Abdeluzs Bottofrica -Wikipedia


Abdel Azsth Bottofrica
Abdelaziz Bouteflika
Bouteflika (Algiers, Feb 2006).jpeg

アルジェリアの旗Algerian Democratic People’s Republic
Ninth president
term of office April 27, 1999 -April 2, 2019

Africa Unification Organization
Speaker of the 37th generation
term of office July 12, 1999 -July 10, 2000

born ( 1937-03-02 ) March 2, 1937
French protection Morocco , Ujeda
Die ( 2021-09-17 ) September 17, 2021 (84 歳 歳 歳)
アルジェリアの旗Algeria, Zerala English edition
political party Ethnic Liberation Front (FLN)

Abdel Azee’s Bottifurica (Arabic: Abdelaziz Bouteflika , Abdelaziz Bouteflika, March 2, 1937 -September 17, 2021) is an Algerian politician. From 1999 to 2019, he served as President of the country for 20 years. On the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website in Japan Abdelasiz Botifrica Is described [first]

Upbringing [ edit ]

Born in Ujeda, the current Morocco kingdom, in 1937 [2] 。 In 1956, at the same time as graduating from the local Lise, participated in the ethnic liberation army (ALN). [2]


In 1962, he became a youth, sports and tourist minister at the Ben Bella administration at the same time as Algeria’s independence. The following year, in 1963, at the age of 26, he became Foreign Minister and became a hot topic as the “youngest Foreign Minister.” However, the Foreign Minister is fired. In 1965, Bottifurica and his close Furley Boomedien occurred and took the government, but it was also said that it was a rebound against Ben Bella against the dismissal of Botiferica.

After the coup, he returned to the Foreign Minister under the Chairman of the Bormedien Revolution Council, who claimed the New International Economic Order. As a foreign minister, he served for 16 years and was the “Algerian diplomatic face”. In 1974, he was a 37 -year -old chairman of the UN General Assembly. As a general chairman, he pushed the opposition of the developed country to expel from the UN in South Africa and participate in the UN Observer of PLO. [2] 。 Until 1978, Algeria was pushed up as a non -alliance male in the third world [2] 。 After the death of President Boomedienne, he was rumored to be a successor, but lost his legs in 1979. In 1980, expelled from the government. Exile from the FLN Central Committee in 1981 [2]

president [ edit ]

After the resignation of President Shadori in 1992, he was named as a minister advisor to the National Supreme Committee, but declined. He became a presidential candidate in 1994, but declined again [2] 。 In the 1999 presidential election, the All -field party boycotted as “illegal elections”, and ran as a candidate for the ruling party and ethnic liberation front (FLN). A 73.8 % of the vote is elected as the president. He was the first civilian president in 34 years. In the presidential election on April 8, 2004, the other 5 candidates were 84.99 %, the other 5 candidates. Ali Benfris English edition The former Prime Minister broke and was re -elected. He continues to fight terrorism for social stability, privatization for the transition to the market economy. Her relatives to the aides, and his brother, Side Bottifurica, serves as a presidential advisor [2]

Since taking office, in addition to the three major reforms of justice, education, and government, it has been promoting social stability (security and national reconciliation) and economic reform (introduction of market economy). [2] 。 Active diplomacy has been promoted to improve relationships with developed countries such as G8, and we have worked on improving the image of the Algerian international community, planted by the “10 years of crisis” attacked by domestic terrorism in the 1990s. [2] 。 The security has recovered, and the export of abundant oil and natural gas has achieved economic development, but the unemployment rate is still high and the gap between rich and poor is increasing. Opposition parties and others have criticized the wealth of resources only to some politicians, the military, and bureaucrats.

In 2008, while the term of president, the term of the president, which is said to be two years and five years in the constitutional provisions, he proposes the term of his term to the three terms due to the constitutional amendment, and has been opposed by the All Networking. The constitutional amendment was approved in favor of a member of the Presidential ruling party FLN. He came to Japan in July 2008.

The presidential election was held on April 9, 2009, and six opposition parties ran, but in 90.24 %, bootfrica was reelected. In the election campaign, there were fraudulent acts such as the opposition candidate election posters were broken. [3] 。 The state -run media also reported on bootifurica, including not broadcasting opposition candidate rally and speeches. The company is also strengthening censorship, such as banning three Weekly magazines in France, which is critically critical.

