American Nazi party – Wikipedia


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The American Nazi party (in English American Nazi Party , ANP ) is an American political party.

The party has a political ideology and ideology very similar to that of the German National Socialist Party of the workers and explicitly refers to the action of Adolf Hitler in an attempt to establish a National Socialist regime in the United States.

He was founded in February 1959 by George Lincoln Rockwell, who immediately drew the title of “commander” by refusing that of “secretary”. The first headquarters of the party, located in Arlington in Virginia, contained a center for visitors located at 2507 of North Franklin. After the assassination of Rockwell in 1967 the neo -Nazi movement passed into the hands of Matt Koehl who renamed him National Socialist Party of the White People .

In 1970 the NSWPP underwent a split led by Frank Collin who detached himself from the original movement as he judged the successors of Rockwell too moderate and founded the National Socialist Party of America.

In 1974 Robert Brannen and Cliff Herrington, two NSWPP members detached from the group and founded the National Socialist American Workers Freedom Movement , later became known as National Socialist Movement . The group became the largest and most popular over time to collect the influence of Rockwell and the only one to join the World Union of National Socialists. Also promulgating its national socialist and anti -Semitic ideologies, through a sort of “satanic cult”; Based mainly on the thought of the well -known conspiracygist journalist David Icke and Zecchan Sitchin [6] . In 2019 the party passed under the guidance of James Stern who asked judge to recognize the crimes made by the Ens and affirmed the intention to transform the movement site into a memorial in the history of the Holocaust.

In 1974 William Luther Pierce, a physics student who in 1966 had been chosen by Rockwell as the editor of a party periodical, broke away to found supremist and terrorist group National Alliance, inspired by the National Youth Alliance of Willis Carto, who was among the numerous groups that placed themselves as successors of the Rockwell party. Pierce himself was also the founder of the cosmoteist religion.

Also 1974 the young Joseph Tommasi founded the National Socialist Liberation Front after being expelled from the NSWPP the previous year 1973 as he was judged too extremist. In 1969, Tommasi had created NSLF as a youth wing of American Nazi Part (in which David Duke himself had enrolled in the movement in 1970). The new party acquired great success in the field of the American far right before Tommasi’s sudden death in 1975 [7] . In the early 80s James Mason, also a former member of the NSWPP, reopened the NSLF together with some supporters of the criminal Charles Manson with the name of Universal Order [7] [8] . Mason himself later played a key role in the formation of the Atomwaffen Division, a neo -Nazi terrorist group inspired by the ideas of Rockwell, Tommasi and Manson.


At the end of the 90s, a new Nazi -inspired group in 2014 took on the name of American Nazi Party, this group, led by Rocky Suhayda, proposes itself as an authentic heir of Rockwell’s thought by claiming to be connected to the original party [9] But in reality they are two different entities without correlation [ten] . The new party places itself as even more extremist than the original because it advocates by every means the birth of a new social order of Nazi imprint. Its main headquarters is located in Eastpointe, Michigan.

This political movement participates every year in the conference called “white pride” and its main motto can be summarized with the program of fourteen words: ” We must ensure the existence of our people and a future for white children “.

  1. ^ -and-nangp
  2. ^ Peter Holley, Top Nazi leader: Trump will be a ‘real opportunity’ for white nationalists , in The Washington Post , 6 August 2016.
  3. ^ a b
  4. ^ Rockwell, George Lincoln. From Ivory Tower to Privy Wall: On The Art of Propaganda . are (archived by URL Original on August 3, 2014) . c.1966
  5. ^ “The Stormtrooper Magazine [American Nazi Party publication],” Social Welfare History Image Portal, accessed June 17, 2020, .
  6. ^ The National Socialist Movement Implodes . are .
  7. ^ a b Jeffrey S. Kaplan, Encyclopedia of White Power: A Sourcebook on the Radical Racist Right , Rowman & Littlefield, 2000.
  8. ^ Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism, and the Politics of Identity , NYU PRESS, 2003.
  9. ^ “The New Lexicon of Hate: The Changing Tactics, Language and Symbols of America’s Extremists” , Simon Wiesenthal Center, p. 15.
  10. ^ “A Guide to the American Nazi Party Recruiting Materials, c.1966 , Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2015.
