Cardinal College – Wikipedia


Name Birth Village Title Role Consistory Marengo, Giorgio Giorgio Marengo June 7, 1974 Italia Italy Cardinal presbyter of San Giuda Taddeo Apostolo Apostolic Prefect by Ulan Bator August 27, 2022 DA SILVA, Virgílio do Carmo Virgílio do Carmo da Silva November 27, 1967 Timor Est Timor is Cardinal presbyter of Sant’alberto Magno Metropolitan archbishop of Dili August 27, 2022 COSTA, Paulo Cezar Paulo Cezar Costa July 20, 1967 Brasile Brazil Cardinal presbyter of the Santi Bonifacio and Alessio Metropolitan archbishop of Brasilia August 27, 2022 Nzapalalainga, Dieudonné Dieudonné Nzapalalainga March 14, 1967 Rep. Centrafricana Central African Rep. Cardinal presbyter of Sant’Andrea della Valle Metropolitan archbishop of Bangui November 19, 2016 Calaça de Mendonça, José Tolentino José Tolentino Calaça de Mendonça December 15, 1965 Portogallo Portugal Cardinal Diacono dei Santi Domenico and Sisto Prefect of the Dicastery for culture and education October 5, 2019 Gambetti, Mauro Mauro Gambetti October 27, 1965 Italia Italy Cardinal Diacono del Most Holy Name of Mary at the Foro Trajan Vicar general for the Vatican city, archpriest of the Basilica of San Pietro in the Vatican and president of the Fabbrica di San Pietro 11/28/2020 Lojudice, Augusto Paolo Augusto Paolo Lojudice July 1, 1964 Italia Italy Cardinal presbyter of Santa Maria del Buon Council Metropolitan archbishop of Siena-Colle di Val d’Elsa-Montalcino and bishop of Montepulciano-Chiusi-Pienza 11/28/2020 Krajewski, Konrad Konrad Krajewski November 24, 1963 Polonia Poland Cardinal deacon of Santa Maria Immacolata at the Aquiline Prefect of the Dicastery for the service of Charity June 28, 2018 Mercy Wine, Peter Peter Year Would March 1, 1963 Nigeria Nigeria Cardinal presbyter of the Holy Martyrs of Uganda in Poggio Ameno Vescovo is generally excited August 27, 2022 Mafi, soane patita paini SOane Patita Paini Mafi December 19, 1961 Tonga Arrived Cardinal presbyter of Santa Paola Romana Tonga bishop February 14, 2015 Poola, anthony Anthony poola July 20, 1961 India India Cardinal presbyter of the Saints Protomeni in via Aurelia Antica Metropolitan archbishop of Hyderabad August 27, 2022 Ambongo besungu, fridolin Fridolin Ambongo besungu January 24, 1960 RD del Congo Congo rd Cardinal presbyter of San Gabriele Arcangelo alla water cross Metropolitan archbishop of Kinshasa October 5, 2019 DA ROCHA, Sérgio Sérgio da Rocha October 21, 1959 Brasile Brazil Cardinal presbyter of Santa Croce in via Flaminia Metropolitan archbishop of San Salvador di Bahia November 19, 2016 Sturla Berhouet, Daniel Fernando Daniel Fernando Sturla Berhouet July 4, 1959 Uruguay Uruguay Cardinal presbyter of Holy galla Metropolitan archbishop of Montevideo February 14, 2015 Theftunkal, Isaac Cleemis ISAAC CLEEMIS THOTTUNKAL June 15, 1959 India India Cardinal presbyter of San Gregorio VII Major Archbishop of Trivandrum of the Siro-Malankarese November 24, 2012 Aveline, Jean-Marc Jean-Marc Aveline December 26, 1958 Francia France Cardinal presbyter of Santa Maria alle Monti Metropolitan archbishop of Marseille August 27, 2022 Langlois, chiblly Chiblly langlois November 29, 1958 Haiti Haiti Cardinal presbyter of San Giacomo in Augusta Bishop of les cayes February 22, 2014 KAMBANDA, Antoine Antoine Kambanda November 10, 1958 