Abeir-Toril – Wikipedia Wikipedia


Abeir-toril (Ai-Beer-Toh-Rill is the pronunciation in English [first] ), usually abbreviated in fold , it is the imaginary planet in which the events of the setting take place Forgotten Realms .


The name, in an archaic language of the setting, means “cradle of life”. [first]

The planet is more often called only toril rather than with the full name. Originally the planet was called Toril, a name given by Jeff Grubb to the planet used in his personal campaign, but subsequently and Greenwood decided to insert the “Abeir” prefix (making him become Abeir-Toril) to make him appear as the first item in alphabetical order volume Cyclopedia of the Realms present in Forgotten Realms Campaign Set , the first manual published for Forgotten Realms And written precisely by Grubb and Greenwood. [ without source ]

Toril is the third planet in order of distance from the Realmspace sun, a sphere of the crystalline walls of ten billion kilometers in diameter whose interior is similar to the sun system. Realmspace is described in the setting Spell sincer per Advanced Dungeons & Dragons second edition and, since a review of this setting has not been developed for Dungeons & Dragons Third edition, Realmspace is not mentioned in the new manuals of the fr. The orbital, physical and atmospheric characteristics of the planet are completely similar to those of the earth. In the cosmology of Forgotten Realms , Toril is placed in the material plan. The other planets present in Realmspace are, in order of distance from the sun:

From the inhabitants of Toril, Anadia and Coliar they are called “the heralds of dawn”, while the others are called “the five wayfarers”. H’Catha is better known as “Beholder planet”.

A long time before Toril was created, in the universe created by Lord AO there was only nothing made of light and shadow, merged together. From this nothing was born two twins: Selûne, goddess of light, and shar goddess of the shadow and the absence of light. The two sisters began to create the celestial bodies in the universe, and from this action Chauntea, goddess of the earth, whose body on the material level was the planet Toril was born. Chauntea asked by pleading that a little warmth was granted to originating to originate his life on his body, but the two goddesses were unable to agree on how this should be done: from these clashes the divinities of war, death, of the death was born illness and other evil powers. Selûne decided to reach a fire surface to be able to turn on one of the celestial bodies so that the heat generated could heat Toril. He succeeded in the enterprise, creating Lathander, the sun, but Shar infuriated himself and began to try to turn off all the lights and sources of heat of the universe; The two goddesses began a battle that still lasts today. In the end, Selûne, tired and weakened, decided to snatch a part of himself from his body to launch it to Shar, who was pierced by this energy and in turn lost as much: the energy subtracted from the two goddesses gave rise to Toril at the plot, That is the goddess of mystryl magic.

Toril’s greatness is similar to that of the earth (about 12,800 km in diameter), as are similar the physical laws that govern it. On its surface, covered with water for 60%, there are some continents; Those so far known in the setting are:

The most important continent (i.e. central point of the setting) is far Faerûn. There are numerous deserts, among which the enduroch, in Faerûn (which however is not of natural origin) stands out. The known oceans are three: the sea without traces, the large sea and the celestial sea. These are the Faerûnian names of the oceans, but they are called in different ways depending on the continent: in Mazica, the sea without traces is called Taylola, while the celestial sea is called Patzcoatl; The large sea is called Bahr Al-Kibar in Zakhara.


Around the planet wheel, at 293,000 km away, similarly to the terrestrial moon, a natural satellite called, in Faerûn, Selûne – the same name as the divinity. Selûne, of which only one face is visible to Toril, is followed by a swarm of asteroids (of which the most famous is the rock of BRAL, a pump port) called, in the Faerûn, tears of Selûne, which appeared from nothing in the sky of Toril about 4,800 years ago; I form a sort of trail behind the moon. The moon takes thirty days to make a complete tour around the planet; For the first 15 days of this period, phases similar to the earthly moon phases are attributed to him. For many Selûne is only a simple moon, but some legends tell of its inhabitants and pirates who periodically take off from tears to plunder toril. It is actually inhabited by marine elves and a small percentage of humans. The temperature oscillates between 0 and 15 ° C. Toril’s astrologers cannot see the life present on Selûne, nor its atmosphere, since the visible face is covered by a magical illusion at about 150 meters above sea level, created by the goddess Leira as a gift for the unbridled devotion of the inhabitants; Under this mask, Selûne shows seas, mountains and cities. Tears are also inhabited by elves and human.

In all known lands, the historical evolution of the company is united to that of the land of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.

On Toril they live a myriad of different races, although the human one remains the prevalent on all known continents. Some of them were born on Toril, others are evolving on it, but they originally arrived from other planets through magic portals. Still others have probably been brought for study purposes.

  1. ^ a b Ed Greenwood, Jeff Grubb, Forgotten Realms Campaign Set , TRS, 1987, ISBN 0-88038-472-7.
  2. ^ The Wizards Community | Community
  3. ^ Tom Costa, Africa in the Realms . are boards1.wizards.com , 2005. URL consulted on May 6, 2007 (archived by URL Original November 12, 2006) .

    «I know several folks (myself included) who transplanted Atlas Games’ excellent Nyambe (with some tweaks), which also built off many of the old 2E articles in Dragon on African gaming, to the large undefined continent southwest of Nimbral and southeast of Maztica»

  4. ^ ( IN ) Brian R. James, A Grand History of the Realms ( PDF ), are geonomicon.com , 05-2006, 8. URL consulted on March 20, 2007 (archived by URL Original March 6, 2007) .

    «Today, many sages surmise that humanity first appeared in the northern savannas of Katashaka around -34,000 DR»

  • Ed Greenwood, Sean K. Reynolds, Skip Williams, Rob Heinsoo, Forgotten Realms setting , Twenty Five Edition, 2001, ISBN 88-8288-038-9.
  • Dave Henson, Realmspace , TSR, 1991, ISBN 1-56076-052-4.
