Andrea amazing – Wikipedia


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ANDREA CUNULAR (Piombino, November 27, 1969) is an Italian politician.

Graduated in Modern History at the University of Pisa, he approached politics in France where he specialized in social history and feeding at the École des Hautes Études en sciences Socials in Paris [first] .
In addition to social history, he specialized in military history, studying in particular the transition from medieval war to modern war with the advent of firearms. From 2015 to 2018 he was a delegated councilor of the Italy USA Foundation [2] .

After approaching politics in France, in 1995 he enrolled in the Democratic Party of the left while in 1997 he became secretary of the Val di Cornia-Elba Federation of the PDS.

He is the regional secretary of the left democrats from 2006 to 2007, while from the following year he holds the same office until 2013 for the Democratic Party of Tuscany [first] .
Considered politically close to the former Prime Minister Massimo D’Alema, once within the Democratic Party he supported Pier Luigi Bersani in the primaries of “Italy. Common good” of 2012 [3] and Gianni Cuperlo to those for the 2013 secretariat [4] . Subsequently he supported Matteo Renzi for the 2017 primaries [5] .

On June 5, 2013 he was chosen as national manager for the defense and Europe of the Democratic Party in the new national secretariat by the secretary Guglielmo Epifani [6] .

Debut [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Former provincial councilor in Livorno, in 2000 he was elected regional councilor of Tuscany for the first time; It will remain in office, re -elected to the list with the democrats of the left first and with the Democratic Party then, until the 2013 resignation [7] .


Deputy in the Chamber [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Elected, on the list of the Democratic Party in Tuscany, to the Chamber of Deputies in the elections of 24 and 25 February 2013, from 4 November of the same until February 25, 2014 was a member of the Permanent Commission IV Defense [8] ; From 7 May 2013 he has been vice -president of the III Foreign Affairs Commission.

Since November 2015 he has been a member of the Permanent Committee on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development objectives. Previously he was a member of the Permanent Committee on foreign policy and external relations of the European Union.

On 14 May 2014 he was elected president of the Italian delegation at the NATO parliamentary meeting, of which he was already part from the previous year [9] , happening to Federica Mogherini who in turn became the Foreign Minister of the Renzi government.

Parliamentary [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Within the activity for the NATO parliamentary assembly, in 2015 he was appointed speaker of the report on terrorism of the jihadist matrix entitled ” Daesh: the challenge to regional and international security [ten] .

In 2015 he was a speaker at the Chamber of Deputies of the decree-law containing ” Urgent measures for the contrast of terrorism “(Legislative Decree of 18 February 2015, n. 7, converted into law 17 April 2015, n. 43).

In January 2016 he presented the bill “together with the honorable Stefano Dambruoso” Measures for the prevention of radicalization and jihadist extremism “(A.C.3558).
In 2016 and 2017 he is the speaker of the law-quadro on international missions.

He was founder, together with the deputies Stefano Dambruoso and Deborah Bergamini, of the parliamentary intergroup United against terrorism .

Subsequent activities [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Not re -candidate in the 2018 political elections, he founded the Association Atlantic Europe of which he is president. [11] He was also appointed president of the Fincantieri Foundation, and vice -president of Fincantieri with delegation to relations with NATO. [twelfth]

  1. ^ a b Biography Andrea Manciulli [ interrupted connection ] . are ,
  2. ^ The Foundation – Staff . are . URL consulted on 29 October 2017 .
  3. ^ Primary: Manciulli (Pd Toscana), with Bersani for real change . are , Libero, 11 November 2012 (archived by URL Original November 10, 2017) .
  4. ^ Cuperlo warms up the people of the Democrats . are , the Tyrrhenian Sea, 9 September 2013.
  5. ^ The primaries of the Democratic Party . are , the Tyrrhenian Sea, March 18, 2017.
  6. ^ Secretariat of the Democratic Party, three Tuscans enter: Lotti, Carmassi and Manciulli . are , the nation, 12 June 2013.
  7. ^ You’re cheating andrea . are , Regional Council of Tuscany.
  8. ^ Piombino – Andrea Manciulli elected vice -president . are , The Tyrrhenian Sea, 19 August 2013.
  9. ^ The former secretary of the Tuscan Democratic Party appointed in the NATO Permanent Assembly . are , the nation, 19 August 2013.
  10. ^ Daesh: the challenge to regional and international security ( PDF ), are , The sheet, November 27, 2015.
  11. ^ Atlantic Europe – Website
  12. ^ Defense: Manciulli (Fincantieri Foundation), would serve European “industrial alliance” – Nova Agency
  • AndRENA CUNIULLULI, Defeat terrorism. The evolution of the jihadist threat and the legislative instruments of contrast , Rome, Chamber of Deputies, 2017. ISBN 978-8892000926