Ruanda Rwanda Cardinal presbyter of San Sisto Metropolitan archbishop of Kigali 11/28/2020 Dutchich, Jean-Claude Jean-Claude Holnger August 9, 1958 Lussemburgo Luxembourg Cardinal presbyter of San Giovanni Chrisostomo in Monte Sacro Alto Archbishop of Luxembourg October 5, 2019 Goh Seng Cye, William William Goh Seng Cye June 25, 1957 Singapore Singapore Cardinal presbyter of Santa Maria “Queen of Peace” in the Ostia Sea Archbishop of Singapore August 27, 2022 Lacroix, Gérald Cyprien Gérald Cyprien Lacroix July 27, 1957 Canada Canada Cardinal presbyter of St. Joseph allaurelio Metropolitan archbishop of Québec February 22, 2014 Tagle, Luis Antonio Luis Antonio Tagle June 21, 1957 Filippine Philippines Cardinal Bishop [3] Of San Felice da Cantalice in Centocelle Pro-prefect of the section for the first evangelization and the new particular churches of the Dicastery for evangelization November 24, 2012 Grech, Mario Mario Grech February 20, 1957 Malta Malta Cardinal Diacono dei Santi Cosma and Damiano Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops 11/28/2020 Ribat, John John Ribat February 9, 1957 Papua Nuova Guinea Papua New Guinea Cardinal presbyter of San Giovanni Battista de ‘Rossi Metropolitan archbishop of Port Moresby November 19, 2016 Woelki, Rainer Maria Rainer Maria Woelki August 18, 1956 Germania Germany Cardinal presbyter of San Giovanni Maria Vianney Metropolitan archbishop of Cologne February 18, 2012 Zuppi, Matteo Maria Matteo Maria Zuppi October 11, 1955 Italia Italy Cardinal presbyter of Sant’Egidio Metropolitan archbishop of Bologna October 5, 2019 Parolin, Pietro Pietro Parolin January 17, 1955 Italia Italy Cardinal Bishop [3] of the Saints Simone and Judah Taddeo in Torre Angela Cardinal Secretary of State February 22, 2014 Rorinoh, désiré Désiré Avahazana June 13, 1954 Madagascar Madagascar Cardinal presbyter of San Gregorio Barbarigo at the three fountains Metropolitan archbishop of Toamasina June 28, 2018 McElroy, Robert Walter Robert Walter McElroy February 5, 1954 Stati Uniti United States Cardinal presbyter of San Frumenzio to tax meadows Bishop of San Diego August 27, 2022 The donated angel Angelo of Donatis January 4, 1954 Italia Italy Cardinal presbyter of San Marco Cardinal Vicar of Rome June 28, 2018 Marx, Reinhard Reinhard Marx September 21, 1953 Germania Germany Cardinal presbyter of San Corbiniano Metropolitan archbishop of Monaco and Frisinga 11/20/2010 Eijk, Willem Jacobus Willem Jacobus Eijk June 22, 1953 Paesi Bassi Netherlands Cardinal presbyter of San Callisto Metropolitan archbishop of Utrecht February 18, 2012 STEP, Filipe Neri Filipe Neri Ferrão January 20, 1953 India India Cardinal presbyter of Santa Maria in via Metropolitan archbishop of Goa and Damão August 27, 2022 Erdo Peter forest June 25, 1952 Ungheria Hungary Cardinal presbyter of Santa Maria Nuova Metropolitan archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest October 21, 2003 Ayuso Guixot, Miguel Ángel Miguel Ángel Ayuso Guixot June 17, 1952 Spagna Spain Cardinal deacon of San Girolamo della Carità Prefect of the Dicastery for interreligious dialogue October 5, 2019 López Romero, Cristóbal Cristóbal López Romero May 19, 1952 Spagna Spain Cardinal presbyter of San Leone I Archbishop of Rabat October 5, 2019 Tobin, Joseph William Joseph William Tobin May 3, 1952 