Adiantum hair-Friday – Wikipedia


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The maidenhair ( Adiantum hair-Friday L., 1753 ) is a fern of the Adiantaceae family.

Detail of the leaves.

Bearing [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

It is a 10-40 centimeter high plant, a rhizomatous geophyte. The rhizome is creeping and brown-black.

Leaves [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The branches are light and delicate: the reference to the crown of Venus, goddess of beauty, is due to this characteristic. The leaves are cuneiform, 5-10 millimeters long, soft green in color, and fit on a thin black and shiny spine.

Spore [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The spores are produced in specialized structures, called sori, placed on the lower side of the leaf margin, which do not present industry, but it will be the leaf itself to fold the leaf margin to protect the sporangs, creating a cartilaginous psudindusium. The spores are released in the period between July and September.

The typical habitat of the hair capelvere
Nebrodi park

It is a subcosmopolitan species, widespread in Europe, Africa, North America [first] and Central America.

His natural habitat is represented by shady and humid places.
He prefers limestone soils near the waterfalls, the mouth of the caves, in the wells. Vegeta at altitudes between 0 and 1,500 meters.


Often cultivated for the beauty of its leaves, it is a very delicate and demanding plant. Like all ferns, it requires widespread light and does not like direct rays of the sun. The watering must be abundant in the summer, more limited during the winter period, to an extent sufficient to keep the ground constantly humid. Reproduces by division of the tufts.

Mythology [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Her predilection for the not very bright places led her to be consecrated to Pluto.
In mythology it is a plant linked to the nymph of the water. Theocritus says that the plant was, among others, at the source where Hylas, one of the Argonauts, went to look for water for his ship. There is also a myth linked to the Nymph Driope. The nymph falls in love with a boy and kidnaps him in an underwater cave, in whose vicinity a hair of letters grows.

Literature [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Cesare Pavese in his books speaks a lot about Maidenhair , as it often found him in the Langhe caves.
Gabriele D’Annunzio writes in poetry The child Of Alcyone : And if your eyes are the blacks of the shit, It has black stalks the green greenery. Hermann Hesse in the novel The game of glass pearls : ” Dasa obeyed and had the farewell idea in heart because it was the last time that it went down to the source, the last time it brought the light bowl from the smooth and consumed brink to that short mirror of water in which they were reflected The hair, the turn of the branches, and in some bright points the blue of the sky “. [2] . Moravia cites her several times in her novel La Ciociara.

“Capelvenere” is also the battle name of the environmental activist Olivia Vandegriff, one of the protagonists of the novel The whisper of the world of the American writer Richard Powers.

Gastronomy [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The hair has been used, in recent centuries, as a replacement of tea, especially in Piedmont from which the Piedmontese noun “Capillary” , coming to identify in general any infusion made with aromatic herbs [3] .

  1. ^ Distribution of the species in Northern America . are . URL consulted on December 19, 2009 .
  2. ^ Hermann Hesse, The game of glass pearls , Milan, Mondadori, 2015, p. 476, ISBN 978-88-04-48781-4.
  3. ^ Luciano Gibelli, Dnans that Fassa Neuit – Before the darkness goes down. Tools, objects and things of the past collected not to forget , Pavone Canavese, Priuli & Verlucca, 2004, p. 566, ISBN 978-88-8068-113-7.

    “Playing tea”
