Alessandro Pizzorusso – Wikipedia


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Alessandro Pizzorusso (Bagni di Lucca, 11 November 1931 – Pisa, 14 December 2015) was an Italian jurist and constitutionalist.

Son of Giuliano Pizzorusso, who exercised the lawyer with a studio in Piazza Grande in Lucca, and the younger brother of the Frenchman Arnaldo Pizzorusso, shared with Giuseppe Pera the common qualification of disciple of Virgilio Andrioli [first] . In 1954 he graduated in law from the University of Pisa, discussing a thesis on the high court for the Sicilian region, speaker Franco Pierandrei.

Winner of the competition in the judiciary, on March 31, 1958 he began as a judicial auditor at the Court of Rome; Since 1963 he took on the qualification of court magistrate, but first exercised the functions of Praetor in Empoli and then as a judge in the Court of Pisa. He was a study assistant to the Constitutional Judge Costantino Mortati.

On October 31, 1972 he abandoned the judiciary for his academic career: he was first extraordinary professor of constitutional law in the faculty of jurisprudence and then ordinary until 2007. For a long time professor of public law and constitutional law, Pizzorusso carried out most of his career in the university of Pisa, progenitor of one of the most dynamic ‘schools’ of constitutional law. Between 1 November 1981 and 1 November 1989 he was the owner of the chair of comparative constitutional law at the University of Florence, where he took over from Mauro Cappelletti.

During his career, Pizzorusso held numerous institutional offices, including that of director of the Department of Public Law from 1996 to 2006. In 1990 he was awarded the order of the Cherubino and in 2007 he received the appointment of emeritus professor.

President for 10 years (from 1985 to 1994) of the Italian Association of Comparative Law, in 1998 he was part of the group of experts who drawn up the report on behalf of the European Commission Affirming fundamental rights in the European Union (published in 1999), which represented a decisive contribution for the subsequent approval of the Nice Charter in 2000 [2] .

He was part of the Superior Council of the judiciary from 1990 to 1994. He maintained academic contacts with the self -government organ of the magistrates so much that, in 2003, he was invited to keep a report for judicial listeners: in that seat Pizzorusso had delivered to the young magistrates a document that defined the members of the CSM of the center-right area “exponents of the company party”; A controversy was born with an intervention by the then President of the Republic, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi [3] . Moreover, in 2004, he stood a pizzorusso of the meritorious medal of the school, culture and art.


Since 1998 he was a national partner of the National Accademia dei Lincei.

