Barbastre – Wikipedia Wikipedia


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Barbastro – Stemma

Barbastro – Veduta
Barbastro – View
State Spagna Spain
Autonomous community Aragon
Province Huesca
Alkalde Antonio José Cosculuella Bergua (PSOE)
Coordinate 42°02′N 0 ° 07′e / 42.033333 ° N 0.11667 ° e 42.033333; 0.116667( Barbastro)
Altitude 341 m s.l.m.
Surface 107,60 km²
Inhabitants 15 053 (2001)
Density 139,9 ab./km2
Neighboring municipalities Berbegal, Castejón del Puente, Castillazuelo, Estada, Estadilla, Fonz, The Degree, Hoz and Costan, Ilche, Laluenga, Low Salas
More information
Code. mail 22300
Prefix (+34) 974
Jet lag UTC+1
Code IMA 22048
Targa HU
Inhabitants name Barbastrense
District Somontano de Barbastro
Mappa di localizzazione: Spagna



Institutional site

Barbastro It is a Spanish municipality of 15,053 inhabitants located in the autonomous community of Aragon.

It is the capital of the Comarca del Somontano De Barbastro.

It is an ancient agricultural and commercial town close to the place where the true river receives the tributary Cinca in the Aragonese plain. A wine with the DOC qualification is produced in its Comarca: Samontano wine .

It is the bishop’s seat and service center and trade, which are centralized here for all the Valleys of the Eastern Pyrenees.
It is 21 km from Huesca and 67 km from Lerida.


Ancient Celtibera city with the name of Bergidum O Bergiduna , was also an important Roman city called Brutina and belonging to the Province of Spain was more important , also called Tarraconensis from the city of Tarragona. Then it was also an important Arab city, repeatedly regained and lost by Christians. The Arabs, led by Musa Ibn Nusayr, settled there already in 714 and called it Barbagers name from which the current denomination of Barbastro is evident. He was then part of the Emrato, then of the Caliphate of Cordova and then of the Taifa of Saragozza, until, in 1064 the king of Aragon, Sancho Ramirez regained it; But it was Muslim again in 1065, until, in 1101, the king of Aragon Peter I definitively regained it and, with the consent of the people, made it an episcopal seat, transferring it from Roda de Isabena. It was also home in 1134 of the Polite Generals of Aragon, during which the brother of Peter I and Alfonso I the Battagliero, was elected king of Aragon, Ramiro II said El Monje (Il Monaco) , who in 1137 promised his daughter Petronilla, about a year, in marriage (this wedding, which will be celebrated in Lérida, in August 1150, sanctioned the birth of the Crown of Aragon) to the Count of Barcelona, ​​Raimondo Berengario IV And the marriage commitment was signed, on 11 August 1137, always to Barbastro. On November 13 of the same year Ramiro II El Monje abdicated, in favor of his daughter Petronilla, and delegated the future son -in -law to govern the Kingdom of Aragon with the title of Prince of Aragon and Count of Barcelona, ​​returning to the monastic life definitively.
Many other provincial and diocesan councils took place in this city later and the Polite They met again in Barbastro in 1626.

After this date Barbastro was no longer the protagonist of the story and followed the fate of the crown of Aragon first and then of Spain.
During the Spanish civil war, Barbastro was the scene of the martyrdom of 51 Claretian religious, executed by the militias of the popular front. In addition, the exponents of the socialists, republicans, anarchists and communists opponent of the military blow of Francisco Franco were imposing and, after summary processes, were executed between 1938 and 1948 even when the civil war was already over.

Barbastro’s economic situation was discreetly Florida until the twentieth century, when a development arrest was manifested and an economic regression that stopped only from the 1960s when agriculture recovered, cereals were grown again on large extensions and the types of wine was granted Samontano . The commercial activity also resumed and the settlement of new companies was promoted by creating special spaces.

Barbastro gave birth on January 9, 1902 to Josemaría Escrivá, founder of Opus Dei.

  • St. Mary’s Cathedral of the Assumption , late Gothic building erected in the years from 1500 to 1533.
  • Episcopal palace , of the XVI-XVII centuries.
  • Argensola palace , of the XVI-XVII centuries.
  • HOUSE Sneakers , from the eighteenth century.
  • Church of Santa Fe , of the 16th century.
  • Church of San Francisco , of the 16th century.
  • Church of the ancient Hospital de San Julian , of the 16th century.
  • Church of Missionaries , twentieth century
  • Sanctuary of the Virgen de Pueyo , from the thirteenth century, located on a hill outside the city.
  • The almerge , remains of a Romanesque church whose apse and part of a wall is preserved.

At 23 km Alquézar picturesque village on a rock on the right of the true river dominated by an Islamic castle. At 28 km El Grade country with a remarkable Gothic collegiate of the fifteenth century and with an artificial basin of vast proportions.

  • Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin , from 4 to 8 September, with corridors, pasques, concerts.
  • Feast of San Ramon June 21: the Fire lathe lighting bonfires in all neighborhoods.
  • Festa del Crespillo March 25: traditional desserts are made in all homes. This custom has turned into an outdoor gastronomic party in which the desserts are distributed free of charge to those present-
  • Somontano wine festival in the first week of August from Thursday to Sunday.
  • Pilgrimage At the sanctuary of Our Lady of Pueyo on Easter Monday. It is the pilgrimage to the sanctuary followed, after the religious rites, from a country party with lunch music, dances and games.

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