Accompay Margotti – Wikipedia Wikipedia


from Wikipedia, L’Encilopedia Libera.

Collection of covons or composition on the move, 1955 approx. (Cariplo Foundation)

Anacleto margotti (San Potito di Lugo, 2 August 1895 – Imola, 3 May 1984) was an Italian painter and critic of art.

He was born in San Potito, in the countryside north of Lugo, in a family of peasants, the last -born of Francesco Margotti, operating, and Filomena Bertuzzi. Due to the modest economic conditions of the family, he began to work very early, as an agricultural arm and laborer. Teenager, he was an apprentice in the shop of a local decorator, from whom he learned the techniques of tempera and fresco. Driven by a clear artistic vocation and stimulated by the priest Paolo Rambelli, he dedicated himself to the drawing and study of the works in the churches of the Lughese area. At 13, in 1908, he made a Self -portrait who, sent to a competition, won the first prize, allowing him to continue his artistic studies [first] .

In the summer of 1916, at the age of twenty, he was in charge of creating a painting depicting the baptism of Christ, since a work with the same subject had been lost in the fire of the Archpriest Church of Alfonsine, devastated two years earlier by some Facinorosis during the “red week”. In San Potito the Summer spent the Baracca family, whose country villa was near the Margotti house. The established aviator Francesco Baracca, at the time twenty -six -year -old, knew Margotti in person and willingly lent herself to pose in the role of Christ for the young painter [2] .

In 1917 Margotti managed to obtain the qualification to teach drawing at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna [3] . In the first phase of his pictorial experience Margotti was close to the twentieth century; He attended the Lughese Cenacle of the futurist musician Balilla Pratella; In 1918 he settled in Imola, where he lived until his death together with his partner Elvira Martelli. He later made study trips to Vienna (1921) and Paris (1926) [4] who placed him even more in contact with the avant -garde research carried out by Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse; At the end of this path he decided to return to a figurativeness marked by the narration of rural themes [5] , closer to its real dimension (being the son of laborers).

He then maintained a strong adherence to the figurative and Italian classical culture throughout his life. He chose to tell a world made of humble, poor and disinherited, seen by him with attention and respect, bringing his name closer to that of Trento Longaretti and Enrico Accatino. In 1946 he gave birth to Imola to the National Exhibition of Contemporary Art whose main animator also remained in all subsequent editions [6] (Since 1965 he changed his name to the National Figurative Art Exhibition).

After the war he returned to present his works in the major national reviews: he was present at all the four -year -olds of Rome from 1948 to 1959 and was present at the Venice Biennale in 1948 and 1950 [7] . In 1960 the city of Florence dedicated a first important anthological exhibition of him [8] .

His works are kept in numerous Italian museums and in Imola. In 1975 Margotti donated a substantial nucleus of his artistic production (250 paintings and 150 drawings) at the Cassa di Risparmio di Imola so that it was not missing. The Banking Institute, grateful, created the “Collection of Art Margotti”, still preserved at the Renaissance Palazzo Sersanti [9] .


In 1978 the latest edition of the National Figurative Art Exhibition was held (since 1972 he had a two -year cadence); Subsequently the painter gave numerous paintings to the Bishop of Imola. They are currently preserved in the Diocesan Museum Pius IX. Among them the sketch of the Baptism of Christ , for which the aviator Francesco Baracca posed.

The documentary was shot on his figure as an artist A man who paints (directed by E. G. Laura, Bologna 1967) [ten]

Is buried at the Piratello cemetery [11] .

  • Distrust (novel), Bologna 1919
  • Shadows of life (novel), Bologna-Imola 1922
  • Art life (Autobiography), Bologna 1967.

Synoptic picture [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Figurative painting exhibition
N. Title Site Opening Acceptance jury Invited painters Retrospectives Catalog Note
I Contemporary art exhibition Palazzo Sersanti Late August-early September 1946 Amici dell’Arte group look down
II Contemporary art exhibition Palazzo Sersanti 24 August – 10 September 1947 [twelfth] Amici dell’Arte group look down
III Contemporary art exhibition Palazzo Sersanti 22 August – 8 September 1948 [twelfth] Amici dell’Arte group look down
IV Contemporary art exhibition Palazzo Sersanti Late August-early September 1949 [twelfth] Amici dell’Arte group look down Yes [13]
IN National Exhibition of Contemporary Art Palazzo Sersanti 6 – 27 September 1959 [14] look down [15] Yes
WE National Exhibition of Contemporary Art Palazzo Sersanti September 18 – October 9, 1960 look down Yes
VII National exhibition of figurative art Auditorium Cassa di Risparmio September 18 – October 19, 1965 look down Yes [16]
VIII National exhibition of figurative art Auditorium Cassa di Risparmio September 24-12 4, 1966 look down Yes [17]
IX National exhibition of figurative art Auditorium Cassa di Risparmio September 16 – October 16, 1967 look down Yes
X National exhibition of figurative art Auditorium Cassa di Risparmio September 15 – October 14, 1968 Commission look down [18] Yes
XI National exhibition of figurative art Auditorium Cassa di Risparmio September 14 – October 14, 1969 [19] look down Yes
XII National exhibition of figurative art Auditorium Cassa di Risparmio September 27 – 27 October 1970 [20] look down Yes [21]
XIII National Biennale of figurative art Auditorium Cassa di Risparmio September 30 – October 30, 1972 [22] look down Yes [23]
XIV National Biennale of figurative art Auditorium Cassa di Risparmio 5 October – November 4, 1974 [24] look down [25] Yes
XV National Biennale of figurative art Auditorium Cassa di Risparmio 9 October – 14 November 1976 [26] look down [27] Yes
XVI National Biennale of figurative art Auditorium Cassa di Risparmio 31 October – 3 December 1978 look down Yes
Source: «The new diary», an Imola weekly.