  1. ^ He also recognized academic influences to his relationship with Franco Pierandrei, with Leopoldo Elia, with Carlo Lavagna and with Giuseppe Ferrari: M.C. Ponthoreau, Intervisa ad alessandro pizzorus , in Rev. Int. Dr. Comp., 2005, 971.
  2. ^ Rolando Tarchi, Alessandro Pizzorusso , DPCE, 2015 .
  3. ^ CSM, Ciampi defends CDL members , The Tyrrhenian Sea, 6 November 2003 .
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, The publication of regulatory acts , Milan: Giuffrè, 1963.
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, A limitation of the electoral capacity not allowed by the Constitution , The administrative hole. – 41 (1965), n. 2, p. 7
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, On the effectiveness over time of the suppressive amendments included in the conversion laws , Constitutional jurisprudence. – 13 (1968), p. 2547-2557
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, On the effects of the suppression of the provision of decree law during conversion , The Italian Forum. – 92 (1969), pt. 1, p. 2794-2796
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, The preliminary resolutions of the parliamentary assemblies in the legislative procedure , The Italian Forum. – 94 (1969), pt. 5, p. 17-41
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, Constitutional law lessons , Rome, The Italian Forum, 1984
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, Constitutional Court: a new “type” of sentence? , The legal courier. – 10 (1993), n. 7, p. 773-774
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, A reform of art. 77 of the Constitution , The legal courier. – 11 (1994), n. 9, p. 1061-1062
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, Recent trends of parliamentarianism , Bulletin of constitutional and parliamentary information. – 1994, n. 1, p. 43-64
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, Conflict of attributions against the decree-law and limits to the parishness to the examination of the Consulta , The legal courier. – 12 (1995), n. 7, p. 822-824
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, Sources, procedures and implementation of laws in Italy , Notebook / association for parliamentary studies and research. – 6 (1995), p. 115-135
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, The new electoral systems for the Chamber of Deputies and for the Senate of the Republic , in: electoral reforms / by Massimo Luciani and Mauro Volpi. – Rome ; Bari: Laterza, 1995. – p. 123-145
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, Limits and procedures of the constitutional review , in: Change Constitution or change the Constitution? / By Eugenio repeats and Roberto Romboli. – Turin: Giappichelli, 1995. – p. 9-16.
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, Rethinking the controls on the decrees law in light of recent experience , Policy of law. – 26 (1995), n. 3, p. 367-382
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, On the urgent decreation, the Constitutional Court intervenes with a “OBITER DICTUM” , The legal courier. – 12 (1995), n. 4, p. 437-439
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, The effects of the sentence of the Consulta on the abuse of urgent decreation , The legal courier. – 13 (1996), p. 1355-1359
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, Political address and referendum , in: political address and constitution: forty years after the contribution of Temistocle Martines: study days, Messina, 4-5 October 1996 / edited by M. Ainis .. [et al.]. – Milan: Giuffrè, 1998. – p. 87-108.
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, Government legislative acts and relationships between powers: aspects of comparative law , French review of constitutional law. – 8 (1997), p. 677-691
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, Criminal procedure for offenses from ministers in Italian law , in: The criminal responsibility of the federal, community and regional ministers / under the direction of Francis Delpérée, Marc Verdussen. . – Brussels: Bruylant, 1997. – p. 39-54
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, Manual of institutions of public law , Jovene, Naples 1997
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, Jurisdictional guarantees: the problem of the judge’s independence , in: From the constituent to the Constitution: conference on the occasion of the fifty -year -old of the Republican Constitution, Rome, 18-20 December 1997. – Rome: National Academy of Lincei, 1998. – p. 247-260
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, The questionable immunity of the language president , Constitutional jurisprudence. – 43 (1998), n. 5, p. 2852-2858
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, The evaluator parliament , in: Italian national reports in the 15th International Congress of Comparative Law, Bristol 1998.
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, Sources, procedures and implementation of law in Italy , in: National legislation in the European framework : proceedings of the second congress of the European association of legislation (EAL) in Rome, March 24-29, 1995 / Ulrich Karpen, Edgar Michael Wenz eds. – Baden-Baden : Nomos, 1998. – p. 38-57
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, The legislative method in Italy , in: formal and material legisics = formal and material legistic / published under the direction of Charles-Albert Morand. -Aix-en-Provence: Aix-Marseille university presses, 1999.-p. 61-73
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, Delegation , in: Encyclopedia of law. – Milan: Giuffrè. – Vol. 3 of Update (1999), p. 492-501
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, The wounded constitution , Rome ; Bari: Laterza, 1999.
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, Maintenance of the book of laws and other studies on legislation , Turin: Giappichelli, 1999.
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, Parliamentary immunities and action and defense rights , The Italian Forum. – 123 (2000), n. 11, p. 302-317
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, Repeal as a tool for simplifying the regulatory system , The regions. – 28 (2000), n. 5, p. 799-812
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, Paths, content and problematic aspects of a reform of the regulatory framework relating to the implementation of community obligations , in: Europe in Italy: towards new tools for implementing Community regulations: Proceedings of the International Conference , ABI, Palazzo Altieri, Sala della Clemenza, Rome, March 25, 1999. – Rome: Presidency of the Council of Ministers. Department for information and publishing, 2000. – p. 53-69.
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, The parliamentary commission for constitutional reforms: first observations , in: Studies in honor of Leopoldo Elia. – Milan: Giuffrè, 1999. – Vol. 2, p. 1345-1362
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, Quality of Legislation and System of Sources , Magazine of constitutional law. – 2001, p. 40-53
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, Quality of Legislation and System of Sources , Magazine of constitutional law. – 2001, p. 40-53
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, Reasonableness and rationality in the creation and application of the law , in: The reasonableness in the law / edited by Massimo La Torre and Antonino Spadaro. – Turin: Giappichelli, 2002. – p. 45-55
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, The European constitutional heritage , Il Mulino, 2002
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, The responsibility of the state due to legislative acts in Italy , in: Movement of public law: from administrative law to constitutional law: from French law to other rights: Mixtures in honor of Modern Franck. – Paris: Dalloz, 2004. – p. 913-925
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, Considerations on the evolution of parliamentary procedures in the majority system , in: majority and oppositions in parliamentary procedures: acts of the cycle of seminars carried out in collaboration with the Senate of the Republic and the Chamber of Deputies / by Emanuele Rossi. – Padua: Cedam, 2004. – p. 183-186
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, Constitutional reforms: a transition by unknown destination , The Italian Forum. – 128 (2005), pt. 5, p. 218-244
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, Reform of Part II of the Constitution subject to referendum: changes on regulatory production , The Italian Forum. – 129 (2006), n. 4, p. 120-124
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, Constitutional reviews and the difficult affirmation of constitutionalism in Italy , in: The constitutional revision and its limits: between constitutional theory, internal law, foreign experiences / by Silvio Gambino and Guerino D’Ignazio. – Milan: Giuffrè, 2007. – p. 85-91.
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, On the sidelines of the debate on the electoral reform , in: The electoral reform. – Florence: Passigli, 2007. – p. 278-295.
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, Simplification and regulatory reorganization proposals , The legal courier. – 25 (2008), n. 5, p. 597-598
  • Pizzorusso Alessandro, The expansion of the regulatory powers of the executive in the main western systems: fifty years after Enzo Cheli’s essay , in: The constitutional state: the national dimension and the international perspective: written in honor of Enzo Cheli / edited by Paolo Caretti and Maria Cristina Grisolia. – Bologna: Il Mulino, 2010, p. 105-115
