Andrea Cokornek – Wikipedia


Andrea Czoktek (Arezzo, 22 June 1971) is an Italian presbyter, historian and archivist, specialized in the study of the Middle Ages. Scholar of medieval history and history of the Church, he conducted research on the institutional history of some municipalities of the Italian Center area, charity in the early Middle Ages, the Umbrian and Tuscan monasticism in the XI-XIV centuries, the exercise of usury credit and on pledge in the XIII and XIV centuries and the legislation on the game of the XIV-XV centuries. He currently deals with the religious history of the Italian Middle Ages, with particular reference to the municipal age and specific interest in monasticism, hermitism, the begging orders and the religious life of the lay people. From the academic year 2008-2009 he has been a professor of history of the Church in the Theological Institute of Assisi, who is aggregated to the Faculty of Sacred Theology of the Pontifical Lateran University, and in the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences of Assisi and since 2014 he has been director of the Diocesan historical archive of Città di Castello. On February 13, 2023 he was appointed by Bishop Luciano Paolucci Bedini Vicar General of the diocese of Città di Castello.


Born in Arezzo on June 22, 1971, since the day of birth he lives in Sansepolcro, the city of origin of his family, which boasts Polish origins on the paternal side [first] . He performs the lower and medium studies in Sansepolcro and the high school students in Città di Castello. Once the degree in letters from the University of Perugia has been obtained, he begins to study medieval history with Ugolino Nicolini and continues with Giovanna Casagrande in 1994 [2] Scientific training continues at the University of Pisa, with the achievement of the perfection in exegesis of medieval sources with the professors Marco Tangheroni and Cinzio Violante. In 1995 he also obtained his diploma in archival, paleography and diplomatic at the State Archive of Perugia and for some years he carried out archivist activities as a freelancer. He deals with the reorganization of the Amedeo Potito archival fund in Badia Tedalda. Once the formation of the priesthood was started in the Pontifical Regional Seminary Umbrian of Assisi, in 2005 he obtained the cod in theology at the Theological Institute of Assisi. The following year he was ordained priest by the bishop of Città di Castello Msgr. Pellegrino Tomaso Ronchi.

In 1999-2000 he was part of the working group set up at the University of Perugia as part of the “Census of Christian Sanctuaries in Italy”, promoted by the Ecole Française de Rome and the Institute of Research of Social History e religious of Vicenza. In 1996 he was among the founding members of the Historical Association of the Upper Tiber Valley, of which he has been president since 2016 and whose magazine, AltoTiotiberine pages He has been responsible for 1997 [3] . From 11 September 2008 to 11 September 2013 he was director of the Museum of the Cathedral of Città di Castello and in the year 2011/2012 he was also deputy rector of the Pontifical Regional Seminary Umbrian.

He is parish priest and rector in Città di Castello at the Sanctuary of the Madonna delle Grazie. On 18 October 2013 he was appointed member of the college of consultors of the diocese of Città di Castello. Since 8 October 2014 he has been director of the Diocesan Historical Archive and of the Diocesana Storti-Guerri Library of Città di Castello and since 2015 he directs the series Castellana ecclesia. Studies on the diocese of Città di Castello , published by the Plinian Editrice. Since 2015 he has been a member of the “Museo Library Archival Network of the Diocese of Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro” Foundation and since 22 June 2018 he has been deputy director of the Diocesan Historical Archive of Sansepolcro.

From the academic year 2008/2009 to the academic year 2020/2021 he was a professor of history of the medieval church at the theological institute of Assisi, where he also held courses of Franciscan studies; In the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences of Assisi, he also held the history course of the Church in Umbria; He also held courses at the Pontifical theological faculty Marianum in Rome and the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences “Blessed Gregory X” of Arezzo (History of the local Church) [4] .

He is also a member of various scientific and cultural institutions, including the historical institute of the Order of Servants of Mary (Rome), the deputation of homeland history for Umbria [5] (Perugia), the deputation of homeland history for Tuscany (Florence) [6] , the International Society of Franciscan Studies (Assisi) [7] , the Ecclesiastical Archival Association (Vatican City, holding the position of councilor in the 2014-2017 and 2021-2024) and the Petrarch Academy of Letters, Arts and Sciences.

Among his publications [8] it is reported At the service of the highest creator. Hermitic life aspects between Umbria and Tuscany in the XIII-XIV centuries (Assisi, Porziuncola, 2010, ISBN 978-88-270-0695-5). In this essay, the author studies, among other things, the parchments of the ancient archives of the hermitages of Montevicchi and the Barucola, which represent one of the major cases of conservation of hermit archives in Italy. The contribution given to the study of the history of the Hermitage of Montecasale is also significant, to which he dedicated some essays (partly re -emerged in the 2007 volume) which show how after 1269 in the Hermitage the Franciscan community was replaced by an hermit form linked to the bishop of Città di Castello; The analysis of the notarial documentation also highlighted as the presence of an image of the Virgin Mary of the Hermitage, in the XIII and XIV centuries, a real Marian sanctuary.