Stati Uniti United States Cardinal presbyter of Santa Maria delle Grazie in via Trionfale Metropolitan archbishop of Newark November 19, 2016 ADVINCULA, Jose Fuerte Jose Fuerte Advincula March 30, 1952 Filippine Philippines Cardinal presbyter of San Vigilio Metropolitan archbishop of Manila 11/28/2020 Mamberti, Dominique Dominique Mamberti March 7, 1952 Francia France Cardinal deacon of Holy Spirit in Sassia Prefect of the Supreme Court of the Apostolic Report February 14, 2015 You Heung-sik, Lazarus Lazarus You Heung-sik November 17, 1951 Corea del Sud South Korea Cardinal deacon of Jesus good shepherd to Montagnola Prefect of the Dicastery for the clergy August 27, 2022 Martínez Flores, Adalberto Adalberto Martínez Flores July 8, 1951 Paraguay Paraguay Cardinal Presbyter of San Giovanni a Porta Latina Arcive the Metropolita di Asunción August 27, 2022 Ulrich Steiner, Leonardo Leonardo Ulrich Steiner November 6, 1950 Brasile Brazil Cardinal presbyter of San Leonardo from Porto Maurizio to Acilia Metropolitan archbishop of Manaus August 27, 2022 Barbarin, Philippe Philippe Barbarin October 17, 1950 Francia France Cardinal presbyter of the Most Holy Trinity to Mount Pincio Archbishop emeritus of Lyon October 21, 2003 Cantoni, Oscar Oscar Cantoni September 1, 1950 Italia Italy Cardinal presbyter of St. Mary’s Promina Pacis’ a Monte Verde Bishop of Como August 27, 2022 Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo, Ignatius Ignatius Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo July 9, 1950 Indonesia Indonesia Cardinal presbyter of Holy Spirit to Ferratella Metropolitan Archbishop of Jelly October 5, 2019 Storm, Orani João Orani João Tempesta June 23, 1950 Brasile Brazil Cardinal presbyter of Santa Maria Mother of Providence in Monte Verde Metropolitan archbishop of Rio de Janeiro February 22, 2014 Koch, Kurt Kurt Koch March 15, 1950 Svizzera Swiss Cardinal presbyter pro hac vice Of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Prefect of the Dicastery for the promotion of the unity of Christians 11/20/2010 Roche, Arthur Arthur Roche 06/03/1950 Regno Unito United Kingdom Cardinal deacon of San Saba Prefect of the Dicastery for divine cult and the discipline of the sacraments August 27, 2022 Dolan, Timothy Timothy Dolan February 6, 1950 Stati Uniti United States Cardinal presbyter of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Monte Mario Metropolitan archbishop of New York February 18, 2012 Nycz, Kazimierz Kazimierz Nycz February 1, 1950 Polonia Poland Cardinal presbyter of the Saints Silvestro and Martino alla Monti Metropolitan archbishop of Warsaw 11/20/2010 Aguiar Retes, Carlos Carlos Aguiar Retes 09/01/1950 Messico Mexico Cardinal presbyter of the Santi Fabiano and Venanzio in Villa Fiorelli Metropolitan archbishop of Mexico City November 19, 2016 GOMES FURTADO, Arlindo Arlindo Gomes Furtado November 15, 1949 Capo Verde Chief green Cardinal presbyter of San Timothy Bishop of Santiago di Cabo Verde February 14, 2015 Harvey, James Michael James Michael Harvey October 20, 1949 Stati Uniti United States Cardinal deacon of San Pio V in Villa Carpegna Archpriest of the Basilica of San Paolo outside the walls November 24, 2012 Arborelius, Anders Anders Arborelius September 24, 1949 Svezia Sweden Cardinal presbyter of Santa Maria degli Angeli Bishop