Aerautodromo in Modena – Wikipedia


L’ Modena arautodrome It was a sports facility that was located in Modena, adjacent to the Via Emilia. In it there were simultaneously both the typical structures of an airport (concrete track, control tower, aviorimesse) and those of a truck (race direction, box, stands), hence the particular denomination. On the area on which the plant stood, in the peripheral principle but now incorporated by the urban fabric of the city, the Enzo Ferrari park today is located, which has completely canceled the track route [first] [2] .

The Modena aerautodrome between 1948 and 1950

The construction works were started in March 1949 and the aviation track became operational already in December of the same year [3] . The motor track was instead inaugurated on May 7, 1950 with the Modena Grand Prix, reserved for Formula 2 cars, won by Alberto Ascari [4] .

The plant was active mainly in the 1950s and 1960s, being used as a airport, a car and motorcycle racing circuit, pilot school (Piero Taruffi directed the courses of the Central South Scuderia, which had its headquarters in front of the Ara, [5] ) and track for the tests of the manufacturers of the area, thus suffering from problems of coexistence between the various needs [3] . In this regard, in the early seventies the Ferrari stable, which tested its competition cars, given the ever greater limitations to the use of the system, decided the construction of its testing track, the Fiorano circuit, inaugurated In 1972 on an area adjacent to the Maranello plant [2] .

During his activity, the plant also hosted twenty -two editions of the Modena motorcycle Grand Prix [3] , usually valid for the Italian championship, and the Romagna temporada. This Grand Prix often took on considerable importance since, having playing in March, it was the first event after the long winter break, attracting the interest of houses and pilots. [6]

In March 1957 Eugenio Castello was the victim of an accident during a Ferrari private test session: while he was preparing to face a curve at the rectilinear of the stands, he lost control of the car and crashed at about 200 km per hour. The pilot died instantly, but the causes of the accident were never completely clarified.

Another serious accident occurred in June 1961, when Giulio Cabianca lost control of his Cooper and came out of the track, taking a gate left open. The car plunged on the adjacent via Emilia, at that moment congested by traffic, causing the death of three people and several injured. Extract from the wreckage still alive, Cabianca died in the hospital a few hours later. This tragic event marked the decline of the era, who no longer hosted car competitions after the VII Modena Grand Prix of 3 September 1961.

The last motorcycle grain prize was held in 1976 [7] And later the plant gradually fell into disuse and in a state of abandonment. In the 1980s, progressive demolition works began, which ended with the transformation into the “Enzo Ferrari” public park, inaugurated in 1991.

Competitors of the Modena Grand Prix of 1950 at the exit of the Staguellini variants

The circuit was conceived in two different variations: the Perimeter , about 2.3 km long, and the Complete , which also used the take -off track and was about 3.8 km long; The width was 8-10 meters along the Perimeter and 30 meters (divided into two lanes) along the take -off track [8] .


The starting line was located on the long western side of the ground where the system stood, a short distance from the last curve, placed north of it; The track headed south-west in a straight line for a few hundred meters, passing in front of the main grandstands, until it reaches the Staguellini variants , a chicane preceding a dry curve to the left at 90 °, located close to the private tribune, reserved for the members of the “Biella Circle”, leaning against the southern fence wall [8] .
From here the track took a short straight, followed by a large curve to the left of 250 meters of radius that crossed the southern square of the take -off track, and then enter the competitors on a reptifile (parallel and opposite to the starting one) over) Half kilometer, which ended with another dry elbow curve of only 15 meters of radius, which imposed a sharp braking in order to take the subsequent parallel stretch to the Via Emilia and which led to the north square of the track [8] .
In this square the circuit Perimeter He had the last curve in elbow, which he reported on the starting straight, while when he used the circuit Complete The pilots continued south along the take -off track which, divided into two lanes by a row of straw bales, was traveled for almost all its length in a “round trip” that brought the competitors to the north square, where they went towards the finish line with a curve of almost 180 ° with a radius of 15 meters [8] .

The route of the Ara, High -Holes appeared in some films:

Comizio by Enrico Berlinguer in 1977 in the future Ferrari park

In 1979 the idea of ​​creating a large 110 hectare public park was born, designed the following year by Leonardo Benevolo and by the English landscape architect Geoffrey Jellicoe.

In 1991 the area of ​​the former arautodrome, having an area of ​​40.62 hectares, was transformed into a city park named after Enzo Ferrari’s memory.

The park was then renovated in the years 1998 and 1999.

Inside the park there are an artificial lake of 10,664 m 2 Populated with fish and turtles, a wooded area with over 3,600 trees, five areas of play for children (one of which is a space theme), a soccer field and a volleyball field, a natural amphitheater made on one of the hills, 180 benches , areas equipped with tables, benches and barbecues, a life path, toilets, a dog brawl area, an exchanger parking with making free public bicycles available. The remaining part of 334,440 m 2 It is used in Prato, where, especially in the summer season, cultural shows and events are organized.

In the north-east corner of the Park (near the crossroads of the Via Emilia with Viale Italia) there is a 6.70-meter high monument dedicated to Enzo Ferrari and built in 1998 by the sculptor Marino Quartieri (1917-2002) on Commission of Piero Ferrari, son of Drake . Initially the work, affectionately renamed by the Modenese of Muzgòn (apple torsol) For its shape, it was placed in front of the house of Enzo Ferrari placed in Largo Giuseppe Garibaldi; Subsequently the sculpture was moved in the summer of 2005 in the current location. [9]

Mass events [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In 1977 he hosted the National Festival of L’Unità; During the provincial of 1987 the Bob Dylan concert took place. [ten] [11] On 1 July 2017 the concert was organized there Modena Park 2017 by Vasco Rossi, who entered the Guinness Book of Records for having had the largest paying public for a single artist in the world (about 225,000 spectators) [twelfth]

  1. ^ G. Fossati, Modena arautodrome: description of the sports facility . are ,, 20 May 2004. URL consulted on January 16, 2012 .
  2. ^ a b Guido de Carli, Modena, aerautodromo . are , URL consulted on January 15, 2012 .
  3. ^ a b c Autodromo di Modena – History and future . are , URL consulted on June 6, 2015 .
  4. ^ G. Fossati, The project of the Ara, Modena Era, . are ,, 20 May 2004. URL consulted on January 16, 2012 .
  5. ^ Nunzia Manicardi, Historical stables: center-south . are , URL consulted on January 17, 2012 (archived by URL Original on 12 July 2012) .
  6. ^ Massimo Falcioni, Mototemporada, when the Made in Italy season “opened” on March 19th . are ,, 19 Marzo 2015. URL consulted on June 6, 2015 .
  7. ^ Italian motorcycle . are . URL consulted on February 16, 2020 .
  8. ^ a b c d G. Fossati, Diorama of the Modena Era, 1949-1955) . are ,, 20 May 2004. URL consulted on January 16, 2012 .
  9. ^ The monument to Enzo Ferrari moves . are , Municipality of Modena, 22 July 2005.
  10. ^ Laura Putti, Dylan is still twenty years old ,, 13 September 1987. URL consulted on May 7, 2021 .
  11. ^ Once upon a time there was the capital of rock … , Gazzetta di Modena, 29 February 2004. URL consulted on May 7, 2021 .
  12. ^ SIAE: Vasco’s event great success against secondary ticketing | Italian company of authors and publishers . are . URL consulted on 18 October 2017 .
