Abdurler Azalm -Wikipedia


Abdurler Yushu Azam (Arabic: Abdullah Youssef Azzam , ABDULLAH YUSUF AZZAM, 1941-1989) is a Sunna’s Palestinian aologist, with the support and the center of organizational, supporting Arabic Muji Hideen to Afghanistan’s invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union. be. He is a teacher of Usama Bin -Ladin and is famous as a person who created Bin -Ladin’s opportunity to Afghanistan. It is also known for being greatly influenced by Tarrivan’s founder Muhammad Omar.


Azam was born in 1941 in the British delegation of Palestine. The fabric is a suburb of Jenin in the west bank of the Jordan River.

After studying agriculture at university, he became a teacher, but again studied Shalia at Damascus University. When the Jordan River west coast was occupied by Israel in the Third Middle East War, he became a Palestinian refugee and escaped to Jordan, where he participated in the Muslim Brotherhood. In Jordan, the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) led by Ya Cel Arafat is disillusioned with the vanity and local nature, and the Pan -Islam’s philosophy, which has not been related to the border of a Western colony. This idea will later lead to the establishment of Hamers.

Azam moved to Egypt and deepened his research on Sharia at the graduate school at Al -Azhar. After that, he returned to Jordan and taught at Jordan University in Anman, but in the Black September incident, Azum, an anti -Israel Palestinian, was expelled, returned to Al -Azharu University and got a doctorate, and during that time Usama Bin =. Encounter young people influenced by Side Cutubu, such as Laddin and Aiman ​​Zowherhilly. Kutub was a poet and thinker who had a great influence on the Islamic fundamentalism of today’s Islamic fundamentalism, but was executed by President Nursel in 1966. This is regarded as martyrdom by Islamic fundamentalists, and Azam becomes a theorist following Kutubu. Azam thought the “collision of civilization” was inevitable, and began to aim for a secular government.

Azam, who returned to Jordan from Egypt, immediately moved to Saudi Arabia and taught at Jidda’s King Abduluzies University. Here, I instructed the student Usama Bin -Radin.

1979 was an epoch -making year for Islamic fundamentalism. The Iranian Revolution, Al -Halam Mosque occupation, and the Soviet army invaded the 40th Army Afghanistan at the end of the same year. In the Al -Halum Mosque occupation, Saudi Arabia expelled Islamic fundamentalists abroad, and Azam moved to Pakistan. He taught at the International University of Islamabad, and moved to Pechawal, launching a hotter, saying, “Protect the land of Muslims from the pagan invaders.” A military training camp was established in the northwestern state of Pakistan, and Bin -Radin, who graduated from college, has joined in 1981 in response to the call of Azam, who needed his financial strength. Azam and Bin -Radin gathered Muja Hideen, who fights the Soviet army in Afghanistan in Afghanistan, and conducted military training, but the Saudi Government and the US Central Intelligence Bureau (CIA) (CIA) (CIA) continued to death against the heavy armed Soviet troops. Pakistan’s Military Integration Information Bureau (ISI) has strengthened its military support for the financial support for Muja Hideen. Azam and Bin -Radin made adjustments when Muja Hydeen’s leaders were different, and they were named as a hero in the Islamic world. Azam also traveled around the Middle East, Europe and North America, advertising Muja Hideen’s heroic and sacrifice battle, and recruit young people who became Muja Hideen. Azam has always advocated the global Pan -Islamism, saying, “I only need Jihad and rifles. Neither negotiations nor need to be dialogue.” Mactab Al -Hidamato (MAK) was established with the funding from the Saudi Agency (GIP) as a core.

After the end of the battle against the Soviet Union, Azam dreamed that Muja Hideen trained on MAK would be a revolutionary warrior in various places. Meanwhile, Muja Hideen, who fights in Afghanistan, such as the Jihad Ganman Aiman ​​Zower Hilly, has the idea that the enemy is not a pagan but an Egyptian government and a decayed Muslim. In 1989, route conflicts were surface inside the mak, and an attempted assassination was assassinated. In November of that year, the car of Azzam, who had two sons and the Pechawal mosque for Friday worship, was spouted by land mines and all three died. The Soviet army had already begun to withdraw from Afghanistan. The crimes were suspected of the CIA, ISI, the Israeli Intelligence Agency, and the Islamic Revolutionary Defense Corps (Pasedarane) in Iran, but MAK, which is in opposition to Azam sticking to the Afghanistan civil war (already reorganized into Alcedida. The line with the internal crime was suspected.
