Adequacy of the pension performance – Wikipedia


from Wikipedia, L’Encilopedia Libera.


Per adequacy of the pension performance We mean the verification of the replacement rate calculated on Standard of reference careers, as the pension scheme varies with formula of the default annuities in the case of social security reform of a pension system without a pension assets.

Following the reform of Dini pensions, the minimum pension was eliminated, so the evaluation of the adequacy of the pension performance takes place only as a comparison parameter between pension benefits provided by subsequent regulations, but not in absolute terms.

In fact, in Italy the amount of the social allowance is below the poverty threshold set by Istat. Ultimately, the social security protection envisaged in Italy on the basis of article 38 of the Constitution and implemented according to the constitutional theory in social security law is implemented by protecting the beneficiaries of the intergenerational theft with the principle of pro rata.

Therefore the evaluation of the adequacy of the pension performance therefore serves to measure the application of the principle of generational discrimination.

Application in the case of the coffers referred to in Legislative Decree 509/1996 [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The “adequacy of the pension benefit” or “adequacy of the social security service”, in the Italian system, is the verification of the public bodies of the forms of mandatory pension forms, in the drafting of the current technical balance sheets. The adequacy of the service must be verified pursuant to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security of 29/11/2007 pursuant to art. 4.

Art. 4. Adequacy of performance 1. In order to verify the adequacy of the services, the technical budget must be accompanied by the analysis of the replacement rates, to gross and net of the tax and contribution withdrawal , calculated with parameters consistent with the demographic and macroeconomic hypotheses below the projection of medium and long -term financial balances pursuant to art. 2. The calculation of the replacement rates must cover the entire forecast, at least ten-year cadence, and must be carried out for some particularly significant figures-stures, including, in any case, those referring to the subjects who access retirement with the minimum requirements of age and contribution, respectively, for the retirement of seniority and old age provided for by the organization of the body.


The reform provided for with art. 24 paragraph 28 of the “Salva Italia” Decree the settlement of a commission that in evaluating new possibilities of application of the method of contributory calculation with simulated capitalization on growth however respects the principle of adequacy of the pension performance .

However, it is not explicit in what this principle consists of.

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  • Supervision commission on pension funds Covip
  • Parliamentary Control Commission on the activities of the entities of the forms of mandatory pension forms Parliamentary commission
