Anna years – Wikipedia


From Wikipedia, Liberade Libera.


Anna years (Marradi, November 21, 1926 – Florence, January 1, 2011) It was an Italian costume designer and set designer.

Formed as a designer, she oriented her interests by dedicating herself above all to the theater, where she made her debut in 1953 with the direction of Orson Welles by drawing the costumes of the innkeeper by Carlo Goldoni and the Fox di Ben Jonson A Chicago.

He continued with the Turcaret of Lesage directed by Mario Missiroli at the Academy of Dramatic Art in Rome e Paolo Paoli by Adamov with Paolo Poli and for him he also worked on the Enemy of nicodemi e Mystical of shades.

In 1965 a long partnership began with the scenographer and director Franco Zeffirelli for which he designed the costumes of the Land of Verga with Anna Magnani e Maria Stuarda by Schiller with Valentina Cortese and Rossella Falk at the Teatro della Pergola in Florence, becoming a collaborator in almost all his opera -operated regions in major Italian and foreign theaters such as for Alcina , where he made his debut in Italy Joan Sutherland at the Fenice of Venice, Rustic cavalry , Clowns , Turandot , Don Carlo at the Scala of Milan, Don Giovanni It is Carmen to the Metropolitan of New York, Aida al New National Theatre di Tokyo, Aida It is Carmen at the Arena in Verona, also collaborating in some of his films such as Otello for which he was nominated for Oscar in 1987.

In the lyric theater he also worked with many other directors of clear fame, including Luciano Alberti in the Parisina d’E is at the Chigiana Music Academy in Siena, Daphne It is Love elixir at the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Sandro Sequi in Ifenia in Alide It is The puritans at the Municipal Theater of Bologna, Orpheus al Calouste Gulbenkian di Lisbona, The daughter of the regiment at the Covent Garden in London, Mauro Bolognini in Tosca at the Opera Teatro in Rome, The pirate It is Moses at the Municipal Theater of Florence, Sylvano Bussotti in The Bal Mirò at the Municipal Theater of Florence, Raymond Rouleau in Luisa Miller at the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino.

Part of his career dedicated her to the ballet, drawing scenes and costumes for numerous shows designed by director Beppe Menegatti for Carla Fracci like The stone flower , The kiss of the fairy , The peri at the Municipal Theater of Bologna, Giselle It is Cappélia at the Municipal Theater of Bergamo, Romantic tributes at the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, The dance school at the Olympic Theater in Vicenza, Mirandolina It is The Prince of the Pagode to the Phoenix of Venice, Sense at the Teatro Massimo in Palermo. For Rudolf Nureyev he designed Don chisciotte It is Sylphides at the Teatro dell’Opera in Antwerp.

For Rai he created the costumes of ” Grand Hotel Folies “A show with Milena Vukotic and the direction of Massimo Scaglione and two productions on the mask of Sters played by Alfredo Bianchini: Sters king in a dream It is Sters in Tunis with the direction of Mario Ferrero.


Death [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

He died on January 1, 2011 at the age of 84. [first] [2]

In Florence in 2006 the art experts Antonio Paolucci and Carlo Sisi dedicated an exhibition entitled to her “from the sign to the scene”, set up in the salons of Palazzo Pitti, where some costumes were exhibited in which the result of the very high highly could be observed closely Quality of his work, and a series of drawings that were then acquired by the Uffizi cabinet.

In 2007 he was awarded the excellence prize of the Italian Academy.

  • For Florence , directed by Franco Zeffirelli (1966) – Documentary
  • Clowns , directed by Franco Zeffirelli (1982)
  • Rustic cavalry , directed by Franco Zeffirelli (1982)
  • Otello , directed by Franco Zeffirelli (1986)
  • Giselle, Regia in Herbert Ross (1987)
  • Turandot , directed by Kirk Browning (1988) – Film for television
  • Don Giovanni , directed by Brian Large (1990)- Film for television
  • Don Carlo , directed by Franco Zeffirelli (1992) – Film for television
  • Carmen , directed by Gary Halvorson (1997) – Film for television
  • A tea with Mussolini ( Tea with Mussolini ), directed by Franco Zeffirelli (1999)
  • Callas Forever , directed by Franco Zeffirelli 2002)
  • Carmen , directed by George Bloom (2003) – Film for television
  • Metropolitan Opera: Live in HD (episode Puccini’s turandot ), directed by Gary Halvorson (2009) – TV movie
Oscar Award – 1987
Application Best Costumes with Maurizio Millenotti – Otello
British Academy of Film and Television Arts – 2000
Application Best costumes with Jenny Beavan and Alberto Spiazzi – A tea with Mussolini
David di Donatello – 1987
Best costume designer candidacy with Maurizio Millenotti – Otello
Silver tape – 2000
Best costumes with Jenny Beavan and Alberto Spiazzi – A tea with Mussolini
