Antonio Orlandi Cardini – Wikipedia


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Antonio Orlandi Cardini

From left: Ten. Col. Peppino Garibaldi, Magg. Antonio Orlandi Cardini and Cap. Finzi

Full name Antonio Felice Salvatore Orlandi Cardini
Birth Fucecchio, 23 July 1850
Death May 4, 1920
Dynasty Orlandi
Father Giuseppe Orlandi Cardini
Mother Maria Brigida Strlini
Children There is
Religion Catholicism

Antonio Orlandi Cardini (Fucecchio, 23 July 1850 – 4 May 1920) was an Italian patriot, politician, military and publisher.

Antonio Orlandi Cardini was born in 1850 in Tuscany.

Although he was part of the nobility, he sided with the Republicans from a young age; sharing ideals such as the equality of individuals and the independence of peoples.

In July 1867, he attended the speech held by Giuseppe Garibaldi at Villa Sismondi in Pescia together with his fraternal friend Carlo Evilotti. After this event Carlo and Antonio decided to follow Garibaldi in battle.

The first battle in which Antonio took part was that of Mentana, with the degree of sergeant. Subsequently, in 1870, he took part in the battle of Digione, with the degree of lieutenant. Wounded in this circumstance, he was forced to return home, where he continued his political-military struggle by founding the periodical The lumen by hand and directing the newspaper The awakening ; This earned him a month in prison. [first]

In November 1871, Giuseppe Garibaldi wrote to Antonio of the premature death of his friend Carlo.

“My dear Orlandi, I collected Eastlotti on the wounded battlefield; He placed next to me in my car, and when he arrived in front of a house, residence of an angel lady to whom he highly recommended him, our valiant friend, he was no longer than a corpse. ”

( Giuseppe Garibaldi, Caprera November 23, 1871 )

In 1888, he directed the newspaper The dolphin , official organ of the Democratic Party of Valdinievole.

In 1900, he dedicated a commemorative plaque to his friend Felice Cavallotti in Via Ruga degli Orlandi near Pescia. On September 16 of the same year Antonio pronounced a speech in front of the crowd, the deputy Ettore Socci, his friend and companion of arms also took part in this event.

In the following years Antonio undertook numerous trips to South America with the task of commercial delegate under the direction of Italy. Among the countries visited include: Brazil, Uruguay, Mexico and Argentina.

In 1914, at the venerable age of 64, Antonio was now considered the greatest exponent of republicanism in Valdinievole; A conscious of this he returned to the battlefield as Chef de Bataillon at the side of the French (in 1914-1915) and then as a infantry lieutenant alongside the Italians (1915-1917). On the front he had the opportunity to know various personalities such as Curzio Malaparte, Antonio Cippico and Peppino Garibaldi.

In January 1917 due to the advanced age he was forced to demobilization, three years later he took his life with a gunshot to the temple.

In posthumous age, the essay was published Batibecco. (1953-1957) Di Curzio Malaparte who reports some deeds of Antonio.

  1. ^ Due to democratic and anti -clerical tones.
  • Carlo Stiavelli, Essay of a Pesciatina bibliography , Pescia, 1900.
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce, Year , Rome, 1902.
  • Ministry of War, Official bulletin of appointments, promotions and destinations in the officers of the Italian army and in the staff of the military administration , Rome, 1915.
  • Camillo Marabini, The Garibaldians of Argonne , Paris, 1917.
  • Historical archive for Dalmatia – monthly publication , 1934.
  • Curzio Malaparte, Batibecco. (1953-1957) , 1967.
  • Julius Cesare Leni Orlandi Cardini, History of the family , Florence, 1968.
  • Mauro Pallini, Notebooks of Fagastoria Year XVIII – N. 3 , Pistoia, 2016.
