Angelo Lualdi – Wikipedia


Angelo Luldi in his study

Angelo Luldi (Genoa, 22 February 1881 – Fiesole, 12 June 1979) was an Italian sculptor active in the United States from 1907 to the 70s.


The Lualdi originated from Busto Arsizio where the grandfather, Angelo Maria Francesco Luldi, was a surgeon and his grandmother Felicita Francesca Maria Carolina Crespi a wealthy lady.

After the premature death of his father Paolo, Angelo, just ten years old, moved to Milan with his mother and younger brother Vincenzo.

He was encouraged and made sensitive to the expression of figurative art both by his paternal uncle Giovanni, building entrepreneur who had studied at the Brera Academy, and by the maternal uncle Angelo Morbelli, a painter who had embraced the poetics of divisionism in the period between the horse among the Two centuries.

In 1893 Angelo Luldi enrolled in the Brera Academy where he attended the courses until 1903.

Curiosity for the world and for art, associated with political precariousness, which Italy lived in those years, prompted him to leave for some time from Italy.

Angelo Luldi can be called an ambassador abroad of good taste and art, as he was formed, like the uncles, at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera and followed the carving courses of the Castello Sforzesco. At the same time he set up an Atélier for the carving of the wood with the collaboration of seven people who worked for him. After a short stay in Paris he went to London where he stayed until 1907.

He left England in 1907 for the United States, where he lived until 1925. In this country he worked for over ten years with the company Irving & Casson of Boston and taught in a group of art studies North Bennet School a Cambridge . In 1917 he founded the Angelo Luldi Inc. and enriched with precious statues, religious groups and stations of the cross, numerous Catholic and Protestant churches and cathedrals, including the National Cathedral of Washington DC: they are his 98 statues of the main altar and the chapel of the Nativity.


Also in the United States, an art gallery opened in Newbury Street in Boston.

In 1925, Angelo decided to return to Italy with his family. He settled first in Settignano and then at Villa Covoni in Fiesole in via Benedetto da Maiano.

However, the artist continued to work with the United States, which was why he crossed the Atlantic Ocean several times to follow the installation of the works designed and carried out in Italy.

He died in Fiesole on June 12, 1979.

Trinity Church Cemetery NYC e Trinity Church [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Astor column [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The architect John Nash commissioned him the statues of the column in Trinity Church Cemetery A NEW YORK.

The high relief representative “Adam and Eva” is interesting and the artist’s meditation on medieval European examples can be observed in the physicality of the statues.

Astor Column nel Trinity Church Cemetery NYC

The Italian newspaper , on June 8, 1914, published the article ” Our art in America. A nice monument by the sculptor Angelo Luldi ”. The artist wrote: “In these days a nice monument was inaugurated in the Trinity Church garden in New York, a fine work of the young sculptor Angelo Luldi of Boston. The monument consists of a Gothic style column, surmounted by a cross.

In the column eighteen figures are sculpted, little larger than the truth, representing the patriarchs, Eva, the Madonna and Child, Angels and Saints. The column is trentotto high feet and stands on an octagonal pedestal. The Madonna, which is one of the most beautiful details of the monument, is a masterpiece of conception and artistic finesse. To mitigate the Gothic stiffness of the Axus, the Luldi put in detail some touch of modernity and in the figures he transfused some of his warm soul as a young and Italian. The Lualdi is Milanese and is just twenty -nine years of age. For seven years it has been established in Boston. His works can be admired in New York in St. Thomas Church in Fifth Avenue [] Its commemorative column at Trinity Church was very praised by the competent and metropolitan newspapers. ”

Madonna and Child [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Madonna and Child’s pink marble sculpture with a pyramidal structure located on the Trinity Church NYC portal.

Washington Cathedral [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Between 1923 and 1926 he performed many architectural elements intended for the Cathedral of Washington which was under construction (54 architectural elements in carved and carved artificial stone. Photographs in Cathedraral Age, Cathedral Association, Mount Saint Alban, Easter 1926 Page 62 A Guide to Washington Cathedral, editor Nancy Montgomery, National Cathedral Associations, Washington D.C. 1965). These elements are not very visible for their location, but their success has had a fundamental importance for his career because thanks to them, a decade later, he was offered the execution of the most important work of his life: the statues of the dossal of the same cathedral.

In the volume The Cathedral Age , published in autumn 1935, it was written: ” Angelo Luldi, a Boston sculptor, was commissioned to prepare all the bas -reliefs and statues. The one he completed was done with refined technique and profoundly spiritual understanding “.

The statues of the dossal were created by the sculptor Angelo Luldi except for the central blessing Christ. The dossal covers the three walls of the apse, behind the main altar on the east side of the cathedral, and is also called Three times , with reference to its three parts that recall the Trinity, this monumental structure include almost more than 100 figures carved around the central figure of Christ to represent that glorious company of saints, prophets, martyrs, angels and faithful described in the song of praise a God: ” Te Deum “, written in the 4th D.C.

Statue of Queen Guglielmina d’Ondlanda [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Statue of Queen Guglielmina d’Ondlanda

The statue is placed on a rectangular base and wears a long dress with an official band. It is located in Wilhelmina Park, near the port of the city of Oranjestad, on the island of Aruba (Caribbean Sea). The statue was commissioned on the occasion of the queen’s visit to the island in 1955.

All Saints Church – Worcester [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Major altar in the All Saint Church a Wocester

Fallen monument – Uxbridge [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The citizens of Uxbridge wanted to commemorate their fallen with a monument. The work was entrusted to Angelo Luldi. For the construction, Carrara marble was chosen suitable for the rigid winter temperatures and for the white color.

Memorial of the Second World War in Uxbridge

The artist performed the models in plasticine in his Cambridge studio and then took them to Carrara where he personally followed their construction in marble.

The eagle and the bronze bas -reliefs, also modeled by Luldi, were instead merged to Boston by the T.F. McGann & Son Company under the careful supervision of the artist.

L’Aquila is the work of greatest commitment and represents the symbol of victory and independence. The monument was inaugurated on November 5, 1921.

Caduti monument – Hamilton [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The citizens of the city of Hamilton in the state of Massachusetts decided to commemorate their fallen of the First World War in 1922 with the realization of a monument. They entrusted the architectural assignment to the Smith & Walker studio with studies in Salem and Boston.

Angelo Luldi was chosen to model the eagle on the basis of the success achieved with the Uxbridge monument. The sculptor modeled L’Aquila and had it formed in chalk in his Cambridge studio and brought it to the T.F. foundry McGann & Sons of Boston. The monument was inaugurated in October 1924, in the same position where it is today, at the point where the troops met during the civil war. L’Aquila is similar to that performed for Uxbridge, but depicted here as if you were going to take flight. The elongated wings are made in the smallest details of each feather, the semi -open beak and the head facing left in an almost wild pose. In the claws he holds an anchor with a rope twisted symbol that recalls Hamilton’s proximity to the ocean and his maritime tradition.

Quote in the book of Regina Soria on the monuments to the fallen: “Fratelli distant, the contribution of Italian artists to the identity of the United States” (Liguori ed. 1997) writes: “These monuments demonstrate once again the skill of Luldi in sculpting too subject to him non -familiar ” . In this regard, it must be said that Italian artists usually had difficulty in sculpting the subject of the American L’Aquila, as especially unknown to them, and they stubborn themselves to reproduce the Roman eagle.

Saint Vincent de Paul Church – The [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Model in Crete of the Central Panel Altar Maggiore, in Angelo Luldi’s study

The central panel of the main altar of the Saint Vincent de Paul Church in Los Angeles is from 1929 which created Angelo Luldi
