Antonio Segni – Wikipedia


Antonio Segni (Sassari, 2 February 1891 – Rome, 1 December 1972) was an Italian politician, 4th President of the Italian Republic from 11 May 1962 to 6 December 1964.


After holding several government positions in the Bonomi III, Parri, De Gasperi I, De Gasperi VII and Pella governments, Segni was twice president of the Council of Ministers, from 6 July 1955 to 20 May 1957 and from February 16, 1959 to 26 March 1960.

Elected President of the Republic on May 6, 1962, his was the second shortest presidency in the history of the Italian Republic after that of Enrico De Nicola, as he maintained the role only for two years, until the resignation for health impediments of 6 December 1964 .

As head of the state, he conferred the assignment of three presidents of the Council of Ministers: Amintore Fanfani (president in office in 1962 at the time of the election, of which he rejected the resignation of courtesy), Giovanni Leone (1963) and Aldo Moro ( 1963-1968); He appointed three life senators in 1963 (Ferruccio Parri, Cesare Merzagora and Meuccio Ruini). He has not appointed any judge of the Constitutional Court.

His son Mariotto is also a politician.

Youth, education and debuts in politics [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Antonio Segni was born in a noble Sardinian family, ascribed to the Genoese patriciate since 1752, from Annetta Campus and Celestino Segni. [first]

Once the classic high school studies are completed at the Domenico Alberto Azuni high school in Sassari, he graduated in Law in 1913, joined the Italian People’s Party since its foundation and was national councilor of the PPI from 1923 to 1924. Student of the university professor of procedural law Civil Giuseppe Chiovenda since 1920, he taught in various universities including those of Sassari (of which he was magnificent rector from 1946 to 1951), Perugia and Rome. After the advent of the fascism phenomenon, he temporarily stopped doing politics.


Government positions [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Signs in 1946

In 1942 he was among the founders of Christian Democracy and in 1946 he was elected deputy to the Constituent Assembly [2] . At that time he received numerous institutional and government positions:

accumulating a curriculum politico 135 months as Minister, a record still unbeaten for all the other presidents of the Republic elected both before and after him.

He was an agriculture minister when he was passed, thanks to the funds of the Marshall Plan, an agricultural reform called Strallio law (Law no. 841 of 21 October 1950), by some scholars deemed the most important reform of the entire post -war period [4] , which sanctioned the forced expropriation of the lands to the great landowners and their distribution to agricultural laborers in order to make them in fact Small entrepreneurs no longer submitted to the large landowner and subsequently arising forms of collaboration such as agricultural cooperatives which, programming the productions and centralizing the sale of products, gave agriculture that entrepreneurial character that had failed with the division of lands.

In this period, to check his electoral basin, he placed at the top of the Sassarese DC [3] The cousin Antonio Campus. The highly anti -communist local line imposed by Segni was described in an interview by Francesco Cossiga, at the time young Sassari militant: “On the eve of the 1948 elections I was armed to the teeth. Antonio Segni armed me. Sassari … Prefecture, Post, Telephones, Aqueduct, Gas did not have to fall, in the case of a red coup, in the hands of the communists ” [4] .

Presentation of the first government signs to the Chamber on July 13, 1955

Politician of conservative tendencies, Segni was twice president of the Council of Ministers. He led his first centrist government between DC, the Italian democratic socialist party and Italian liberal party from 6 July 1955 to 15 May 1957, extraordinarily long for the time and still today one of the ten longest -lived governments of the Italian Republic, and a monochore DC who reasses with the external support of liberals, monarchists and missini, from February 15, 1959 to 23 March 1960; The latter executive fell because the political strategies oriented to the left of the secretary of the Christian Democracy Aldo Moro and Amintore Fanfani induced the right forces to withdraw trust.

Antonio Segni with the federal chancellor of West Germany Konrad Adenauer in August 1959

During the first government of Segni, the Treaties of Rome were signed on 25 March 1957 by institizing the European Economic Community (EEC) of which Italy was a co -founder and the common European market; The Constitutional Court was definitively created and installed, until then never entered into operation [5] , the law was launched that guaranteed Eni the exclusive of the research and exploitation of hydrocarbons throughout the Italian territory (excluding Sicily) [5] And the Ministry of State Participations, the Italian Government organ in charge of the supervision and management of state participations in the Italian economy, was created, determining for state companies also a “public” union autonomy and subtracting them from the confindustrial discipline to subject them to a regime [6] . During his second government he was established with law no. 617/59 the Ministry of Tourism and Entertainment.

