Alberto Bertoni – Wikipedia


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Alberto Bertoni

Alberto Bertoni (Modena, 23 March 1955) is an Italian poet, literary and Italian critic.

Born in Modena in 1955 [first] , after attending the classical high school “Muratori” moves to Bologna where, between 1974 and 1979, he attended the faculty of letters of the Alma Mater Studiorum [2] . The same age and friend of Pier Vittorio Tondelli [3] [4] , who in the same years studied at the Felsinea University, was a pupil of Ezio Raimondi. [5]

Friend of Francesco Guccini – with whom he collaborated on the drafting of his autobiography I don’t know what face he had (Giunti, 2020) [6] -, since 1986 organizes performance in collaboration with musicians, including Enrico Trebbi, Ivan Valentini, Franco D’Aniello and Massimo Giuntini of Modena City Ramblers and Michele Francesconi [7] .

Alberto Bertoni together with Nicola Crocetti at the Poetry Festival 2022

In the eighties he was among the founders of the magazine “The immediate surroundings” [8] .

In 1993 he took academic service at the University of Bologna, where he currently teaches contemporary Italian literature and Italian poetry of the twentieth century [9] .

Since 1996 he has directed the “Fuoricasa” poetry necklaces for Book Editore and “Quaderni di Fuoricasa” [ten] .
In 1997 he was among the founding members of the Contemporary Poetry Center of the University of Bologna [11] [twelfth] .

From 1999 to 2011 he shares, together with Ezio Raimondi, a teaching at the University of Bolzano, in the Faculty of Training Sciences of Bressanone [13] .


Has collaborated on the necklace of Italian literature Einaudi directed by Alberto Asor Rosa [14] .

In 2004 he gave life to the magazine “Frontiera” [15] .
From 2008 to 2010 he edited the critical diary of the Almanac of the Mondadori mirror, together with Biancamaria Frabotta [16] .
In 2012 he published anthology in Spanish THE GUARDIAN OF THE PLACE [17] .

He is scientific consultant of the Poetry Festival and member of literary prizes juries [18] .
His texts were translated into English, French, Russian, Czech, Hungarian, Spanish and Romanian [14] .

Poetry [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Seasonal letters , Castel Maggiore, Book Editore, 1996. With a note by Giovanni Giudici.
  • Tatì , Castel Maggiore, Book Editore, 1999. With a letter in verse by Gianni d’Elia.
  • The catalog is this. Poems 1978-2000 , Parma, the blue knight, 2000. With an intervention by Roberto Barbolini.
  • Things later. Poems 1999-2003 , Turin, Aragno, 2003. Costament by Andrea Battistini. ISBN 88-8419-167-X.
  • I saw Varenne lose , Lecce, Manni, 2006. Preface by Niva Lorenzini.
  • It seemed to me for a moment ago , Milan, Quaderni di Orfeo, 2007.
  • Zeue cìna , Milan, The Innocuo boy, 2007. With original aquamento by Luciano Raginozzo.
  • Memories of Alzheimer’s. A story , Castel Maggiore, Book, 2008. With a letter in Pavanese verses by Francesco Guccini and a note by Milo De Angelis. 2nd ed. 2012. 3rd ed. 2016.
  • The empty bed , Turin, Aragno, 2012.
  • Crossing , Florence, Florentine publishing company, 2014. Preface by Paolo Valesio.
  • Poems 1980-2014 , Turin, Aragno, 2018.
  • Memories and chromosomes. Poems 2014-2017 , Azzate, print 2009, 2018.
  • Zathi , Ru Ferrarese, Book, 2018. With a note by Fabio Marri.
  • Horses and poetry , Reggio Emilia, Corsiero, 2018.
  • Irish , Reggio Emilia, Corsiero, 2020. With an introductory note by Daniele Benati.
  • The island of mice , Turin, Einaudi, 2021.
  • Your mom’s ass. Autobestiario 2013-2022 , Fanna, Samuel Weather Eettor, 2022. isbn 978-88-94944-60-0.
In anthology
  • Remember (with Roberto Alperooli and Emilio Rentocchini), Sassuolo, Meetings, 2011. Introduction by Marco Santagata. ISBN 9788896855195
  • Like dogs to the chain (with Roberto Alperooli and Emilio Rentocchini), Sassuolo, Meetings, 2017. Introduction by Marco Santagata. ISBN 978-88-9967-14-6.
  • Boyfriend (with Roberto Alperooli, Francesco Genitoni, Emilio Rentocchini, Jean Roboey, Elio Tavilla and Enrico Trebbi), Sassuolo, Meetings, 2022. Post in Federico Carrera. ISBN 9788899667603

Narrative [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • The impersonator of providences and other encounters between Emilia and America , Reggio Emilia, Diabasis, 2002. Preface by Edmondo Berselli.

Non -fiction [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • From the symbolists to the twentieth century. The origins of the Italian free verse , Bologna, Il Mulino, 1995.
  • A literary geography between Emilia and Romagna , with Gian Mario Anselmi, Bologna, Clueb, 1997.
  • Pasolini and the avant -garde , Florence, Olschki, 1997.
  • Critical scores , Pisa, Pacini, 2000.
  • A distracted veneration. The metric poetry of judges , Castel Maggiore, Book, 2001.
  • Montale vs. Ungaretti. Introduction to reading two Poetry models of the twentieth century , with Jonathan Sisco, Rome, Carocci, 2003.
  • Molinari 1804. Life of a family of entrepreneurs in 200 years of Modena history , with Giuseppe Bertoni, Modena, Caffè Molinari, 2004.
  • Thirty years of twentieth century. Italian books of poetry and surroundings 1971-2000 , Castel Maggiore, Book, 2005.
  • Poetry. How do you read and how to write , Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006.
  • Contemporary poetry , Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012.
  • Montale, in conclusion. Teach a poetry model , Ru Ferrarese, Book, 2014.
  • Writers from a Flame Duchy. Delfini, D’Arzo and the twentieth century , Reggio Emilia, Corsiero, 2016.
  • Italian poetry from the twentieth century to today , Bologna, Marietti, 2019. ISBN 9788821113529.
  • A final question. Poetry and thought from Auschwitz , Riva del Po, Book, 2020.

