Bacchiac – Wikipedia


from Wikipedia, L’Encilopedia Libera.

Woman with cat (1525)
Moses brushes the water into the desert hitting a rock (About 1540-1545)

Francesco Ubertini said the BaccaChe (Borgo San Lorenzo, 1 March 1494 – Florence, 5 October 1557) was an Italian, Florentine painter.

Son of the goldsmith Ubertino Verdi, he was a pupil of Perugian and then helper of Francebigio and also affected influences by Andrea del Sarto, such as Michelangelo, Raffaello and Dürer. He performed a series of squares of sacred and profane subject, showing a lively fantasy in encouraging figures and colors. He took part in the decoration of the Borgherini wedding chamber around 1515-1520. After spending a short period of time in Rome in 1524, he returned to Florence. In 1540 he entered the service of Cosimo I de ‘Medici to decorate the Palazzo della Signoria. He mainly distinguished himself as the author of cartoons for tapestries and for various decorative works for Cosimo.

He was the brother of Antonio D’Ubertino Verdi, also called Bacchiacca, that both Vasari and Benedetto Varchi and Cellini remember how “excellent embroiderer” at the service of Cosimo I de ‘Medici.

  • Portrait of lady with the lute , 1494-1557, private collection, already at the Contini Bonacossi collection
  • Giuseppe receives the brothers , About 1515, oil on board, 36.2 × 142.2 cm, London, National Gallery
  • Giuseppe forgives the brothers , About 1515, oil on table, 36.2 × 141.6 cm, London, National Gallery
  • Giuseppe sold by the brothers , About 1515-1516, oil on table transferred to canvas, 26 × 14 cm, Rome, Borghese Gallery
  • Arrest of the brothers of Giuseppe , About 1515-1516, oil on table transferred to canvas, 26 × 14 cm, Rome, Borghese Gallery
  • Search for the stolen cup , About 1515-1516, oil on table, 26 × 14 cm, Rome, Borghese Gallery
  • Discovery of the Cup stolen in Beniamino sack , About 1515-1516, oil on table, 26 × 14 cm, Rome, Borghese Gallery
  • Deposition from the cross , About 1518, oil on board, 93 × 71 cm, Florence, Uffizi
  • Stories of Sant’acacio , Florence, Uffizi
  • Baptism of Christ , 1520 around, tempera su tavola, 53 × 36 cm, Vienna, Academy of Fine Arts
  • Flagellation , 1520 circa, Washington, National Gallery of Art
  • Preaching of the Baptist , 1520 Circa, Olio Su Tavola, 68.5 × 92 cm, Budapest, Museum of Fine Arts
  • Baptism of Christ with saints , About 1520-1530, oil on table, 248 × 213 cm, village in Buggiano, church of the Madonna della Salute and San Nicolao
  • Marco Curzio (attr.), about 1520-1530, oil on board, 25.4 × 19.4 cm, London, National Gallery
  • Baptism of Christ , About 1523, oil on table, 75×166 cm, Berlin, Gemäldegalerie
  • Legend of the son of the dead king , About 1523, oil on board, 84.5×196 cm, Dresden, Gemäldegalerie
  • Lady with mazzolino di flowers , About 1525, oil on table, Boston, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
  • Lady with a cat , About 1525, oil on table, New York, private collection
  • Madonna and Child and San Giovannino , 1525, oil on table, Dallas Museum of Art
  • Madonna and Child , About 1525-1535, oil on table, New York, Metropolitan Museum
  • Allegory of liberality , About 1525-1535, oil on board, Los Angeles, Getty Center
  • Zenobia , Around 152550, oil on copper, 70 × 54 cm, Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum
  • Madonna and Child and the Saints Elizabeth and Giovannino , About 1530-1540, oil on board, 60 × 50.5 cm, Esztergom, Christian Museum
  • Christ in front of Caifa , About 1539-1540, oil on table, Florence, Uffizi
  • Woman with a musical book , About 1540-1545, oil on board, Los Angeles, Getty Center
  • Maria Maddalena , About 1540-1545, oil on table, 51 × 42 cm, Florence, Palatine Gallery
  • Moses brushes the water into the desert hitting a rock , About 1540-1545, oil on board, 100 × 80 cm, Edinburgh, National Gallery of Scotland
  • Manna from heaven , About 1540-1545, oil on board, 100 × 80 cm, Washington, National Gallery of Art
  • Leda, the swan and its children , About 1540-1545, oil on board, 42.9 × 31.8 cm, New York, Metropolitan Museum
  • Woman with a cat , About 1540-1550, oil on Pioppo, 26 × 19 cm, Berlin, Gemäldegalerie
  • Madonna and Child, San Giovannino and Sant’Elisabetta , About 1545, New York, Wildstein Gallery
  • Terrace of the Duchess , 1552-1553, decorations on wooden trusses, Florence, Palazzo Vecchio
  • Vault of the Madama Groticin (with Bernardino Poccetti), 1555, Florence, Boboli Garden
  • San Sebastiano between the saints Vincenzo Ferrer and Benedetto da Norcia , Borgo San Lorenzo, Pieve di San Lorenzo
  • Robert G. La France, Bachiacca: Artist of the Medici Court ( PDF ), Leo S. Olschki, 2008.
  • Lada Nikolenko, Francesco Ubertini Called the Bacchiacca , Locust Valley, New York, J.J. Augustin Publisher, 1966.