Presidency of the Republic [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Election to the Quirinale [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Oath of Antonio Segni on 11 May 1962

At the end of the presidency of Giovanni Gronchi’s presidency, Aldo Moro did not see the maneuvers of the president of Eni, Enrico Mattei, aimed at the re -election of the outgoing president Gronchi [7] . He then proposed and obtained from his party the candidacy of Antonio Segni, believing that the election of the latter, who was a conservative, was necessary to reassure the currents to the right of the DC and also gain to his public opening policy Socialist [8] . It was the only time that an official DC candidate for the presidency of the Republic came out victorious from the response of the polls [9] . The party, however, in the first eight ballots never voted for the Sassarese politician, as Gronchi always obtained between 20 and 45 votes, while other consents were dispersed between Attilio Piccioni (even 51 votes in the third ballot), Caesar Merzagora ( between 12 and 18) and others. Also in the decisive ballot there were 51 white caves of the grain attribution.

Antonio Segni was however elected President of the Italian Republic on May 6, 1962 to the ninth scrutiny, with 443 votes out of 842, including the consensus of the MSI and the monarchists, who had begun to vote for it since the third ballot [ten] . He made an oath on May 11, 1962 and the next day he rejected his courtesy resignation presented by the Prime Minister Amintore Fanfani [11] which, therefore, remained in office until the political elections of April 1963, with the participation of social democrats and republicans and the external support of the PSI.

Signs and the center-left [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

His two years at the Quirinale were marked with tensions with the block made up of Ugo La Malfa, the PSI and a part of the DC which pushed for social and structural reforms, invited to a conservative as signs. He was also contrary to the candidacy of Giovanni Battista Montini on the papal throne, so much so that he sent, through Luigi Gedda, his dissent to the cardinals before they entered the conclave consequent to the death of Pope John XXIII. [twelfth]

Placed by the insucer in the political elections of 1963, on May 16 Fanfani resigned the resignation of his government. The assignment was entrusted to the Christian Democrat Secretary Aldo Moro, willing to launch a new government between DC, Republican Party and PSDI supported externally by the PSI [13] , but the executive bodies of the Socialist Party made the ratification of the programmatic agreement already agreed with Pietro Nenni and the secretary DC was missing, he was forced to give up. [13]

Segni then designated the president of the Chamber Giovanni Leone, specifying that, in the event of further failure, the newly elected parliament would dissolve and called new elections [14] . Leone then managed to constitute a single -color DC of transitory breath and, for this reason, said by the press ” seaside » – With the external support of Pri, PSDI and PSI. Finally, in December 1963, Aldo Moro was able to launch the first center-left government of the Italian Republic, with the participation of the Italian Socialist Party.

On September 17, 1963, Segni sent a message to the Chambers, pursuant to art. 87 of the Constitution, with which some institutional problems connected to the provisions of the Constitution were reported. In particular, the President noted some functional difficulties of the methods of election of the components of the Constitutional Court – suggesting the appropriate solutions – and the need to expressly provide for the non -re -election of the President of the Republic [15] . While later, with the approval of the constitutional law no. 2 of 22 November 1967, Parliament has to change the Constitution in the sense indicated by signs in the first part of his message [16] , the rules on the elegibility of the President of the Republic remained unchanged.

Signs and the plane alone [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Antonio Segni

Like his predecessor, Segni was particularly close to General Giovanni De Lorenzo, general commander of the Carabinieri, former partisan of monarchical beliefs [17] [18] . At the request of signs (following the trip to Paris, 19-22 February 1964), on March 25, 1964 De Lorenzo received the commanders of the divisions of Milan, Rome and Naples, offering them a plan aimed at dealing with a hypothetical situation of extreme emergency for the country. For the implementation of the plan, the intervention of the Carabinieri and ” Alone “Of it: hence the name of” Piano Solo “. The plan also provided for the garrison of the Rai-TV, the occupation of the headquarters of the newspapers and the left parties and the intervention of the weapon in the event of pro- communist [19] On the plan, on the other hand, a list of 731 politicians and leftist unionists that the carabinieri should have taken and transferred to various locations was not included, including the secret military base of Capo Marrargiu. The list of enucleandi was instead foreseen by the Vicari circular and certainly in other contingency plans.

