Airport to León – Wikipedia


L’ Airport di León (en Leonese, Airport of lalión ) (THERE IT IS: Only , ICAO: Leln ) is an airport located at 6 km of the city of León, province of León, Spain. It is one of the oldest military air bases in Spain and the airport with the highest elevation of the Iberian peninsula.

Origins [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]


The origin of the airport dates back to a precise ministerial provision issued around the 1920s, which wanted the creation of the airport as a stop for military use on the Madrid-Usturies route. Starting from 1929, in the way completely temporary, the aerostation begins the first commercial operations.

The first aerial base was located approximately in the same place as the current one: a moor that divides the complex from the city, surrounded by cultivated fields now abandoned. The infrastructure works provided for the creation of four hangars, in addition to the basic refueling, water and telephone services. The place was the basis of group 21 of team number 1 of Northwest Regional Park .

During the Spanish Civil War, the airport became a nerve team of the aerial teams, and the subsequent promotion to the Class A It allows numerous improvements, such as the installation of night flight equipment and radio communications, as well as a radiogoniometer.

Opening to civil traffic [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Since 1946, by ministerial decree that is the creation of the air base open to the civil flight Virgen del Camino , we start talking about commercial airport. However, until 1988 the airport remains a military stopover. Since 1990, the authorities of the Province and the Autonomous Community have decided to start projects for the conversion to the commercial airport of the structure, soliciting the Ministry of Defense for the authorization to take place structures for this purpose. The authorization was issued the following year in 1991.

Start of commercial operations [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In 1994 the commercial history of the airport began, thanks to which the creation of a flight track, a road connection and a parking lot was possible, inaugurated in July 1995. Since 1997 the second phase began, which provided for the construction of a terminal Passengers and a building for services, delivered in January 1999. On June 2, 1999, an Iberia flight with a final destination Barcelona-El Prat kicked off the operations.

In 2005 the Lagunair airline decided to withdraw from the airport, considered inadequate compared to modern standards and little considered by the company Spanish airports and air navigation . Thanks to the intervention of the León Airport Consortium And to the Agelco company, which took charge of the company, it was possible to safeguard the numerous jobs endangered by the decision.

In the same year, the expansion of the track was completed, which passed to 2 100 meters, as well as the planes stationary area, brought to 14,600 square meters and a control system was installed ILS Cat I.


In 2007, with the further stretching of the track up to the current 3 000 meters, the airport took a step forward of extreme importance, since the current configuration allows to accommodate planes with an autonomy close to 4 000 nautical miles and with A passenger load over one hundred.

Interior of the passenger terminal

On December 22, 2007, the president of the Spanish government José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero presented the third expansion project of the airport. Unlike previous interventions, a radical infrastructure transformation was included in this, with the construction of a new terminal on two floors of 9 600 m², as well as a parking lot for 275 cars and 8 buses, as well as a space for planes of 30 250 m².

The construction, launched on 28 December 2007, was interrupted on January 13, 2008 for the request of the Ministry of the Environment of an environmental impact declaration. Obtained, the works were taken up, and ended in September 2010.

Access to the airport is currently guaranteed by a road that, starting from the town of Valverde de la Virgen, immerses itself in the N-120. Second the projects of Aena, in the future the connections will be possible through a road dedicated to four lanes for a length of 4 kilometers, which will entirely cross the municipality of San Andrés del Rabanedo.

CRJ-900 Air Nostrum (ane) “Castilla Y Leon” EC-JZV
Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 two thousand and thirteen 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Passengers 24,816 23,972 31.607 65.187 80.894 126,650 161.705 122,809 94.282 93.313 85.725 50.835 30,890 23,133 38,680 36.554 44.389 55,946
Operations 2.605 2.793 2.951 5.241 5.279 6,296 7.328 5.700 4,767 4.770 4.461 2.630 1.962 1.397 1.885 1.814 2.236 2.605
Passenger variation Aumento17% Diminuzione3.4% Aumento31.8% Aumento106.2% Aumento24.1% Aumento56.6% Aumento27.7% Diminuzione24.1% Diminuzione23.5% Diminuzione2.0% Diminuzione8.2% Diminuzione40.7% Diminuzione39.5% Diminuzione25.1% Aumento67.2% Diminuzione5.6% Aumento21.6% Aumento26.4%
Operations variation Aumento7.2% Aumento5.7% Aumento66.5% Aumento0.7% Aumento19.3% Aumento16.2% Diminuzione22.3% Diminuzione16.4% Aumento0.1% Diminuzione6.5% Diminuzione41.0% Diminuzione25.4% Diminuzione28.8% Aumento34.9% Diminuzione3.8% Aumento23.1% Aumento16.5%
EF-18 Air Force in León