of Stockholm June 28, 2017 SCHERER, Odilo Pedro Odilo Pedro Scherer September 21, 1949 Brasile Brazil Cardinal presbyter of Sant’Andrea al Quirinale Metropolitan archbishop of San Paolo November 24, 2007 Kriengsak Kovithavanij, Francis Xavier Francis Xavier Kriengsak Kovithavanij June 27, 1949 Thailandia Thailand Cardinal presbyter of Santa Maria Addolorata Metropolitan archbishop of Bangkok February 14, 2015 Dinardo, Daniel Nicholas Daniel Nicholas Dinardo May 23, 1949 Stati Uniti United States Cardinal presbyter of Sant’Eusebio Metropolitan archbishop of Galveston-Houston November 24, 2007 Bozanic Josip Bozanić March 20, 1949 Croazia Croatia Cardinal presbyter of San Girolamo dei Croati Archbishop emeritus of Zagreb October 21, 2003 Cupich, Blase Joseph Blase Joseph Cupich March 19, 1949 Stati Uniti United States Cardinal presbyter of San Bartolomeo all’Isola Metropolitan archbishop of Chicago November 19, 2016 Brenes Solórzano, Leopoldo José Leopoldo José Brenes Solórzano 07/03/1949 Nicaragua Nicaragua Cardinal presbyter of San Gioacchino at the Prati di Castello Metropolitan archbishop of Managua February 22, 2014 Manyo Maeda, Thomas Aquino Thomas Aquino Manyo Maeda 03/03/1949 Giappone Japan Cardinal presbyter of Santa Pupuenti Metropolitan archbishop of Osaka June 28, 2018 Robles Ortega, José Francisco José Francisco Robles Ortega 02/03/1949 Messico Mexico Cardinal presbyter of Santa Maria della presentation Metropolitan archbishop of Guadalajara November 24, 2007 Bo, Charles Maung Charles Maung Bo October 29, 1948 Birmania Burma Cardinal presbyter of Sant’Inneo in Centocelle Metropolitan archbishop of Yangon February 14, 2015 Turkson, Peter Kodwo Appiah Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson October 11, 1948 Ghana Ghana Cardinal presbyter of San Liborio Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences October 21, 2003 Petrocchi, Giuseppe Giuseppe Petrocchi August 19, 1948 Italia Italy Cardinal presbyter of San Giovanni Battista dei Fiorentini Metropolitan archbishop of L’Aquila June 28, 2018 Macário do Nascimento Clemente, Manuel José Manuel José Macário do Nascimento Clemente July 16, 1948 Portogallo Portugal Cardinal presbyter of Sant’Antonio in Campo Marzio Patriarch of Lisbon February 14, 2015 Souraphiel, Berhaneyesus Demerew Berhaneyesus Demerew Souraphiel July 14, 1948 Etiopia Ethiopia Cardinal presbyter of San Romano martyr Metropolitan Archieparca by Addis Ababa February 14, 2015 García Rodríguez, Juan de la Caridad Juan de la Caridad García Rodríguez July 11, 1948 Cuba Cuba Cardinal presbyter of the Saints Aquila and Priscilla Metropolitan archbishop of San Cristóbal de la Habana October 5, 2019 Sako, Louis Raphaël I Louis Raphaël I Sako July 4, 1948 Iraq Iraq Cardinal Bishop [4] Patriarch of Baghdad of the Caldei June 28, 2018 Burke, Raymond Leo Raymond Leo Burke June 30, 1948 Stati Uniti United States Cardinal presbyter pro hac vice Of Sant’Agata dei Goti Patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta 11/20/2010 Dew, John Atcherley John Atcherley Dew 05/05/1948 Nuova Zelanda New Zeland Cardinal presbyter of Sant’Ippolito Metropolitan archbishop of Wellington February 14, 2015 Müller, Gerhard Ludwig Gerhard Ludwig Müller December 31, 1947 Germania Germany Cardinal deacon of Sant’Agnese in Agone Prefect emeritus of the