On 10 May De Lorenzo presented his plan to signs [20] , who was particularly impressed, so much so that in the subsequent military parade for the anniversary of the Republic, he saw him cry moved to the sight of the modern mechanized brigade of the carabinieri, set up by De Lorenzo himself [17] . However, both Giorgio Galli and Indro Montanelli believe that it was not in the intentions of President Segni to perform a coup, but shake it as a bogeyman for political purposes [17] [21] . [22]

A few days later, on June 25, 1964, the Moro government was beaten on the discussion of the financial statements of the Ministry of Education, in the part that assigned greater funds for the functioning of private schools. While not having asked the question of trust, Moro resigned.

On July 3, during the consultations for the assignment of the new government assignment in Moro, Signs exercised pressure on the socialist leader Nenni to induce his party to leave the government majority, because it was opposed by the economic forces; he told him that in any case he would postpone to the chambers, for review, the urban planning bill on the – Lombardi, if he had been approved [23] .

On July 14, Segni summoned and received the Chief of Defense Staff, General Aldo Rossi and General De Lorenzo on the Quirinale. [24] . On the same day, De Lorenzo went to a meeting of the representatives of the DC, to deliver a message by President Segni [24] . The content of the message has not been widespread; Some historians, however, believe that it refers to the availability of the President, if the negotiations for the formation of a new center-left government had failed, to give a mandate to the president of the Senate Cesare Merzagora to constitute a “government of the president” [25] .

On July 17, however, Moro went to the Quirinale, with the intention of accepting the assignment to form a new center-left government [24] . During the negotiations, Nenni had accepted the downsizing of his reformers. In the’ After you! of 22 July thus justified themselves in the face of his voters and party companions: “If the center-left had thrown the sponge into the ring, the government of Confindustria and Confagricoltura was ready to be launched. He had his own boss, even if it is not certain that he would have come first at the finish without being surpassed by some notable Christian Democrats ” ; And in the number of the following 26 July he declared: “The only alternative that would have outlined would have been a right -wing government … against which the memory of July 1960 would have gripped” [26] .

Illness and resignation [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

On August 7, 1964, during a excited interview with the Social Democratic exponent Giuseppe Saragat and the President of the Council of Ministers Aldo Moro, Segni was hit by brain thrombosis. None of those present has ever made statements on the content of the interview [27] ; Only in the diaries of Ettore Bernabei did a description received, from an indirect source, however [28] .

The assessment of the temporary impediment was followed, which took place with an act jointly signed by the presidents of the two chambers and by the Prime Minister; On August 10, the ordinary alternating functions of the Senate Cesare Merzagora, maintained until 29 December, took the ordinary functions of alternate.

Although it is a serious illness, it never came to the declaration of “permanent impediment”, which would have led to a new election, and the situation was resolved by voluntary resignation, which took place on December 6, 1964.

Last years and death [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

He became a senator for life as an emeritus president of the Republic, and died in Rome on 1 December 1972, at the age of 81.

Segni was buried in the municipal cemetery of Sassari.

During a mission in Paris, Segni, then Prime Minister, visited the UNESCO building. As he stopped to admire a great fresco of Picasso, he was suddenly reached by journalists and photographers and, instinctively, he covered his eyes to protect himself from the light of the flash. The next day, the first page of the Parisian newspaper Le Figaro he published the photo of Segni with his hand in the face and the title: “The president of the Italian Council does not hide his horror in front of Picasso’s fresco” . The title, which wanted to be a denigration, was however appreciated by the Italian public opinion: in fact, the Christian politician arrived numerous letters in which he praised him for having shown without problems and publicly his disgust for modern art, which he actually signs He absolutely did not intend to do. [29]

Antonio Segni in the Library of the Quirinale

Italian honors [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In its capacity as President of the Italian Republic, it was, from 11 May 1962 to 6 December 1964:

Personally he was awarded:

Foreign honors [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Honors of international organizations [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Dynastic honors of former reigning houses [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  1. ^ Sardinian Genealogical Association: the genealogy of the signs
  2. ^ Rombi, Guido.,, Catholic culture and DC in Sardinia: from the fall of fascism to April 18, 1948 , Cultural Association A. De Gasperi, 1995, OCLC 879835347 . URL consulted on 11 May 2022 .
  3. ^ Rombi, Guido, 1965-, Church and companies in Sassari from 1931 to 1961: the episcopate of Arcangelo Mazzotti , Life and thought, 2000, ISBN 88-343-0097-1, OCLC 43816823 . URL consulted on 11 May 2022 .
  4. ^ [ interrupted connection ] Aprilinfo
  5. ^ a b Indro Montanelli and Mario Cervi, The Italy of the two John (1955-1965) , Milan, Rizzoli, 1989, p. 267.
  6. ^ Indro Montanelli and Mario Cervi, The Italy of the two John (1955-1965) , Milan, Rizzoli, 1989, pp. 242-243.
  7. ^ Indro Montanelli, History of Italy. Vol. 10 , RCS Giornale, Milan, 2004, p. 340-341
  8. ^ Indro Montanelli, cit. , pag. 342
  9. ^ Even the election to the first scrutiny of the Christian Democrat Francesco Cossiga, in 1985, in fact, was the result of an agreement between the parties and not of a predetermined candidacy.
  10. ^ Indro Montanelli, cit. , pages 345-346
  11. ^ Francesco Bartolu, Parliaments and governments of Italy from 1848 to 1970. II vol. , Vito Bianco Editore, Rome, 1971, p. 281
  12. ^ Alberto Melloni, Montini wins the Council (against Adenauer and Franco reserves) , from: Corriere della Sera, April 15, 2005
  13. ^ a b Indro Montanelli, cit. , pag. 367-368
  14. ^ Indro Montanelli, cit. , pag. 369
  15. ^ Parliamentary documents , Chamber of Deputies, session of September 17, 196.3
  16. ^ Rules on the Constitutional Court.
  17. ^ a b c Indro Montanelli, cit. , pages 385-387
  18. ^ Will be elected on the PDIUM lists in the V Legislature
  19. ^ Gianni flamini, Italy of state shots , Newton Compton Editori, Rome, Pag. 79
  20. ^ Gianni flamini, cit. , pag. 80
  21. ^ Giorgio Galli, State Affairs , Edizioni Kaus, Milano, 1991, Pag. 944
  22. ^ Antonio Segni and the Piano Solo: History to rewrite – Good morning news . are . URL consulted on 12 July 2018 (archived by URL Original on 12 July 2018) .
  23. ^ Indro Montanelli, cit. , pages 379-380
  24. ^ a b c Gianni flamini, cit. , pag. 82
  25. ^ Sergio Romano, Cesare Merzagora: a statesman against the parties , in: Corriere della Sera , 14 Marzo 2005
  26. ^ Giorgio Galli, cit. , pag. 94
  27. ^ The difference of opinions between the interlocutors should have taken place in relation to the appointment of an ambassador, according to Alessandro Giacone, The “solo plan”: anatomy of a “coup d’etat” , Parlement [S], Revue d’Histoire Politique 2009/2 (nº 12), p. 84, note 81, which recalls how Saragat has always denied that the events of the previous July had been evoked during the interview.
  28. ^ The Prime Minister Aldo Moro told Bernabei what had happened: “Segni began to speak with difficulty, as if he had a candy in his mouth. When we got up we saw that he staggered and thought it was for the heat. The We supported why it did not precipitate, but unfortunately for half an hour we did not find any doctor “(Piero Meucci,” Ettore Bernabei the primacy of politics “, Marsilio, 2021).
  29. ^ Maria Paola Azzario Chiesa, Italy for UNESCO: 50 years of the Italian Commission , Armando Editore, Rome, 1999, p. 41-42
  30. ^ a b c d It is f g h
  • Salvatore Mura (edited by), Antonio Segni. Diary (1956-1964) , Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012.
  • Salvatore Mura (edited by), A. Signs, Political writings , edited and with an essay by S. Mura, preface by F. Soddu, Cuec, Cagliari 2013.
  • Salvatore Mura, Antonio Segni. Politics and institutions , Bologna, Il Mulino, 2017.
  • Cristian Faszinelli, The Plan only , Milan, Mondadori, 2009.
  • Weather in Franzinelli, Alessandro Giiacone, Plan Reformism to the test, the first Moro government in the documents and words of the protagonists (October 1963-August 1964), Annalo Feltrinelli, Milan, 2012.