Curil [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Taccuini. 1915-1921 , Bologna, Il Mulino, 1987.
  • Blue and Blue. An anthology of Anglo-Irish-American poets , Mantua, Sometti, 2000.
  • Poetry of translation , with Alberto Cappi, Mantua, Sometti, 2003.
  • Alberto Bevilacqua, The poems , Milan, Mondadori, 2007.
  • Paolo Biasin, The song of the sirens. Writings chosen 1969-1997 , with Mario Pelati, Sassuolo, Meetings, 2009.
  • Alberto Bevilacqua, Novels , Milan, Mondadori, 2010.
  • Pier Luigi Bacchini, Poems. 1954-2013 , Milan, Mondadori, 2013.
  • Eugenio Montale, Four -year notebook , with Guido Mattia Gallerani, Milan, Mondadori, 2015. With a writing by Cesare Garboli and an essay by Giorgio Orelli.
  • Maurizio Cucchi, Poems. 1963-2015 , Milan, Mondadori, 2016.
  • Cesare Pavese, Work tired , Latiano, Internopoism, 2021. Notes to the text by Elena Grazioli.

Translations [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • 1997 – The blue house , with Enrico Trebbi and Ivan Valentini (Mobydick)
  • 2001 – Trips , with Enrico Trebbi and Ivan Valentini (Arxcollana & Book Editore)
  • 2001 – Voices and sounds of Ireland , with Franco D’Aniello and Massimo Giuntini (the theaters of Reggio Emilia)
  • 2012 – The days absent , with Ivan Valentini and Michele Francesconi (Mobydick)
  1. ^ Elena Grazioli, Elena Grazioli interviews Alberto Bertoni . are European Island , 12 June 2021. URL consulted on April 13, 2022 .
  2. ^ Alberto Bertoni, Italian poetry from the twentieth century to today , Bologna, Marietti, 2019, p. 137.
  3. ^ Alberto Bertoni, Italian poetry from the twentieth century to today , Bologna, Marietti, 2019, p. 127.
    «Mine – as my friend Pier Vittorio Tondelli has magnificently testified in his novel Pao Pao (1982) – It was also the latest generation that threw a year of life in mandatory military service ”

  4. ^ Memory of Tondelli , in Alberto Bertoni, The impersonator of providences and other encounters between Emilia and America , Reggio Emilia, Diabasis, 2002, pp. 103-107.
  5. ^ Marcello Conti, “Humanity without memory” by Alberto Bertoni . are Cube Circle , 1 August 2022. URL consulted on April 13, 2022 .
  6. ^ Franco Giubilei, Guccini: I wrote an autobiography because the circle closes , in The print , February 6, 2010. URL consulted on April 17, 2022 (archived by URL Original February 8, 2010) .
  7. ^ Alberto Bertoni (President) – University professor and writer . are Zocca Prize – Municipality of Zocca . URL consulted on April 13, 2022 .
  8. ^ Alberto Bertoni, Italian poetry from the twentieth century to today , Bologna, Marietti, 2019, p. 128.
    “In the 1980s […] I drafted a magazine entitled to Vittorio Sereni,” The immediate surroundings “in Modena, with Jean Robaey, Elio Tavilla, Lisabetta Serra and Franco Genitoni”

  9. ^ Alberto Bertoni-Teachings 2021-2022 . are University of Bologna . URL consulted on April 13, 2022 .
  10. ^ The poetry of books . are Book Editore . URL consulted on April 13, 2022 .
  11. ^ Members list . are Contemporary Poetry Center of the University of Bologna . URL consulted on April 13, 2022 .
  12. ^ Francesca Serragnoli, Contemporary Poetry Center of Bologna , in Bulletin ‘900 , n. 6-11, Department of Italians of the University of Bologna, 1997, p. 90, ISSN 1126-7003 ( WC · Acnp ) .
  13. ^ Alberto Bertoni, Italian poetry from the twentieth century to today , Bologna, Marietti, 2019, pp. 132-133.
  14. ^ a b Alberto Bertoni the language found . are . URL consulted on April 20, 2022 .
  15. ^ Alberto Bertoni . are Independent Poetry , 29 May 2021. URL consulted on April 13, 2022 .
  16. ^ Alberto Bertoni . are Italian Poetry . URL consulted on April 13, 2022 .
  17. ^ Alberto Bertoni | Authors . are Pordenonelegge . URL consulted on April 13, 2022 .
  18. ^ Alberto Bertoni . are Bologna University . URL consulted on 11 April 2022 .
  19. ^ a b c d Alberto Bertoni . are Artstampa editions , November 21, 2016. URL consulted on 11 April 2022 .
  20. ^ Sandra Petrignani and Alberto Bertoni winners Dessì Prize 2018 . are Only radio , 1 October 2018. URL consulted on 11 April 2022 .
  21. ^ Alberto Bertoni (the island of mice) wins 65th Carducci Prize . are , 28 July 2021. URL consulted on 11 April 2022 .