Congregation for the doctrine of faith February 22, 2014 Semeraro, Marcello Marcello Semeraro December 22, 1947 Italia Italy Cardinal deacon of Santa Maria in Domnica Prefect of the Dicastery of the causes of the saints 11/28/2020 Gregory, Wilton Daniel Wilton Daniel Gregory December 7, 1947 Stati Uniti United States Cardinal presbyter of Immaculate Conception of Mary in Grottarossa Washington metropolitan archbishop 11/28/2020 Poles, Mario Aurelio Mario Aurelio Poli November 29, 1947 Argentina Argentina Cardinal presbyter of San Roberto Bellarmino Metropolitan archbishop of Buenos Aires February 22, 2014 Patabendige don, albert malcolm ranjith Albert Malcolm Ranjith Patabendige Don November 15, 1947 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Cardinal presbyter of San Lorenzo in Lucina Metropolitan archbishop of Colombo 11/20/2010 Farrell, Kevin Joseph Kevin Joseph Farrell September 2, 1947 Stati Uniti United States Cardinal deacon of San Giuliano Martire Prefect of the Dicastery for the laity, the family and life, Camerlengo of Santa Romana Church and president of the Commission of reserved subjects November 19, 2016 Ramazzini Imeri, álvaro Leonel Álvaro Leonel Ramazzini Imeri July 16, 1947 Guatemala Guatemala Cardinal presbyter of San Giovanni Evangelista in Spinaceto Bishop of Huehuetenango October 5, 2019 The Kesel, Joseph Jozef De Kesel June 17, 1947 Belgio Belgium Cardinal presbyter of the Santi Giovanni and Paolo Metropolitan archbishop of Malines-Bruxelles November 19, 2016 dos Santos Marto, António Augusto António Augusto dos Santos Marto 05/05/1947 Portogallo Portugal Cardinal presbyter of Santa maria sopra minerva Emeritus Bishop of Leiria-Fátima June 28, 2018 Braz de Aviz, João João Braz de Aviz April 24, 1947 Brasile Brazil Cardinal presbyter pro hac vice Of Sant’Elena out of town Prenestina Prefect of the Dicastery for institutes of consecrated life and the Apostolic Life Societies February 18, 2012 Betori, Giuseppe Giuseppe Betori February 25, 1947 Italia Italy Cardinal presbyter of San Marcello Metropolitan archbishop of Florence February 18, 2012 Collins, Thomas Christopher Thomas Christopher Collins January 16, 1947 Canada Canada Cardinal presbyter of Saint Patrick Archbishop emeritus of Toronto February 18, 2012 Czerny, Michael Michael Czerny July 18, 1946 Canada Canada Cardinal deacon of San Michele Arcangelo Prefect of the Dicastery for the service of full human development October 5, 2019 Montenegro, Francesco Francesco Montenegro May 22, 1946 Italia Italy Cardinal presbyter of the Saints Andrea and Gregorio al Monte Celio Archbishop emeritus of Agrigento February 14, 2015 Omella and Omella, Juan José Juan José Omella and Omella April 21, 1946 Spagna Spain Cardinal presbyter of Santa Croce in Jerusalem Metropolitan archbishop of Barcelona June 28, 2017 Filoni, Fernando Fernando Filoni April 15, 1946 Italia Italy Cardinal Bishop [3] Of Our Lady of Coromoto in San Giovanni di Dio Grand Master of the equestrian order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem February 18, 2012 Zenari, Mario Mario Zena January 5, 1946 Italia Italy Cardinal deacon of Santa Maria delle Grazie to the Fornaci outside Porta Cavalleggeri Apostolic Nuncio in Syria November 19, 2016 Kutwa, Jean-Pierre Jean-Pierre Kutwa December 22, 1945 Costa d'Avorio Ivory Coast