Under these criticisms, in 2011, the Jasmine Revolution in Tunisia, criticism of the long -term dictatorship spread in the Arab countries (Arab Spring), causing a turbulence in Algeria and Boutefelica was subject to criticism. On February 24 of the same year, he canceled the emergency declaration that has been issued to Algeria for 19 years since 1992. [4]

On September 3, 2012, he appointed Abdel Malek Seral as the Prime Minister of the New Cabinet after the National Assembly election in May. [5]


In 2013, he was forced to live in a wheelchair suffering a cerebral infarction. Since then, the appearance of appearing in public will be extremely low. [6]

Scheduled for April 18, 2019 Presidential election English edition He expressed his intention to run in and aimed for five selections, but on March 11, he announced his abandonment on March 11 due to opposition demonstrations. At the same time, we announced the postponement of the presidential election. Nuredin Bedui English edition The Minister of Home Affairs was appointed as the new Prime Minister [7] 。 On April 1 of the same year, it announced that he will retire from the president by the end of his term on April 28 [8] 。 The following day, I officially resigned [9] 。 It has been driven into the military that has supported the system so far [ten]

2021 September 17, 2021, 9:00 am (local time), the outskirts of Algi Zerala English edition Died at home due to heart failure [11] [twelfth] 。 84 years old died. Five days later, Abdelcadel Benzaler, who was the chairman of the National Council on the successor to the successor, also died to follow. [13]

He was a long -lasting single but married in August 1990. But there are no children. Bottipelica’s family problem is said to be taboo in Algeria.

hobby [ edit ]

  • Reading, soccer, music (especially Arabian music) [2]

language [ edit ]

  • Arabic (native language), French [2]

others [ edit ]

  • Despite having no opportunity to participate in ALN ​​at the age of 18 and had no opportunity to receive higher education, the Buddha, backed by deep education, is the highest level of Buddha’s level, and Arabic is too high. It is said that it is not well understood by ordinary Algerians [2]
[ How to use footnotes ]
  1. ^ President Abdellasiz Botifurica
  2. ^ a b c d It is f g h i j k l Abdelazy’s Bottifurica President (H.E. M. ABDELAZIZ Bouteflike, president of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria) “. Foreign Affairs (March 2013). April 5, 2013 Browsing.
  3. ^ Yomiuri Shimbun April 9, 2009 international article
  4. ^ “Algeria cancels the emergency declaration and concessions to the opposition.” . Reuters (Reuters). (February 25, 2011) . http://jp.reuters.com/article/worldnews/idjpjapan-19716720110225 February 25, 2011 Browsing.
  5. ^ “President Seral is nominated for the new Prime Minister” Sankei Shimbun. (September 4, 2011) . http://sankei.jp.msn.com/world/news/120904/mds12090413530003-n1.htm September 5, 2011 Browsing.
  6. ^ Algeria also requires the retirement of a large -scale protest President for 6 consecutive weeks “AFP (March 30, 2019). April 1, 2019 Browsing.
  7. ^ “President Algeria, 5 elected horses withdraw = converted by protest demonstration, postponed voting” . Current affairs dot com . Jiji Newsletter. (March 12, 2019) . https://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2019031200202&g=int March 12, 2019 Browsing.
  8. ^ “Algerian president Abdelaziz Bouteflika will resign before April 28” . France 24. (April 2, 2019) . https://www.france24.com/Fr/2019041-algerie-abdelaziz-bouteflika-demission-Avant-28-Svril-mandat-Presidence April 3, 2019 Browsing.
  9. ^ “The president has been criticized by the 20th year of long -term administration in Algeria” . BBC News BBC. (April 3, 2019) . https://www.bbc.com/japanese/47796417 April 4, 2019 Browsing.
  10. ^ Gaqiao Yaying (September 21, 2021). ” Algeria: Former President Botiferica dies “” Middle East Investigation Committee. July 7, 2022 Browsing.
  11. ^ “Former Algerian president Abdelaziz Bouteflika is dead” (French). Observalgerie.com (September 17, 2021) . https://observalgerie.com/2021/09/18/politique/mort-de-abdelaziz-bouteflika/ September 18, 2021 Browsing.
  12. ^ “Abdel Aziz Bottofrica died of former President Algeria, 84 years old” . Jiji News Agency (September 18, 2021) . https://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2021091800233 September 18, 2021 Browsing.
  13. ^ “Algerian crisis interim president Bensalah dies aged 80” Reuters. (September 22, 2021) . https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/algerian-cisis-interim-president-bensalah-dies-aged-80-2021-09-22/ September 22, 2021 Browsing.

External link [ edit ]

Public office
Rearmir Zeloul English edition
アルジェリアの旗President of the Democratic People’s Republic of Algeria
9th generation: 1999-2019
Next generation
Abdelcadel Benzer
Leopold Benites English edition
National Federation General Chairman
1974 – 1975
Next generation
Gaston Torun
Blazing Compaol
Chairman of the Africa Unification Organization
37th generation: 1999-2000
Next generation
Nyashimbei Eyadema