In 2012 he published A presence that makes history. The church in Umbria from the origins to the mid -twentieth century (Assisi, Cittadella, ISBN 978-88-308-1263-5), a small manual for the use of religion teachers in secondary schools.


In 2016 the monograph was released Study, preach, read. Ecclesiastical schools and religious culture in the upper Tiber valley in the thirteenth-sixteenth centuries (Heel-blades,, 2016 Editor, isbn 978-88-978-52-8).

Studies on San Francesco d’Assisi and Franciscanism [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

He was also interested in themes of Franciscan History. The essays collected in the volume Hermitage, convent, city. A fragment of Franciscan history: Sansepolcro, XIII-XV centuries (Assisi, Porziuncola, 2007, ISBN 978-88-270-0597-2, winner of the “Achille Bertini Calosso” award in 2009) reconstruct the methods of settlement of the friars minor in medieval Umbria and, in particular, in Sansepolcro, presented As an exemplary case of the history of Franciscanism in the first two centuries.

Has paid attention to the rule of San Francesco d’Assisi and the constitutional developments of the order of the friars minor, in its different ramifications, taking care of some volumes of the series Franciscan trips , published by the Theological Institute of Assisi: P. Maranesi – L. Lehmann – C. Vaiani – E. Scognamiglio, An identity text. Method and themes of reading the rule of Francesco d’Assisi , edited by A. Czortek (Assisi, Cittadella, 2013, ISBN 978-88-308-1336-6); F. Accrocca – L. Bertazzo – P. Maranesi – L. Pellegrini, The identity on the way. Poverty and penance, preaching and studies in the development of the legislative texts of the Friars Minor (XIII-XVI centuries) , apart ‘A. CZortek (Assisi, City Citadel 2014, Isbn 978-88-30-1416-5); F. Accrocca – P. Maranesi – M. Melon – L.Vellegrini, Odorifera Verba Domini Mei. The minority preaching from Francesco to the Capuchins (Asisi, Cittadella, 2015, ISBN 978-88-3081486-8); Mercy: from Friar Francesco to Franciscanism. An evangelical itinerary alongside man’s suffering (Asisi, Cittadella, 2016, ISBN 978-88-308-151-3); Friar Francesco and his friars along the centuries. From the first fraternity to the division of the order with the Bolla ite vos (Asisi, Cittadella, 2018, ISBN 978-88-308-1655-8).

Studies on Sansepolcro [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Particular interest has aimed at studying the history of Sansepolcro, since the publication of the degree thesis: An abbey, a municipality: Sansepolcro in the XI-XIII centuries (Città di Castello, Tibergraph, 1997), critical and documented essay on the institutional history of the Municipality of Sansepolcro.

Between 2009 and 2012 he coordinated the scientific project Our history. Lessons on the history of Sansepolcro (2009-2012), taking care of the publication of the documents (2010-2013).

In 2013, together with Massimiliano Bassetti and Enrico Menstò, he edited the volume One Gerusalemme sul tiege. L’Abbazia e il «Borgna holy tomb” (Secoli 10-15) (Spoleto, CISA, 2013, ISBN 978-88-6809-017-3).

In 2018, together with Francesca Chieli, he published The birth of a diocese in Tuscany of Leo X: Sansepolcro from Borgo to Città (Rome, Italian Historical Institute for the Middle Ages, 2018, ISBN 978-88-98079-74-2, “Sacred Italy and Ecclesiastical History Studies and Documents, N.S. 4), which presents and analyzes previously unpublished documentation from which it is possible to reconstruct the stages of the social, political and ecclesial process that develops between 1400 and 1520 and which leads to the creation of the diocese of Sansepolcro by Pope Leo X. The studies on the diocese have merged into the collection From the Tiber to the Bidente. Studies on the diocese of Sansepolcro Listen (Swedder, plan, clinical, 2022, isbN 979-12-8036-5125).

In 2009 he won the “Achille Bertini Calosso” award awarded by the Deputation of Homeland History for Umbria with the work Hermitage, convent, city. A fragment of Franciscan history: Sansepolcro, XIII-XV centuries , published in 2007.

On February 12, 2013 he was appointed honorary canon of the Cathedral of Arezzo.

On May 15, 2019 he was appointed honorary partner of the “Vivere in Borgo Sansepolcro” Association.

  • A. Czortek, From the Tiber to the Bidente. Studies on the diocese of Sansepolcro Pelcome, selci-lama, planian, 2022, isbN 979-12-8036-5125.
  • A. Czortek, At the service of the highest creator. Hermitic life aspects between Umbria and Tuscany in the XIII-XIV centuries , Assisi, portagmenta, 2010 – ISBR 978-8-817-095-5.
