consulted on 12 June 2017 .
  16. ^ https://www.lanazione.it/cronaca/ai-autostrada-autosole-oggi-1.6644928 , A1 motorway, the third lane open on the autosle .
  17. ^ “Piacenza Nord” is no longer there, the motorway exit has become “bass Lodigiano” .
  18. ^ New name of Autostrade per l’Italia press release
  19. ^ Te – exceptional transport – maps . are teonline.autostrade.it . URL consulted on 6 December 2020 .
  20. ^ Google Maps
  21. ^ Google maps . are Google.it .
  22. ^ Te – exceptional transport – motorway branches
  23. ^ a b c Copy archived . are teonline.autostrade.it . URL consulted on 3 September 2009 (archived by URL Original on May 8, 2006) .
  24. ^ News Economy Finance Markets – Borsa Italiana . are borsaitaliana.it . URL consulted on 9 December 2016 .
  25. ^ Te – exceptional transport – motorway branches
  26. ^ Exceptional transport online . are teonline.autostrade.it (archived by URL Original on May 8, 2006) .
  27. ^ Te – exceptional transport – maps
  28. ^ Winter operations – Autostrade per l’Italia . are Autostrade.it . URL consulted on 9 December 2016 .