Cardinal presbyter of Santa Emereziana in Tor Fiorenza Metropolitan archbishop of Abidjan February 22, 2014 Nichols, Vincent Vincent Nichols November 8, 1945 Regno Unito United Kingdom Cardinal presbyter of Most Holy Redeemer and Sant’Alfonso in via Merulana Westminster metropolitan archbishop February 22, 2014 Canizares Llovera Antonio Cañizares Llovera October 15, 1945 Spagna Spain Cardinal presbyter of San Pancrazio outside the walls Archbishop emeritus of Valencia March 24, 2006 Puljic, Vinko Vinko Puljic 08/09/1945 Bosnia ed Erzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Cardinal presbyter of Santa Chiara in Vigna Clara Sarajevo emeritus archbishop November 26, 1994 Coutts, Joseph Joseph Coutts July 12, 1945 Pakistan Pakistan Cardinal presbyter of San Bonaventura da Bagnoregio Archbishop emeritus of Karachi June 28, 2018 Ryłko, Stanisław Stanisław Ryłko July 4, 1945 Polonia Poland Cardinal presbyter pro hac vice of the Sacred heart of Christ the king Archpriest of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore November 24, 2007 Sarah, Robert Robert Sarah June 15, 1945 Guinea Guinea Cardinal presbyter pro hac vice Of San Giovanni Bosco in via Tuscolana Emeritus prefect of the Congregation for Divine Cult and the Discipline of the Sacraments 11/20/2010 Osoro Sierra, Carlos Carlos Osoro Sierra May 16, 1945 Spagna Spain Cardinal presbyter of Santa Maria in Trastevere Metropolitan archbishop of Madrid November 19, 2016 Alencherry, George George Alencherry April 19, 1945 India India Cardinal presbyter of San Bernardo alle Terme Dioclezian Archbishop Maggiore of Ernakulam-angamaly February 18, 2012 Braco, Celestino Celestino Aós Braco April 6, 1945 Cile Chile Cardinal presbyter of the Saints Nereo and Achilleo Metropolitan archbishop of Santiago del Chile 11/28/2020 Vérgez Alzaga, Fernando Fernando Vérgez Alzaga 01/03/1945 Spagna Spain Cardinal deacon of Santa Maria della Mercede and Sant’Adriano in Villa Albani President of the Governorate of the State of the Vatican City August 27, 2022 Ouédraogo, Philippe Nakellentuba Philippe Nakellentuba Ouédraogo January 25, 1945 Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Cardinal presbyter of Santa Maria Consolator al Tiburtino Metropolitan archbishop of Ouagadougou February 22, 2014 Schoenborn Christoph Schönborn January 22, 1945 Austria Austria Cardinal presbyter of Jesus divin worker Metropolitan archbishop of Vienna February 21, 1998 Njue, John John Njue 1944 [5] Kenya Kenya Cardinal presbyter of Precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ Nairobi emeritus archbishop November 24, 2007 Thanks, Oswald Oswald Thank you December 24, 1944 India India Cardinal presbyter of San Paolo della Croce in Corviale Metropolitan archbishop of Bombay November 24, 2007 Porras Cardozo, Baltazar Enrique Baltazar Enrique Porras Cardozo 10/10/1944 Venezuela Venezuela Cardinal presbyter of the Saints Giovanni Evangelista and Petronio Metropolitan archbishop of Caracas November 19, 2016 Ricard, Jean-Pierre Jean-Pierre Ricard September 26, 1944 Francia France Cardinal presbyter of Sant’Agostino Archbishop emeritus of Bordeaux March 24, 2006 Piacenza, Mauro Mauro Piacenza September 15, 1944 Italia Italy Cardinal presbyter pro hac vice Of San Paolo at the three fountains Major penitentices 11/20/2010 Pengo, Polycarp