Cams Academy -Wikipedia


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Cams Academy (Kamuzu Academy) is a boarding school established by the first president of Malawi, Hystings Cams Banda. It was founded for “African Eaton College”. The name of the Cams Academy was named President Cams Banda.

In November 1981, it was established in Mtunthama in Casung, a prefecture of the Banda. Muttonama is 150 km north of Lilongwa, the capital of Malawi. The age of education was from 11 to 18, and the school was 300 at the time of opening.

During the period of President Banda, the school had selected excellent students from all over Malawi through primary education completion examinations, enrolling only four best students in each prefecture. It is said that Life in the Cams Academy was a completely new world for local students who had never seen electrical equipment since their birth and had never thought of living in the city. In addition, necessary items such as uniforms, bedding, shoes, socks, textbooks, experimental equipment, paint, gym clothes, etc. were all free because they were covered by national expenses.

In recent years, the school has changed to private schools, so the above -mentioned entrance examinations and services are not currently being provided.

Education course [ edit ]

Lecture [ edit ]

Latin and Greek are compulsory. Other subjects include art, biology, business, chemistry, economics, English, English, geography, mathematics, music, physics, and double -qualified science (physics, chemistry, living things, etc. A format in a format that can select two or more subjects from science subjects and adopt scores of 2 subjects with good grades [first] ) There is.

Faculty and staff [ edit ]

As of 2008, there were 58 faculty and staff, 14 from the United Kingdom, and 44 people were from Malawi.

The current principal is Francis Cooke, born in Manchester, England, and MBE, the medal of the British Empire. Cook arrived in 1982 as a historical teacher and became the principal in 1997.

The facilities installed in the Cams Academy are described below.

Academic facilities include a library, auditorium, scientific laboratory, music room, art room, home department, and computer room, modeled from the United States Washington, D.C., D.C. Exercise facilities include a 33 -meter swimming pool, a golf course of 10 holes, an outdoor circular stadium for athletics with a fine viewing seat, a tennis coat, an outdoor basketball coat, an outdoor volleyball coat, etc. be.

Foot note ・ Reference [ edit ]

  1. ^ National Education Policy Research Institute “Survey on the curriculum of cultivating scientific exploration skills in the UK”

Related item [ edit ]

External link [ edit ]