Significant participations [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  1. ^ M. Bacci, p. 15 .
  2. ^ The baptism of Christ-Baracca . are . URL consulted on September 16, 2021 . The church of S. Maria was again reduced to rubble during the Second World War. In the 1970s, a former American aviator traced Margotti and convinced him to repair the work by heart. Margotti accepted: it was 1974. The work is visible in the new church of Santa Maria ad Alfonsine.
  3. ^ M. Bacci, p. 23 .
  4. ^ M. Bacci, p. 29 .
  5. ^ The places of contemporary art in Emilia-Romagna ( PDF ), are . URL consulted on March 25, 2021 .
  6. ^ Anacleto margotti . are . URL consulted on March 13, 2021 .
  7. ^ M. Bacci, p. 63 .
  8. ^ M. Bacci, p. 72 .
  9. ^ Anacleto Margotti, Imolese painter . are . URL consulted on November 13, 2020 .
  10. ^ M. Bacci, p. 74 .
  11. ^ Massimo Mongardi, The restoration works of the tomb of the painter Anacleto Margotti inaugurated . are Laws , June 15, 2022. URL consulted on August 26, 2022 .
  12. ^ a b c The period coincides with the Santerno fair, an event that recalls a substantial flow of visitors to Imola.
  13. ^ A service on the exhibition aired on the blue network on August 30th.
  14. ^ A commission is formed to select the works of art to be exhibited. This year’s exhibition is dedicated to figurative artists. The painters who participated in at least three biennials in Venice are invited, three quadrennal in Rome and won prizes in national exhibitions. Each artist can exhibit two paintings and a drawing.
  15. ^ Armando Spadini, Lorenzo Viani, Arturo Tosi, Raffaele De Grada, Filippo de Pisis, Otto Rosai.
  16. ^ This year’s review is dedicated to the seventh centenary of Dante Alighieri’s birth.
  17. ^ The event obtained the high patronage of the President of the Republic and is supported by an honor committee chaired by the Prime Minister Aldo Moro.
  18. ^ The review opens with three personal graphics: Pio Manzù, Bruno Cassinari and Renzo Biasion.
  19. ^ The commission is made up of painters and critics: Renzo Biasion, Gastone Breddo, Corrado Corazza, Margotti and Luigi Servolini.
  20. ^ The commission is made up of the critics Mario Lepore, journalist of the information courier, Raffaele De Grada and Attilio Rossi. In the jury: Renzo Biasion, Gastone Breddo, Corrado Corazza, Luigi Servolini and Margotti himself.
  21. ^ Cantatore, Brancaccio and Greco go to Imola to personally visit the exhibition. Reviews appear in the national press (the “Corriere della Sera” among the newspapers, “grace” and “people” among the magazines). Margotti is interviewed by Rai.
  22. ^ Same names of 1970.
  23. ^ Preface by Raffaele De Grada.
  24. ^ Components: Biasion, Breddo, Virginio Ciminaghi, Corazza, Domenico Purified, Attilio Rossi, Servolini and Margotti.
  25. ^ Tributes to the painter Achille Funi and the sculptor Domenico Rambelli, who disappeared in 1972.
  26. ^ Components: Biasion, Breddo, De Grada, Purified, Attilio Rossi, Servolini and Margotti.
  27. ^ Fausto Pirandello, Alfredo Romagnoli, Giovanni Brancaccio and Antonio Corazza.
  28. ^ Her personal exhibition is set up.
  29. ^ The name is not indicated. So it is not possible to know if it was happy (1879) or Primo (1910).
  30. ^ The painter died on June 10 of the same year.
  31. ^ The exhibition opens its own graphics staff.
  32. ^ He also participates in the Sacred Art section with his drawing.
  33. ^ It disappears on November 20, 1978, still open open.
  34. ^ The very precious painter had disappeared for just one year.
  35. ^ The name is not indicated. So it is not possible to know whether it was Attilio or Ilario.
  36. ^ One of his writings appears in the catalog.
  37. ^ Severini had died in February of the same year.
  38. ^ He died on November 16, 1960, one month after the exhibition closing.
  • Anacleto margotti, Art collections of the Cassa di Risparmio di Imola Foundation , edited by Matteo Bacci, Imola, La Mandragora, 2013.
  • Margotti art collection. Savings Bank of Imola. Catalog. Imola 1975
  • Online catalog Artgate Filed On May 16, 2016 in the Internet Archive. of the Cariplo Foundation, 2010, CC-BY-SA.