Polycarp Pengo August 5, 1944 Tanzania Tanzania Cardinal presbyter of Our lady of La Salette Archbishop emeritus of Dar-For-Salaam February 21, 1998 O’Malley, Sean Patrick Sean Patrick O’Malley June 29, 1944 Stati Uniti United States Cardinal presbyter of Santa Maria della Vittoria Metropolitan archbishop of Boston March 24, 2006 Ouellet, Marc Marc Ouellet 08/06/1944 Canada Canada Cardinal Bishop [3] Of Santa Maria in Trasontina Prefect emeritus of the Dicastery for the bishops October 21, 2003 Ladaria Ferrer, Luis Francisco Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer April 19, 1944 Spagna Spain Cardinal deacon of Sant’Ignazio di Loyola in Campo Marzio Prefect of the Dicastery for the doctrine of faith June 28, 2018 Mangkhanekhoun, louis-marie ling Louis-marie ling mangkhanekhoun April 8, 1944 Laos Laos Cardinal presbyter of San Silvestro in Capite Apostolic Vicar of Vientiane June 28, 2017 Lacunza Maestro Juan, José Luis José Luis Lacunza Maestrojuán February 24, 1944 Panama Panama Cardinal presbyter of San Giuseppe da Copertino Bishop of David February 14, 2015 Barreto Jimeno, Pedro Ricardo Pedro Ricardo Barreto Jimeno February 12, 1944 Perù Peru Cardinal presbyter of Saints Pietro and Paolo in via Ostiense Metropolitan archbishop of Huancayo June 28, 2018 Only AtaiWh, John Gods John God of Onai January 29, 1944 Nigeria Nigeria Cardinal presbyter of St. Saturnino Archbishop emeritus of Abuja November 24, 2012 Cipriani Thorne, Juan Luis Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne December 28, 1943 Perù Peru Cardinal presbyter of San Camillo de Lellis to the Sallustian gardens Archbishop emeritus of Lima February 21, 2001 Zerbo, Jean Jean Zerbo December 27, 1943 Mali Had to Cardinal presbyter of Sant’Antonio from Padua in via Tuscolana Metropolitan archbishop of Bamako June 28, 2017 Yeom Soo-jung, Andrew Andrew Yeom Soo-jung December 5, 1943 Corea del Sud South Korea Cardinal presbyter of San crisogono SEUL emeritus archbishop February 22, 2014 Sandri, thinking Leonardo Sandri November 18, 1943 Argentina Argentina Cardinal Bishop [3] of the Saints Biagio and Carlo Ai Catinari Under the Cardinal and Prefect Emeritus College of the Dicastery for the Oriental Churches November 24, 2007 D’rozario, patrick Patrick d’rozario October 1, 1943 Bangladesh Bangladesh Cardinal presbyter of Our Lady of the Most Holy Sacrament and Holy Canadian martyrs Archbishop Emeritus of Dacca November 19, 2016 Comastri, Angelo Angelo Comastri September 17, 1943 Italia Italy Cardinal presbyter pro hac vice Of San Salvatore in Lauro Vicar general emeritus for the Vatican city, archpriest emeritus of the Basilica of San Pietro in the Vatican and emeritus president of the San Pietro Factory November 24, 2007 Versaldi, Giuseppe Giuseppe Versaldi July 30, 1943 Italia Italy Cardinal presbyter pro hac vice of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Castro Pretorio Emeritus prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education February 18, 2012 Sepe, Crescenzio Crescenzio Sepe June 2, 1943 Italia Italy Cardinal presbyter pro hac vice Of God Merciful Father Archbishop emeritus of Naples February 21, 2001 Duka, Dominik Dominik Duka April 26, 1943 Rep. Ceca Czech republic Cardinal presbyter of the Santi Marcellino and Pietro Archbishop emeritus of Prague February 18, 2012