Arcieparchy of Lopoli degli Armeni


from Wikipedia, L’Encilopedia Libera.

The archiepiscopal palace with the bell tower.
L’Oltimo Artparca Residente, Józef Teofil Teodorowicz

L’ Arcieparchy of Lopoli degli Armeni (in latino: Archieparchia LEOPOLITANA Armenian ) is a seat of the Armenian-Catholic Church in Ukraine, immediately subject to the Holy See. The seat is vacant.

The jurisdiction of the diocese extends to the Armenian Catholic faithful in all of Ukraine. The seat of the diocese is Lepoli, where the former cathedral of the Assumption is located, now officiated by the Armenian apostolic church.

The arcieparchy was erected in 1361 with the consecration of the first archbishop by the patriarch of Cilicia. The king of Poland Casimiro the great granted in 1367 full freedom of worship to the Armenians.

On October 24, 1630, the Archieparca Mikołaj Torosowicz sanctioned the union of the Armenian Church of Lviv with the Catholic Church, more than a century before the recognition of the Armenian-Catholic Church which took place in 1742 with the establishment of the patriarchate of Cilicia.

From 1675 to 1798 the Arcieparca was elected directly by the religious and the Armenian faithful and had to receive the approval of the king of Poland, who informed the apostolic nuncio, which in turn enjoys the practices for preconception from the Pope. After 1798, when Lepoli passed under Austrian domination, the right to appoint the archbishop was the responsibility of the chapter who proposed to the Austrian emperor a squad of three candidates. The chosen one then had to obtain preconception from the pope.

With the Polish division made at the end of the eighteenth century, the Archieparchy lost control over the Armenian faithful of Poland, Lithuania and White Russia, regions passed to Russia. On March 28, 1809 in these lands they were erected by the apostolic vicariates, later transformed into two Armenian-Catholic heparies, Kamieniec and Cherson.

On September 20, 1819 the right of election of the arcieparchi was granted to the emperor with the short Among other things by Pope Pius VII.


Second Catholic missions , publication of Propaganda Fide, in 1907, the Arcieparchy included approximately 4,000 Armenian Catholics in Galicia and Bucovina, distributed in 10 parishes: Lepoli, Brzeżany, Stanislaow, łysiec, Snjatyn, Horodenka, Kutty, CzernioWce, Suczawa and Tyśmienica. [first]

Since 1938 the Arcieparchia has been a vacant seat: until 1954 it was entrusted to an apostolic administrator; After his death, the administration is exercised by the Primate of Poland.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, a handful of families tried to restore the parish of the cathedral, which during the communist regime had been used as a deposit for sacred art objects. The Armenians of the Apostolic Church, whose community had formed in Lopoli during the Soviet period, also tried to acquire the cathedral. It was to the latter that the Ukrainian government allocated the cathedral, with the condition that could host Catholic liturgies. Given the absence of Armenian-Catholic clergy in Lopoli, the Catholic celebrations have been sporadic. The cathedral became the seat of the apostolic-armenian apurchy in 2003. [2]

The periods of vacancies not exceeding 2 years or not historically ascertained are omitted.

  • Mikołaj Torosowicz † (24 October 1630 – 24 October 1681 deceased)
  • Wartan Hunanian † (24 October 1681 succeeded – 15 June 1715 deceased)
  • Jan Tobiasz AugusttyNewicz † (15 June 1715 succeeded – 22 December 1751 deceased)
  • Jakub Stefan AugustyNowicz † (22 December 1751 succeeded – 11 January 1783 deceased)
  • Jakub Walerian Tumanowicz † (11 January 1783 succeeded – 2 September 1798 deceased)
  • Jan Jakub Symonowicz † (March 1, 1800 – 3 October 1816 deceased)
  • Kajetan Augustyn Wartereresiewicz † (February 21, 1820 – 6 February 1831 deceased)
  • Samuel Cyryl StefanoWicz † (13 March 1832 – 8 December 1858 deceased)
  • Grzegorz Michał Symonowicz † (8 December 1858 succeeded – 14 June 1875 deceased)
  • Grzegorz Józef Romaszkan † (April 3, 1876 – 11 December 1881 deceased)
  • Izaak Mikołaj Isakowicz (3 July 1882 – 29 April 1901 deceased)
  • Józef Teofil Teodorowicz † (16 December 1901 – 5 December 1938 deceased)
    • Vacant seat (since 1938)
    • Dionzy (Roman) KajetanoWicz † (December 1938 – November 18, 1954 deceased) (Apostolic Director)
