Amari Mt. -Wikipedia


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Mt. Amari (Yama -yama) is about 1,731m above sea level at the border between Nirasaki City, Yamanashi Prefecture and the Southern Alps City. [first] It is a mountain.

It is located on the hillside of the east side of the Southern Alps.

It is a small peak on the east slope of Mt. Because it is a small bump on the ridge, unlike independent peaks, it can be seen only on the hillside rather than a mountain when viewed from the Kofu basin at the foot. Nevertheless, the name of Amari Mountains, such as being selected as Yamanashi Hundred Mountains, is known every year because there is a large -scale vengy the azalea that blooms in June. Because the park line is communicated, the approach is relatively easy and it is crowded with many hikers during the season.

It was used as an enrollment site in the early modern era, and a mountain theory has occurred.

There is a skiing site on Mt. Amari, and with Iwao Yamadera, who lives in Nirasaki -cho (at that time), and Saburo Kobayashi, who lives at the entrance of Mt. Developed as. In the 30th year, the players who played an active part in Nirasaki High School, the organic chemists from Nirasaki City, Satoshi Omura, and Iwao Omura, and held skiing and workshops locally.
At present, it exists as the site of the ski resort, and a stone monument of Yamadera Iwao is built with ski boots in that place.


Along the prefectural road climbing to Amari Mt. Pond There is (Sawarake).

“Kunishishi” describes the legends related to the large snake set in this pond and the folks related to rain begging, and has been quoted by the folk scholar Kunio Yanagida in the “Sanjima Minshitan”. In addition, a bowl rental legend is transmitted to Noboru Pond in Nino Ushijima, Southern Alps.

The borrower’s legend was prepared a bowl of the lender the next day when the borrower wanted to borrow a bowl in a specific place, but the loaner did not return the bowl, so a bowl rent was not returned. The content is interrupted, and in Yamanashi Prefecture, it is distributed in the Kamashikawa basin. The Legend of the bowl of Noboron Pond was lender by the red cow, the lord of the pond, but he left the pond because he did not return the bowl and moved to Sawaroike on Mt. Amari.

Mountain climbing route [ edit ]

Amari Mountain Azalea

From the prefectural free parking lot at the end of the prefectural road, it takes about 15 minutes to the summit after going through the tone azalea column.

  1. ^ a b Various sites, etc., have an altitude of 1731m, but the highest point of this mountain is 1740m or more, as the highlights of 1740m are listed near the summit on the topographic map of the Geographical Survey Institute. Less than. Although there is a guide to 1672m altitude, this is the altitude of the triangle point (triangle point, 1671.54m above sea level, 1671.54m above sea level) at an unnamed peak adjacent to the east side of Amari Mountain.

references [ edit ]

  • Attack Yamanashi Hyakusan Mountain “New Edition” “Yamanashi Nissho Shimbun” published ISBN 978-4-89710-854-4
  • Ayumi of the Nirasaki City Sports Association
  • Nao Murakami “Background of the theory of enrollment in the early modern era-Mainly in Amari Mountain, Yamanashi Prefecture-” “Kai History” Volume 1, 1982
  • Nao Murakami “Amari Sanzan theory Song” “Japan History” No. 119, 1991

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