Armin Laschet – Wikipedia Wikipedia


Armin Laschet (Aquisgrana, February 18, 1961) is a German politician.


From 27 June 2017 he was minister president of the northern-seeing Rhineland, while from January 16, 2021 until 17 December of the same year he was president of the Christian-Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) as successor of the resigned Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. He was also one of the five vice presidents of the CDU, head of the party in the northern Rhine-See and MEP from 1999 to 2005.

Lascat grew up with three minor brothers in a Catholic family of the middle class in the Burtheid district, in Aquisgrana. The father, Heinrich (Heinz) Laschet (born in 1934), worked as a supervisor in the Anna mine of Alsdorf and after a pedagogical formation he became director of an elementary school in Aquisgrana. The mother, Marcella Frings (1933-2013), was home. [first] [2] The Lascat family comes from Vallonia; His grandfather, Hubert Laschet (1899-1984), moved from Hergenrath, Belgium, Aquisgrana. [3] As a teenager, Lascat attended the Catholic youth of San Michele in Burtheid. After the high school diploma in 1981 at the Episcopal Gymnasium Pio in Aquisgrana, he studied law and political science in Munich and Bonn ending in 1987.

From 1987 to 1988 Lascat carried out a journalistic internship and until 1994 he was a freelance journalist for Bavarian television and radio broadcasters, as well as scientific consultant of the then president of the German Bundestag, Rita Süssmuth. From 1991 to 1994 he was editor of the ecclesiastical newspaper of the diocese of Aquisgrana and between 1995 and 1999 editorial director of the Cattolica Einhard publishing house. [4]

Political activity [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

After the 1994 national elections, Lascat became a member of the German Bundestag. He was part of the Commission for Economic Cooperation and Development and the Commission for the Affairs of the European Union.

In 1999 he was elected to the European Parliament, where he was part of the Commission for Budgets between 1999 and 2001 and the Commission for Foreign Affairs between 2002 and 2005. In the latter guise, he was a speaker of Parliament on relations between the EU and the United Nations.

Minister President of the northern Rhine-Westfalia [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

From 2005 to 2010 Lascat was in Northern Rhine-See, under Minister-President Jürgen Rüttgers, Minister of State for the family, women and integration and from 2010 Minister of State for Federal Affairs, Europe and the Media . Also in 2010, he nominated without success against Norbert Röttgen for the office of President of the CDU in the State. When Röttgen resigned from that assignment in 2012, Lascat was elected his successor. On December 4, 2012 he was elected as one of the five vice presidents of the CDU national party, alongside Volker Bouffier, Julia Klöckner, Thomas Strobl and Ursula von der Leyen.

Lascat is a deputy of state in the Landtag of the North Rhine-Westphalia and also presides over the state chapter of the CDU (Landesverband). From 2014 to 2016 he was a member of the Commission for the Constitutional Reform of Northern Rhine-Westfalia, led by Rainer Bovermann.


In negotiations for the formation of a large coalition of Christian Democrats (CDU together with the Bavarian CSU) and the Social Democrats (SPD) following the 2013 Federal Elections, Lascat was part of the CDU/CSU delegation in the working group on energy policy , led by Peter Altmaier and Hannelore Kraft.

In November 2015, Laschet visited the refugee camp of Zatari in Jordan to find out more about the difficult situation of the Syrians fleeing from the violence in the Syrian civil war in progress that broke out in 2011. Between March 2015 and January 2016, he chaired the Robert Bosch Expert Commission Consider a Realignment of Refugee Policy, a group of experts summoned by Robert Bosch Stiftung.

In November 2016 he was elected prominent candidate for the state elections of the North Rhine-Westphalia in May 2017. He was delegated of the CDU to the Federal Convention in order to elect the president of Germany in 2017.

President of the CDU and candidate for the German Chancellery [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

On January 16, 2021 Laschet is elected president of the CDU, with 52.8% of the votes against Friedrich Merz. [5]

On April 20, 2021 he is chosen as a candidate for the Cancelleria for the CDU-Csu in the September elections, the beginning of the after Merkel. After a six-hour meeting, the majority of the Christian Democratic Directorate (in favor of 31 of the 46 members, 6 abstentions, 9 to the Bavarian premier and competitor Markus Söder) obtained. [6]

Following the negative result of the elections, on 7 October 2021 he announces his resignation that they will be actually as soon as the successor is appointed. [7] On 17 December he ceases from his assignment after the election to President of Friedrich Merz. [8]

He has been married since 1985 with Susanne Malangré, known when they were both still teenagers in a choir of Catholic children led by Susanne’s father, the business manager Heinrich Malangré. The couple has two children and one daughter. The family lives in the Burtheid district of Aquisgrana. His wife belongs to an important family of Aquisgrana of the French -speaking valley origin and is the grandson of the CDU politician and mayor of Aquisgrana Kurt Malangré; The Malangré family moved from Haine-Saint-Pierre to Belgium to Stolberg to start a glass production activity in the second half of the 19th century. His son Johannes Lascan is a blogger and model, who recommends the father on fashion.

  1. ^ ( OF ) Marcella Laschet . are .
  2. ^ ( OF ) Duel in NRW: strength against Laschet , in Rheinische Post , May 14, 2017. URL consulted on 12 July 2018 .
  3. ^ Bernhard Willems, “The former landlords of the Eupen area”, East Belgian Chronicle, volume. 2, 1949
  4. ^ ( OF ) Armin Laschet – the state portal . are . URL consulted on May 14, 2020 (archived by URL Original January 19, 2021) .
  5. ^ ( IN ) Moulson cars, Pragmatic governor Laschet elected to lead Merkel’s party , in Associated Press , January 16, 2021. URL consulted on January 16, 2021 .
  6. ^ ISABMA BUFFLESIA, Armin Lascat, leader of the CDU, candidate for the chancellery . are , April 20, 2021. URL consulted on April 21, 2021 .
  7. ^ The leader CDU Leaves ready to leave: he lost his elections and the bet on the Jamaic coalition . are The sun 24 hours , 7 October 2021. URL consulted on 7 October 2021 .
  8. ^ RSINEWS, the information of Swiss radio and television, Friedrich Merz President of the CDU . are rsi . URL consulted on December 20, 2021 .
